View Full Version : Bawanna's vacation diary
07-18-2011, 09:25 AM
Day 1: Me and the family put the boats in this morning ready for a fun filled day of hunting and fishing. While we were at the ramp we saw an interesting young man that seemed to enjoy serenading us as we readied the boat and supplies....
With the boats readied and our gear stowed securely away we began our long journey down the river that feeds into our final destination. We were all very excited and can't wait to see what awaits us down river. What could possibly go wrong???
more to come.....
07-18-2011, 09:34 AM
Quick Update: I'm really getting this paddling thing down pat. I hear there are some rapids up ahead so I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the day's events. This will most likely be the highlight of the trip.
A quick glance back before we head toward the rapids :)
Wish all of you guys could be here...
07-18-2011, 10:31 AM
Day 1: Me and the family put the boats in this morning ready for a fun filled day of hunting and fishing. While we were at the ramp we saw an interesting young man that seemed to enjoy serenading us as we readied the boat and supplies....
With the boats readied and our gear stowed securely away we began our long journey down the river that feeds into our final destination. We were all very excited and can't wait to see what awaits us down river. What could possibly go wrong???
more to come.....
I think that young man in the photo with the banjo, his brother was the star in DELIVERENCE!!:behindsofa: He looks like he could really give a rats ass!!
07-18-2011, 10:33 AM
Looking for a place to camp for tonight. Just found a clearing up ahead. There's a nice man waving us over. Looking forward to some sleep.
07-18-2011, 10:34 AM
I think that young man in the photo with the banjo, his brother was the star in DELIVERENCE!!:behindsofa: He looks like he could really give a rats ass!!
your grasp of the obvious is uncanny.... ;)
07-18-2011, 11:26 AM
this htread is killing me LMBO
07-18-2011, 11:39 AM
Trying to make it over to the clearing we had a little boat trouble.
Gonna find a place to dry out for the night.
07-18-2011, 11:40 AM
Here's a shot of a new friend I just met. Seems like a nice guy. He's invited us to a pig roast.
07-18-2011, 11:41 AM
Update: Stripped out of my wet clothes and am headed up to camp with a few of my new friends. They are very complimentary of me. One even said I had a 'purty mouth".. whatever that means. Must be a local thing
07-18-2011, 11:44 AM
This vacation is amazing. I learned how to squeal like a pig. Now I'm relaxing with Earl and Cletus. Can you say "Free massage!!!" Mountain people are some of the nicest people you will ever meet.
07-18-2011, 01:47 PM
07-18-2011, 03:34 PM
Judas Priest!!! Bawanna is going to lose control of his sphincter when he sees this thread.I love it!!!
07-18-2011, 03:54 PM
Good work, nothing better to do huh! :)
07-18-2011, 08:13 PM
That will teach him to tell everyone he's going on vacation.
07-18-2011, 08:18 PM
Really liking my new friends. I may stay a while longer......
whoops, gotta run. We're doing a fashion show...
07-18-2011, 08:44 PM
Everytime I see that actor, I think of the "squeal like a pig" scene.
I saw a show where they were talking about making Deliverance. There was a guy standing behind the kid playing the banjo. They said the kid was so retarded that it took forever to shoot the scene.
07-18-2011, 11:08 PM
I can't believe I started this whole thing with a simple comment. Gee, if foresight only equaled hindsight!!!!
:popcorn:.....pop-corn... getcha pop-corn....:popcorn:
07-19-2011, 07:19 AM
07-19-2011, 07:32 AM're gonna get in trouble....
Picking on bwanna = ok. Picking on bwanna's significant other .... duck and run, in a zig zag pattern! :)
07-19-2011, 01:46 PM
You guys are killing me here. Squeal like a pig you you pretty mouthed boy. It's raining like a cow urinating on a flat rock, windy and close to miserable. I'm glad I found a relatively dry place where the internet works so I can check in with my pals.
Very unusual to get crummy weather over here but we're getting it this year.
Oh well....
07-25-2011, 01:18 PM
Some evidence photos.
Wife at the really nice free range shooting her SP101 in 22 cal.
Grandma (not mine) with her double catch at about high noon. Very strange off the dock.
The boys morning catch out in the boat.
A friends best friend, Spencer William. Good dog.
My little pal. Dressed up for an evening function.
#3 son hitting the water on a rare sun break.
Have one more must see on wifes phone camera but have to get the hook up from work to download it. You'll love that one.
07-25-2011, 01:35 PM
Nice photos! Thanks for sharing. :)
Dang, that dog has a FIERCE-looking face!:eek:
I notice the satellite dish and the nifty weight for stability. Did you have power for air conditioning? It has been miserably hot all over the country.
Mmmm! Trout. :hungry:I haven't cooked those in quite a while. Usually stick with something from the Salmon family... filleted with the skin on for the best taste grilled.:hungry:
(I usually get a good price, er, catch on those at Costco.)
07-25-2011, 02:41 PM
Nice photos! Thanks for sharing. :)
Dang, that dog has a FIERCE-looking face!:eek:
I notice the satellite dish and the nifty weight for stability. Did you have power for air conditioning? It has been miserably hot all over the country.
Mmmm! Trout. :hungry:I haven't cooked those in quite a while. Usually stick with something from the Salmon family... filleted with the skin on for the best taste grilled.:hungry:
(I usually get a good price, er, catch on those at Costco.)
The satelitte dish is actually the neighbor, great guy, very large nice 5th wheel. He has a nice boat too. He and his wife get there in about April and stay all summer long. We get a week or week and a half. We're from the poor side of the tracks, with a little 22' trailer for the kids to stay in. I stay in what I call a little apple picker shack. Only about 14' square but has a bed and a bathroom. Not in there much.
We smoked alot of trout, deep fry alot of bass, and even fried up a little trout this year. Never been a real fish eater but this year it was mighty tasty. I do like smoked fish.
07-25-2011, 02:47 PM
I gotta get all these fish heads packaged up and headed for Jocko. Starting to get ripe but he'll be set for fish heads for a long time to come.
MW surveyor
07-25-2011, 03:41 PM
You know what they say about a dog and its' owner. Man, you guys look like each other (in a good way). Although it looks like the dog has bushier eyebrows.
Glad to hear that your vacation went well even with the rain.
07-25-2011, 03:44 PM
Good pics, Bawanna! Looks and sounds like ya'll had a lot of fun between the rain.
I always wanted one of those SP101s in .22.
07-25-2011, 03:49 PM
Nice photos! Thanks for sharing. :)
Dang, that dog has a FIERCE-looking face!:eek:
I notice the satellite dish and the nifty weight for stability. Did you have power for air conditioning? It has been miserably hot all over the country.
Mmmm! Trout. :hungry:I haven't cooked those in quite a while. Usually stick with something from the Salmon family... filleted with the skin on for the best taste grilled.:hungry:
(I usually get a good price, er, catch on those at Costco.)
I too favor salmon, but mine usually come from Longhorn or the Texas Roadhouse - less trouble that way.
07-25-2011, 04:01 PM
Hey Bawann, Is that you in the baby blue flip-flops holding up those 2 big ole trout?....Dude you're lookin better all the time!!!...:D
MW surveyor
07-25-2011, 04:03 PM
No, that's not Bawanna (but the pink fish'n pole on the dock is his :) )
07-25-2011, 04:51 PM
No, that's not Bawanna (but the pink fish'n pole on the dock is his :) )
Believe it or not that pink fishin pole caught nearly the largest fish of the week. Friends son's little daughter 2 or3 years old brought in a big one. Kind of ticked me off, been fishing all week with mixed results, her and mom sat down and caught a lunker in about 15 minutes. I told her one more like that and I was throwin her in.
07-25-2011, 04:53 PM
glad your back ol man!!
07-25-2011, 04:55 PM
Good pics, Bawanna! Looks and sounds like ya'll had a lot of fun between the rain.
I always wanted one of those SP101s in .22.
It worked out well, the man next door with the satalite and the nice trailer had a brand new SP101 in 357, so the wife got to shoot it too.
Blind folded it would be difficult to tell the 22 from the 357 holding them until of course you pull the trigger.
I had her shoot my little Colt Cobra too with standard 38 loads. She liked it better than the 357 SP101 but not totally in love with it.
Her SP101 has laser grips too so it's kind of fun to shoot although we couldn't see the laser in the bright day light.
MW surveyor
07-25-2011, 05:55 PM
Believe it or not that pink fishin pole caught nearly the largest fish of the week. Friends son's little daughter 2 or3 years old brought in a big one. Kind of ticked me off, been fishing all week with mixed results, her and mom sat down and caught a lunker in about 15 minutes. I told her one more like that and I was throwin her in.
I know how that goes. Having two daughters that I used to take fishing with me (they are way out of the house now) their first real fishing poles were either Snoopy or something similar. Any way, first daughter caught a 4 1/2 pound bass on her's. If I'm remembering correctly, I didn't catch a thing on that trip.
:hungry: ummm, smoked fish!
07-25-2011, 06:09 PM
Glad you are back Bawann and had a good time....Your fish story reminds me of one ....My 3 kids and I were on a boat dock fishing at Lake Chatuge in the North Georgia mountains one time and had been fishing all afternoon and nobody had gotten even a nibble and then this old guy in overalls pulls up in a beat up old rusty pickup and walks out on the dock and makes one cast and dang if he didn't pull in at least a 3 pound large mouth bass...The old guy never said a word, picked up the fish and his pole, got in his truck and left...We were all just looking at each other with our mouths hanging open shaking our heads and thinking, are you kidding, did that really just happen???...We started fishing harder than ever in the same spot but still nothing, not even a stick fish...Oh well, go figure...:crazy:
07-25-2011, 08:37 PM
Nice trout. You look all relaxed too. I have got to get away from work soon.
That little girl story reminded me of my daughter and what happened with her one time. We were fishing on the dock of the pond at the entrance of our neighborhood. It's a decent size. She had her "sponge Bob" fishing pole and was just playing around. These 3 guys pulled up in a truck and got out with ALL their gear. They planned to slay some fish for sure. They had all kinds of live bait, lures, you name it and a bucket to hold their catch. Well they had been casting and working the pond hard for 15 -20 minutes, moving around all the time, trying different bait and had caught nothing so far. Then my daughter pulled out a hamburger bun, pinched some of the white bread in a little ball put it on her hook then dropped it off the dock. About 30 seconds later she pulled up a 6 inch bluegill. The 3 guys were shocked. They had caught nothing. I took it off, she dropped the hook in again, another one. The guys asked what she was using for bait and she held up the hamburger bun. They mumbled under their breath. Then she caught another one. I told her to ask them if they wanted her fish. They said no and then picked all their stuff including their empty bucket and left. I told her she just out fished those guys with a sponge bob pole and half a hamburger bun. Too funny.
07-27-2011, 07:55 PM
I finally got this picture downloaded from my wifes phone. We were on the road home and stopped at a little restaurant for breakfast. This guy was the cook. He came out to deliver a meal and I asked for his picture which he somewhat haltingly agreed too. Sent a shiver up me spine it did.
This is the gospel truth to.
I gotta have one of these shirts. He said he got it at Wally World.
RCH jr
07-27-2011, 08:10 PM
Boy got a purty mouth on him don't he? squea
l like a pig. Louder!
07-28-2011, 08:26 AM
I am jealous, our little fishing trip to Minnesota last week netted almost zero fish for my boy. It was unseasonably hot and there was an algae explosion in the lake. Not sure if that made a difference. Ethan was a bit disappointed. Once we hit the Waterpark of America his spirits improved though. That and the Lego Store in the Mall of America. Of course now I am completely broke... ;)
Yes Bawanna and I were on vacation at the same time, but not together or anything, so don't read anything into it...
07-28-2011, 10:19 AM
I am jealous, our little fishing trip to Minnesota last week netted almost zero fish for my boy. It was unseasonably hot and there was an algae explosion in the lake. Not sure if that made a difference. Ethan was a bit disappointed. Once we hit the Waterpark of America his spirits improved though. That and the Lego Store in the Mall of America. Of course now I am completely broke... ;)
Yes Bawanna and I were on vacation at the same time, but not together or anything, so don't read anything into it...
I've surely been on the poor end of the fish catching scale a few times, hate it when you can't hook the kids up with fish though. I bet he perked right up at the waterpark and of course who wouldn't be happy at the Lego Store.
I can relate to broke. Probably all I'll know for quite some time. After the wedding, then vacation, my people are all going to North Carolina for a reception with the new son in laws people. They decided to stop in Missouri since I have a grand nephew or something getting married there so they'll make a brief stop there, then to North Carolina all in a very short time. That ought to cost my some loot ya think?
Got a couple of the wifes cousins coming over from the old country (Sweden) to stay with us for 3 or 4 weeks and want to see everything. That might add up some too huh? Guess these speak english good so might not be so fun harassing them.
I had a great time with you on vacation, I mean I hope you had a good vacation even if the fishing was off. It is kind of nice for a short time to get home and back to normal, usually don't last too long though.
07-28-2011, 01:23 PM
I think the last time I went fishing I was about 12 years old. That was at least 5 or 6 years ago.
07-28-2011, 01:29 PM
I saw some guys in a sampan fishing near Danang... tossing grenades in the river, harbor, or whatever. That looked like fun... fish or not. :w00t:
07-28-2011, 01:33 PM
I enjoy fishing when I've got someone with me to bait the hook and take the fish off.
07-28-2011, 01:37 PM
Then there's the cleaning and all....
Which is why I do most of my hunting and fishing at Costco's or Sam's Club... good prices, too.
07-28-2011, 01:39 PM
I think the last time I went fishing I was about 12 years old. That was at least 5 or 6 years ago.
I was 12 once I think. I mean I had to have been right? Seems like only 5 or 6 years ago to me too. You think we might be twins?
07-28-2011, 01:44 PM
I enjoy fishing when I've got someone with me to bait the hook and take the fish off.
Wow, I know and fish with someone just like you. I don't want to name names but she's blonde, left handed and comes from Sweden.
Saw a nice bumper sticker over there said something like fishing ain't easy, if it was we'd call it catching.
I pretty much only fish that one lake for a week or 10 days every year and then that's it for me. Like a switch we turn on over there, fishing is on, when we leave we turn the switch off and we're done. Fishing not nearly as good on my side of the mountains.
I have a rule I don't go out in boats any further than I can swim so the salt water stuff in Puget Sound isn't for me. My kid likes to fish it. Seen some scarey ugly looking fish pulled up too. I'd cut my line so I wouldn't have to touch em myself. This was off a pier, no swimming involved.
07-28-2011, 03:56 PM
I was 12 once I think. I mean I had to have been right? Seems like only 5 or 6 years ago to me too. You think we might be twins?
Probably not - I think I'm taller.
07-28-2011, 10:16 PM
We still need to see our junior moderator all dressed to the 9's in his penguin suit!! I can just picture you now, counting how much each rental chair cost, adding up the flowers and table settings, comparing each to how many 45 cases could be purchased, etc. :eek:
07-28-2011, 11:17 PM
We still need to see our junior moderator all dressed to the 9's in his penguin suit!! I can just picture you now, counting how much each rental chair cost, adding up the flowers and table settings, comparing each to how many 45 cases could be purchased, etc. :eek:
Should be getting close. I heard the photographer (an angel by the way) took over 600 pictures and put them on a DVD.
I'm especially looking forward to seeing our shotgun segment, should be good.
I'm hearing some of the numbers for a wedding I attend next weekend for our friends daughter and we did very well in comparison. She's spending a ton and I'll bet it ain't gonna be one bit better than what we did which wasn't cheap either by any stretch but cheap in comparison.
I'll post em soon as I get my hands on em.
07-29-2011, 11:07 AM
I can't believe the money spent on the average wedding these days. When I got married my bride and a couple friends and family decorated the church (looked nice) and the reception room in the church basement. Her sister hand made the wedding dress which I'd put up against any dress I've seen since. It all came to $400 which was a ton of money in those days.
I can officially tell all contemplating a wedding that none of that mattered one iota when my bride to be started down the aisle. We were locked into each others eyes and the church may as well be empty with no decorations. That was 45 years ago and we still get all goofy over it whenever we talk about it (or write as now). :)
07-29-2011, 11:24 AM
Same with us Old Lincoln. We did our own with no help. Had lots of friends there. Kind of more of a potluck kind of thing. I don't think we made the 400 dollar mark but it wasn't anywhere in the ballpark to what we just did.
I heard last night our friends daughters dinner alone is pegged at 25$ a head. Was told there are 195 guest:eek: X 25. That don't include refreshments, dress, penquin suit rental, on and on and on.
Course they got alot more loot than we do and I'm happy that they do. No jealousy from me. I'd like to experience rich just for a little while but most likely won't happen.
07-29-2011, 11:52 AM
My daughter got married October 2009 at age 34... her first. We were able to pay for everything and gave the couple a check for $2K without going into debt... but the savings were gone. The wedding was in the in-laws' backyard... weather cooperated! The groom's female cousin married them and we had the reception at the Elks Lodge(?), who soaked us for Andre "champagne" (Lambrusco?) and the bar bill. My son helped me with that.
It was great... I didn't cry... and I got to buy a new suit that I needed instead of spending nearly $200 on the penguin suit... which was great for me. My old suits were too tight... having shrunk or something. Everything considered, including the hotel and transportation, we spent around 5K, with the gift check. I was so happy we didn't have to go into debt... however short a period or how little it might have been. I was certainly worried about how things were adding up along the way, though. My daughter helped a bit... her wedding dress was only about $200. Yay! Online shopping!
When my wife and I were married, friends and family really took care of a lot. MY biggest expense was the $100 I gave the preacher... a "real" one. Ours was outdoors at the house of the lady friend who made the wedding cake.
07-29-2011, 12:23 PM
I don't recall ever owning a suit. Must of had one at one time.
07-29-2011, 12:30 PM
Every once in a LONG while, I have to buy one for a wedding... mine, my daughters, etc. My wife got me to throw out all of the stuff dating back to high school and a bunch that I bought while stationed on Okinawa... (Hong Kong Tailors) in '67/'68.
I did have a few jackets that I liked, but my wife said to get rid of all of that "old" stuff... which has been back in fashion several times... and some that was never out.:(
I bought a nice black suit at Penney's on sale... not synthetic... so I have something for weddings AND funerals... going to be a lot of those over the next few years!
A suit that hasn't shrunk... nice to have something that fits. :D
07-29-2011, 12:42 PM
I got another wedding next saturday but they know me well and got to enjoy me suffering in the penquin suit last week so they said I didn't have to wear a suit. They said they would be happy if I wore a shirt with a collar but I don't even gotta wear a tie. I asked if sleeves were required and they said that was optional too but preferred. I guess I can suffer with some short sleeves for a few hours.
It's the ties that get me, keep having visions of Hang Em High whenever I gotta wear one. Just ain't natural.
07-29-2011, 07:39 PM
If you think weddin's are expensive, try gettin' unweddin'ed! Been there done that a couple of times! :eek:
I'm especially looking forward to seeing our shotgun segment, should be good.
Is there proper etiquette on what type of shotgun to use at a wedding? Miss Manners have anything to say on the matter? Got a 12 year old daughter myself. Just plannin' ahead...
07-29-2011, 10:42 PM
Traditionally, double-barrels are used... more because of the two ugly muzzles and the wider swath with both firing... I think!
07-29-2011, 10:47 PM
Is there proper etiquette on what type of shotgun to use at a wedding? Miss Manners have anything to say on the matter? Got a 12 year old daughter myself. Just plannin' ahead...
Truth be told I wasn't sure myself so I covered all the bases. I had a side by side coach gun, nickel plated with a walnut stock for special occasions, #1 Son had a Mossberg 500 with an 18" slug barrel, and # 3 son had a single barrel trap gun.
The trick when your daughter gets of age, I'd say about next year if Dietrichs guide to dating etiquette is used always be sharpening your knife or cleaning your pistol whenever a suitor visits. If you get one of the losers that pulls in the driveway and toots the horn, you go out, not her and ask if there something he needs, if the knife or gun is in your hand it adds good effect.
Always speak in unintelligible grunts, grit your teeth alot. I've scared off alot of suitors both for my own daughter and I even contracted out for a couple friends daughters. Heck I even had one friends daughter ask me to run off her boyfreind she didnt like no more. I enjoyed that one the most of all.
I got a dating rule book around here some place, I'll find it and post it. Good stuff.
07-30-2011, 12:51 AM
I told my friends your story about daughter bringing boyfriend home and you come out with the shotgun. Later he tells her you must not like him but she says you do. He asks how can you tell. She replies because he didn't shoot you.
07-30-2011, 01:27 AM
Truth be told I wasn't sure myself so I covered all the bases. I had a side by side coach gun, nickel plated with a walnut stock for special occasions, #1 Son had a Mossberg 500 with an 18" slug barrel, and # 3 son had a single barrel trap gun.
The trick when your daughter gets of age, I'd say about next year if Dietrichs guide to dating etiquette is used always be sharpening your knife or cleaning your pistol whenever a suitor visits. If you get one of the losers that pulls in the driveway and toots the horn, you go out, not her and ask if there something he needs, if the knife or gun is in your hand it adds good effect.
Always speak in unintelligible grunts, grit your teeth alot. I've scared off alot of suitors both for my own daughter and I even contracted out for a couple friends daughters. Heck I even had one friends daughter ask me to run off her boyfreind she didnt like no more. I enjoyed that one the most of all.
I got a dating rule book around here some place, I'll find it and post it. Good stuff.
Im considering this a lesson and am taking notes. Mine turns 15 on Tuesday. I think I was on the right track anyway but I am noting the details you mention.
Good thing is I asked her what gun she wanted me to have out when her first date arrives (my daughter is my shooting partner after all), and my daughter thought for a minute and said...... how all of them???? Thats my girl.
07-30-2011, 11:10 AM
Mine is three, I have plenty of sharp objects (nothing says daddy like a Katana, and EGA's laid out for view), and plenty of guns and ammo to clean and inspect. I may end up with a reloading setup in the not too distant future, so that would be cool, just sit there and roll ammo in front of him.
07-30-2011, 12:14 PM
Want to win dad over? Just study up on guns and when he comes out with his react "Wow, that's a nice looking Kahr. Someday I hope to get one, so tell me which is your favorite?" Dad will be asking daughter when you can come back.
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