View Full Version : P380 to the mothership-IT"S BACK HOME
07-12-2011, 09:43 PM
I sent my P380 to Kahr today. After 500+ rounds, a new recoil spring, It still get 5 to 7 lite strikes per 100 rounds of various ammo, no reloads. I sure hope they resolve the problem. I like the gun, it is accurate, and comfortable to shoot.:(
07-12-2011, 10:03 PM
I still keep my P380 despite 2 trips back to Kahr, and it only being reliable with ONE JHP load, but sure is a pisser when my new S&W BG380 worked perfectly out of the box, as did my 1st and 2nd LCP.
It isn't the genre, its the P380. Maybe they'll figure it out someday.
07-13-2011, 05:41 AM
I hope so. I also had probs with my LCP feeding Hornady CD, but Ruger made it right, it is now totally reliable. Hopefully, Kahr is starting to figure out the P380 and fix it.
07-13-2011, 09:01 AM
I've laid awake at night more than once trying to figure out why all the problems with the P380. Analyzing every nuance of it. On the surface, everything about it reeks of quality and precision. And, if you have other Kahrs that work great, it's even more of a bummer.
My final conclusion, and my fairly educated guess, neither of which I can prove, is that the material for the frame, while it works for most of the bigger Kahrs, is too flexible. The frames of the LCP and the BG380 are both considerably stiffer. You can't squeeze their frames and see any flex, like you can with the P380.
I believe the flex of the P380 frame makes it much more an individual thing as to it working or not. My P380 ejects differently if I shoot it left handed or right handed. Fortunately, I carry it left front pocket, and it works very well left-handed. I would be going for my primary weapon right-handed. I am right-handed.
This is a weapon you will be pulling from a pocket, and using it however it ends up in your hand to respond to an immediate threat. It shouldn't be all that sensitive to how it's held. With the adrenalin rush at the time, I suspect it'll be held in a death grip for most of us.
I believe the frame flex is why the so called repair shop returns the P380 to the owner with the inevitable last line on the work order that says "shoots good", and the owners that have problems in many cases find out that the pistol works exactly like it did when they sent it. Think about how many P380's the people in the "repair shop" fire. They have probably learned exactly how to hold the P380 to make it work it's best. Don't know if they shoot them by hand, or chuck them up in a test fixture, but if the test fixture, that would explain even more why they say it works, and the hand-held shooting of the owner sometimes shows it doesn't.
I figure that as a 2-time returner of the P380, I'm entitled to ***** about it for as long as I feel like doing it. BUT, you notice I still have it. When it works, it works very nicely, and it's just so darned pretty. I know I'd miss it if I got rid of it.
In just over 1100 rounds now, I've never had even one feeding failure or light strike. I think that is commendable.
So for me, I'll just keep using the Speer Gold Dot 90 grain JHPs and shooting it left-handed. That combo has it working 100% for me.
Sure wish Kahr or somebody would crank out a more rigid frame for the P380 to test this theory. Yeah, right.
Bill K
07-13-2011, 10:46 AM
I hope Kahr gets it running 100% for you. A reliable pocket .380 is a treasure to own. They make a great BUG and a reasonable primary when you can't or won't carry something bigger.
07-13-2011, 12:01 PM
I've laid awake at night more than once trying to figure out why all the problems with the P380. Analyzing every nuance of it. On the surface, everything about it reeks of quality and precision. And, if you have other Kahrs that work great, it's even more of a bummer.
My final conclusion, and my fairly educated guess, neither of which I can prove, is that the material for the frame, while it works for most of the bigger Kahrs, is too flexible. The frames of the LCP and the BG380 are both considerably stiffer. You can't squeeze their frames and see any flex, like you can with the P380.
I believe the flex of the P380 frame makes it much more an individual thing as to it working or not. My P380 ejects differently if I shoot it left handed or right handed. Fortunately, I carry it left front pocket, and it works very well left-handed. I would be going for my primary weapon right-handed. I am right-handed.
This is a weapon you will be pulling from a pocket, and using it however it ends up in your hand to respond to an immediate threat. It shouldn't be all that sensitive to how it's held. With the adrenalin rush at the time, I suspect it'll be held in a death grip for most of us.
I believe the frame flex is why the so called repair shop returns the P380 to the owner with the inevitable last line on the work order that says "shoots good", and the owners that have problems in many cases find out that the pistol works exactly like it did when they sent it. Think about how many P380's the people in the "repair shop" fire. They have probably learned exactly how to hold the P380 to make it work it's best. Don't know if they shoot them by hand, or chuck them up in a test fixture, but if the test fixture, that would explain even more why they say it works, and the hand-held shooting of the owner sometimes shows it doesn't.
I figure that as a 2-time returner of the P380, I'm entitled to ***** about it for as long as I feel like doing it. BUT, you notice I still have it. When it works, it works very nicely, and it's just so darned pretty. I know I'd miss it if I got rid of it.
In just over 1100 rounds now, I've never had even one feeding failure or light strike. I think that is commendable.
So for me, I'll just keep using the Speer Gold Dot 90 grain JHPs and shooting it left-handed. That combo has it working 100% for me.
Sure wish Kahr or somebody would crank out a more rigid frame for the P380 to test this theory. Yeah, right.
if u now have over 1100 rounds thorugh your P380, to me kinda makes the "flexing" thing a mute point.IMO, that is not the issue in any way, shape or form. The rear rails on the kahr polymer is what takes most of allthe brunt of the gun going bang. The front rails really are just a guide to hold the slide in proper alignment..
Course as u stated ur intitled to your opinion..
07-13-2011, 12:17 PM
HadEmAll, have you tried changing eyes when you switch hands? I tried using my right eye (Master) when shooting with the left hand and it was really weird... the lineup is not straight and I got a twisting recoil that's harder to recover from for followup shots. When I switched to the left eye, things were normal again... well, except the weirder feeling that brings. I normally shoot with both eyes open, so it's harder to use the left, non-master eye.
All of my Kahrs are easy to shoot now. (the PM9 was LNIB) and the other two polymers have been to the factory for "tweaking") I don't need a deathgrip to prevent "limp-wristing" and can depend on my Kahrs for reliable defense however I try to fire them. You won't always be able to get a good two-handed grip, breathing control, and trigger squeeze. If your EDC isn't up to "all aspect" firing, you could be one of those statistics in the news, whose gun "jammed" or malfunctioned in the first attempt to fire it.
My PM45 had the bevel problem and required immediate return to the factory. After the first 2 trips, it became to hard to fire without malfunction. The barrel and other stuff was replaced on the 2nd trip. After the fourth return(to replace a sub-standard engraved slide on the third trip, and a new frame on the 4th) it was perfect again... I could hold it any old way and shoot without malfunction. I had really given up on it being a CCW weapon at all.
07-13-2011, 12:59 PM
I think some of the problem is springs - I was playing with a NIB p380 (sn32XX) and noticed that it was a lot easier to rack the slide than my P380 (SN22XX) They are MFG about 8 months apart. These are CA guns so the sn range may be different. I'm not a little guy but I could barely rack the slide on my P380 while I can easily do 100's on my MK9 and PM9.
I went home and got my spare springs out which I had bought about a month ago and dropped them in my P380 - guess what - the slide was easier to rack! I also suspect that I have a slightly out of spec slide and / or barrel lug because I get too much resistance near the end of the slide travel. My gun - well lubed - will go 50 rounds with no problem- but just a little bit of dirt and it's stovepipe time.
I can shoot my 9mm Kahrs for weeks and never clean or oil them.
I haven't had the chance to try the new springs yet.
07-13-2011, 02:19 PM
[QUOTE=TominCA;82767]I think some of the problem is springs - I was playing with a NIB p380 (sn32XX) and noticed that it was a lot easier to rack the slide than my P380 (SN22XX) They are MFG about 8 months apart. These are CA guns so the sn range may be different. I'm not a little guy but I could barely rack the slide on my P380 while I can easily do 100's on my MK9 and PM9.
I went home and got my spare springs out which I had bought about a month ago and dropped them in my P380 - guess what - the slide was easier to rack! I also suspect that I have a slightly out of spec slide and / or barrel lug because I get too much resistance near the end of the slide travel. My gun - well lubed - will go 50 rounds with no problem- but just a little bit of dirt and it's stovepipe time.
my P380 # 125 was a bit=ch to try to hand rack, actualy I had no luck at first, but today after a few thousands rounds it is alot easier. Still I would think for some they wil find it hard to rack. One gets used to hs gun little quirks and soon adjusts to them. Kahrs are tight, they have always been that way, no doubt some tighter than others to. MY PM9 after over 32,000 rounds is still 5x harder to hand rack than my G19, just two different guns and I accept that. We can call it design flaw or what ever we want. Kahrs are what they are, have been since they made them. Most all adjust to them and love/brag about them, some never warm up to kahrs. The nature of the beast, I guess. Really doesn 't bother me one way or the other, as like all guns, PEOPLE to are very different in what they expect out of product be it a gun, motorcycle, lawnmower, car or "wife". A newbie to the gun world and a veteran to the gun world might look at the same kahr with a different eye and opinion and for each, the may both be right:banplease:
no doubt either that a big framed gun is easier tomake work than theser smallass guns, I know of no small a-s gun makers that has come out with the perfect 380 yet, Ruger had major issues, kel teck still does. Diamondback is hit and miss, Taurus, well u decide, Kahrs are in the same league IMO, get a good one of any of these mentioned and your a "kool-aid" fan, get a bad one and people will he4ar about it until hell freezes over.:31:
07-13-2011, 05:00 PM
HadEmAll, I know the feeling. I too, thought I had mine fixed. I noticed the striker felt gritty when I moved it, when depressing the striker block. I compared it to my CW9, CW9 was smooth sliding. So, I removed the striker assembly and used #600 wetdry paper,smoothed the striker spacer. Went to the range, no change, still 7 lite strikes. SO, I give up trying to fix it myself. No more lying awake nites trying to figure it out, let Kahr fix it, or move on to another gun.
07-13-2011, 05:25 PM
Regarding the 'hard to rack' club, my FFL wasn't going to deliver the gun until I performed a few simple operations with it to prove I had a basic grasp of its operation. Easy stuff. Except for getting the slide locked back. I *just* *almost* couldn't get it to latch. I'd get it within a millimeter...and couldn't get it the rest of the way. (It was bad enough I was starting to show that nervous/flop sweat). It was only after I really concentrated and bore down that I got it to latch. For what it's worth, at the end of 500 rounds, it seemed easier to cycle the slide. Either that, or I'd learned how to do it...
08-04-2011, 03:09 PM
They still have it, 21 days and waiting-------patiently!
08-16-2011, 02:40 PM
They still have it, 33 days and waiting-------patiently!
08-16-2011, 03:07 PM
something is going on with the P380, what ever kahr is waiting on must be very important. It is evident that what ever they are waitingon, THEY ARe NOT MAKING THAT PART EITHER. 33 days is just not kahrs way of doing business..
Would be nice to receive some kind of "We haven't forgotten about you" correspondence. According to the FedEx tracker mine was delivered to Kahr four weeks ago today.
I agree with Jocko. This is pretty unusual for Kahr.
08-16-2011, 05:59 PM
Would be nice to receive some kind of "We haven't forgotten about you" correspondence. According to the FedEx tracker mine was delivered to Kahr four weeks ago today.
I agree with Jocko. This is pretty unusual for Kahr.
Yep, even an email :typing: would be nice, or a :phone:
08-16-2011, 06:41 PM
not sure kahr will tellyou what the hold up is either, it hads got to be vendor related or a design change that requires retooling and then retesting etc. a slight change can take months to say GOOD TO GO. Hell i9ts ur gun give Jay or eion a call at kahr and just ask him alittle more info as to why and whatis taking so long, be nice that goes a long way, u know they don't want to hold their owners up either.
If u get an answer let us know to..
hell who knows maybe kel tec is running behind in making parts for kahr:D:D
08-16-2011, 06:50 PM
hell who knows maybe kel tec is running behind in making parts for kahr:D:D
Now that is a scary thought
08-16-2011, 06:52 PM
I've dealt with Eion in the past. His customer service skills were top notch and I believe Kahr has a true desire to make things right for each and every owner of one of their firearms.
My concern is with a firearm that's spent more time with the manufacturer on a warranty repair request than with me since the time of purchase.
08-16-2011, 07:37 PM
I feel ur paink, do the math on this. I owned 3 kel teks, all gave massive troubles. sent them back 17 times, minimum time each was 6 to 8 weeks. u do the math..
08-16-2011, 11:11 PM
My p380 took five weeks to return. Mine was also waiting for this mysterious part. I never did get an explanation as to why these parts took so long to come in, but it works perfect now so I am happy.
08-18-2011, 09:18 AM
I just spoke with Kahr, they had to "re-engineer" parts of the California compliant version, as soon as testing is complete, all the Kali compliant P380 handguns will be released.
08-18-2011, 09:33 AM
Ahhh... It's the special version for California. You know I wonder how much money is spent making guns, cars, etc... California compliant. That kind of thing just bugs me. What makes them so special? I have in-laws there and their frame of thought is somewhat off in left field too.
08-18-2011, 02:55 PM
For some reason, there are a lot of Democrats here in LA and SF who are against guns, which makes it difficult for the gun "nuts" like me who reside in more rural areas. Not to make this a bash Cali, it is sometimes frustrating. But, I like the features on the P380 Kali version, so I am willing to be patient.
08-18-2011, 03:02 PM
I have two brothers who live in komifornia and they bash komi all the time. so ur amoung friends.
It is what it is, not a state people are dying to move to anymore but dying to get out..
08-31-2011, 05:55 PM
Spoke with them today, now the frame and other parts are being replaced, so the gun will be sent to my FFL, and I will have to pay the transfer AGAIN:mad::mad::mad:. I keep telling myself, "self, just be patient, it will all work out in the end".
08-31-2011, 06:16 PM
Spoke with them today, now the frame and other parts are being replaced, so the gun will be sent to my FFL, and I will have to pay the transfer AGAIN:mad::mad::mad:. I keep telling myself, "self, just be patient, it will all work out in the end".
Why not demand that Kahr pay for the transfer fee, too? Roger already paid for the gun and it is under warranty. Right? Of course, some car insurance doesn't cover towing fees. But, DANG! :31:
My P380 was returned to Kahr via overnight FedEx on 07/18. On Friday 08/26 I received a telephone call from a Kahr representative. I was informed my frame was being replaced requiring the pistol to be returned to me via an FFL holder due to the issuance of a new serial number. I asked that it be sent to the LGS where I initially purchased it. When I asked the Kahr rep if I'd have to pay a transfer fee to the LGS he told me that was at the discretion of the LGS. To offset any fee and for my six week inconvenience of being without the pistol Kahr is sending me my choice of two six or seven round magazines. I spoke with management of the LGS and they're not charging me a transfer fee.
08-31-2011, 11:36 PM
Just picked it up from the LGS. They didn't charge me a dime. Kahr sent two extra six round magazines with it; their way of apologizing for keeping it nearly six weeks. Excellent customer service.
To the range tomorrow.
09-01-2011, 05:13 PM
I got all my fingers and toes crossed for a great range session!
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09-01-2011, 05:41 PM
I used to cross my toes, had to use my hands to do it. Now I have to look to see if I have toes. Weird huh?
09-23-2011, 03:43 PM
It is now in the Kali 10 day jail. They replaced the frame, slide stop, extractor and striker block. Will let u know after 10-14 days how well it works.:D
09-23-2011, 03:47 PM
Damn! Do you have to wait 10 days every time the pistol leaves your custody to get it back?? What a crock!
Oh, reread to check... yep, new frame. Dang, though!
09-23-2011, 04:43 PM
Oh, and for my 3 month wait, they gave me 2 standard mags.:D
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