View Full Version : pics on posts

07-15-2011, 11:14 AM
i am not a computer savy guy. Is it hard to put up a pic on a post? If not how? I want to show off my EDC set up

07-15-2011, 11:22 AM
I've only recently been enlightened and learned how to do it. I used to just post the postage stamp pics that are hard to see. That's pretty easy to do.
I opened a photo bucket account and download the pictures to that. Then you can size them. From the menu on each picture you can copy img. Then it's just a matter of pasting it in your post. It mostly took me a while to figure out how to work photobucket. I think there's other similar sites too but I've not used any others.

Took me a long time and several guys way smarter than me to figure it out but it's really not difficult. Old Lincoln is real good at it. MW Surveyor, GB, lots of guys here to help ya.

07-15-2011, 11:46 AM
i am not a computer savy guy. Is it hard to put up a pic on a post? If not how? I want to show off my EDC set up

I've only recently been enlightened and learned how to do it. I used to just post the postage stamp pics that are hard to see. That's pretty easy to do.
I opened a photo bucket account and download the pictures to that. Then you can size them. From the menu on each picture you can copy img. Then it's just a matter of pasting it in your post. It mostly took me a while to figure out how to work photobucket. I think there's other similar sites too but I've not used any others.

Took me a long time and several guys way smarter than me to figure it out but it's really not difficult. Old Lincoln is real good at it. MW Surveyor, GB, lots of guys here to help ya.

Yeah. Go to Photobucket (http://photobucket.com/) and open an account. You can create sub-albums to organize your pictures. Click on the "Upload now" button, locate the pictures you want to upload from your computer, or from the Web, tell it what album to load it to, use Ctrl-click to select multiple pictures to upload, save and go look at and work with your pictures.

To put a picture in your post, simply move the cursor over the picture and a menu appears. Click in the IMG code field and it says "copied." Go to your post, position the cursor where you want the picture to appear, and do Ctrl-v to paste the IMG code there. If you want to se how it will look before you submit your post, hit the "Preview Post" button. Then, if everything looks OK, :Submit Reply."

I hope this helps. :)

07-15-2011, 11:47 AM
Easiest is to use 1024x768 setting on your camera when you take them... makes eveything easier... Then load 'em up to Photobucket (free)... (This how I do it then...) When they're displayed there, there's a blue bar beneath each pic that reads "Share/Edit/Delete/Move"... Click on "Share" ... Then click on "Get Link Code"... Then go down to "IMG for Bulletin Boards and Forums"... Put your cursor on the far left of the "Full Size" [IMG]etc. code... hold your left mouse key down while moving right to capture the whole line of code... (It'll be outlined in blue then)... Then right click... then left click on "copy"... So now your mouse is "holding" that code... You then come to the forum where you want to place the pic, right click and choose "paste"... That'll put the code in the box... When you "Post" your message the pic will appear there. Just like anything else, after you do it a couple of times it's not as complicated as it sounds.

07-15-2011, 11:50 AM
Here is my Photobucket Slide Show of My New Custom Mirror Polished CM9! (http://s1230.photobucket.com/user/John_England/slideshow/My%20Custom%20CM9?sort=6)

07-15-2011, 12:00 PM
Thats just a sweet heart ain't it. Bet ya never get tired of looking at that. Imagine how sweet that thing would be with some nice wood handles. Already a head turner but with wood I think we'd see a few broken necks.

07-15-2011, 12:03 PM
JFootin... NICE, nice, nice-lookin polish job!

Your pic-posting method description looks easier than mine... Anyhow, they'll give Knkali enough to work with to get 'er done I guess... As usual, more than one way to ...

07-15-2011, 12:42 PM
Thats just a sweet heart ain't it. Bet ya never get tired of looking at that. Imagine how sweet that thing would be with some nice wood handles. Already a head turner but with wood I think we'd see a few broken necks.

Yeah, when I win the lottery, then I can get a K9 and/or a MK9 and see about getting some polishing done. Or get the Elite models and forget about it. I have priced professional polishing jobs, and I am so thankful I was able to get this gun at the price I did.

It really broke me last month to make the purchase, so I've had to wait until this week to get another SSDI check and start accessorizing. You know, ammo, extra mags, cleaning kit, earmuffs, so I can get to the range and start breaking this baby in. It was well cleaned and oiled by the original owner, so I might not break it down before my first range session. It is SO-O-O tight! I am going to enlist my brother's aid in racking the slide 500 times. I have loaded it with some ball ammo, though, and it loaded that first round in such a slick and positive manner! I'll bet all of the polishing has already helped to insure flawless performance. We'll see.

JFootin... NICE, nice, nice-lookin polish job!

Your pic-posting method description looks easier than mine... Anyhow, they'll give Knkali enough to work with to get 'er done I guess... As usual, more than one way to ...

Yeah. It works for me. I used to work in the computer lab in college, and I taught computer literacy, so I know how to explain things simply and clearly.

07-15-2011, 12:45 PM
OK, Knkali. If you don't start posting pics, I'll sic this guy on you!


07-15-2011, 12:56 PM
ok dont want this guy on me but will attempt later today when i have more time to do this "simple" thing.

07-15-2011, 01:23 PM
It really is simple BUT that being said for months I just sent my pictures to Old Lincoln who fixed em and made em big and nice. He tried to talk me thru it and I just wasn't getting it.
Finally MW Surveyor gave some input and I had the proverbial a ha moment and it all came together.

What tripped me was clicking in the img spot on the menu in photobucket. Once I got a handle on that it was smooth sailing and I had to find something else for Old Lincoln to do, not that he don't stay pretty busy on his own.

I also found I think at his suggestion that if you size to like 600 give or take on the first number it fits well in this format. I think the second number will take care of itself if you stay with keep the proportions.

Trust me if I can do it anyone can do it. When I fell off the back of the turnip truck (mostly due to the busted wheel) I didn't know what a computer was, I think a commodore was still somebody important in the navy.

Don't give up, the fellas here with fully functioning brains here will get you thru. I wish we could get thru to Jocko, he has some things I'd love to see pictures of.

07-15-2011, 05:00 PM
ok dont want this guy on me but will attempt later today when i have more time to do this "simple" thing.

Believe it.
I think I may have been the last victim!

07-15-2011, 05:44 PM
done. see "my edc....BAM" in the general forum.