View Full Version : Spring replacement

06-26-2011, 11:06 PM
Hello all, first post here. :yo: I'm a relative noob and am just getting around to replacing the recoil spring on my K9. I've got 7000 rounds or so out of the first one (oops) with no problems. I ordered the full maintenance spring kit from Kahr and am awaiting arrival this week. The recoil spring is a no brainer. What about the rest? The gun has performed flawlessly despite running dirty ammo sometimes and being lazy about the recoil spring. Do I need to replace any other springs from that kit? If so, I hear that you guys have some videos around here showing how to achieve these complex tasks. I used the search function but could not find them. :der: I also hear that some of you have crafted "special tools" to handle these tasks out of common household items. Please do tell. It's about time I learn how to do maintenance stuff beyond cleaning on my own guns. I'm sure I will need some help.

Thanks in advance (and hi, Mr. Toad, I added a beverage ;))

06-27-2011, 03:11 AM
leave the rest alone, it ain't broke don't fix it. recoil springs are all that is necessary, put those other parts in ur parts box. 7000rounds is nothing for that gun.

Some will replace the striker spring and if u think u need to do kthat (which u doh;'t) then there is a tutorial in the kahr tech section that will show you how to do it with ease. I have a K9 with about 5000+ rounds through it and a PM9 with over 32,000 rounds and I have never changed any springs other than recoil springs. IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT..

06-27-2011, 08:05 AM
Go with what the old man said. He's right (can't believe I just said THAT).

06-27-2011, 08:54 AM
who u talking about "boy"???

06-27-2011, 01:02 PM
Hello all, first post here.

Welcome to the forum.

I hear that you guys have some videos around here showing how to achieve these complex tasks. I used the search function but could not find them. :der: I also hear that some of you have crafted "special tools" to handle these tasks out of common household items. Please do tell.

Here's a link to the sticky that tells how to strip the upper in order to replace the striker spring, or other parts.

I ordered the full maintenance spring kit from Kahr and am awaiting arrival this week. The recoil spring is a no brainer. What about the rest? The gun has performed flawlessly despite running dirty ammo sometimes and being lazy about the recoil spring. Do I need to replace any other springs from that kit? If so, It's about time I learn how to do maintenance stuff beyond cleaning on my own guns. I'm sure I will need some help.

If you've already bought them, why not use them... or at least see how your gun feels with some new parts.

06-27-2011, 01:24 PM
I sure in hell would not mess with the trigger system just to change something that is not giving one issue Striker sping change is OK and recoil spri9ngs is OK, IO would leave the extractor springs alone. they don't realy ever wear out and if they are doing good now, that wouldd tell me thatthe right amount of extractor pressure is Ok. One doesn't know what anew extrractor spring can do, it certainly can't make what is working perfect now any better. A new striker spring will for sure increase for X number of rounds more trigger poundage until that springs takes it pre-designed set.

06-27-2011, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the welcome, and the link. Given the importance of this gun in my self defense and that I don't have a concealable BUG of a caliber larger than .380ACP, I'm inclined to just change the recoil spring right now. I looked at that PDF, 11 pages. Yeesh! I'll do it at some point but right now is not the time for something that complicated. If I have my gun in 15 pieces and can't get it back together, I'm up a creek without a paddle.

I can't emphasize enough how well this gun has performed with no tweaks whatsoever. I've had it so hot with dirty ammo I've set a beam on fire when shooting from cover (training). Yet at 30 yards, one jagged hole! Love this gun. :D

I do a fair bit of first time training with other women. They love this gun as well. I always bring 5 or 6 to choose from and they pick the Kahr K9. :)

06-27-2011, 01:48 PM
Thanks for the welcome, and the link. Given the importance of this gun in my self defense and that I don't have a concealable BUG of a caliber larger than .380ACP, I'm inclined to just change the recoil spring right now. I looked at that PDF, 11 pages. Yeesh! I'll do it at some point but right now is not the time for something that complicated. If I have my gun in 15 pieces and can't get it back together, I'm up a creek without a paddle.I can't emphasize enough how well this gun has performed with no tweaks whatsoever. I've had it so hot with dirty ammo I've set a beam on fire when shooting from cover (training). Yet at 30 yards, one jagged hole! Love this gun. :D

I do a fair bit of first time training with other women. They love this gun as well. I always bring 5 or 6 to choose from and they pick the Kahr K9. :)

Around here you may be up a creek but you'll never be without a paddle. If you got 15 pieces, the boys and girls here can talk you thru getting em back where they go. The top end take down isn't nearly as difficult as it may seem.
If it's working though, save the extra springs for when an issue develops.

06-27-2011, 03:00 PM
Bawanna, that is very nice to know. I don't know another armed citizen with a Kahr K9 to call. So if I need help, I'll give a shout out, and thanks.

Can you answer me this? Why, oh why, did they not put witness marks on this beautiful pistol? I know how far back to grip the slide to get the slide release lever in and out now after cleaning it several times but that was crazy hard in the beginning! Seems like the other Kahrs have witness marks.

The other reason, beyond performance, I waited so long to change the recoil spring is that "Glock" grip required for take down is hard unless you have man paws, which I do not. With a new stiff spring, I'm not looking forward to take down.

06-27-2011, 03:46 PM
Bawanna, that is very nice to know. I don't know another armed citizen with a Kahr K9 to call. So if I need help, I'll give a shout out, and thanks.

Can you answer me this? Why, oh why, did they not put witness marks on this beautiful pistol? I know how far back to grip the slide to get the slide release lever in and out now after cleaning it several times but that was crazy hard in the beginning! Seems like the other Kahrs have witness marks.

The other reason, beyond performance, I waited so long to change the recoil spring is that "Glock" grip required for take down is hard unless you have man paws, which I do not. With a new stiff spring, I'm not looking forward to take down.

Your not the first person to question those witness marks. I don't like em either. Somebody here lucked out and got one without. Pretty rare. Oops, I misread, you don't have the marks. I think your lucky. Much nicer looking without them to me and as you say, its not hard to tell where to put things.
The K9 shouldn't be that tough even with a new spring. I use two hands side by side to get it in position and then it's usually not difficult to hold with the left hand. I have to use a hammer to start my pin out, that can be challenging.
Somebody made a niftly little gadget to drop in the ejection port that held the slide in the right place but I can't remember if that was on a K9 or one of the tupperware models. Seems like it wouldn't be that difficult to make something up to help hold it for pin removal.

06-27-2011, 03:53 PM
I don't think the K9 have any witness marks due to the way the slide lock goes in.(Mine has none) I would think ur K40 has none either "ol great one". I think the witness makrs are for the guns with that little springhy on the left side so guys like me don't fokk it up..

The take down pin on the K9 and K40 are tuff to get out but IMO that is fine with me. I can if necessary in the field remove it with the butt on my magazine. I have only known of one slide stop spring that has ever been reported broken on the K guns.

06-27-2011, 04:12 PM
I'll have to check when I get home. I could of swore it had the marks but your probably right. You usually are at least once in awhile.

06-27-2011, 05:37 PM
Seems like it wouldn't be that difficult to make something up to help hold it for pin removal.

I just took a piece of wood dowel and shaved and sanded it down to the correct size to fit into the breach to hold the slide in the exact right spot to pop the slide release pin out. Very simple and easy to make, and it works like a charm. I use the bottom edge of a magazine to push the pin out of the frame, then my fingers do the rest.

06-27-2011, 08:41 PM
I still have the orange take down block to keep the slide in the right place. In a pinch, I've used a 9 mm snap cap to do the same. I know the manual says use a rubber mallet to knock that pin out but I've lost count of how many other objects I've used to do the same job. I have no other use for a rubber mallet.

Reassembly is a lot harder. Witness marks would help but I do have the right position for the slide memorized by now. Keeping it there with one hand while wrangling the lever back in is a pain. Still my favorite gun though.

07-01-2011, 11:13 AM
I don't think the K9 have any witness marks due to the way the slide lock goes in.(Mine has none) I would think ur K40 has none either "ol great one". I think the witness makrs are for the guns with that little springhy on the left side so guys like me don't fokk it up..

The take down pin on the K9 and K40 are tuff to get out but IMO that is fine with me. I can if necessary in the field remove it with the butt on my magazine. I have only known of one slide stop spring that has ever been reported broken on the K guns.

Sho nuff, no witness marks on my K40. Could of swore it had em. Once again you are correct and I am what I am.

07-01-2011, 11:45 AM
Welcome mintjulepwithrice! 'Bout time you showed up. ;) I've been a little slow in getting around here. I've got a replacement spring for my K40 (yes, not witness marks on mine either), but the current recoil spring seemed to work just fine. The newer recoil springs in several models seem to be longer than prior versions, and you can see the difference in the K40 here (http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=5903). Once I get my slide back from Trijicon's relamping (thanks again, wyntrout) next week or the week after, I'll do some more testing with the old spring and new. The newer, longer spring makes takedown more difficult, but may ease up the snappy recoil a bit. We'll see.

That reminds me, can any of you show me a picture of your homemade takedown gizmo? I suppose I ought to spring for Kahr's takedown block and get myself their nice hat too while I'm there, but DIY is fun too (takedown, not the hat).

07-01-2011, 12:38 PM
I was thinking about a new recoil spring... think I got one from Wolff... but my slide is plenty hard to rack and no problems, yet. My K9 is over 13 years old and the slide is PLENTY hard to rack. I haven't broken 1,000 rounds as far as I know... no records.
I DO want to get one of those 5-lb striker springs, though, and see if the trigger feels better. I finally can shoot well with the K9, but the trigger feels like it was made out of lead... really different from the polymers. All of my shooting the polymers finally helped me with the K9 when my brother and I were testing it with the new LaserGrips. He turned those off after a while and we really enjoyed the K9. I was shooting it really well... for me... and he did well, too.


07-01-2011, 12:44 PM
Oh! I tried to break my PM9 when I got that... don't need to read no manual... had a K9 for about 12 years by then. I was trying to line up the slide and the frame to remove the slide lock/pin. I got up to using a screwdriver handle and then requested help here... including a picture of my PM9's slide and frame perfectly lined up for the pin to come out... perfect for a K9!!! Someone suggested really whacking it with a mallet, but someone else recognized my problem... thankfully... RT#Manual! :rolleyes:
Polymers are different! I like needing no tools to take it down for cleaning, or re-assembly... I know I could do that blindfolded!
