View Full Version : Happy with P380

07-17-2011, 03:56 PM
Well, after a longer than expected break in - took about 400-500 rounds, I'm very happy with my pistol (put another 75 great rounds through it today). I did not send it back to Kahr or replace any parts, I just kept shooting (plus it was good practice for if and when something does go wrong). WWB - good to go. Remington Green box - good to go. PMC - good to go. Speer GD - good to go. The only problem I have is with the Hornady XTP. It tends to nose dive so I'll stay away from that (although I might try the magazine mod to see if that would cure it - in the name of research). With all the above ammo, I'm pretty successfull hand racking the slide too.
I might try some other SD ammo, but the Speer works and from some of the tests I've seen it appears to be as effective as others.

Just another happy Kahr owner. :D

07-17-2011, 04:00 PM
wen the P380 works like that, there just is no better 380 out there, IMO. looks, feel, accuracy, kahr has it all.

07-17-2011, 04:07 PM
Haven't tried the others and I don't really want to now. I agree, it does look the best (IMO) and feels great. The sights work well and I'm happy with the accuracy. I still shoot about 2-3" low still - no different then my other pistols though. The groups are good.

07-17-2011, 04:42 PM
ur persistance has paind off, to. kudos to yoiu, most would have sentit back or posted "bit-h" notes on this forum. U choose to go the other way. I would think that P380 though is really starting to smooth out to. Nicejob "nobody"

07-18-2011, 03:12 PM
Mine was the same way - at about 500 rounds whatever was too big or too tight or too rough finally wore into spec.

07-18-2011, 03:31 PM
another patient shooter. nice job..

07-18-2011, 03:51 PM
Great to hear, I have been thinking about a 380 lately.

07-18-2011, 04:01 PM
I will tell uwayne, if u get a good one from kahr there is no better 380 out there If u get a issue one fro kahr and go through some p;ains with it,m there still is no better 380 out there. I have owned an lcp had to go back once (still own it, nice gun). 3 kel tec (own none of them) and this P380 which had to go back once. none compare to my P380 in looks, feel, accuracy is unbelievable, trigger system superior to all, quality is excellent but some really give a person a pain in the ass to. Go into it with a oepn mind and u probalby willget a perfect gun, knowing what you have learned on this forum certainly helps.ALL and I can say all with no reflection on any particul brand either, these little ass guns have and stillgive some issues. I think alot of it is gun related butr also alot is shooter related. Very hard to decipher which one is a person problem to. They are small, , and light and compared to a bigger gun, they still squeeze ass the same stuff in them. amazing they work as good as they do to. These two posters right before me stayed with it longer than I probalby would have even, but they worked it out.

The little P380 is one hell of a gun--when it does what it is designed.. Study more before u jump into anything, as there are some other good little 380;'s out there, maybe not as easy to shoot or as accurate oir as purtty. The lcp TODAY is one hell of a 38, priced excellent to. I can'thit sh-t with my lcp as the triggers on them are just the same as the kel tec, crude and ruff, but this is a close up personal gun so it will serve you well at 7 yards and under...

07-18-2011, 05:48 PM
I did not have the patience you had with your P380 Nobody and sent it back once for repair. But since it came back I have run about 400 rounds through it without any sign if problem. It is an awesome gun that can be carried everyday and is still fun to take to the range. The accuracy us amazing. With the smaller mag size it would be at a disadvantage, but would be fun TI watch someone compete in an IDPA event with this thing. I am very good with this gun up to 25 feet, and I doubt there is another pocket 380 you can say that about! I know most encounters are close range, but accuracy is still most important and this little gun rocks!