View Full Version : tragic loss

07-12-2011, 03:52 PM
Yesterday, my home town, Terre Haute, Ind, lost one of their finest in a gun fight. K-9 offricer and his dog SHADOW. was assisiting a Federal Marshall and other officers,with serving a warrant and when they entered the residence the a-shole opened fire on the Police officer and his K-9, killing the officer and wounding the dog. The a-shole was killed in the shootout. Young man of 6 years on the force and the other sad thing was that the radio call into headquarters of OFFICER DOWN, was answered by the dispatcher, who was his wife.

Not a good day for the city of Terre Haute, Ind.

07-12-2011, 04:11 PM
Very sorry to hear of this jocko. RIP with Honor and Dignity.

07-12-2011, 04:46 PM
My prayers for him, and for his wife. Did he have kids?

07-12-2011, 05:10 PM
Tragic indeed.

07-12-2011, 05:17 PM
2 young children.

07-12-2011, 06:59 PM
Sorry to hear. None are so brave as those who serve.

07-12-2011, 07:31 PM
Very tragic, Prayers sent for family

RCH jr
07-12-2011, 07:52 PM
I just broke a tooth with my mashed teeth.

07-12-2011, 08:06 PM
sorry to hear that, i hope that bastard rots in hell!

07-12-2011, 08:09 PM
not good indeed.

My prayers to all that are suffering from this tragic loss.

07-12-2011, 08:39 PM
Not the kind of news I like to hear about.

07-12-2011, 08:54 PM
Prayers to his wife and kids!

Denny M
07-13-2011, 06:21 AM
+1 on that bastard rotting in Hell. Prayers for his wife and children.

07-13-2011, 07:44 AM
Tragic. Prayers to his wife and kids!

07-13-2011, 07:52 AM
Very sorry. It is hard when it hits home.

Bill K
07-13-2011, 07:59 AM
What a shame. Prayer out to the family.

Do you know if the officer was able to release the dog or get some shots off himself?

07-14-2011, 08:59 PM
What a tragedy. Unfortunately, it's not surprising to hear. A cursory glance at the local sections of a newspaper or the 5PM local news on TV shows the condition of our times.