View Full Version : CW9 problems

07-16-2011, 04:54 PM

I just purchased a CW9 and really want to love this pistol. Everything about it is just great except:

When using hollow points, specifically Federal 9bple I am having issues with 1 out of 5 rounds the slide will hang up on the way back down about 1 cm away from closed. This did happen this often during break in so I was not to concerned. So I fired 200 rounds of FMJ with no problems and then switched back to the 9bple and was still having this problem but just not as much. I then switched to the 9bp standard load and almost got through a box of 50 but had it happen once more. Sometimes I can tap the back of the slide and it will close and other times I would have to force it to hard so I just rack it out of there.

Could the pistol still need more break in? I already have 400 rounds and Kahr says 200.

Could it be a limp wrist issue? I keep a very tight grip but that is not to say I may have slacked off a couple of shots.

Could it be the ammo? I don't think so because the 9bp is a common round for this gun.

Anyway I hope it may need to be broken in more or pilot error somehow. I would really like to be able to trust this pistol. What is strange is the position in which the slide jams. The round has nothing to hang up on there and the slide otherwise operates freely when cycling through rounds.

07-16-2011, 05:13 PM
I had a cw9 and put about 1000 rounds through it before trading for a CM9. Never had a single problem, I would say that if it runs FMJ 100% that the problem would be ammo. I always used the old Federal classic from cheaper than dirt and never had a problem. Use it in my CM9 with no problem also.

07-16-2011, 05:14 PM
Oh by the way WELCOME and if you have a problem with your gun someone here can help you figure it out for sure

07-16-2011, 05:37 PM
Just a shot in the dark here but have you lubed it according to this chart?


That gun should eat anything but Kahrs don't seem to like “dry”.

Be sure to checkout jocko's prep.

07-16-2011, 05:41 PM

I notice when I have an empty mag in there and I ride the slide down real slow it seems to hang a little 1/4 inch from fully closed. It always closes fully when I relax the back pressure. This would not explain the hollow point issue though. I have heard many that fire this federal ammo through there cw9 and have had no probs. I am ordering some Sellier hp's and perhaps some win to see if an ammo change will do the trick. I hope I do not have to send this thing in.

07-16-2011, 05:52 PM
I would at least try another brand of defense ammo. test out what u might think could be the ammo brand ur using. If fmj feeds and shoots OK, Kahrs are not ammo sensitive. I would also ask you to go to the kahr tech section anbdhit on the propper prepping of ur new kahr and read it top to bottom to see if there is anything stated there that might be of help and slwopoke photo of the kahr lube chart is also what should be done.
IMO u hve enough round s tha thte gun shold be right by now. If u try another brand of defense ammo and it works OK, just stick withy that brand for awhile and later on just go back to your onebrandthat is giving fits and retest. U might also wantto call kahr and runit by Jay at kahr and ask if possab ly7 he thinks a new recoil spring should be tried. One never knows if the recoiol spring tha tis in there now could be a tad bit off in some way and not doing its job right. Kahr I would bet would send u a new recoil spring in a heart beat.

U might wantto give that feed ramp a good polishing to, it might look great but it could possaqblehave a spot that is causing ur defense ammo to skip a beat. U might also let another goodshooter/firend try your cw9 with that one brand of ammo to see if he can duplicate what your having to. Ur conscious of ur grip, so I would think tha tis not the issue being ur fmj are working perfect. Eliminate some of the possabilities by #1 trying new defense brand ammo, #2 letting another person try the gun. #3 load the magazine with every othe rround being a fmj and your ammo round of federal that is giving u the issue. #4 be conscious of ur grip. #5, relubing the gun with the kahr lube chart.

07-16-2011, 06:14 PM
Thanks for the responses. I will lube it according to the chart I did not know existed. Thank you for that. I did lube it but not enough and on enough points. I also have other hp ammo on order so I will try that. Hopefully the problem will go away. Next time I get a chance to go to the range I will let you know how it went.

07-16-2011, 06:24 PM
Thanks for the responses. I will lube it according to the chart I did not know existed. Thank you for that. I did lube it but not enough and on enough points. I also have other hp ammo on order so I will try that. Hopefully the problem will go away. Next time I get a chance to go to the range I will let you know how it went.

PM sent:

07-16-2011, 09:56 PM
Love my CW9.
Eats everything.
Have had to palm the slide once or twice.
Nothing more serious.
Some weapons are very particular about what they eat.

What range are you going to and is your handle indicitive of your location?

I'm out in Saudi Aurora.

07-17-2011, 02:55 PM
Actually I live in the peoples repblik of Comifornia. If it were not for the great weather and my job I would take Utah or Arizona any day. It's Denver as in Jon Denver, I have come back from the bottom of the Monterey bay. :)

Just a dumb inside joke on my part.

07-17-2011, 04:45 PM
Oh no, Comifornia?!?!?!?! They probably hosed up your gun on the way into the state just so you couldn't protect yourself with it.:banplease:

Sorry, I couldn't help my self. But at least I didn't put down everything that was on my mind. I have some relatives and in-laws out there and the place is messed up. I was suppose to visit out there last year during the summer but we had to cancel. It didn't break my heart at all except for not getting to see the Redwoods. Didn't mean to get off topic.

07-23-2011, 02:55 PM
I thought I knew what I was doing with the lube but apparently not. After following the instructions (Something real men never need to do.:D) my CW9 works flawlessly through 200 rounds of Federal 9bp and Sellier JHP's. No more problems.

However it could have needed more of a break in that it finally got after 800 rounds now. Or maybe my wrist tightened up.

Thanks for everyone for the help and especially that lube chart.