07-17-2011, 11:00 PM
Awhile back I posted of my new P45 and how I was so impressed with it. After about 150 rounds all the fte and ftf problems stopped. At about 400 rounds I felt it was ready for c/c and decided I would use this to qualify for my c/c license.
Last week I qualified with problems at all and accuracy on par with a 6 inch 357mag at 21 feet. Here in NM we have to qualify in two categories, semi auto and revolver. The P45 made such an impression with one of the more mature students she wanted to shoot it. The instructor made a comment that it was not one of his, and she would have to ask me. My reply was go for it and I handed her a value pack of WWB.
Of course her first shot was a failure to eject due to a limp wrist. The instructor told her be sure to hold more firm due to this being a lighter pistol, after that she just decided to send all the bullets down range, I loved it. She then turned to her husband and said I want one, he looked at me and said is it expensive? Of course and I said yes and worth every penny!
Oh and after she shot it, I said how was the recoil, her reply... 9mm, 38, 45 all the same.
Awhile back I posted of my new P45 and how I was so impressed with it. After about 150 rounds all the fte and ftf problems stopped. At about 400 rounds I felt it was ready for c/c and decided I would use this to qualify for my c/c license.
Last week I qualified with problems at all and accuracy on par with a 6 inch 357mag at 21 feet. Here in NM we have to qualify in two categories, semi auto and revolver. The P45 made such an impression with one of the more mature students she wanted to shoot it. The instructor made a comment that it was not one of his, and she would have to ask me. My reply was go for it and I handed her a value pack of WWB.
Of course her first shot was a failure to eject due to a limp wrist. The instructor told her be sure to hold more firm due to this being a lighter pistol, after that she just decided to send all the bullets down range, I loved it. She then turned to her husband and said I want one, he looked at me and said is it expensive? Of course and I said yes and worth every penny!
Oh and after she shot it, I said how was the recoil, her reply... 9mm, 38, 45 all the same.