View Full Version : My PM9 vs. my new Ruger LC9

07-05-2011, 05:54 PM
I made an impulse buy while on vacation. The LC9 was actually in stock and the sales guy was knowledgeable and helpful. Who am I to hold onto my money? Keep the economy moving, I say! $375 (before 6% sales tax) seemed a fair price.

The immediate drawback you notice is that it comes with one mag. Of course, as readers here know, so does Kahr's CM9. From a price perspective, the CM9 is a more fair comparison, alas, I only own the PM9 with Night Sights. A secondary drawback is that it comes in a cheap cardboard box. No problem, I never use OEM plastic cases anyway; simply because I take 3 to 6 guns to the range per trip. There is a nice sleeve type 'case' with bold Ruger / LC9 graphics.

My initial impression was very favorable. The gun was properly oiled from the factory and did not show signs of preservative or heavy grease. I shot it like I stole it from round #1. I did load the mag and lock the gun open for 12 hours before shooting. No degreasing, racking the slide, shooting with gloves etc. It was flawless for a box of American Eagle 115 gr FMJ. It was much more user friendly in this early stage of break-in. It is easier to handle in every way. Mags load easier. The slide is easy to rack without needing to use the release lever (this usually goes away in PM9s, at least mine did). It is easier to field strip but a tool is needed the first few times.

Fit and finish is excellent. Same as I found with the SR9c I owned. The mag drops freely, unlike my PM9.

The other negatives are:

the sights are not NS, nor are they as easy to use as my PM9.

the trigger, while smooth as glass, is longer than "War and Peace". Yes, it even beats out Kahr for length of pull.

Some will say the LCI and lawyer lock are negatives. I don't even see the LCI in use. It's just is making a mountain out of an ant hill to criticize this.

There is also a mag disconnect. I am on the fence on this one. I disabled it on my SR9c but it was not a carry gun. The LC9 is not nearly as easy to "fix". I personally will not attempt it. I occasionally need to lock my gun in my car. I will take the mag with me but never liked unchambering that last round. Now I won't need to and still know if it is stolen, it can't be immediately used.

The safety is something I want. This one is unique and should satisfy those who think it excessive on a DAO gun. It sweeps "off" easily. Setting it on takes 5x the effort. I need two hands. It will NEVER set it self 'on', therefore, don't let it be a deal breaker if you are interested in this gun.

I also like the 7+1 configuration which is stock. Felt recoil is slightly less than the PM9.

The jury is out on accuracy. This is in part the trigger pull and the sights. YMMV. More as I shoot the next 200 rounds.

07-05-2011, 06:07 PM
never read war and peace, but a longer trigger than a kahr, wow...

sounds like a good gun by Ruger..

07-05-2011, 06:12 PM
Damn near as long as "The W.W.Grainger Catalog" !!!

07-05-2011, 06:15 PM
Damn near as long as "The W.W.Grainger Catalog" !!!I remember a short cut called Cliff Notes. Is there one for Grainger? I may send my tattered copy of Cliif Notes re W&P to Jocko. Great bathroom reading on a 'slow' day. LOL.

07-05-2011, 06:38 PM
Thanks for the report, I've been considering an LC9 vs CM9 for my next CCW....

Rainman.....Any chance you can get some side by side pics up.....please :D

07-05-2011, 06:59 PM
Thanks for the report, I've been considering an LC9 vs CM9 for my next CCW....

Rainman.....Any chance you can get some side by side pics up.....please :DCan you direct me to the instructions (sticky) for uploading pics? Do I need a Flikr type account somewhere?

I can tell you the size difference is negligible in all directions but width. The LC9 sure looks slimmer.

Have you tried this? There is a feature to select guns to compare >>


They are both good guns for CC. The Kahrs strike me as needing lots of tinkering and more gun savy by and from the the owner. Fortunately, there is plenty of help here. The Ruger is ready out of the box AND support will include shipping costs both directions w/o begging or pleading. I for one will never spend $50 to get 'free' warranty work. I have a problem with Kahr on that.

Today I shot the PM9 better than I ever have since I bought it. I did not shoot the LC9 very well but it was its first 50 rounds. My aging eyes, the subdued lighting and small dots on the Ruger all contribute. At bad breath distance, it will not matter, and, one could add a laser or improve the LC9 sights. The LC9 has a nice melt job and fit and finish is better. For example, the mag drops, the average shooter can rack the slide right out of the box.

07-05-2011, 07:18 PM
Go to Photobucket (http://photobucket.com/), create a free account and follow instructions to upload pictures from your computer (very simple). Then, to put a picture in a forum post, put the cursor over the picture in Photobucket. A menu appears. Move the cursor to the Direct link field and click. It automatically copies the link to your paste buffer. Go back to where you are editing the post, click the icon to add a picture, and do Ctrl/v to paste the link in. The picture will show up in your post.

07-06-2011, 04:34 AM
Go to Photobucket (http://photobucket.com/), create a free account and follow instructions to upload pictures from your computer (very simple). Then, to put a picture in a forum post, put the cursor over the picture in Photobucket. A menu appears. Move the cursor to the Direct link field and click. It automatically copies the link to your paste buffer. Go back to where you are editing the post, click the icon to add a picture, and do Ctrl/v to paste the link in. The picture will show up in your post.

...or use the "IMG code". That will post it directly in your post so members don't have to click the link. Preview your post before posting and make sure it all looks good!

07-06-2011, 06:16 AM
I own an LC9 and I like the gun in general but I have found the only way for me to be accurate with the gun is to use the very tip of my finger to pull the overly long heavy trigger. After about 100 rnds my finger becomes sore and if I do need to use it for self defense am I gonna remember to use my finger tip to squeeze the trigger or am I just pull it how I would all my other guns and drop accuracy even more than it would be in a defensive situation. I currently have a cw40 and a k40 and both are more comfortable to me in my mind I guess when it comes to accuracy and peace of mind if needed in a self defense situation. I am actually thinking about selling the LC9 because of this issue I have.

07-06-2011, 07:45 AM
...or use the "IMG code". That will post it directly in your post so members don't have to click the link. Preview your post before posting and make sure it all looks good!

The Direct link puts the picture in the post, not a link. But I paste the link in the picture popup where it is asking for a link.

Are you saying that the IMG code will put the picture in the post by simply pasting it in the post without using the picture popup? I'll try it right now.


It works. Only thing is, you can't see the picture until you preview the post. When you use my method, you see the picture in your post DURING the original edit session. I like that better.

By the way, that is a picture of my new custom mirror polished CM9. To see more pictures, go to my Photobucket Slide Show (http://s1230.photobucket.com/user/John_England/slideshow/My%20Custom%20CM9?sort=6).

07-06-2011, 07:58 AM
....Any chance you can get some side by side pics up.....please :D
There are some very good CM9/LC9 comparison photos at this blog:

07-06-2011, 12:24 PM
There are some very good CM9/LC9 comparison photos at this blog:

Its funny, I'd almost swear the LC9 is thinner and that it weighs less. I suppose stats don't lie.

07-06-2011, 05:33 PM
I purchased a LC9 a couple of months ago. The trigger pull was a big problem. I disliked it so much that I sold it.

07-06-2011, 05:52 PM
Wow! Nice photos. The polishing really dresses-up the CM9. I recently purchased a CM9 and am very satisfied with it, but mine is plain-jane compared with these photos.

07-06-2011, 08:13 PM
I purchased a LC9 a couple of months ago. The trigger pull was a big problem. I disliked it so much that I sold it.
My priority is a reliable, easily concealable carry weapon in at least 9mm. Owning several guns becomes a training problem if you enjoy shooting all of them and one or two use a different manual of arms or the trigger differs greatly from the rest. I'm on the fence with both the PM9 and the LC9. Neither has a trigger I like. Both too long. I'm just a SA guy. Time will tell what I'll ultimately do. Back to the range tomorrow to finish breaking-in the Ruger.

07-07-2011, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the report, I've been considering an LC9 vs CM9 for my next CCW....

Rainman.....Any chance you can get some side by side pics up.....please :D

A video. It would have been more interesting and fair, if each guy did each gun.


07-07-2011, 09:05 PM
Here's a shot of mine with my PPS

07-07-2011, 10:07 PM
I've seen the LC9 fail recently... both times was on our rental gun and it was the same problem both times. Basically, the firing mechanism or trigger pull was hanging...

The problem would occur when trying to fire the weapon; you would pull the trigger all the way to the rear and nothing would happen. If while holding the trigger back you shook your hand, or tapped the gun, it would go off. Or sometimes you would simply hold it for up to 10 seconds and then it would finally break. I'd avoid them for anything other than a throw away beater back up gun. .

The first time the gun was sent back to Ruger and they "fixed" it and noted that they had fired the gun 35 times with no problems. Sent it back to us and it only lasted two days in our rental fleet before the problem began again. Maybe the gun was a lemon but it definitely left a bad taste for me... for my money in that price range I'd go with a CM9, CW9, or even a KelTec PF9 or P11.

good luck!

07-08-2011, 06:41 AM
On mine I shaved down the LCI so that it was still usable but didn't stick up like a huge billboard. I also removed the magazine disconnect and shaved the thumb safety down some.


Here's what it looks like now.

07-08-2011, 07:28 AM
The Ruger LC9 is a good gun. Very reliable with any ammunition, pretty accurate as well.

I really liked mine.

If you shoot the LC9 one weekend and then the next weekend shoot the PM9, you would be hard pressed to make a choice.

but.......if you shoot 50 rounds or so out of the PM9 and then immediatley shoot the LC9, you will find the PM9 is much better. The sights are better, the trigger is better, the ergonomics are better and the accuracy is better. My opinion anyway.

07-08-2011, 07:54 AM
My LC9 is definitely more "Keltec like" than it is "Kahr like". The trigger, hammer etc... all look, act and feel like a PF9. Honestly, if you ever held a PF9 and thought, "what would this gun be like if the slide wasn't made of pitted metal and the parts actually fit together like they were designed that way or something" then you know what an LC9 is.

07-08-2011, 10:41 AM
ur dead right frank. i PROBABLY WOULD PUT THE LC9 ONE GRADE ABOVE THE KEL TEC. and about 8 grades below the kahr PM9 or cm9 even.

07-08-2011, 02:43 PM
The trigger feel and firing of the LC9 is far and above the PF9....The PF9 is and feels like a cheaply made gun, its trigger is god awful. The poor design and too light weight, make for ridiculously snappy recoil from a 9mm. All that can be said for a PF9 is its inexpensive and easy to carry.
Ruger took those two good points and actually designed a good carry gun around them...Making the LC9 better in all aspects. It is the same size, but "melted" for even cleaner carry. Its DA trigger is long but much higher quality and is actually usable. Needed weight/balance were added making the LC9 much more manageable. Outside of a few scattered reports, the LC9 is proving to be highly reliable.....Like Rainman, reliability is of top importance for my carry gun.

07-08-2011, 03:26 PM
After dealing with the stupid PPS all day I put 100 rounds down the pipe of my LC9 w/o a hitch. That brings me up to around 700 rounds through mine w/o a hiccup.

07-08-2011, 04:45 PM
ur dead right frank. i PROBABLY WOULD PUT THE LC9 ONE GRADE ABOVE THE KEL TEC. and about 8 grades below the kahr PM9 or cm9 even.I took my CPL class with a guy who had about five years more experience shooting than me. His hand hurt from the Kel-tec and he said he had to fluff and buff it to get it reliable. I fired a couple of rounds in the 9mm and have read too many service stories about Kel-Tec to rate it very high.

My LC9 experience is different than yours (actually, isn't yours LCP experience?)...anyway. I rate the Ruger LC9 no less than the Kahr.

Consider these:

1. 100% reliable with FMJ from round 1 thru round 150. No prep or cleaning on the first 50 rounds. No FTE or FTF ever. Locked open on empty EVERY time.

2. Better ergos, granted, hand size is always a factor

3. Mag drops freely and looks like it was actually designed for the gun.

4. Recoil springs at $2.00 vs. PM9 assembly at $24.95

5. Better looking melt job.

6. $300 price advantage but short a $30 mag

7. The average person can rack the slide from day one. Its good to go out of the box.

8. No begging for shipping costs if warranty work is ever needed.

9. Probably more availble despite it being a recent release.

10. 7+1 configuration

11. Less felt recoil

Sorry, no disrespect to fellow owners. Remember, I own one too. However, the argument is whether the LC9 is better or equal. I am leaning to better. Kel-Tec is not in the same class.

07-08-2011, 05:53 PM
yup only owned the lcp not the lc9 so my opinion are just opinion, not based of what u as an owner can relate, so take what I say as a grain of salt. MY lcp was a good gun, had to go back once but it is now a good gun, , terrible trigger, terrible accuracy in my hands but dependable for sure. Knowing Ruger I would expect no less from the lc9 as u so nicely related.

07-08-2011, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the report, I've been considering an LC9 vs CM9 for my next CCW....

Rainman.....Any chance you can get some side by side pics up.....please :D


07-08-2011, 07:23 PM
If you get one, the trigger gets better after you remove the magazine disconnect.

07-08-2011, 08:27 PM
If you get one, the trigger gets better after you remove the magazine disconnect. I saw a YouTube vid on it. Seems tricky/complex.

Can you describe the change? Mine is VERY smooth. My 'complaint' is the length and reset length.

07-08-2011, 08:35 PM
I pulled out a nice Golfworks scale I have and weighed some stuff I had lying around:

Alabama Offside kydex holster for a PM9 : 70.5 grams

Sig Sauer P238, including mag and loaded 7+1 : 507 grams / 17.88 oz.

Kahr PM9 with NS, loaded 6+1 : 568 grams / 20.04 oz.

Ruger LC9 loaded 7+1 : 583 grams / 20.56 oz.

Adding another round to the PM9 makes for a virtual dead heat with the LC9. The PM9 has a Quick Grip on it. It's a thin rubber sleave and adds a little weight.

07-08-2011, 08:36 PM
It's very simple.
Took me about 30 mins total.

Remove slide
Release the tension on the main spring by popping out the "butt-plug" and unhooking the spring from the pin.
Remove two plastic pins holding subframe in place
Pull sub frame out
Lay safety and breakdown pin cover off to the side or they'll fall off and get misplaced
Remove the magazine disconnect. It's the metal sleeve around the opening for the trigger
Put it back together

07-08-2011, 09:22 PM
I just picked up an LC9. I bought it from a buddy for $350. I really like it. I bought it for my wife, I'm trying to get her to shoot an auto so she will carry more. I made one of my horsehide/kydex rigs for her and so far she is loving it.

Our first range session was 150 rounds and it was flawless. It was easy for her to shoot and manipulate. For the money it is a winner!

What I liked most about it was the grip. The checkering is sharp and positive. It really helps you keep a good grip on this little gun.

For the money this gun is a winner. I love my PM9 with XS Big Dot Sights and I won't be replacing this beauty anytime soon but for the wife the LC9 is the real deal. I like the safety for times when she carries it in a purse and the magazine safety is a good deal when the grandson is visiting. She can load the gun, chamber a round, put the safety on and drop the magazine in her pocket.

There is a lot of talk about Glock vs Kahr, Springfield vs M&P etc. I've got a lot of them and shoot a lot of them. Each has its ups and downs. Bottom line is get any gun from one of the major makers and practice with it and you will be well armed. The Ruger gives you a couple of hundred bucks to spend on ammo and that is never a bad thing.

I've made an IWB horsehide/kydex rig for the Ruger and it carries like a dream, just as the Kahr PM9 does. Rainman will be able to tell you all about it shortly.

Stay safe,


07-09-2011, 06:09 AM
The Ruger gives you a couple of hundred bucks to spend on ammo and that is never a bad thing.

That's exactly what I ended up doing. The money I saved buying the LC9 over the CM9($368 vs. $480) went right to ammo. I was able to get 400 rounds of FMJ, 200 of 9mm and 200 of .45auto.(If you're wondering how I can get 400r for ~$100... there is a commercial reloader here in CT called "Nutmeg Sporting Cartridge" that builds some excellent rounds at awesome prices. They are very reliable, consistent rounds and cleaner than WWB factory stuff....)

I got the Sig P290 back from repair last night and thought I'd put up some compare shots for your viewing pleasure :) (both with their mag extension)




07-29-2011, 12:26 AM
Thanks for the report, I've been considering an LC9 vs CM9 for my next CCW....

Rainman.....Any chance you can get some side by side pics up.....please :D

I picked up my PM9 with night sights on 4/22. We are about 3 months into the ownership.

In week one, I would have rated it B-. I was unable to rack the slide, load the mag (needed a MagUla), drop a mag, or get 100% reliability. The grip felt like a cheese grater. I used gloves to shoot it. Somewhere along the way, my recoil assembly broke (lost the fitted nut). Only because I knew, or rather, trusted, that things would improve with break-in, was I able to rate it as high as B-

Fast forward to today. I give it an A. I am strictly rating my own gun and ignoring the few who have problems wirth theirs. Hopefuly, those issues disappear soon.

It took about 75-100 rounds for me to be comfortable with the grip, after I added a QwikGrip, the gun became a joy to handle. After about 250 rounds, I was getting 100% reliability with FMJ and JHP ammo. I have shot both 115 gr and 124 gr. I prefer the 115 gr for my SD carry ammo. It is Federal Hi-Shok 9BP which comes in boxes of 50 for only $16.95 plus shipping.

I am able to chamber a round by racking the slide without using the slide stop lever to release the slide. My 6 round mag drops freely, the 7 rounder less so but I haven't used it much. I have gotten familiar with the trigger and gained accuracy in the last 60 days. I have had a chance to compare it to a Ruger LC9 and the Ruger falls short, but only in one area, the trigger. I called it longer than War and Peace.

I have tried several holsters and settled on a Comp-Tac Minotaur MTAC. I got it in Chestnut and my Saturday order ARRIVED today. I have holsters that work pretty well, but none are as professionally finished and NO ONE deliver as fast.

Looks like the PM9 is now my EDC. Hope you newer owners hang in long enough to see how sweet this gun can be once its broken-in. I have a total of 350-400 through mine as of today.

07-29-2011, 06:23 AM
What's all this talk about the magazine not dropping freely?????
In my PM9 at list, it drops free no problems as soon as I press the release.
I honestly can't remember this been a problem, on my gun unless I'm understanding this wrong.

07-29-2011, 07:43 AM
I have and regularly rotate 4 (Kahr factory) magazines in my PM9. To date they have flawlessly stripped, chambered and fired 1250 rounds. Each drops free, full or empty, every time the release button is pressed, which is what I want them to do.

I have read many complaints here on the forum regarding the magazines dropping or not dropping depending on what your desired result is. Some think they should drop, some think they should not fall free.

What is Kahr's stance on this? Is the design intended to drop free or release and hold the magazine when the release button is pushed?

07-29-2011, 08:09 AM
I recently purchased a CM9 over the LC9 and the PF9. You can see from my recent posts that I am having some small issues with the CM9 because it seems to be picky with ammo or at least mine is or I have not gotten the hang of it yet. The reason I picked the CM9 is because both the LC9 and the PF9 are longer in size and the trigger pulls just bothered me because you have to use the tip of your finger or slide your finger across the trigger as you pull back. Either one is not good for accuracy, but then again these guns are designed for the 10 yards or less. The CM9 does have a long pull as well, but it has a very clean consistent break and if you use past the first knuckle of your finger you do not have to reposition your finger during the trigger pull. I do think the LC9 is a better gun out of the box as far as reliability, but some of the fun for me is the tinkering because you get to understand the firearm and you can repair it if it ever needs it. I cannot speak for the PF9 because I do not have any first hand experience with it. I just know when I held it, it felt like a $250 firearm which is still a value if you do not have the extra money.

This is a subject that can be debated forever and I am sure that there are horror stories out there for each as well as glory stories for each. The thing that I have to keep telling myself is that these guns are designed to be small personal protection with in 15 yards or less. My advise is to keep this in mind, pick the one that you like best and stick with it. These small guns are going to take practice and I am sure they will all hiccup at one point or another just because their designs are fairly new considering their larger brothers that we are comparing them to. The best thing about firearms is that if you get to a point where you are not happy with it at all, trade it for another. This is just my personal experience and why I picked the Kahr.

07-29-2011, 09:31 AM
I found this on the web, LC9 vs PM9:

07-29-2011, 10:00 AM
Looks like the Ruger is the FAT GIRL at that party!

les strat
07-29-2011, 03:06 PM
Maybe my pockets are small, but the CM9/PM9 is about as big as I can go for pocket carry. The LC9 would make a great IWB, but IMO, if you are going to go IWB, the SR9c is a much better piece to carry as you it is not much bigger at all and has 10/17 capacity, better trigger, etc. Or maybe a Glock 26 if bricks float your boat.

07-29-2011, 11:34 PM
I have and regularly rotate 4 (Kahr factory) magazines in my PM9. To date they have flawlessly stripped, chambered and fired 1250 rounds. Each drops free, full or empty, every time the release button is pressed, which is what I want them to do.

I have read many complaints here on the forum regarding the magazines dropping or not dropping depending on what your desired result is. Some think they should drop, some think they should not fall free.

What is Kahr's stance on this? Is the design intended to drop free or release and hold the magazine when the release button is pushed?It obviously can't be both ways. I'd bet if a formal survey were done across a few brands, 99% would say they need to fall freely. I have only heard one party here that they shouldn't.

07-29-2011, 11:41 PM
It obviously can't be both ways. I'd bet if a formal survey were done across a few brands, 99% would say they need to fall freely. I have only heard one party here that they shouldn't.

O, but HE is QUITE the PARTY!!! :w00t: Where has that party been these days anyway!? Undoubtedly, riding into a few sunsets!

Michael W.
07-30-2011, 09:42 PM
Hey everyone,

Been a long time since I've posted here at KahrTalk.

I'm still carrying either my PM9 or P380 daily.
I've been catching up here on the forums since hearing about
the new CM9. I think this is a great move by Kahr in putting
all the benefits of the PM9 into a more affordable package.

Sounds from the reports that they really nailed it too
in terms of reliability and break in issues. Seems there are a lot less
problem reports then when the PM9 first made it's debut.

At any rate, with regards to the LC9 vs CM9, this was something I've been
looking very closely at with a lot of interest. Both my wife and my CCW's
are up for renewal this year and she has expressed an interest in finding
a carry package that's easier to carry than her SP101 and with a little
more firepower. I took her to the gun store last week and put a bunch
of different Slim 9's in her hands without any bias just to see what she
would gravitate towards. This included the PM9 (they didn't have a CM9)
the Walther PPS, the Sig P290 and the Ruger LC9. (oh and also the cool
new S&W Bodyguard 380...I predict there will be a BodyGuard 9mm
very soon)

She had a strong preference for the LC9 so that's what we took home.

I field stripped it, cleaned it up and gave it a functional lube (it comes
very wet from the factory). My initial impressions was that it was typical
Ruger quality. Meaning, it's very nicely put together but not with the same
precision as the Kahr. This is both a good and bad thing as I will get into
a little later.

While the design of the LCP and LC9 may share some similarities with the
Kel-Tec pistols, in terms of fit, finish and performance they can hardly be
considered in the same class. There's a place for the Kel-Tec pistols and I
kind of like their DIY project gun vibe but for my wife I want a gun
that I can go on a biz trip and not worry that if she needs to use it will go
bang every time.

Ruger delivers that reliability just like every other Ruger pistol or revolver
I've ever owned and the LC9 is no exception. I think in that regard, the
Kahr pistols (at least the 4 I've owned) are put together with such close
tolerances that they are a) less forgiving in terms of manual of arms and
b) require more break-in

Shooting the LC9 I found more perceived recoil than the PM9.
I think this is where the genius of the Kahr comes into play. (Or I should
say the genius of Gaston Glock as this was clearly inspired by Glock), with
the well rounded grip where it meets the web of your hand to and the low
bore axis, all of which make the Kahr pistols seem to shoot "softer".

The LC9 tends to have more muzzle flip and the angular shape of the
grip cuts into your hand more. Installing the grip extension definitely
helps the muzzle flip.

In terms of the trigger, no doubt that the Ruger has a longer pull
but I didn't find that as much a distraction as many have made it out
to be. As long as you don't try to shoot it like a Glock ( ie, stack and
reset) and practice pulling through in one smooth stroke like a revolver
then it comes to you fairly quickly. Nevertheless, the Kahr trigger
is a lot nicer and easier to shoot well.

One very very important feature that makes the Ruger the better choice
for my wife, is that she can slingshot the slide. She's a lefty and there is
no way she has the hand strength to be able to drop the slide on a Kahr.
With the Ruger she can easily chamber a round from the mag or slingshot
the slide on a re-load. The Ruger didn't have any issue with any of the
ammo we ran through it, but due to the muzzle flip I think we're going to
stay with the 147 Gr HST standard pressure. (Which happens to be my
carry load in the PM9 as well). Now ammo that used to be hard to get 2
years ago like the HST seems to be in great supply I can stockpile a few
boxes for each gun.

All in all, the Ruger is a great little slim 9mm. I would not be able to
pocket carry it, but it would make a dandy belt gun. I think my PM9
shoots better as does my wife but the easier manual of arms of the LC9
makes it a better choice for her. (She will be carrying in a CCW purse)
I just don't think she can manage a tap, rack bang drills with the Kahr as
easily as the Ruger. Having said that, I am likely going to purchase the
CM9 anyway just in case she changes her mind:)


07-30-2011, 09:51 PM
Don't nelgect us anymore there Michael. You drifted for a long long time.

Don't take much to put a few minutes for Kahrtalk aside each day.

Incidently I've bonded and get along well with that IWB rig I got from you for my PM45. Wear it once in awhile with good success. Just cause ya know.

Michael W.
07-30-2011, 11:11 PM
Don't nelgect us anymore there Michael. You drifted for a long long time.

Don't take much to put a few minutes for Kahrtalk aside each day.

Incidently I've bonded and get along well with that IWB rig I got from you for my PM45. Wear it once in awhile with good success. Just cause ya know.

Hey Bawanna,

Glad that holster is working out for you. That thing was tighter than a tick!

I wound up buying an extra shell for my Comptac Minotaur for the Pm45.
But to be honest I very rarely belt carry anymore. It's just SOOO much easier to pocket carry. Doesn't matter if I'm dressed in a suit for church
or bumming around in cargo shorts, I can always easily carry my PM9 plus
a reload on my weak side. Plus, a 4-Sevens Quark 123 on my left rear with my wallet on a Tec P-7 suspension clip on my strong side rear pocket
usually a Spyderco Paramilitary 2. Hard to believe such an unassuming dumpy little suburban dad is actually armed to the teeth.....SURPRISE!:)

I've been giving some though to carrying my P380 on the weak side instead of a reload for the PM9. Lot to be said for getting a second gun into action being a lot faster than a reload!


07-31-2011, 10:24 AM
I have only heard one party here that they shouldn't.
Jocko is that somebody and he will tell you he doesn't carry a spare mag so no need for quick reloads.

Set aside the "they should come this way" thing and you can fix the mags in a few minutes and it's done. See the thread about doing this and that becomes one less thing to bother you.