View Full Version : Would you buy something with this history?

07-10-2011, 08:16 PM
Ridiculously high price aside.... would you buy it or one with a similar history?


07-10-2011, 08:23 PM
No, that's a bad luck gun!

07-10-2011, 08:41 PM
Oooo interesting. Honestly I dont know what I would do. What I DO know is that if the price were the same, i'd get one that WASNT used in a suicide. If it were discounted, eh i'd probably buy it. I wonder if its like a real estate transaction... I assume you arent required to notify the buyer if a gun was used in a suicide. I bet the guns that are used in suicide ATTEMPTS have to be discounted....hell, they dont work too well. Dang, that was wrong.

07-10-2011, 09:00 PM
That's bad mojo I wouldn't want in my home.

07-10-2011, 09:08 PM
That's just weird.

07-10-2011, 09:38 PM
:der: No way. Not for me. I can't believe the widow even took it back. Must need the money.

Bawanna, looks like it's in your part of the country. You Interested?

07-10-2011, 10:36 PM
I don't think I'd want that in my home.

07-11-2011, 05:36 AM
It would not be an issue if I wanted the weapon. I am not one to blame the weapon for the unfortunate event that it was involved in.

07-11-2011, 06:07 AM
The fact that it was used in a suicide means nothing to me.I wouldn`t buy that particular gun because of the shape it`s in and the price.If it were in good shape and I was in the market for that model,then the answer is yes,I`d buy it.

07-11-2011, 06:39 AM
Only the fact that I don't want, and can't afford, a Model 29 affect my decision of whether or not to make a purchase. I don't believe in "bad luck guns" any more than I believe in ghosties and ghoulies.

07-11-2011, 07:27 AM
It appears the seller is trying to capitlize on gun history.....not cleaning it and including evidence box. Sick sob.

07-11-2011, 07:58 AM
It appears the seller is trying to capitlize on gun history.....not cleaning it and including evidence box. Sick sob.

I agree with you Jeepster. It seems the seller is trying to capitalize on someone's loss. Not cool at all. Do you think the name on the box is the name of the victim? My guess is, probably, and the seller is advdertising that as well.

People are funny however. I bet if the gun that killed John Lennon went up for auction, it would fetch a premium!

07-11-2011, 08:12 AM
I agree with you Jeepster. It seems the seller is trying to capitalize on someone's loss. Not cool at all. Do you think the name on the box is the name of the victim? My guess is, probably, and the seller is advdertising that as well.

People are funny however. I bet if the gun that killed John Lennon went up for auction, it would fetch a premium!

Not that this one is the same thing but does anyone remember Jeffery Dahmer? After he was prisoned they destroyed his "tools" to keep the wierdos from buying them as some kind of collectable and/or making money off of them. Again not that this is the same thing.

07-11-2011, 06:38 PM
I agree with you Jeepster. It seems the seller is trying to capitalize on someone's loss. Not cool at all. Do you think the name on the box is the name of the victim? My guess is, probably, and the seller is advdertising that as well.

People are funny however. I bet if the gun that killed John Lennon went up for auction, it would fetch a premium!

I don't agree with people buying that kind of gun either.....but I do understand that at least if it was famous person and had real historical value.:(

07-11-2011, 06:54 PM
Says volumes about our society doesn`t it? Think for a minute.How much do you think Lee Harvey Oswald`s rifle would fetch at an auction? John Wilkes Booth`s pistol? Personally,I wouldn`t want either but I`ll wager that some people would pay through the teeth.Do any of you remember how much Michael Jackson offered to pay for the Elephant Man`s bones?There`s some strange folks walking around out there.

07-11-2011, 06:59 PM
:der: No way. Not for me. I can't believe the widow even took it back. Must need the money.

Bawanna, looks like it's in your part of the country. You Interested?

It's nearby. Not interested. I wouldn't take it if they gave it to me. Haven't been in the shop in probably 12 years. Very nice range, don't like the way they treat customers and operate.

Picture kids with 1911's on their hips preaching their life long knowlege or lack there of. Not for me.

07-11-2011, 07:11 PM
One of our ranges here had multiple occurrences of people renting guns and committing suicide with them.

I would pass on a suicide gun.
Not bad luck - just creepy....

07-11-2011, 07:53 PM
I don't think it's bad luck, but it would have to be almost free for me to buy it.

07-11-2011, 08:18 PM
It's nearby. Not interested. I wouldn't take it if they gave it to me. Haven't been in the shop in probably 12 years. Very nice range, don't like the way they treat customers and operate.

Picture kids with 1911's on their hips preaching their life long knowlege or lack there of. Not for me.

Doesn't sound like too good of a place to go. From the description of the place I may understand a little better who is selling it.

You know I'm as pro 2nd amendment as anyone and pretty much libertarian in a lot of ways but to be honest I have asked myself at times would that guy pass the "i'm not stupid test" to have a gun? Then some may think I'm stupid too. Guess that is the good thing about our country and I'm thankful for it.

07-11-2011, 08:55 PM
No way would I let that gun in my house. Its got to have bad mojo. Even if it doesnt everytime you held it you would propbably think about that poor sob that figured it was the only way.

07-12-2011, 07:58 AM
That model 29 is pretty much just like the one my father-in-law sold years ago. I sure wish I had not helped him sell it now. After he died, my wife asked what gun he had most valued and I would have to say it was the 29 even though he let it go long before his death. I may pick one up some day just for that reason. So I would say, yes I would buy that gun IF it were in decent shape, and the dealer was not the apparent jerk he/she is. After Bawanna's info, no way I would do business with them. First I thought "at least they are honest" in revealing its history, but after looking at the evidence box I am thinking you guys are right about them trying to capitalize off it. What is this world coming to???

07-12-2011, 10:13 AM
No way would I let that gun in my house. Its got to have bad mojo. Even if it doesnt everytime you held it you would propbably think about that poor sob that figured it was the only way.

I've been tasked with cleaning up a couple suicide guns to be returned to widows who needed the money to live. Gave me the creeps for sure but I consoled myself in the fact that the gun didn't do it on it's own.
If this one was anywhere but in that shop and in decent condition I'd probably go for it. Probably won't be shopping anytime soon, I have 2 now but you can't never have to many.

I had one 94 Winchester that was especially gross. They are tough to get into some areas to clean and blood is dang tough to get off. Soap and water are a good start. I didn't enjoy a single minute of that one.

If I ever decide to pull my own plug I don't think I'll use a gun if only to avoid giving the anti's any more fuel.

07-12-2011, 10:15 AM
I have a friend, a very recently retired LEO, that has a gun that his grandfather taught him to shoot with. Grandfather acquired it from a suicide, and my friend is well aware of that. The time with his granddad outweighed any incidental issue with the history.

07-12-2011, 12:00 PM
Yeah, the low class ass even left the person's name on the evidence box.

07-12-2011, 12:01 PM
I have to agree with Bawanna on this. The gun didn't do anything, a gun goes bang, that's it. The seller on the other hand is a douche bag and trying to make a buck off the pain of the family. I'd pass because of that. If they weren't trying to profit from the pain, then by all means game on.

07-12-2011, 12:38 PM
Its probably not fair to slander this outfit without my reasoning hence a short story.
A friend of mines dad, (genuine nice guy) about 75 at the time, used a cane to walk and his wife who used a walker decided he wanted a S&W 908. It's sort of the CW of the Smith world. Nice gun, not as refined, less money which I suspect was his main reasoning.
He went to this outfit and had them order it for him. He filled out the transfer paperwork and all that was presented to him. He called a couple weeks later and it was not in.
After a couple more weeks, another phone call yielded no gun so he stopped in to inquire in person and get his money back if they weren't able to get one.
Long story short the idiot sales person dropped the ball and the gun was never ordered. Would have been fine if he admitted he screwed up but NOOOOO, he blamed it on this old man filling out the paperwork incorrectly even though he specifically checked it after completion. He actually gave him the money back and ran him out of the store thumping him on the chest with his finger. Their city police frequented the place regularly, no so much after I shared this information with them.

On the bright side prior to this incident back when they first announced the assault weapon ban I was in this shop and they had barrels of SKS's with attached bayonets in pretty nice shape. I didn't even want one but since they said they were gonna outlaw them I felt a sudden need. All the ones in the barrels were nasty with grease and cosmoline preservative but they had a really nice one with nice wood all cleaned up hanging on the wall behind the counter. Big sign, any SKS your choice 99 bucks. I went to the counter and asked one of the kids with the cocked and locked 1911 on his hip with hand resting on it of course in his best John Wayne poise if the one on the wall was just like the ones in the barrel. He looked at me like I was the dummest form of human excrement that ever walked thru the door and said of course it was the same. I said great I'll take it. A look of shear horror appeared on his face and he said get one out of the barrel. I insisted the one on the wall was my choice. He went and got Wade the owner who after a little sparing told him to give it to me and then pick out a good one and clean it up.
I left with a big smile on that one. That was 20 years ago or more, I guess I should take it out and see if it shoots one of these days.

Anyhow they haven't seen my face in that place since. I pack a bad grudge for a very long time. Sad cause it's a beautiful range and facility too.

07-12-2011, 07:19 PM
Its probably not fair to slander this outfit without my reasoning hence a short story.
A friend of mines dad, (genuine nice guy) about 75 at the time, used a cane to walk and his wife who used a walker decided he wanted a S&W 908. It's sort of the CW of the Smith world. Nice gun, not as refined, less money which I suspect was his main reasoning.
He went to this outfit and had them order it for him. He filled out the transfer paperwork and all that was presented to him. He called a couple weeks later and it was not in.
After a couple more weeks, another phone call yielded no gun so he stopped in to inquire in person and get his money back if they weren't able to get one.
Long story short the idiot sales person dropped the ball and the gun was never ordered. Would have been fine if he admitted he screwed up but NOOOOO, he blamed it on this old man filling out the paperwork incorrectly even though he specifically checked it after completion. He actually gave him the money back and ran him out of the store thumping him on the chest with his finger. Their city police frequented the place regularly, no so much after I shared this information with them.

On the bright side prior to this incident back when they first announced the assault weapon ban I was in this shop and they had barrels of SKS's with attached bayonets in pretty nice shape. I didn't even want one but since they said they were gonna outlaw them I felt a sudden need. All the ones in the barrels were nasty with grease and cosmoline preservative but they had a really nice one with nice wood all cleaned up hanging on the wall behind the counter. Big sign, any SKS your choice 99 bucks. I went to the counter and asked one of the kids with the cocked and locked 1911 on his hip with hand resting on it of course in his best John Wayne poise if the one on the wall was just like the ones in the barrel. He looked at me like I was the dummest form of human excrement that ever walked thru the door and said of course it was the same. I said great I'll take it. A look of shear horror appeared on his face and he said get one out of the barrel. I insisted the one on the wall was my choice. He went and got Wade the owner who after a little sparing told him to give it to me and then pick out a good one and clean it up.
I left with a big smile on that one. That was 20 years ago or more, I guess I should take it out and see if it shoots one of these days.

Anyhow they haven't seen my face in that place since. I pack a bad grudge for a very long time. Sad cause it's a beautiful range and facility too.

I like that story. You won the game. Those small victorys are the best.

07-13-2011, 08:38 AM
That story does nothing to dispel the idea that they are trying to profit from a suicide though. Sound like a bunch of (help me out here, I know what word I want to use but it'll never get past the censors) cocksores. Whad'ya know it made it.