View Full Version : Can find any info on my serial number!

07-01-2011, 07:32 PM
I've searched and looked through the serial number thread on Glock Talk I think it is, but mine wasn't listed...

It starts with IC, anyone have any ideas?

07-01-2011, 08:41 PM
It won't list your particular serial number unless you put it there. People have added their own incomplete serial numbers so that someone can use that to figure when his/her pistol was made... as SV38xx for my 2006 vintage used PM9. Mine included the fired case in an envelope with the date on it, so I knew when my pistol was made or tested. It's a tool for dating your pistol... though not in a romantic sense, thinking of a few smart alecs lurking about. :rolleyes:

Oops! That was my newly re-framed PM45, not the PM9, though you can get the idea.


07-01-2011, 09:25 PM
Yeah, but nothing is even in the ballpark and I can't find the fired round (bought it new too).

Hmmm... guess I could contact Kahr. I do know it's the old style recoil spring, which kind of sucks because i just got the gun in April of this year.

The good news is, she's got about 600 flawless rounds through her now...

07-01-2011, 10:15 PM
The fired round is only required in a few states... "Note: Envelop is required only for guns sold in the states of New York and Maryland."

I found the envelop behind the manual in the lid... making it unlikely a lot of people would ever find it. :D

Pix below:


07-02-2011, 09:36 AM
IC is the latest. Mine is IC5xxx and its made 2/11 if i recall. I know I posted in that thread, you might have missed it. Its pretty cluttered over there, and needs to be cleaned into one post. But someones gotta step up.