View Full Version : Shot PM40 today after a week of 1911 SAO

Joe L
06-25-2011, 11:00 AM
And, surprise, surprise, I need to shoot it more often! First time in 3 weeks that I have shot the little pocket cannon. The long mag works fine all the time in this pistol and the trigger is exactly the same feel as the CM9, but it does kick a little more than a heavy 1911!

I need to make a habit of shooting at least 10 rounds from either the CM9 or the PM40 each time I go shoot the 1911 or the SIGs. Otherwise I forget how long and smooth that PM/CM trigger pull is. And how it is going to take a little longer to get back on target for the second PM40 shot, compared to the CM9 or either SIG.

Shooting the PM40 is still a lot of fun, however. I am interested in hearing from others on how often they shoot their carry guns compared to the range guns.


06-25-2011, 12:01 PM
My favorite OWB carry gun has become my CW40, because it's so small and light. Most of my other pistols are DA/SA or SA 1911's, the exceptions being the PM9, M&P 40, and LCP. I nearly always take the CW40 to the range what ever else I'm shooting, and fire at least a couple of mags, since I carry it so often. It's a pain to clean an extra gun after every trip, but I want to remain comfortable with it.

06-25-2011, 03:20 PM
...Shooting the PM40 is still a lot of fun, however. I am interested in hearing from others on how often they shoot their carry guns compared to the range guns.


I shoot my PM9 about every 3 months or so. When I take it to the range I take my Ruger SP101 with it to make it a carry gun session. If I switch carry ammo I may shoot the PM9 more often. I go to the range every weekend so I guess I have about 1 out of every 12 range sessions dedicated to my carry collection.

Joe L
06-26-2011, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the replies. I went to the range this morning specifically to shoot my 9mm pistols after my 500 round 1911 binge last week. Started with the CM9 on an IDPA target and then some plates at 15 yards, a few at 25. Good groups at 25 yards are not easy with a small gun! Not a problem at 10-15 yards. Gun ran perfectly, shooter needs practice!

06-27-2011, 04:06 PM
Ha ha...."shooter needs practice"...always the case, but that's OK, to be expected and part of the fun of making progress. +1 on the group not being easy at 25 yrds with the smaller gun like a PM40. I believe it will come because 15-20yrds have now become pretty standard distances.

My primary practice is with my carry piece and I currently use the PM40 for everything.