View Full Version : P40 Problems...HELP!!

07-06-2011, 10:07 PM
So, after 28 rounds one of the mags broke. See the pic. Not happy! Iv put 130-140 rounds through the gun so far. I just bought this weapon on 6/24, only 2 weeks old. I called Kahr about the mag. They told me i had to send it in and would be 3 weeks before i get another. I pleaded that i would send pics, proff of purchase, etc etc if they would just send one out. i bought this weapon for CCW and i cannot have a weapon that i cannot rely on. My dealer is going to go ahead and swap me out. That is good customer serivce. I also explained to them i was concerned about a "divet" on the barrel on the ejection ramp. They told me this is normal. I did have a Remington JHP get stuck in the chamber when i tryed to clear the chamber by racking the slide.

2 questions:

What does everyone use for JHP for protection when carrying that you can rely on?

And how many rounds should i expect till the weapon is broke in, and is anyone doing anything other then just shooting the gun to break in?


07-06-2011, 10:16 PM
Breaking magazines like that usually means a serious problem with the pistol's frame, so getting a replacement is a very good thing.

In my PM40, I have the best luck with Winchester Ranger 135gr JHP Hollow Point Q4368 (http://www.sgammo.com/product/winchester/500rd-40-cal-winchester-ranger-135gr-jhp-hollow-point-ammo-z-q4368) also Winchester Ranger 155gr JHP hollow point ammo RA40155HP (http://www.sgammo.com/product/winchester/500rd-40-cal-winchester-ranger-135gr-jhp-hollow-point-ammo-z-q4368) both of which are reasonably priced. My CW40, which is similar in size to your P40, will eat anything in .40 S&W so I sometimes carry 180 grain Rangers.

Your barrel looks fine. Be sure to check out the Preparation threads in the Technical section: http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1521

Lots of good information there.

07-06-2011, 10:32 PM
I wrote a thread recently "check your mags" because I have a P40 and the same mag condition after 650 rnds. I am hoping that Tucson's situation is not mine but just a bad batch of mags instead. I'll know more when I get more rounds through the new mags. I am waiting on a replacement mag too

07-06-2011, 10:42 PM
I wrote a thread recently "check your mags" because I have a P40 and the same mag condition after 650 rnds. I am hoping that Tucson's situation is not mine but just a bad batch of mags instead. I'll know more when I get more rounds through the new mags. I am waiting on a replacement mag too
Actually, I must confess that I have not had that problem at all. But, the guys on the forum who have (45's I believe) ended up with new frames (essentially new guns) from Kahr. Kahr's enthusiasm for having blasterman88 send them his gun, rather than providing replacement magazines, speaks volumes about their assessment of the situation. Hmm . . . on re-reading his message, Kahr may not be of that opinion. Sorry!

Still, I believe that he, or his dealer, should ship them the faulty gun and insist that they pay shipping. The fact that his dealer is willing to help by providing a replacement is a very good thing. I hope he continues to support that dealer. :)

Disclaimer: This is all my opinion. YMMV and my wife might suggest that there are more valuable opinions to be had out there. :rolleyes:

07-06-2011, 10:45 PM
They are not replacing the frame, only the mags. I hope they dont want to replace the frame. that means i will have to go qualify with a new gun for my ccw, then go to the sheriff dept and put the new gun on my ccw, pay another $25 dros fee...it will be a pain in the ass, and if that happens i will request my money back from Kahr and look somewhere else. Maybe a Kimber solo carry or an EMP...

07-06-2011, 10:49 PM
They are not replacing the frame, only the mags. I hope they dont want to replace the frame. that means i will have to go qualify with a new gun for my ccw, then go to the sheriff dept and put the new gun on my ccw, pay another $25 dros fee...it will be a pain in the ass, and if that happens i will request my money back from Kahr and look somewhere else. Maybe a Kimber solo carry or an EMP...
Yeah! I see that I went of half-cocked. Sorry!

That said, be prepared for the possibility that you will need more than a new magazine. That mag appears to have suffered a lot of violent damage.

But, remember my wife's correct assessment that I am frequently w r o n g!

I hope this is one of those occasions.

07-06-2011, 10:52 PM
Me too Tucson!! I hope your wrong! LOL I appreciate the feedback tho! What could possibly wrong with the frame if you dont mind me asking?

07-06-2011, 11:04 PM
Me too Tucson!! I hope your wrong! LOL I appreciate the feedback tho! What could possibly wrong with the frame if you dont mind me asking?
It's a mystery that Kahr does not share much information about, so I have no clue. Sorry!

07-06-2011, 11:09 PM
got ya, well ill hope for the best, cause i love the size of the gun, and the fact that its american made. Just sucks im dealing with it. Im going to get another mag, put a few more hundred rounds through it and reevaluate the situation.

07-07-2011, 09:50 AM
check my thread I mentioned. Others have had this with other models too. 380s come to mind. I think Jocko was one of them.