View Full Version : Qualified with my P45 for concealed carry license

07-17-2011, 11:00 PM

Awhile back I posted of my new P45 and how I was so impressed with it. After about 150 rounds all the fte and ftf problems stopped. At about 400 rounds I felt it was ready for c/c and decided I would use this to qualify for my c/c license.

Last week I qualified with it...no problems at all and accuracy on par with a 6 inch 357mag at 21 feet. Here in NM we have to qualify in two categories, semi auto and revolver. The P45 made such an impression with one of the more mature students she wanted to shoot it. The instructor made a comment that it was not one of his, and she would have to ask me. My reply was go for it and I handed her a value pack of WWB.

Of course her first shot was a failure to eject due to a limp wrist. The instructor told her be sure to hold more firm due to this being a lighter pistol, after that she just decided to send all the bullets down range, I loved it. She then turned to her husband and said I want one, he looked at me and said is it expensive? Of course and I said yes and worth every penny!

Oh and after she shot it, I said how was the recoil, her reply... 9mm, 38, 45 all the same.

07-17-2011, 11:24 PM

Very nice of you to share, too! That was a fun read. :D

07-18-2011, 09:19 AM
fun indeed...congrats

07-18-2011, 10:37 AM

Awhile back I posted of my new P45 and how I was so impressed with it. After about 150 rounds all the fte and ftf problems stopped. At about 400 rounds I felt it was ready for c/c and decided I would use this to qualify for my c/c license.

Last week I qualified with it...no problems at all and accuracy on par with a 6 inch 357mag at 21 feet. Here in NM we have to qualify in two categories, semi auto and revolver. The P45 made such an impression with one of the more mature students she wanted to shoot it. The instructor made a comment that it was not one of his, and she would have to ask me. My reply was go for it and I handed her a value pack of WWB.

Of course her first shot was a failure to eject due to a limp wrist. The instructor told her be sure to hold more firm due to this being a lighter pistol, after that she just decided to send all the bullets down range, I loved it. She then turned to her husband and said I want one, he looked at me and said is it expensive? Of course and I said yes and worth every penny!

Oh and after she shot it, I said how was the recoil, her reply... 9mm, 38, 45 all the same.

it amazing that how after 150-200 rounds the guns seems to smooth out and some of the picky little start up issues dissappear. u did well sticking with it to, and more than likely u and the gun mated up to. One might think why do I need break in rounds?? Good question, I guess one can call them any kind of rounds he wants really. As long as it gets where u finally wnat it, that is the point. I just have no doubts that for kahrs are leaqst, after 200+ rounds tha tthe gun has a totally different action smoothness. Works for me.:behindsofa:

07-18-2011, 04:58 PM
glad to hear your problem went away, i was shopping for a small 9mm and i didnt really care for the looks of the taurus 709 slim but it was cheap! the gentlman at cabellas tried to talk me into a cw9 but it was a bit more than i could afford so off to the range to shoot the taurus.
Shot#3 of the taurus,stovepipe. shot number 6 fte. finished with 709 slim! went to the wall, i rented the wall of guns. they had the cw9 so i got it and shot every other round with narry a problem so i found one on bgs.com for369.00 and bought it and to this day other than the ejector falling out from me replacing the spring with a weaker one after the factory one went flying i aint had a single problem!

Bill K
07-18-2011, 05:08 PM
What a nice story. Thanks for sharing. Glad also that the 45 is working out for you.

07-20-2011, 11:01 PM
Sorry it took so long to get back... I work many hours and my time is limited. I can tell you this I really like my little compact 45, good money spent.

And yes my experience with my c/c course was great.

Now my concern is the cm9 or pm9 I promised my son...more money !!!!

07-30-2011, 08:10 AM
Glad you like the big bore side of Kahr, I got the CW45 for the wife, and the P45 for me. Both are great shooters.