View Full Version : A message for men

12-20-2009, 07:45 AM
I was browsing on the Glock forum and came across a thread asking "Are men being emasculated?"I didn`t answer it because I keep all my deeper thoughts for this forum.That is when my mind lets me have a deep thought.Here is my answer.I absolutely love strong women.A woman who can overcome the obstacles that society puts in her way is the most sexy and attractive creature that walks this earth in my opinion.I just don`t understand how a man would not be drawn to such a woman.I would much rather have a lover who can guard my back than one who gets her life advice from Oprah.Real women don`t want an emasculated man,they want a solid dependable partner.If a man lets himself be emasculated by the media,there wasn`t much manhood there to begin with.I`m walking out the door for holiday.See you later.

pacific nw guy
12-20-2009, 09:32 AM
by "Strong" i am not looking for a body builder type with a square jaw but I also dont think that is what you were referring to either.


what I am looking for is a woman like my wife, smart, strong, and very succesful in a male dominated corporate culture.

12-26-2009, 04:56 PM
by "Strong" i am not looking for a body builder type with a square jaw but I also dont think that is what you were referring to either.


what I am looking for is a woman like my wife, smart, strong, and very succesful in a male dominated corporate culture.

How'd you get my picture??!!!

12-26-2009, 05:12 PM
Zena.....to funny :biggrin1:

12-27-2009, 05:06 PM
Zena,I`m impressed.You look so much better since you had that makeover.Hubba Hubba!!;)

12-27-2009, 07:56 PM
Anyone who thinks men are being emasculated needs to take a short trip to South Texas and meet a few of my friends. These guys work cattle,haul pipe and make a living working in the oil business. These guys are so manly, they would scare the curl right out of Oprah's hair. Most northern women I have seen couldn't begin to hang with these guys. Around here, they're just everyday folks.

mr surveyor
12-27-2009, 08:30 PM
sssshhhhhhhhhh.....not so loud..... everyone will want to move to Texas and we will just turn into a salad bowl:)

12-28-2009, 04:50 AM
Anyone who thinks men are being emasculated needs to take a short trip to South Texas and meet a few of my friends. These guys work cattle,haul pipe and make a living working in the oil business. These guys are so manly, they would scare the curl right out of Oprah's hair. Most northern women I have seen couldn't begin to hang with these guys. Around here, they're just everyday folks.

I'm not sure what your reference to "northern women" had to do with this ? I believe Oprah was from the deep south-Mississippi. The only other women I see here are mx5fan (Colorado) and me (Massachusetts.) Last I knew, Oprah was anti-gun. And if you follow these threads at all both mx5 and myself seem well armed and working at being well prepared. And since shooting seems to be 99% men, I think we be hanging with the boys pretty regularly.:angel:

12-28-2009, 08:41 AM
+1 on everything Zena just said.

We (women who are into guns) have entered into a world which is dominated by men and in order of us to thrive in this male dominated gun culture, we have had to adapt to be able to hang with the best of "em". I know that I've earned respect from the guys at my LGS, the gents at the range, and all of the men I know think it's great and are very supportive of women shooters.
I'm originally from New York, lived in Florida for many years, Maryland for quite a few and now happily living in beautiful Colorado. So, I suppose you could say I am originally a "northern woman". One thing is for sure I am a "gun toting woman".

Jim K
12-28-2009, 09:30 AM
I'm with you Dietrich.
I'm glad I didn't marry a wimp woman. A woman with back bone is much more interesting than some submissive dependent.
A real woman makes a great partner, someone who has your back, ain't afraid to tell you when you're wrong. A woman with a firearm and a directed killer instinct is awesome!
I know some guys who feel that they have to dominate and control but I wonder if that is just a manifestation of a self identity issue.

Thank God for "strong" women.

12-29-2009, 03:54 PM
Forgive me in advance for no doubt crossing all political correct lines, I normally try to fly under the radar but I have a question I've asked a zillion times since she first showed up from wherever she came from. Who is Oprah, I know who she is but you know what I'm saying, and why does anyone care what she thinks?? Who was doctor Phil until Oprah said he was somebody until she didn't like him then he was nobody but too late, everyone already thought he was somebody. Same with that Rosie, people actually listen to these, I'm reluctant to use the word human. Enough on that.
As for woman shooters, I welcome every single one of you. I've introduced many woman and young people to shooting on my dime and enjoyed it immensely. We need you and welcome you, bring your friends.
Slightly off track but Dietrich, I'm with you on the dog incident. Your in the right, your property, your castle, your a sheepdog among sheep. Pacific NW guy, seek help. I love your serious thought and consideration but in my humble opinion I don't think you and guns are a good match. I mean no ill or disrespect, I'm sure your a man of honor. Target practice, competition shoot, whatever but call a cop or Mr. Deitrich when your in a jam. Again no disrespect. I also live in the NW and have most of my life but born in MO. Should have went back.
Peace out.

12-29-2009, 04:20 PM
I`ve never been able to understand why people put so much emphasis on what celebrities think anyway.They are entertainers,nothing more or less and their opinions are just that.Opinions! I think that a lot of people think that Oprah and company are their friends because they see them in their homes every day.That may be an easy trap to fall into if you are lonely or full of worry.Sad if you really think about it.:frown:

12-29-2009, 04:49 PM
Well said indeed. I kind of relate it to the Lemming theory, where by someone like Oprah says how nice it is for everyone to jump off a cliff and millions of people would do it cause she says so. Drink the Kool Aid and we'll all go to a happier place. (Hmmm, maybe we could use this for goodness and right.)
I'm so relieved to not be kicked out of the forum yet, course it's only been half an hour, still could happen.
Just had a day dream (dont tell my boss) I dreamed that Reagan was president again and Charleton Heston was VP and ammo was free to everyone. I love america, hope we can save it.

12-30-2009, 05:20 AM

Welcome to the forum and thanks for the +1 on women shooters. Most of us were introduced by the great men in our lives. And we obviously really enjoy and are welcomed by men at the ranges we use because men are the only people there! At least in my area. I'm glad you are in the forum and don't be silent!! You sound like you may be a lot of fun in here. :cheer2:

12-30-2009, 01:06 PM
I dreamed that Reagan was president again and Charleton Heston was VP and ammo was free to everyone. I love america, hope we can save it.

This is scarry Bawanna45cal, I had the same dream, but Ted Nugent was VP & Chuck Heston was Sec of Defense

12-30-2009, 01:38 PM
Thank you Ms Zena for your endorsement. I'm still waiting for the shot from Pacific NW Guy. With me sometimes silence is golden. I lean towards brutal honesty and many people don't like it much. I will try to stay out of the shadows and chime in from time to time. I do have to say that it totally ticks me off at ranges when the boys usually range staff lay the macho, I know everything, your just a girl trip on the ladies. Kids as well. Intimidate the new shooters and it's not fun for them and it's just bad for everybody. Any girl that shoots and reloads or just shoots or just comes to the range is aces in my book for sure. I also just gotta ask MX5fan how she likes her Dan Wesson Bobtail. I just did my own bobtail job on my Para Ordnance full size LDA and I love it to pieces. I was skeptical and scared drilling a hole in my gun but no remorse. Great move.
Lastly Medezyner, Nugent works fine for me, lets make it happen. I'd like to nominate Ms Zena for that Clinton animals position. Me thinks she wouldn't be apologizing to other countries for their own messes. I'll sign on as her bodyguard although I don't think she needs one.:)

12-30-2009, 01:57 PM
Sports figures and Hollywood stars are "idols", not heroes. Heroes are people who jump in the way of danger to save or protect others, usually without thinking of the consequences to themselves. The first two are SELFish and the real heroes are selfLESS. Our uniformed protectors -- ALL of them: police, CIA, any Law Enforcement -- overt or covert, firemen, and especially, any of our armed forces personnel, are the real heroes, putting their lives on the line to protect us. Celebrities are NOT heroes... they get paid to perform in front of, and behind cameras, with a few exceptions. They are ENTERTAINERS, even most of the Media (Fox excepted, for the most part). I have seen or heard of a few celebrities saving people at risk to themselves. Usually they are stars that I already respected, or for whom I gained new respect.
Heroes usually say that they didn't hesitate and didn't even think of the danger to themselves. I would like to think that I would do the "RIGHT thing" when faced with a situation, I wouldn't be worried about any reward or praise, but I wouldn't jump into ice cold water to try to rescue a person far from me, because I have trained for emergency situations and know the consequences of that foolhardy an action, however noble. I realize that I would perish as well, helping no one. Too often we see where people have tried to rescue drowning victims and perished themselves, while the victim was sometimes rescued by others, or even themselves. If it were my wife... then I would have to at least try, whatever the consequences. Just my thoughts. It sickens me to hear those self-important entertainers being called heroes.
Wynn :)

Oops! Off topic again.:o

12-30-2009, 02:06 PM
HOO RAAA +1 on that ticket....I think we should make Clint Eastwood secretary of state so he could tell the rest of the world to, Go Ahead, Make My Day....Perhaps we could also find a spot for Chuck Norris in the administration too, something like chief of staff....Welcome to the site Bawanna45Cal... I'm sorta new here too but in a short time have enjoyed learning about Kahr pistols and have found much good advice from the other nice folks here...By the way Dietrich, I think you did the right thing about the dog. I would have done the same in the situation you described....I hope you can let it go and it doesn't cause you to think too much if God forbid there is another circumstance requiring the use of deadly force... it a great responsibility to CCW but unfortunately it has become a necessary one...I am reminded of a quote from the movie, The Shootist, J.B. Books is giving a shooting lesson to Gillom Rogers who ask's How is it you've killed so many men? Books says, First thing is that target wasn't shooting back at you... Second, Most men at the last second will flinch, I Won't.... Happy New Year all...stay safe....:cool:

12-30-2009, 04:46 PM
Any future administration worth it's salt would have to have this guy in charge of homeland security...
"I'm your huckleberry"
YouTube - My favorite scenes from Tombstone of Doc Holliday (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yDgkvWh3JQ)

12-31-2009, 02:52 PM
Your right...How about we appoint Doc the new director of Alcohol, tobacco and firearms...cant think of anyone with more first hand experience!!!:cool:

12-31-2009, 03:12 PM
Your right...How about we appoint Doc the new director of Alcohol, tobacco and firearms...cant think of anyone with more first hand experience!!!:cool:
Ain't he a "daisy"...:)

01-01-2010, 07:49 AM
Thank you Ms Zena for your endorsement. I'm still waiting for the shot from Pacific NW Guy. With me sometimes silence is golden. I lean towards brutal honesty and many people don't like it much. I will try to stay out of the shadows and chime in from time to time. I do have to say that it totally ticks me off at ranges when the boys usually range staff lay the macho, I know everything, your just a girl trip on the ladies. Kids as well. Intimidate the new shooters and it's not fun for them and it's just bad for everybody. Any girl that shoots and reloads or just shoots or just comes to the range is aces in my book for sure. I also just gotta ask MX5fan how she likes her Dan Wesson Bobtail. I just did my own bobtail job on my Para Ordnance full size LDA and I love it to pieces. I was skeptical and scared drilling a hole in my gun but no remorse. Great move.
Lastly Medezyner, Nugent works fine for me, lets make it happen. I'd like to nominate Ms Zena for that Clinton animals position. Me thinks she wouldn't be apologizing to other countries for their own messes. I'll sign on as her bodyguard although I don't think she needs one.:)
The men that I shoot with have been very willing teachers and don't tolerate the macho bullshit guys, either. So I'm very fortunate to have a close group of really great guys around me all the time. When they want to have a little perverse fun to maybe make one of those guys sit down and shut up, they'll hand me the full auto AK or Glock 18 and send me out on the range. And since I am "fun-sized" and able to handle anything they hand me with no problem, the idiots usually just go away. Thanks for the nomination and it's always good to have more bodyguards, i.e. friends that have your back. :80:

01-01-2010, 11:35 AM
Fun Sized, full auto weapons, (I just love full auto rock and roll), a range rover with a sniper rifle in the back seat, and working security hunting for Nemo in the frozen food section at Walmart (you've probably seen me) and sounds like a girl? I think your the girl of my dreams. My recomendation on a vehicle being in the Death Before Dodge tribe would be a Hummer Limo. We'll mount a twin 50 up in the sunroof and mount MP5's at each door like a cup holder.
We can take turns blasting liberals as we leave the church. Aww, that is if you accept my marriage proposal, or we could live in sin if that works better for you. Tell me you don't own a boat and clean fish or I'll just die.

Your future soul mate.


01-01-2010, 11:48 AM
T I also just gotta ask MX5fan how she likes her Dan Wesson Bobtail. I just did my own bobtail job on my Para Ordnance full size LDA and I love it to pieces. I was skeptical and scared drilling a hole in my gun but no remorse. Great move.

Hi Bwanna, I love my DW Commander Bobtail. A couple of months ago I was in my LGS and there she be, sitting pretty as you please on the shelf and just waiting to go home with me. I waited a couple of days trying to rationalize the purchase and of course it was all I could think about. The rest is history and I must admit I was a little intimidated at the thought of a 1911 since the majority of my "crew" are plastic pistols, but after our initial session of getting to know each other, field stripping, cleaning and taking my time putting my CBOB back together I'm thrilled I own such a lovely piece. The Dan Wesson Commander Bobtail , shoots like a dream, much better then I do and conceals really well. I love shooting in .45 caliber as it's smooth, very little muzzle lift and one hell of a cartridge if I had to use it for defensive purposes.

I'm thoroughly impressed that you bobtailed your Para...whew, that would make me a nervous wreck taking a drill to my pistol. So did you put new grips on your Para after it's surgery? I'd love to see a pic of your Para, if you'd care to share.:photo:

Oh and the guys / regulars at my range, know me, love me (well maybe) and we all get along really well. They are my bros and smart enough to know you don't mess with a woman who has a gun in her hand and knows how to use it.:33:

01-01-2010, 01:22 PM
Grrrr, typed a nice poetic reply and the demons of cyber space chose to side track it I know knot where.
MX5, I'm glad you like your Bobtail, I just knew you would. I've walked past display cases and had guns just jump out and grab your heart. You gotta take em home. Makes a real difference just chopping off that one little corner. I carry my Para everyday, at a Christmas family get together my people were shocked to catch me not wearing a pistol, I raised my shirt and there it was, so the system apparently works. That an a great Mernickle PS6 holster that I highly recommend.
I'd love to post a picture of it IF being technologically challenged I can figure out how to do so. I actually make grips as a hobby, taught myself to checker and I like to do inlays of whatever people are into, dogs, birds, whatever will fit. If I can figure out how I'll post a picture of my K40, I just moments ago oiled up a set of Myrtle wood grips I made for it. Kind of blonde, different, flashy, dang I just described myself, we maybe not blonde or flashy but definitely different.
On your yen for a rifle, check out the S&W M&P AR rifles, I don't own one but several of my guys at the PD have them and I've been inside them. They seem every bit as good as Colt and easier on the wallet. I got no use for 223 for anything larger than rock chucks but they are fun to shoot Did I say everything I said before other than diahria of the keyboard. Oh I'm also totally careful around women carrying guns or heavy skillets, (was that a sexist remark?) Scratch the skillet but I'm still being polite around those too.
I'll work on trying to post a picture, actually more scarey than hacksawing a corner off my Para if that's possible.

01-01-2010, 04:05 PM
Bwanna, don't you hate when the cyberspace wins...grrr.

Grips, as a hobby, that's terrific and I'd love to see those too. With respect to the S&W AR, I'm sure they are fine rifles, but I think I'd prefer something that is not so tactical looking and looks more like a traditional rifle, but I could warm to the idea and I do prefer to buy American so S&W is not out of the question.

Last, but not least, no worries re: the skillet comment, you're okay in my book ;-)

01-01-2010, 04:43 PM
Ok you dang cyber gods, I got pictures uploaded into this place somewhere, I can see em, I know they are there, now how do we attach em to this message. Hmmm, I'm having a severe advil moment here, I felt fine this AM so it wasn't the Scotch. Show me pictures. Well drop me trousers and whip me with a switch, I think I did it. Did I actually do it? Am I an official geek, I didn't even have to ask my son for help. If my arms were just a bit longer I'd pat myself on the back, or would that be too much show off.
I tried to follow suit and take pictures of the gun with money, sadly this was all I had, should I be ashamed. My kid saw me take the Para photo and when I got to the kahr, the 5 er went walkabout, so I'm even worse off. Don't cry for me, MK says I'm ok in her book so we're A-ok. If your bobtail is hankering for some special grips, I'm your man, describe what you want, hum a few bars and I'll make sawdust. I think Dan Wesson uses a standard frame so should be able to fit them on my Colt or whatever and make em work.

01-01-2010, 05:00 PM
What is it with the women on this forum saying all the right things. I don't know how to attach what MX5 said but something like less tactical, more conventional looking rifle. I have a Colt AR but I rarely touch it, I went to an armorer class and got a good deal direct from Colt some years back. BUT, I rarely even hold it. I got a serious hankering for a Springfield Scout Squad with a walnut stock but since the election (I'm hyperventilating) they went thru the roof money wise like everything else. Go with the Mini, I got one of those and like it fine, prefer my garand or M14 but it's nice. When common sense prevails under the next administration, hopefully Reagan, Heston, or Zena and the prices come down, go for the M1A/ M14.
Older is better, bigger is better, wood is better. Ok OK I'm ranting, it's the cyber gods that caused this headache, I have to go lay down now. maybe prone behind my 03-A3. :cool:

01-01-2010, 05:05 PM
Beautiful Para, just beautiful...and I'm even more impressed that you made the grips and turned it into a bobtail...WOW.

While we're on the subject: Here is my Dan Wesson Commander Bobtail.


01-01-2010, 05:34 PM
That's a beauty for sure. Dang nice looking handles on it too. Those wood? Are they checkered or textured at all. Pic just not quite clear enough.

01-01-2010, 05:40 PM
The grips are wood, Buckeye Burl, thin with a smooth finish.

I think my shooting is better then my photography, at least I hope so :confused:

01-01-2010, 06:34 PM
Fun Sized, full auto weapons, (I just love full auto rock and roll), a range rover with a sniper rifle in the back seat, and working security hunting for Nemo in the frozen food section at Walmart (you've probably seen me) and sounds like a girl? I think your the girl of my dreams. My recomendation on a vehicle being in the Death Before Dodge tribe would be a Hummer Limo. We'll mount a twin 50 up in the sunroof and mount MP5's at each door like a cup holder.
We can take turns blasting liberals as we leave the church. Aww, that is if you accept my marriage proposal, or we could live in sin if that works better for you. Tell me you don't own a boat and clean fish or I'll just die.

Your future soul mate.


Proposal accepted! I like your thinking---Hummer Limo! I prefer to shoot 50's in the prone position so set me up a shooting mat and I'm good with that. And sweet tea isn't as satisfying as a nice MP5 in the hand! No boat, no fish cleaning. Any other details we need to work out? As a wedding gift, I'd love a set of pretty wooden grips...:w00t:

01-01-2010, 09:03 PM
Tell me what you want those pretty wood grips to fit and I'll start on them tomorrow. I gotta find whatever gun you choose but so far I've always found them. Did a set for a guy in Arkansas, had a Randall left hand, everything backwards but we got er done. I still don't got the hang of posting pictures but I'm trying here. I couldn't find the doggie ones I wanted, I know I got em someplace and they'll turn up. If the cyber gods bless me, theres a Kimber with a Washington State Patrol memorial pin, a set of ebony handles on my own cobra, and a Ruger with some card inlays. Cross my fingers, see if this works, chanting, chanting, profanity, Hmmm what the bleep is going on here. Come on dang it. Well drop kick me thru the gold post of life I think it worked. I think I get it. the pictures don't show up till you review or send???? This from a guy who they had to drag his rotary dial phone away from . I still miss it.
I did think of one minor detail regarding our forthcoming nuptials, we might have to move to Utah, I'm already married but she's a sweet thing (I'm not sure if she's "Fun size", not sure of the definition, not sure fun has anything to do with size really and I'd hate to give er up, here in the bleedin left heart of washington we're only allowed 1 wife at a time but who would really know? I'm serious give me a gun model, an inlay motif and the sawdust will fly in the AM.

I gotta find some of that wood like on MX5's Dan Wesson, good looking stuff.
If we move to Utah, maybe we could invite her also????? Please Please since I'm on her OK list kind a sort too. Let me know, I'll go pack.

01-03-2010, 12:56 PM
I'm on the prowl for some buckeye burl like on that Dan Wesson. They are drop dead gorgeous. Can't stop thinking about them.
I did some changes on the K40 Myrtle Grips since the look just didn't blow my dress up. (here we go with the sexist remarks again). I'll post a pic later when completed and see how they look.:o

01-04-2010, 08:09 PM
Well I've spent a couple day messing around with some new grips for my K40. I went with Myrtle to start looking for a flashy blonde look, just didn't make it for me. So I've been wanting to experment with some bedliner texture that I modified my glock with. That left it with waaaay too much contrast. Sooooo, I stained the blonde wood and made it darker to knock the contrast down a few notches. We kind of went back to the plain look so went for a shiney inlay that I found in my junk drawer, not sure if they will grow on me or they are destined for the wood stove. Lessons learned for sure. Let me know your thoughts, ideas assh, I mean opinions. I can take criticism. Any riverboat gamblers out there, these might be for you!????:D
Probably should a started a new thread but I just figured out how to post a picture without a bottle of advil so don't want to take on too much too soon.
We're definitely going with some Buckeye Burl when/if I can find some.

01-06-2010, 08:09 PM
Tell me what you want those pretty wood grips to fit and I'll start on them tomorrow. I gotta find whatever gun you choose but so far I've always found them. Did a set for a guy in Arkansas, had a Randall left hand, everything backwards but we got er done. I still don't got the hang of posting pictures but I'm trying here. I couldn't find the doggie ones I wanted, I know I got em someplace and they'll turn up. If the cyber gods bless me, theres a Kimber with a Washington State Patrol memorial pin, a set of ebony handles on my own cobra, and a Ruger with some card inlays. Cross my fingers, see if this works, chanting, chanting, profanity, Hmmm what the bleep is going on here. Come on dang it. Well drop kick me thru the gold post of life I think it worked. I think I get it. the pictures don't show up till you review or send???? This from a guy who they had to drag his rotary dial phone away from . I still miss it.
I did think of one minor detail regarding our forthcoming nuptials, we might have to move to Utah, I'm already married but she's a sweet thing (I'm not sure if she's "Fun size", not sure of the definition, not sure fun has anything to do with size really and I'd hate to give er up, here in the bleedin left heart of washington we're only allowed 1 wife at a time but who would really know? I'm serious give me a gun model, an inlay motif and the sawdust will fly in the AM.

I gotta find some of that wood like on MX5's Dan Wesson, good looking stuff.
If we move to Utah, maybe we could invite her also????? Please Please since I'm on her OK list kind a sort too. Let me know, I'll go pack.

Utah is all good for me as long as we can travel to the coast frequently. Don't like to be land-locked. And please do invite mx5! She's got the prettiest grips I've ever seen. No wonder you are obsessed by them!:angel:

01-06-2010, 08:30 PM
Utah is all good for me as long as we can travel to the coast frequently. Don't like to be land-locked. And please do invite mx5! She's got the prettiest grips I've ever seen. No wonder you are obsessed by them!:angel:

Zena, you're too kind, just too kind and Utah is just across the state line, so count me in ;)

01-07-2010, 01:00 PM
Utah is all good for me as long as we can travel to the coast frequently. Don't like to be land-locked. And please do invite mx5! She's got the prettiest grips I've ever seen. No wonder you are obsessed by them! Haven
't figured out how ya attach them quotes yet, dang I'm dumb.

Well actually I'm quite fond of Wyoming myself, love being close to the Buffalo Bill museum in Cody. However at mention of Ms Zena's fondness for the coast maybe we can link up here in Washington? Except for the abundance of terribly left leaning liberals its pretty country. If Ms MX5Fan accepts our proprosal which it seems she already has it will be even prettier with her beautiful grips. Just fire up the Hummer limo and gather every one up. Sounds like a solid plan to me.
Ms Zena, you never told me what to make you some pretty wood handles for. I'd be honored to make ya some. I found a few that liked those Kahr grips so maybe they ain't so bad. Might take a might longer than usual though, I ran my strong hand (right) thru my table saw (now thats really dumb) yesterday so its kind of mangled and sore as the dickens, but all digits are accounted for. Added real emphasis to the Hawaiin good luck sign digit but gets in the way. Perfect time to work on weak hand drills I guess. Typing totally sucks with a wounded wing, I can tell you that. I've also got time to head north and see if my wood supplier has any of that buckeye Maple. I'm all packed whatever you ladies decide. Give me feedback on them K40 handles would you? Always appreciate the finer sexes (am I allowed to say that?) input for future grips.
This took about 8 times longer than normal, gotta go finish that aborted project from yesterday. Extreme caution will be applied for sure.:rolleyes:

01-10-2010, 08:09 PM
I guess I can do the west coast....spent 6 years in Portland, OR....got bored with the lack of weather/seasonal changes. Never made it up to BC. Could we all honeymoon there? I know it's supposed to be real pretty. Can we all CARRY there? Have you mounted the Dillon Aero on the Hummer Limo yet? Can't travel cross country without all the right accessories! I don't know "wood" well so am not sure what to ask for. Except I really did like mx5's grips!!:)

01-10-2010, 09:20 PM
Yep,the seasons here are pretty unexciting. Kind of wet and wetter although we get lucky sometimes in summer and snow isn't too bad to deal wih in winter. Might want to rethink BC, it is beautiful but no guns period. The queens hounds would not be happy. I haven't been there since common sense and self preservation took over my life. I was thinking maybe an Alaska cruise but I'm told no guns on a cruise ship, not sure I buy that but I haven't confirmed that one way or the other.
I actually mounted three Dillon Aero's, just made the Hummer look more balanced and we need to cover our rears, six, backside what's the correct PC word for where we just been and I thought we could all three enjoy them at the same time. I should say 4 to include my lovely wife but we can share an Aero and she likes to watch. (Aeros being shot just to be perfectly clear on that.) Had to upgrade the suspension to handle all the ammo I thought we would require but a small price to pay for love.
What kind of gun you want to hang handles on? That's the first bridge to blow up (I mean cross). I'm on the trail for some of what I effectionately call Mx5 wood so maybe we can make that happen. Let me know what kind of gun and I can start thinking on it. Lots of choices for wood out there. Flashy with alot of contrast or more subdued. I got lots of purple heart or zebra wood, rose wood, coco bolo, sometimes I stumble onto a really pretty piece of plain old walnut. Hard is good (for checkering!!!) Wood like zebra checkers but it gets lost in all the color which is fine. The color shows thru but you still got something (a grip) to hold on to. Think on a inlay too, a pin or a button or whatever, makes it a one of a kind proposition. Tell me a gun and we'll just go till we get it right.:cool:

01-22-2010, 01:41 PM
Status report. I found a source for Buckeye Burl. Not great news, it's a big ole slab about 5ft accross and I don't recall how thick for 3,000 bucks. Trying to find just a small slab to play with. Would like to find some that's had the stablilized treatment so it don't crack etc etc etc. Gotta make some pretty handles for the wedding gift to Zena. Not sure what'll I'll do for Mx5, hard to top them lovely handles of hers.
Attaching a progress photo on the Hummer limo. Got the rear end beafed up for all the required ammo. The mounts for the Dillon aeros are in place, removed the guns for security reasons. Not totally nuts about the color scheme, I'm leaning towards maybe a flame job but would that be too flashy? I added 6 more MP5's like cup holder mounts, total 18 now. The rig is kind of long and didn't want us to be too far from a weapon.
Yours in paranoia

01-22-2010, 01:58 PM
Surely you'll want to up-armor it? That'll cost a mountain of those green thingies.:D

01-22-2010, 02:28 PM
I was browsing on the Glock forum and came across a thread asking "Are men being emasculated?"I didn`t answer it because I keep all my deeper thoughts for this forum.That is when my mind lets me have a deep thought.Here is my answer.I absolutely love strong women.A woman who can overcome the obstacles that society puts in her way is the most sexy and attractive creature that walks this earth in my opinion.I just don`t understand how a man would not be drawn to such a woman.I would much rather have a lover who can guard my back than one who gets her life advice from Oprah.Real women don`t want an emasculated man,they want a solid dependable partner.If a man lets himself be emasculated by the media,there wasn`t much manhood there to begin with.I`m walking out the door for holiday.See you later.

My wife is such a woman! Met her in the Armed Forces! Wanted someone to be my partner and my equal. :4:

01-22-2010, 03:17 PM
Surely you'll want to up-armor it? That'll cost a mountain of those green thingies.:D

What price love, what price security. Already loaded with armor, that plus all the ammo that Zena required for her hope chest is why we had to beef up the rear end. 16ply truck tires that look cool killed the penny bank too. The dollar meal is a mere dream right now.:rolleyes:

01-22-2010, 03:30 PM
Vinikahr: "My wife is such a woman! Met her in the Armed Forces! Wanted someone to be my partner and my equal"
Amen. That's how I met my bride of almost 24 years. We both retired from the USAF. I hit the lottery with her. I can't run her off... thankfully, 'cause I'm hard to live with. Both of us were married before. I'm very good friends with my ex and my wife would like to shoot her ex, with good reason.
We have a partnership -- she works and I take care of everything else... eventually. I sit here and shop quite a bit... and wait for packages. I'm doing the wash today, among other things. I'm quite distracted sometimes with this forum.

01-22-2010, 03:47 PM
beautiful para, just beautiful...and i'm even more impressed that you made the grips and turned it into a bobtail...wow.

While we're on the subject: Here is my dan wesson commander bobtail.

nice gun you own there MX5fan


01-22-2010, 03:49 PM
Vinikahr: "My wife is such a woman! Met her in the Armed Forces! Wanted someone to be my partner and my equal"
Amen. That's how I met my bride of almost 24 years. We both retired from the USAF. I hit the lottery with her. I can't run her off... thankfully, 'cause I'm hard to live with. Both of us were married before. I'm very good friends with my ex and my wife would like to shoot her ex, with good reason.
We have a partnership -- she works and I take care of everything else... eventually. I sit here and shop quite a bit... and wait for packages. I'm doing the wash today, among other things. I'm quite distracted sometimes with this forum.

Sound like a similar situation to mine, it is all good LOL!:biggrin1:

01-23-2010, 06:58 PM
Status report. I found a source for Buckeye Burl. Not great news, it's a big ole slab about 5ft accross and I don't recall how thick for 3,000 bucks. Trying to find just a small slab to play with. Would like to find some that's had the stablilized treatment so it don't crack etc etc etc. Gotta make some pretty handles for the wedding gift to Zena. Not sure what'll I'll do for Mx5, hard to top them lovely handles of hers.
Attaching a progress photo on the Hummer limo. Got the rear end beafed up for all the required ammo. The mounts for the Dillon aeros are in place, removed the guns for security reasons. Not totally nuts about the color scheme, I'm leaning towards maybe a flame job but would that be too flashy? I added 6 more MP5's like cup holder mounts, total 18 now. The rig is kind of long and didn't want us to be too far from a weapon.
Yours in paranoia

I like the ride! And you've really thought of everything...MP5 cup holder mounts. With the length (of vehicle) you've got us riding, this was very thoughtful. And flames would not be too flashy, as you know my prediliction for blowing things up. I think the limo should scream "Get Off My Road". I'm kind of virginesque in the wood department. You seem sensitive enough to choose something appropriate...may need a new gun for this project. I've had a hankering for a single stack 45 but haven't found one I could steal yet. This is going to be the best trip ever!:bump2:

01-23-2010, 08:27 PM
I like the ride! And you've really thought of everything...MP5 cup holder mounts. With the length (of vehicle) you've got us riding, this was very thoughtful. And flames would not be too flashy, as you know my prediliction for blowing things up. I think the limo should scream "Get Off My Road". I'm kind of virginesque in the wood department. You seem sensitive enough to choose something appropriate...may need a new gun for this project. I've had a hankering for a single stack 45 but haven't found one I could steal yet. This is going to be the best trip ever!:bump2:

Hey maybe I'll have the ride done in time for Parma. (Where's Parma?) You could arrive in style and demoralize the opposition. Flames it shall be darling, and lots of them. The tannerite story slipped my mind momentarily. As for the "Get off my road" deal I saw a trailer hitch receptacle plug that looked like a claymore. It inspired me, so I'm gonna mount 6 real ones on the back of the limo. Tailgaters will only happen once. Virginesque is another one of those words that don't cross my mind when I think of you. You steal a single stack 45, (theres a sweet Dan Wesson Cbob on Gunbroker as we speak, closes tomorrow I think) just like Mx5's without the buckeye. I'll make you something special that will make tears of joy soak your beach towel. If not I'll try again till we get it right.;) We now return to our regularly scheduled serious Kahrtalk forum. yeah right.

01-23-2010, 08:55 PM
I like the ride! And you've really thought of everything...MP5 cup holder mounts. With the length (of vehicle) you've got us riding, this was very thoughtful. And flames would not be too flashy, as you know my prediliction for blowing things up. I think the limo should scream "Get Off My Road". I'm kind of virginesque in the wood department. You seem sensitive enough to choose something appropriate...may need a new gun for this project. I've had a hankering for a single stack 45 but haven't found one I could steal yet. This is going to be the best trip ever!:bump2:

Well as you can see the flame job got a bit out of control. No worries just a temporary set back. None of the hardware was inside and we'd already pulled the extra axles (easier to move around). Back to the drawing board. Maybe we'll try painting the flames on rather than the lighter fluid and matches trick. Don't try this at home.:confused:

01-24-2010, 01:29 PM
I like the ride! And you've really thought of everything...MP5 cup holder mounts. With the length (of vehicle) you've got us riding, this was very thoughtful. And flames would not be too flashy, as you know my prediliction for blowing things up. I think the limo should scream "Get Off My Road". I'm kind of virginesque in the wood department. You seem sensitive enough to choose something appropriate...may need a new gun for this project. I've had a hankering for a single stack 45 but haven't found one I could steal yet. This is going to be the best trip ever!:bump2:

Whoa is me, somebody scooped up that lovely Dan Wesson Cbob on gunbroker. 1,025 bucks. Zena, Please please please tell me it was you? Story of my life, I just didn't have enough marbles, keep telling myself I'll thin out the safes so I'm ready for next time but it's always something, tires, washing machine, transmission, house payments. I'm still trying for a 45 Colt Schofield, got a few more days to rob peter to pay paul. Probably won't happen either.

01-24-2010, 05:23 PM
I was thinking something more in the red/orange/yellow color scheme but the realism was impressive. Would have liked to see it during the conflagration!

And, alas, it was not I who scooped the Dan Wesson Cbob on gun broker. May hit a gun show this weekend and will cruise for something appropriate.

Parma is in Idaho. Very west. Almost in Oregon. In the middle of nowhere. A great place to make a lot of unneccessary noise!:laser:

01-26-2010, 03:58 PM
Conflagration is right. I'm thinking your using paint to look like flames is gonna work a whole bunch better.
I looked up Parma and your description of middle of nowhere it pretty much on the money. I've been within 30 miles of there many years ago. Had a buddy that lived in Nampa for awhile. Be nice to visit Salmon, the home of Elmer Keith for nostagic fullfillment. I'm in the opposite corner of washington so probably 8 or 9 hours away in a fast car or Hummer limo. Might be worth a road trip to watch.
Unnecessary noise??? What's that. I call it therapy.......:4:
I think we need to come up with a fund raiser (are you rich Zena?) to help our Iron Man queen with travel expenses etc. You got a far piece to travel. What do you guys and Mx5 (any other ladies lurking?) think?

01-30-2010, 05:05 PM
Alas, I belong to the working class of folks to support my habits. No silver spoon! Fund raising would be welcome. I know Dietrich was willing to bake his awesome molasses bread to raise money for Ahnold....maybe he'd organise a bake sale for Parma travel expenses?:cheer2:

01-31-2010, 11:30 AM
I vote Ahnold can wait. Parma takes priority. Get the oven preheated and the molasses mixed up, we don't got alot of time.
I've got a terrible serious hankering for a MX5 Cbob, I get these spells sometimes like Dietrich mentioned. I got over it for a week or so but now it's come back. Everyone says good things about them, the new Vbob is a full 1/3rd more money so makes me want it even worse.
I'll try to quench that urge (since I got no funds anyhow) and apply all my gotta have a new gun emergency fund building practices to the cause.
I suck at money management for sure but I'll try. Been looking for a bridge to retire under when the time comes. Hopefully with a few fish nearby for provisions.:(