View Full Version : Fake Marine .. I'm pissed
Yesterday my local biker group held a fund raising event, at a local bar/restaurant and we had a decent turnout, despite the rain. Lots of bikers showed up in their cages. Great to get their support.
But, we also had one guy show up in his dress blues. Said he was a Marine gunny-sgt, just got out on retirement, and came down to see what was going on.
Our group's custom is to let any active duty soldier into the fundraiser "admission free". Normally we charge $3 for admission. So, Joe-the-Marine got in free. Then he just sort of mingled with the 200 or so bikers, many who are vets, but all of which are pretty patriotic folk. He got glad handed, high-fived, and thanked for his service. Folks lavished some free drinks upon him, and he told some stories... he was sporting not one, but THREE purple heart ribbons. He did it all for about three hours - until - one sharp eyed recent soldier "made him" as a fake. His ribbons weren't right, and neither were the stripes on his sleeves. He got questioned, admitted being a fake and was summarily tossed out on his ass.
Question - I've got a lot of high quality pictures of this *******. I'm very tempted to turn all evidence over to the Marine Inspector Generals office. It is against the law to do what he did, and if I'd have been present at his "ejection ceremony" the cops would have been called on him. Pisses me off to say he served - and was wounded thrice - while he wasn't. Slaps every soldiers face as far as I'm concerned.
So, should I go to the IG's office or not?
06-26-2011, 11:01 AM
best let it go, I think u guys took care of the situation very well. I doubt if that uniform will ever see daylight again. Just my 2 cents. I realize their is a difference but u also see wanna-be bikers, wanna-be damn near anything. Again I would think ur local group took careof the situation quite well..
06-26-2011, 11:06 AM
I would turn him in. You let him get away with it and he or others will do it again. I would like the local media to get copy of story too. Again make an example out of the loser.:40:
06-26-2011, 11:15 AM
I'm not a wanna-be biker but am always interested in fine machinery of all types. Is there an etiquette for old non-threatening types to admire bad boy bikes? The couple times I have, I kept my hands together behind my back trying to look harmless and not getting too close. I'd like to get closer but still not touch, I just love the details.
06-26-2011, 11:42 AM
naw thats OK. I like you admire fine things also. I love fine watchs, but when around real knowleadgable people I tend to just shut uip and listen. Same thing with guns. I love to listen to experts in their field. This mariine fake evidentely has a real problem.
Well hell... I like the bikes too. I look, dont touch, will talk to the owner if present. Sometimes I'll get down on all fours to have a look at some peculiar and interesting oiling arrangement (ahem..... or oil non-arrangement...). We have "Yesteryear Village" at our local fairgrounds. To me, the old hit and miss engines, powering everything from widowmaker shingle cutters to Maytag washin' machines is well worth a whole day of looking, and the admission price paid (a few bucks). We also have the Bell Telephone Museum there, and some of that is pretty interesting too.
Define what makes one a biker. I guess... its because you like to hang with folks who ride motorcycles - who also happen to like to hang with the same folks. We have non-rider bikers in our group, and I dont think that riding of it. Its more a social mindset.
Back to that ersatz soldier....I dunno. I'm tending to think that he's gonna resurface. I suppose I'm gonna have to talk to the REAL gunny sgt that made him out, and see what he has to say.
I feel like this guy's a thief. He stole the truth, he stole the honor (and honors), and he stole the sacrifice of those who served.
06-26-2011, 11:50 AM
Thats sad, he probably has no life or friends. Im sure this wasnt his first time and probably wont be the last. He better watch out he might run into the wrong person, that might not be so easy like you guys were.
06-26-2011, 11:51 AM
I'd turn him in. I've got 14yrs so far in the Army myself, lost several good friends over my 6 deployments so I have NO sympathy for thieving SOBs like him. That prolly wasn't his first time pulling that crap and it prolly won't be his last....someone needs to stop him. :mad:
06-26-2011, 11:54 AM
It`s a darn shame that someone is so starved for the limelight they would stoop to such a sham.He should be thankful that your pals didn`t beat the crap out of him.As far as turning him in,I`ll leave that decision up to you and your friends.The moron was a loser yesterday,he`s a loser today, and will be a loser tomorrow.
06-26-2011, 11:58 AM
What Dietrich said!
And, by the way, that's what liberals call "free speech"... you're free to lie, too.
06-26-2011, 02:02 PM
In my mind, he is now totally exposed, he has been ridiculed by the group event he busted into. he will never know the next event that he tries that at,as to will anyone from that prior event be there to expose me. I just feel he will never expose himself to that again, but I would have had no sympthaty for him had the group taken him out back first before kicking him out of the event.
CJB what makes a biker. basically nothing. I have some good ol timers who no longer ride that I can just sit and listen to for hours, as back in the 50's u better damn well know how to wrench anything mechanical.
i will say this and no disrespect to either.(well maybe a tad bit) There is a total difference in a Harley rider and a Hondea rider.As they say Harley riders wear their nuts on the outside. Many wll not understand what I just said. That is a Willie G statement of 20+ years ago..
06-26-2011, 02:41 PM
Bill K
06-26-2011, 03:04 PM
Ship him to Connecticut. Perhaps we can make him our next Senator. He and Senator Richard Blumenthal can swap Vietnam war stories. :mad:
Bill K. - Former Marine and Vietnam vet [full disclosure, not a grunt, VMFA-542 Fire Control Technician]
06-26-2011, 03:04 PM
Well it would have to go to Naval CID (not NCIS) if you were to make a compliant. We use the Navy for everything but the hard part. It would fall under the Stolen Valor Act, but it is difficult to enforce. The local PD should be of more help, talk to an investigator, and see if they can't get the ball rolling, remember also that many cops are prior military. FYI, the next time you suspect some one who claims to be military ask this simple question: What was your MOS? If the answer that comes back doesn't have the designator followed by the title, followed by a description, then chances are good they're bogus. For example, my MOS was 1171 Hygiene Equipment Operator, and I made clean water with Reverse Osmosis technology. If they don't answer that kind of designator real quick, then they have no clue what they're talking about, kind of like asking a cop what his badge number is. They know and know real quick. Army uses a two number followed by a letter designator i.e. 11B, not sure what the AF uses, but it is similar, Navy doesn't really have an MOS designator per say, but you'll know pretty quick if they don't correct you with about the same speed.
06-26-2011, 03:23 PM
ok take your seats: I can't remember my MOS four sure as it has been just to to many years. I know it was 1 something but my designation was: are u guys ready. DRUM ROLL PLEASE
Bill K
06-26-2011, 03:56 PM
ok take your seats: I can't remember my MOS four sure as it has been just to to many years. I know it was 1 something but my designation was: are u guys ready. DRUM ROLL PLEASE
Jocko's new handle.... RADAR! :D
06-26-2011, 03:58 PM
Jocko's new handle.... RADAR! :D
He! He! I picture him more as Klinger!
Well hell... I'm the SECRETARY of my local chapter.... I got one rule - I AINT WEARIN CULOTTES!
Bill K
06-26-2011, 04:04 PM
Well hell... I'm the SECRETARY of my local chapter.... I got one rule - I AINT WEARIN CULOTTES!
Real men wouldn't have a clue as to what Culottes are. So, what are they? :D
06-26-2011, 04:06 PM
I knew I should have deleted my post, ur all so friggin kind to an ol man..
06-26-2011, 06:43 PM
You bring it on yourself. I don't want to hear about it cupcake.
Real men wouldn't have a clue as to what Culottes are. So, what are they? :D
I heard they are a sort of kilt worn by members of the Kahr Talk Secret Inner Circle. Maybe just a rumor.....
06-26-2011, 07:02 PM
bawanna, deitrich wear them all the time.
06-26-2011, 07:44 PM
I went to a Christian school and had to wear them for phys ed and when playing basketball. It was OK for the boys to wear shorts, but not the girls. :der:
06-26-2011, 08:08 PM
I had to read that three or four times... "CLERK TYPISTS"????? I guess that explains you messaging style. I heard they actually teach your style so nobody can be blamed for anything. OK, funnin aside, I like your style Jocko so don't get a burr under your Harley Seat. Just thought you more of the squad/platoon leader type chewing cigars and kickin butt.
06-26-2011, 09:13 PM
I went to a Christian school and had to wear them for phys ed and when playing basketball. It was OK for the boys to wear shorts, but not the girls. :der:
In my catholic school they let me wear Culott.......never mind.
Yesterday my local biker group held a fund raising event, at a local bar/restaurant and we had a decent turnout, despite the rain. Lots of bikers showed up in their cages. Great to get their support.
But, we also had one guy show up in his dress blues. Said he was a Marine gunny-sgt, just got out on retirement, and came down to see what was going on.
Our group's custom is to let any active duty soldier into the fundraiser "admission free". Normally we charge $3 for admission. So, Joe-the-Marine got in free. Then he just sort of mingled with the 200 or so bikers, many who are vets, but all of which are pretty patriotic folk. He got glad handed, high-fived, and thanked for his service. Folks lavished some free drinks upon him, and he told some stories... he was sporting not one, but THREE purple heart ribbons. He did it all for about three hours - until - one sharp eyed recent soldier "made him" as a fake. His ribbons weren't right, and neither were the stripes on his sleeves. He got questioned, admitted being a fake and was summarily tossed out on his ass.
Question - I've got a lot of high quality pictures of this *******. I'm very tempted to turn all evidence over to the Marine Inspector Generals office. It is against the law to do what he did, and if I'd have been present at his "ejection ceremony" the cops would have been called on him. Pisses me off to say he served - and was wounded thrice - while he wasn't. Slaps every soldiers face as far as I'm concerned.
So, should I go to the IG's office or not?
Welcome to our world of pretender/fake Vietnam vet heroes. It is a personal affront, but unless the guy's running for congress, just let it go.
06-26-2011, 09:31 PM
Jocko in CLERK TRAINING.....:cheer2:
......I feel like this guy's a thief. He stole the truth, he stole the honor (and honors), and he stole the sacrifice of those who served.
Yeah, that be truth!! Thanks for those words.
06-26-2011, 10:07 PM
Turn him into the local media.
Ask them to give him an option.
1. He can turn over the uniform and ribbons and ..... And they will not do a story on him. They will find a museum to donate them to.
2. If not, they do a story on him. Post his picture on the their website. Talk to his friends, family, boss, .... Make sure everyone knows he is a fraud.
06-26-2011, 10:31 PM
Turn him into the local media.
Ask them to give him an option.
1. He can turn over the uniform and ribbons and ..... And they will not do a story on him. They will find a museum to donate them to.
2. If not, they do a story on him. Post his picture on the their website. Talk to his friends, family, boss, .... Make sure everyone knows he is a fraud.
I agree.
06-26-2011, 10:31 PM
Turn him into the local media.
Ask them to give him an option.
1. He can turn over the uniform and ribbons and ..... And they will not do a story on him. They will find a museum to donate them to.
2. If not, they do a story on him. Post his picture on the their website. Talk to his friends, family, boss, .... Make sure everyone knows he is a fraud.
That would be sweet, ..if you could actually get them to do it.
Maybe "Barry" will invite him over for a beer summit.
06-26-2011, 10:37 PM
Try these folks for some info on how to handle this:
06-27-2011, 10:29 AM
Maybe a ''Beer summit'' up in the coal regions ?
06-27-2011, 11:29 AM
Turn him in.
06-27-2011, 12:02 PM
I have to agree with turn him in.
I'm retired military, retired from the Air Force Reserves. I was a cook my entire career, and proud enough of it to never feel a need to claim to have done things I didn't do. The guys that have earned things like a Purple Heart? They deserve to be stood up for, and turning this guy in will do both him and them a favor.
Him a favor? Sooner or later he'll run into a group that will not be as charitable as you guys were. The real vets? Protect and respect the honor they earned.
06-27-2011, 12:36 PM
my bet u will never see him again in that uniform......
06-27-2011, 12:52 PM
The Stolen Valor Law, that makes this idiot a criminal, was recently ruled illegal by a lower court. If it makes it to the SCOTUS, they will probably also strike it down based on 1st Amendment Free Speech rights.
The free stuff he received based on fraud may be criminal, but so would the *** whooping he'd get in may places, so it's a wash.
06-27-2011, 01:08 PM
a good whooping and the promise to do it every time u see him whether in phony uniform or civis probably woldget more attention. I serioulosy doubt if the courts wopuld have stepped in at all, probably hadf the ACLU on the accusers ass over it, IMO not worthg it, but a damn good thumping and the future promise of more is IMO very fitting. Gve him a good chance to really earn his purple hearts on U. S. soil even.
06-27-2011, 02:19 PM
Jocko in CLERK TRAINING.....:cheer2:
Oh, that's some funny shnit:photo:
06-27-2011, 02:53 PM
Yesterday my local biker group held a fund raising event, at a local bar/restaurant and we had a decent turnout, despite the rain. Lots of bikers showed up in their cages. Great to get their support.
But, we also had one guy show up in his dress blues. Said he was a Marine gunny-sgt, just got out on retirement, and came down to see what was going on.
Our group's custom is to let any active duty soldier into the fundraiser "admission free". Normally we charge $3 for admission. So, Joe-the-Marine got in free. Then he just sort of mingled with the 200 or so bikers, many who are vets, but all of which are pretty patriotic folk. He got glad handed, high-fived, and thanked for his service. Folks lavished some free drinks upon him, and he told some stories... he was sporting not one, but THREE purple heart ribbons. He did it all for about three hours - until - one sharp eyed recent soldier "made him" as a fake. His ribbons weren't right, and neither were the stripes on his sleeves. He got questioned, admitted being a fake and was summarily tossed out on his ass.
Question - I've got a lot of high quality pictures of this *******. I'm very tempted to turn all evidence over to the Marine Inspector Generals office. It is against the law to do what he did, and if I'd have been present at his "ejection ceremony" the cops would have been called on him. Pisses me off to say he served - and was wounded thrice - while he wasn't. Slaps every soldiers face as far as I'm concerned.
So, should I go to the IG's office or not?
To the OP: I'm a Marine, I was wounded in combat in 1968 in Vietnam, my wounds were serious enough that I'm 100% disabled, I was awarded a Purple Heart by General Lew Walt, Commandmant of the Marine Corps.
For me to say that I'm pissed at this poser would be the understatement of my life. The ba--ard should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and then send his sorry a-- to my house, we'll have a good talk.:D
There are a lot of these imposters out there and most of them get involved with fund raising efforts so they can fill their own pockets.
Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, who thinks this guy deserves forgiveness is out of their frickin' mind and should be sent back to their homeland, you liberal thinking morons are useless. Do you have any idea of what this guy had to do to try to pull this off? He planned and planned and it was probably a dry run for him so he could find out where he was flawed so he could fix it and do some real damage. I don't suffer fools well and he's a fool along with all the responders here that want to feel sorry for him.
I'm very offended by what he did in case you haven't figured that out yet, as should every vet out there should and probably does. And, IMO, if you're not a vet you don't get to comment on his reprehensible behavior, sorry but that's how this one goes.:D
06-27-2011, 03:57 PM
Do you have any idea of what this guy had to do to try to pull this off? He planned and planned and it was probably a dry run for him so he could find out where he was flawed so he could fix it and do some real damage.
This is what bothers me.
If he has everything correct, how far could he get on a military base?
I know some areas are very strict about checking badges and other paperwork, but ....
The fake Marine.
I dont know the uniform particulars, but thats how he was "made". If someone could clue me in, I'd appreciate it.
And, IMO, if you're not a vet you don't get to comment on his reprehensible behavior, sorry but that's how this one goes.:D
I'm not a vet, but you already know it pisses me off too. I have a feeling the only reason it didn't get ugly was because it was our event the vets groups were attending, and they didn't want to spoil it for us. Good and thoughtful bunch. I mean that, not meant as a joke. They held their tongues, fists, bottles... so as not to blow our event into mayhem.
I'm gonna do my homework on this dude, track down how he was made out to be fake... turn pictures over to local LE, contact Marine IG (and the Marine IG is the group that handles this.. its right on their website). We'll see what happens.
06-28-2011, 01:27 AM
The fake Marine.
I dont know the uniform particulars, but thats how he was "made". If someone could clue me in, I'd appreciate it.
His uniform would have raised alarm with any Marines you had there:
His cover (hat) has an Officer's Marine Corps emblem on it (vice an Enlisted one).
Collar insignia are also Officer's and they are on backwards.
Precedence of ribbons is not correct.
Three Purple heart ribbons - Marines wear one ribbon for the first award and devices (I.E. stars, letters, etc.) attached to that ribbon to denote subsequent awards. He also has two Bronze Stars ribbons and a Silver Star ribbon on (possibly a faded Navy Cross on his bottom right). He is also wearing a Combat Action Ribbon backwards and a Kuwait Liberation ribbon upside down. I don't recognize any Viet Nam service era awards.
Looks like he's wearing a Rifle Expert badge and a Rifle Sharpshooters badge (should be a rifle and pistol, only one, or none).
Service stripes are on backwards and in two parts (not done). He has thirty two yrs. represented there.
06-28-2011, 06:54 AM
he looks mental to!!
>>he looks mental to!!<<
That's cuz he's wondering if he's been "made"! :p
06-28-2011, 07:09 AM
vfw and other organizations in his area should have a picture of this poster child.would do alot more good if his next door neighbor knew he was a phoney than us forum people who will never see or be around this guy.
06-28-2011, 07:23 AM
I didn't know we had an IG. Learn something new everyday. What GB said about his uniform is correct. I'll ad that aside from looking like crap (nothing fits properly), the hash marks are completely wrong (aside from 32 years of service, they are a pair of 16 year designators, sold pre-spaced because it looks better, and the fact that a Gunnery Sergeant can not have that much time) and the spacing on the shooting badges are wrong as well. There is a time when Marines wear the collar insignia like that, but not on these shores. The spacing of the ribbons is also wrong, and those wings look to be pilots wings, not jump wings (enlisted can't fly). His bearing is wrong as well (that's one of those takes one to know one things), his cover is also too big and worn incorrectly as is the belt. Bottom line, he should be real glad that was handled as gently as it was. I know for a fact that we that earned the title don't play well with that kind of thing.
I think he's real lucky to be unscathed there, I probably wouldn't be as nice.
06-28-2011, 12:32 PM
One more thing that'll tell you anything and everything you never wanted to know about Marine Corps Uniforms. GB, you were right about the waist plate, thanks again for refreshing my memory and keeping the scoop straight.
06-28-2011, 12:40 PM
he looks mental to!!
+1 mental. If that's profiling, guilty as charged.
The fake Marine.
I dont know the uniform particulars, but thats how he was "made". If someone could clue me in, I'd appreciate it.
Good Lord! I would have been tempted to shoot him on the spot!
06-29-2011, 12:08 AM
he looks mental to!!
I assume what you are catching subconsciously is the inconsistency in his expression.
It is easy to control your lips and mouth, but it takes skills (or being a sociopath) to control the top half of your face.
I read fear in the top half of his face.
06-29-2011, 06:13 AM
I think ur right.
my old cat had that same look in his eyes:::::; right before I shoot him:cheer2:
06-29-2011, 07:57 AM
Very, very strange. What motivates jokers like that? I just don't get it. He likely will come to the attention of the authorities sooner or later given his obvious inability to make good choices about how he acts in public. Perhaps they can give him the attention he needs. ;)
06-29-2011, 11:33 AM
evidetly their some knives missing from his drawer, hell maybe the entire drawer is missing. His looks to me looks like someone who just thought he had farted but realized it was not a fart.
Update: I was in contact with the Marines IG office today. They have provided me with instructions The person I spoke to took his three purple ribbons quite seriously, was not happy about that at all. Thats about all I should say here in public. Many thanks for everyone's support.
06-29-2011, 02:18 PM
Hell after u guys get done with him and the Marine IG, he might earn at least one of those purple hearts. Nice job CJB.
06-29-2011, 03:40 PM
It is impossible to judge someone from a photo, but my first reaction is that feel sorry for the guy. Perhaps something is not right with this guy if he went through all this trouble to play soldier.
We had a local guy in his 60's (or so) that obviously had a problem. He dressed up like a cowboy with the hat, boots and even had a toys six shooters holstered on each side with theme pants and shirt. He'd dress up like this in public. I guess the local authorities finally told him he had to stop carrying the toy guns because he was scaring people in the neighborhoods. Soon after he took off the guns. Then he put on another set of theme clothes, but I can't remember what it was. There is a mental institution not far from where he frequents on the streets. Kind of sad.
It could be that something is not right with this poor Marine dress alike too. It could be as simple as a mental illness...who knows. This is no different than problems associated with any physical or mental illness (CA, heart problems, bipolar, depression, etc....) or a special needs individual. He could simply be a fake and a con too. Who knows? But it is impossible to judge from a photo... Certainly not worth causing physical harm to him.
06-29-2011, 03:59 PM
We need one of them "This horse has been flogged enough" stickies. I'm tired of looking at him myself, even if we do share some similar mental issues and infirmaties. I ain't sharing my toys with him.
I'm usually impressed by a man in uniform (bring it on Dietrich) but not so in this case.
Sort of like a slinky, I think he'd be fun to push down the stairs. One of my biggest fears to be sure.
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