View Full Version : Hello from FL

06-25-2011, 02:45 PM
I thought that after reading your forum here for the past two weeks or so and then registering, it might be about time I say hello and ask a question.

I'm interested in possibly buying either a PM9 w/night sights (PM9093N) or a PM9 black w/night sights (PM9094N).

I have to admit, I don't know why, I only want and don't need another pistol, especially a small carry type pistol.

I've been carrying my Glock 27 about 90% of the time for the past 15 years, LE and retired, and actually see no need to replace it as my primary CCW.

Which slide, SS or black, seems to be the most common among Kahr owners? I favor a totally black pistol but find something interesting in the SS slide model.


06-25-2011, 03:39 PM
welcome fellow florida member. I favor the ss slide myself.

06-25-2011, 03:55 PM
I have and like the SS slide. I have plenty of black pistols. As far as the G26 is concerned, the PM9 will be far easier to conceal, and very reliable.

06-25-2011, 04:06 PM
I just ordered my PM9 with the black slide but stock sights (PM9094A). I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival ... and it's not even Christmas ... lol ... :cheer2:

06-25-2011, 04:15 PM
I lean towards the stainless myself. That way if I ding it up I can polish it or bead blast it and make it look new without sending it out for a new finish.
It's all personal choice really. I like shiney, some like black. Nothing wrong with either. The Kahr DLC finish is pretty tough too.

06-25-2011, 05:06 PM
Hey Jim.Many of us have found ourselves in the same boat as you.We know we really don`t need a new handgun but we sure want one.I recently had to scratch that particular itch myself.I have a PM9 with the SS slide and I dearly love that little gun.Very easy to conceal and carry and it packs quite a wallop to boot.Let us know how things work out for you.

06-25-2011, 06:10 PM
Hi JimC

welcome to the PM9 group. I also have ben carrying a G26 24/7, but decided for the summer to carry a PM9.
I thought about SS, but I have come to like any color as long as it is BLACK. and the Black Diamond of the PM9 is very nice.
I do suggest that you strip it and clean it and than give it a good oiling before use.
I followed the instructions when I joined the group and now have about 500 trouble free rounds.
Not a single problem and I have been shooting CCI Blazer Aluminum and not a problem.
I did take the model with out night sights and it does shoot great. I might go ahead and change the sights to the XS BIG DOT system (it is a short up close and personal gun) but I have been doing my shooting at 40 feet (just to check it out.
Copies of my targets can be found on the thread "Hello".
Well, that is my story and I am sticking to it...Good luck with your purchase and remember WE NEED PICTURES:D or it never happened.

06-26-2011, 06:40 AM
Thanks for the replies and info.

I'm still comparing the specs of the PM9 and my G27.

The PM9 is definitely thinner and lighter but my G27 gives me 9+1 rds. of 180 gr. JHP w/a flush fit mag. compared to the 6+1 rds. of the PM9. I don't care for an extended mag. in a CCW pistol so the 7+1 isn't an option for me.

The PM40 was also a consideration but that only offers 5+1 rds. :(

I don't normally go for a shinny (SS) carry gun so, the black version is winning out slightly in this catagory.

I intend to seek one out locally this coming week and handle it to get a better feel for the pistol.

I have located Kahr mags online far less expensive that what Kahr asks for the same mags, that's a good thing.

06-27-2011, 11:29 PM
Also greetin's from Eff Ell Aay!!!

06-28-2011, 08:12 AM
Bought a PM9 in black with the XS Big Dot sights. Excellent pistol after the break-in highlighted on the board. Just fun to shoot and very accurate.

Like you I have carried a G-27 for several years with Truglo light pipe/tritium sights (wish they were available for the Kahr PM's) and cannot find a better pistol but it's just heavy and big compared to the PM series.

Just bought a black PM40 a few months back and put the standard night sights on it plus the Crimson Trace laser. This is my daily carry gun now (off duty). I just plain like the 40 stopping power and have every other gun except the PM9 in 40. The PM40 is just as accurate as my PM9 and I find the gun easy to control. The only other really nice addition is adding "AGRIP" that makes carry and shooting a bit nicer. My IWB holsters allow the grip to contact the skin and this decreases the exfoliation by polymer.

06-29-2011, 01:32 PM
I just returned home after visiting a local dealer who had a PM9094, no N/S, in stock.

The verdict...I decided not to buy it. :(

I wasn't too thrilled with the small grip, I have large hands and it was not comfortable in my hand. The action felt as if someone had dumped sand in it. I didn't care at all for the long DA trigger pull. It did however appear to be a well made pistol.

The deal breaker was the price. The dealer discounted it to $760.00 from the MSRP of $837.00 but still wasn't in the ball park as far as I was concerned and he wouldn't budge.

Looks as if my G27 will remain my primary CCW. ;)

Thanks for all the advice and comments.

06-29-2011, 08:51 PM
Hello Jim and welcome. My PM9 has the black slide. I ordered it that way but not for any good reason. Having done so, I like it very much.

For what it's worth Jim, I have a G26 that was a favorite CCW. However, I find the PM9 to be more concealable here in hot, humid Houston. The PM9 is great for summer carry.

06-29-2011, 09:26 PM
Welcome from the space coast.... I prefer my glock 27 as a iwb gun also... although the pm9 is a lot more comfortable to carry!