View Full Version : PM9 - First Range Trip

07-01-2011, 02:49 PM
I've made a few posts here over the last couple of weeks, but mostly I've just been reading and vicariously picking the brains of the knowledgeable members here.

I picked up my new PM9 yesterday at the local FFL. I really didn't expect it to get here until today, but I was driving by and stopped in ... just in case. To my surprise, it had already arrived so I took care of the paperwork and brought it home earlier than expected.

I field stripped it last night and cleaned/lubed it in preparation for a trip to the range today. I spent my evening TV time racking the slide as part of the recommended break-in.

I've learned a great deal about the care and feeding of Kahr pistols just by lurking here on the site ... Out of the box, neither magazine would drop cleanly so I did some minor manipulations with a couple of thin wood blocks and a gooseneck pliers (a little nudge here, a little squeeze there, now both the 6 and the 7 round mags drop cleanly.

A Hogue "Handall Jr." grip that I ordered for the PM9 arrived today and I've got another 6 round mag on it's way here, along with 2 Pearce magazine extensions.

Today was the first trip to the range for the PM9 as well as the 2nd trip for my new Taurus TCP 738 (.380).

So, how did it go?

100 rounds of Aguila 124gr FMJ ... the last round of the first 7rnd mag = stovepipe ... all others = no problems
50 rounds of Brown Bear 115 Gr FMJ ... 100% no problems
(looks like it's happy with cheap range ammo, which ain't a bad thing ...)
13 rounds of Federal Premium 124 Gr Hydra-Shok JHP (1 6rnd mag & one 7rnd mag) ... all OK, no problems.

TCP .380 - Spread out over the 2 range trips ...
250 rounds of FMJ ... (50 each of Blazer Aluminum, PMC Bronze, S&B, Magtech, Fiocchi)
18 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense (90gr FTX)
So far, the TCP has been 100%, no FTF, no FTE, no burps, hiccups or farts!

As related to both of this pistols, can you say "Happy Camper" ???

Tomorrow brings my first IDPA Match and I'm looking forward to that quite a bit. I won't be using either of these pistols, but I've a Star UltraStar 9MM that should be appropriate... wish me luck!


07-01-2011, 02:52 PM
Nice looking pistols and congrats on the great performance.

07-01-2011, 03:02 PM
What he said, and be sure and let us know how the first IDPA meet goes. I'd like to go watch one of those one day. Never seen one around here that I've ever heard about. Has to be some not too far away.

Bill K
07-01-2011, 07:14 PM
Sounds like you're off to a good start with your new PM9. Congrats!

Best of luck in your IDPA match. Let us know how you did.

07-01-2011, 07:32 PM
Thanks for the encouraging words ... I'll be happy if I just don't trip and fall on my face ... :o

Back when I was in the Navy and stationed in Hawaii, I was part of the base pistol team ... but that was ... uhm, geez! ... that was 1971 ... :eek:

07-02-2011, 05:03 PM
It's pretty obvious to me that I too have entered (to borrow a term coined in another thread in this forum) my "old farthood". Four and a half hours standing around (and walking downrange to paste) in the Florida sun just plain "whupped my butt!!!" But, a good night's sleep and "this too shall pass". As previously mentioned, today was my first exposure to an IDPA match. Just like any other "I've never done this before" experience it was a bit daunting to display one's skill (or lack thereof) in front of others (Oh look, there's Mas Ayoob!), but I had a good time and:
1. I DIDN'T embarass myself (too much) ...
2. I DIDN'T fall down ...
3. I DIDN'T shoot myself ...
4. I DIDN'T shoot anyone else ... AND ...
5. I DID meet some nice people that I look forward to seeing at the next match in another month or so.
So, I guess it was a successful outing and, if nothing else, I learned of many things I can work on to improve my abilities. And there's LOTS of room for improvement!

07-02-2011, 05:16 PM
Thank you for the report. Enjoy your PM9.

07-02-2011, 05:24 PM
IMO, u just can't beat the dlc finish on that PM9. I personally hate that 7 rund butt ugly magazine, U bought a compact 9l so use that flush fit and buy another flush fit and use that extended if u must for range use, but remember, IMO u will shoot differenlty with the extended magazine over the flush fit, This PM9 is what i9t is a pure defense gun made for close up shooting, get good and fast with it at 7 yards and under, POA shooting is I(MO theway to train with this little gun, Indeed use it at a IDPA round, what the hell u there to learn and have some fun, so who cares what u shoot. Nice gun, nice report. Just shoot it like u stole it an all will be OK.

07-03-2011, 05:12 PM
Good post. I too shot my new PM 9 today and had no FTF. I prepped the pistol per instructions and right now I am really jazzed about my new PM9.

07-04-2011, 06:15 PM
I did an extensive search for a small carry gun since I felt my Glock 26 was just too bulky. I looked mostly at the .380's (Bodyguard, LCP, Sig 238, Kahr). When I handled the PM9 however I knew it was small enough to make a good carry gun, so I am a new owner.

I have 4 or 5 short trips to the range, with no prepping. Shot it right out of the box, about 300 rounds so far. No problems. None. Nada. I cleaned it once during that time. The long pull of the trigger takes some practice. Also I would prefer 3 dot (night) sights over the in-line sights. I added a hogue pull over rubber grip which gives it a nice feel.

This is a really, really good choice for a CCW. Kahr has done an excellent job with this pistol.

07-04-2011, 06:31 PM
IMO not any gun in the same quality , size, weight class as the PM9. U will get used to the looooong smooth trigger, it is there by design, u can if later on order from wolffs gunsprings their 5# striker spring which won't change the trigger pull length of 3/8" but will change the trigger poundage from around 7 to 7.5# down to 5# and still not produce a hairy trigger nor will it give light strikes. An excellent drop in mod.

07-04-2011, 06:49 PM
pistolero loco, I too added the Hogue Handall Jr. grip to my PM9 ... with just a bit of minor trimming for length it fits and feels great!


Also, with the Pearce extensions on the magazines, I've a full 3 finger grip.

I'm also pleased that the addition of the mag extensions do not (in my opinion) degrade the concealability of my PM9 when carrying AIWB.

jocko, a big part of the reason for my purchasing the PM9 was the long trigger and the 7# pull. No manual safety, AIWB carry ... I WANTED the long, smooth, semi-heavy trigger ... and with it, I've no hesitation in carrying the pistol that way with one in the chamber.

Bill K
07-04-2011, 06:55 PM

Striker Springs - Reduced Power - W. C. Wolff Company offers reduced power striker springs (firing pin springs) for Kahr pistols rated at 5 pounds. The factory striker spring is 6 pounds. This spring will help improve the trigger pull.

Warning: This spring is for competition use only - not for duty use.

07-04-2011, 07:05 PM
Thanks Bill ... as I said, I LIKE the trigger, just as it is ... in fact, I think I've got the pistol exactly the way I want it and now just want to put some rounds thru it and get to know it better.

07-05-2011, 08:34 AM
The factory trigger on the PM9 is like...what a nicely tuned Smith J frame should be.

07-05-2011, 12:08 PM

Striker Springs - Reduced Power - W. C. Wolff Company offers reduced power striker springs (firing pin springs) for Kahr pistols rated at 5 pounds. The factory striker spring is 6 pounds. This spring will help improve the trigger pull.

Warning: This spring is for competition use only - not for duty use.

if u ask kahr they will say their factory springs come in at 7 - 7.5# , no doubt after firing it awhile that poundage will drop into the 6#+ range.

07-05-2011, 09:57 PM
pistolero loco, I too added the Hogue Handall Jr. grip to my PM9 ... with just a bit of minor trimming for length it fits and feels great!


Also, with the Pearce extensions on the magazines, I've a full 3 finger grip.

I'm also pleased that the addition of the mag extensions do not (in my opinion) degrade the concealability of my PM9 when carrying AIWB.

jocko, a big part of the reason for my purchasing the PM9 was the long trigger and the 7# pull. No manual safety, AIWB carry ... I WANTED the long, smooth, semi-heavy trigger ... and with it, I've no hesitation in carrying the pistol that way with one in the chamber.

I really like the feel (tackiness) of the hogue, but I have a hard time getting my index finger between the trigger guard and the bump in the hogue. I like to carry inside the pocket, but IWB is also easy with this gun.

07-06-2011, 12:06 AM
Congrats. Very nice pistols.

07-06-2011, 05:45 AM

Striker Springs - Reduced Power - W. C. Wolff Company offers reduced power striker springs (firing pin springs) for Kahr pistols rated at 5 pounds. The factory striker spring is 6 pounds. This spring will help improve the trigger pull.

Warning: This spring is for competition use only - not for duty use.

that. I just re-read the wolffs sirte ands indeed they state the kahr factory spring is 6# and for me they should know as they jmake that spring for kahr, as to why kahr will tell anyone who ask it is 7 to 7.5# is beyond me. sorry aboput that Bill KI. wasn't alling u out, just was repeating what kahr told me, It woldbe nice of a new gun was tested with a GOOD triger gauge...

07-06-2011, 08:40 AM
... but I have a hard time getting my index finger between the trigger guard and the bump in the hogue ...

That's why my grip sleeve needed to be trimmed ... I slid it down the grip just enough to make room for my finger above the "bump" on the sleeve and trimmed a little over an 1/8" off the bottom of the sleeve. Sliding it down also got it far enough away from the mag release to eliminate any interference between the two.