View Full Version : Bullet Pulling Quick Tip

07-18-2011, 11:39 AM
I got this off of UTube and is timely for me so I'll share.

Problem: The standard impact/kinetic (hammer like) bullet puller comes with a 3 piece cartridge holder held together by a rubber o-ring and tends to come apart a lot.

Solution: Use your shell holder from your press or hand held primer instead. Be sure to put the open side (where you slide the casing in) toward the puller handle so the casing has the best support at impact.

Just a good idea I need at the time.

07-18-2011, 11:44 PM
That's a good one...it is a pain with those 3 little parts and the o-ring.

07-19-2011, 09:04 AM
This has been debated to death over at thr, as most anything is.
I would check the mfg'er of whatever puller you have for any warnings about this practice.
But then any warning could just be a CYA thing.
just sayin'