View Full Version : I like the people here but not the gun

06-25-2011, 08:05 PM
Got a P40 about 2 weeks ago. Put 650 rnds through it cleaned it 3 times..

Not liking the gun or Kahr.

Had a handful of hiccups the first 250 rnds as expected, thought it was the shooter(and most was) and got Agrips and Hogue Jr. for it to firm up my grip on the little firecracker.. This helped eliminate a lot of the hiccups.

Subsequently, I thought I might like this gun so I inquired about the ported barrel for the P40 by voice mail and email at Kahr to see if it was in fact no longer available for the P40 as was mentioned on this board.. Never got a reply from Kahr.

ordered a new guide rod and recoil spring. Felt that changing the spring out might fix the few hiccups left (fail to return to battery and a ftf issue about once each every 50-60 rnds) I bought the extra guide rod because it was cheap enough and I thought I would bevel the egde where it goes into the slide part to ease with reinstalation. BTW I have run 3 different brands of ammo through it.

Found the spring was about an inch longer than the original and figured it might be a heavier duty one. Figured Kahr could be constantly upgrading things. I could not get that spring to fit. I can get the original one in and out in my sleep now. Maybe it is OK but this will require more user input to find out.

I just realized that Kahr and I are not a good fit. They dont return emails or voice mails, they sent a spring with questionable fitment issues requiring me to go through their non existant customer service ( I called and called but they were always busy). The gun is close to being an EDC for me.

If someone wants to play a little with it or maybe their shooting style allows a more predictable performance outcome from an all black Kahr P40 with 650 rnd through it. I will include the grips and the mag grip extensions with it. FOR SALE...Cheap. Please make an offer. Holding off on this for now see post #15)

06-25-2011, 08:31 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your experience, knkali. I agree with your assessment, you and Kahr very well may not be a good fit. The P40 needs a new home. I'm willing to consider being that home. How cheap is cheap?

06-25-2011, 08:39 PM
make an offer via PM

06-25-2011, 10:35 PM
Obviously this gun isn't working for you, you're having issues. I see this gun as a potential project gun for me. Maybe go for the covert job. PM me a number you'd be comfortable getting rid of your P40.

06-26-2011, 12:52 AM
Counting the coils of both springs will tell you if Kahr sent the wrong one.
Sorry you're having problems and I believe most problems started when Kahr stretched the design bigger than 9mm.

06-26-2011, 08:00 AM
counting the coils will tell u alot. all recoil springs will take a pre-designed set,so I would expect it to be longer whennew. The P40 is a handfull also and when shooter and gun don't mate up good and in this caseit seems it is not, best to just sell it and move on. It will make someone a damn nice gun..

I would not have any issues in buying the ugn if I wanted a P40

06-26-2011, 09:31 AM
both have the same camount of coils

since what you guys make sense. I had my wife hold the slide and with the extra set of hands I got it in. I will fire it today and report back. Hope this helps.

Does the recoildspring need to be changed after 650 rnd and approx 600 rnds of racking from breakin procedure and messing around? The diff in spring compression force is a lot from this new one to the one I removed.

stay tuned, this might be the icing on the cake to make this an edc gun....

06-26-2011, 09:43 AM
certainly should not need changted in 600 rounds but one has to consider that maybe that parrticullar spring was just not right either.

The P40 is certainly at the top of kahrs line of great polymer guns, alot of grip to get ahold of, still for a 40 cal this is a very light gun and sometimes just alot of some people to get adjusted to. A good way tosee if the issues ur having are u or gun related is to let another good shooter try your gun, if he can duplicate the issues, then ucan assume it is gun related.

I hold by my statement above, with no offense given either. some guns just don't fit/work/perform for some people. Normally that is whby you see used guns for sale, not that they are bad just that for that person, they did not like them Kahrs are not the easiest guns to shgoot, loong trigger system, extremely small and lightweight for the califers they make, andyes some do give issues and need to go back.

I am assuming this gun is a new gun also. If u have lost faith in the gun,k peddle it,k if u love the gun but feel it needs to go b ack then send it back. either let the dealer doit for you or call kahr and relate u issues and ask that they poiuck up the gun on their dime.

Be very sure to document all things in writing so the techsat kahr have a starting point, send the magazines with it.

There are guys here who willbuy your P40, I am sure of that.

sometimes patience is golden to.

06-26-2011, 10:37 AM
Does the recoildspring need to be changed after 650 rnd and approx 600 rnds of racking from breakin procedure and messing around?

This is what I been sayin - and Jocko sort of said too. They make those springs the way they do so they will "become" the spring thats needed. There is an initial "set" in the spring that takes place after a little bit of use, and after that they have a much much slower decline in "springiness", and they stay serviceable for a long time. Reading around some more, I've found out that the "amount" the coil spring is compressed has to to with its initial decline and service life. Makes sense. But... on a Kahr, I think we're going closer to full compression than what we'd see on, say, a Colt 1911 or Browning HP, which are normally not quite fully compressed. This also makes sense, since the Kahr is a very compact design so there's just not much room for the spring, hence it goes to nearly full compression. On this board, sometimes someone will post that "the spring is too long", and also posts that Kahr will tell them to clip 1/2 coil at a time until it fits. When this happens, the spring will go into the pistol, but the pistol will not lock back - its fully compressed! Clipping that 1/2 coil or two, gives it just enough room to cycle and lock back. Whats the wire diameter of the spring - .020 or so at most? Not much room in there. They max out whats available.

If your Kahr doesn't shoot - call them early in the morning - their time. I think you'll get in ok. And I have full confidence that they'll make things right if there's a problem.

06-26-2011, 10:37 AM
Thanks Jocko (and Tilos) No offense taken. Guys here on this forum are great!. I'll run another 100 rnds through it and we will see what is what. I do know I had a bear of a time reinstalling the recoil spring when I took it apart after 250 breakin rnds but this new spring feels a bit stiffer still. If this gun farts or hicups today, I am done. It is close to an edc gun. Hope this smooths it out 100% so it finds my holster as a home.

06-26-2011, 11:08 AM
if u have not shot it yet, lock the slide open until u,,, do that will put a little set in the recoil springs.

were all here to help, we throw out suggestions that: some work, some won't. I try to keep it simple. One should not have to do major surgery to make his weapon work, minor surgery in many cases is OK and very easily done. lots of "hpw to do" things on this forum as the members arehere to share.

I would like to think the new recoil spring will solve ur issues but I am 50-50 on that. bring along a shooting friend to also let shoot your gun just inc ase it acts up like it did. You need to eliminate all possables before sending it back..

06-26-2011, 11:26 AM
Yep, my experience with 2 guns in 40 proved it was not the caliber for me.
Too much white knuckle gripping going on to shoot it and those were bigger guns than a P40.
I sold the G27, kept the G23, put in an after market 9mm barrel and it's my range gun now.
So, for me, it was not the gun.
Try and find one of those macho range lizards that enjoy the punishment of a powerful handgun and let him test it for function.
edited to add: Bullet weight may be a factor here and hopefully other Kahr 40 owners will post and help with this.
just sayin'

06-26-2011, 11:48 AM
indeed that could very well be ur issues, It is to much gun. 40's aren't pleasant period and in kahrs a double period. I know some will argue that point but this forum itself speaks volumes of the people who say the 40 is a handful in a kahr polymer.

I should be able to shoot a 40 kahr lgood for I was married to a real pain in the ass for 17 years, so I know what pain is!!!!

Hope u noticedthe words:: I WAS

06-26-2011, 02:29 PM
indeed that could very well be ur issues, It is to much gun. 40's aren't pleasant period and in kahrs a double period. I know some will argue that point but this forum itself speaks volumes of the people who say the 40 is a handful in a kahr polymer.

I should be able to shoot a 40 kahr lgood for I was married to a real pain in the ass for 17 years, so I know what pain is!!!!

Hope u noticedthe words:: I WAS

I seem to always be on the contrary side of the argument. Of the five Kahrs I've owned the CW40 is by far my favorite. It's smaller and lighter than my small 45's and even my compact M&P 40, and I shoot it well. It's a lot easier to carry on my thin frame [mine, not the gun's] and the recoil doesn't bother me. I'd sorta like to try a PM40 to see how I like that one.

Always being on the 'dark' side reminds me of when I use to test bikes for Honda 25 years ago. We'd finish up a day at Willow Springs at a working dinner with the riders and engineers. On nearly every point the chief engineer would say "Well, we all agree on this point, except O'Dell". I think they still call me 'Except O'Dell' at HRC in Torrance, Ca.

BTW your tolerance of pain is higher than mine - My marriage to 'the witch' only lasted eight years.

06-26-2011, 03:06 PM
wellllll.............................Hooray! Put 100 rnds through it and not so much as a hiccup or a fart. Just maybe I finally got a great working gun. If so, it is going in for magnaporting to tame the muzzle flip.

Thanks guys for the help!.

06-26-2011, 03:14 PM
wellllll.............................Hooray! Put 100 rnds through it and not so much as a hiccup or a fart. Just maybe I finally got a great working gun. If so, it is going in for magnaporting to tame the muzzle flip.

Thanks guys for the help!.

rush it yet, give it another 100 or so rounds, test out with defense ammo, make sure all is well then port that sucker and really enjoy thefruits of ur labor. U will see a difference after it is ported, IMO a very pleasant experience to.

what also happened in your last shooting event was the fact THAT U AND THE GUN HAVE MATED UP ALSO..:cheer2:

06-26-2011, 03:18 PM
I seem to always be on the contrary side of the argument. Of the five Kahrs I've owned the CW40 is by far my favorite. It's smaller and lighter than my small 45's and even my compact M&P 40, and I shoot it well. It's a lot easier to carry on my thin frame [mine, not the gun's] and the recoil doesn't bother me. I'd sorta like to try a PM40 to see how I like that one.

Always being on the 'dark' side reminds me of when I use to test bikes for Honda 25 years ago. We'd finish up a day at Willow Springs at a working dinner with the riders and engineers. On nearly every point the chief engineer would say "Well, we all agree on this point, except O'Dell". I think they still call me 'Except O'Dell' at HRC in Torrance, Ca.

BTW your tolerance of pain is higher than mine - My marriage to 'the witch' only lasted eight years.

misunderstand what I said aBOUT THE 40 CAL KAHRS. Some like you have no issues but I do think you will admit by far many many report of the 40 cal polymer kahrs being unpleasant. Doesn't mean it is a bad gun but when someone reports it being a tuff gun to shoot, it to me sends a signal that sometimes those issues with that particular person could be shooter error. People like you who like the 40 cal kahrs don't report that way, course also u know what TRUE PAIN is:cheer2:

06-26-2011, 03:23 PM
Hey I like the 40 Kahrs too. Having said that, it may not be the right fit for some.

06-26-2011, 03:35 PM
rush it yet, give it another 100 or so rounds, test out with defense ammo, make sure all is well then port that sucker and really enjoy thefruits of ur labor. U will see a difference after it is ported, IMO a very pleasant experience to.

what also happened in your last shooting event was the fact THAT U AND THE GUN HAVE MATED UP ALSO..:cheer2:

Ok per your rec I will put another 100 through it next weekend. I have hope now.

06-26-2011, 03:38 PM
I would hate to see u waste the porting money and the gun still not working. It only takes magnaport about a week or less to do it and get it back to you, and onlyt senbd the slide and barrel and regular mail is OK to. I would say Ihave had 20+guns magna ported in my years..Have 3 presently, K9, PM9, G19.

oops forgot my 35 year old Model 60

06-26-2011, 08:20 PM
I would hate to see u waste the porting money and the gun still not working. It only takes magnaport about a week or less to do it and get it back to you, and onlyt senbd the slide and barrel and regular mail is OK to. I would say Ihave had 20+guns magna ported in my years..Have 3 presently, K9, PM9, G19.

oops forgot my 35 year old Model 60

You Magnaported your essentially first off the line Model 60??

06-26-2011, 10:58 PM
Good news, knkali! Glad you had a successful trip and there's still hope for the P40! Looking forward to hearing good results for next weekend!

06-27-2011, 05:01 AM
You Magnaported your essentially first off the line Model 60??

was a gun dealerfor over 40 years, and it had tobe one of the first in my area. I have it engraved \by Mike Dubber and his date of engraving is 74, and I wantto say I had it a year or two befor ethat b ut not sure, as to mjuch time has passed b ut that date on thegun tells me it is 37 years old at least..I am guessing I had the gun inh thge late 60's , early 70's..

I think the Model 60- was first intorduced around 1965 and it had the distinction ten of being the first production stainless steel gun. Retail back then was $160

06-27-2011, 05:58 PM
was a gun dealerfor over 40 years, and it had tobe one of the first in my area. I have it engraved \by Mike Dubber and his date of engraving is 74, and I wantto say I had it a year or two befor ethat b ut not sure, as to mjuch time has passed b ut that date on thegun tells me it is 37 years old at least..I am guessing I had the gun inh thge late 60's , early 70's..

I think the Model 60- was first intorduced around 1965 and it had the distinction ten of being the first production stainless steel gun. Retail back then was $160

Yeah, 1965 and the MSRP sounds about right, 'cept they were almost impossible to get at any reasonable price for quite awhile. What a perfect time to introduce a BUG that wouldn't rust.

But still, You magnaported an early, original Model 60??

06-27-2011, 06:30 PM
wellllll.............................Hooray! Put 100 rnds through it and not so much as a hiccup or a fart. Just maybe I finally got a great working gun.

I can conceive of a gun having a "hiccup," but can't envision a gun "farting." What would you have to feed it to make it fart? Some really dirty gun powder? Or, beans? — JUST KIDDING! :D

I'm glad you had good results at the range. Here's hoping for smooth sailing from here on!

06-27-2011, 06:34 PM
I can conceive of a gun having a "hiccup," but can't envision a gun "farting." What would you have to feed it to make it fart? Some really dirty gun powder? Or, beans? — JUST KIDDING! :D

I'm glad you had good results at the range. Here's hoping for smooth sailing from here on!

It seems you just mention kahrtalk and it will scare a gun bad enough to stop the hiccups too. Plan B is Jocko, guns tremble at the mere mention of his name.

06-28-2011, 11:43 AM
Jocko= "The Hammer"

06-28-2011, 12:17 PM
Yeah, 1965 and the MSRP sounds about right, 'cept they were almost impossible to get at any reasonable price for quite awhile. What a perfect time to introduce a BUG that wouldn't rust.

But still, You magnaported an early, original Model 60??

a dealer, to get my Model 60 had to buy a few of Smiths dog guns from the distrubutor in order to get one Model 60. I think I had tobuy at least one 32 terrier, that I think I still had in my gun case 15 years later even. Smith forced distributors back then to buy some of their production dogs in order to get the model 60"s. sorta like legal blackmail. Seems to I had to buy some Model 10's back the to. Dealers sold the model 60 for around 300 back then and had no trouble getting it and that was 35 years ago..:7:

06-28-2011, 01:22 PM
Still lookin for magnaport stickers at Walmart..,.

06-28-2011, 08:44 PM
a dealer, to get my Model 60 had to buy a few of Smiths dog guns from the distrubutor in order to get one Model 60. I think I had tobuy at least one 32 terrier, that I think I still had in my gun case 15 years later even. Smith forced distributors back then to buy some of their production dogs in order to get the model 60"s. sorta like legal blackmail. Seems to I had to buy some Model 10's back the to. Dealers sold the model 60 for around 300 back then and had no trouble getting it and that was 35 years ago..:7:

My first M60 cost me 230 plus beer, used. The seller was an Army officer in need of quick cash. A fortunate purchase.