View Full Version : cw9 flawless! cw45 my fault!

06-28-2011, 10:01 PM
since all i read about is people complaining about thier guns heres a bit about mine.
I bought a cw9 earlier this year. shot some oil in it and it has NEVER had a problem! ive put almost 1000 rounds through it in 3 months and it shoots anything i put in it.
Now the cw45 i had a problem with the trigger not catching but it was my fault because i didnt oil or clean before i shot it, ALSO IT HAS A BIT OF A LONGER RELEASE BECAUSE THE GUN IS OBVIOUSLY BIGGER THAN THE 9MM. just went straight to the range. Since ivE oiled it NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.
i AM GOING ON 600 ROUNDS OF EVERYTHING even reloads and it shoots all.
i seem to think alot of these problems are user error because im sure kahr would not send out soooooo many guns with problems and thats all i got to say about that.

06-29-2011, 06:17 AM
newkahrowner: ur last sentence is something that MOST SHOOTERS willnot admit, so as u know it is always the guns fault.

This forum and many others have always suggested to any shooter who is having issues, to let a good shooter try the gun out, if it is gun related (part bad etc), then it will duplicate, but if it goes bang every time then the shooter needs to go back to the drawing board and work it out. Thank you for that nice comment, as it is coming right from "THE HORSES MOUTH" IN UR CASE.

06-29-2011, 09:54 PM
well im no pro! but ive shot alot in the past 3 months so i know how to shoot my guns lol. a few weeks ago with my 45 at ccw qualifying range mind you. i put 4 rounds of the same magazine in damn near the same hole! call it lucky, or whatever it is but my guns shoot great!