View Full Version : Took my new P380 out yesterday
07-22-2011, 08:11 AM
Finally got my New P380 out to the range yesterday. Kinda have mixed feelings about it. But Im not sure how to feel exactly lol
I followed the "prep guide" on this website, cleaned and recleaned after about 200 dry racks to get out all the polymer particles and small metal pieces. I shot 200 rounds American Eagle, 30 Rounds Winchester White Box, 7 rounds Remington Gold Saber, and 7 rounds Federal Ranger SXT.
After the first 80 or so rounds I cleaned my gun, re-oiled and fired the remainder rounds. Out of the 194 rounds I shot, I had about 6 FTF, 8 FTE (both with the American Eagle ammo).. When my friend shot my gun 50 times, he had similar issues, with a few FTF, and FTE, but he got 4 light primer strikes which I did not get. I was like WTF?? Im wondering if these problems were due to the fact the gun was getting dirty? There was plenty of oil on her, Im thinking maybe some oil got on the striker area and was gumming up? Who knows lol.. I was using Benellin oil that I got with my Benelli M4. But I may switch to Mili-tec.
Will I carry this gun a CCW, yes I will. Just looking for any advise.
07-24-2011, 01:18 AM
Read all the P380 threads in this forum. You'll do fine.
07-26-2011, 11:31 AM
Just got back from the range. Put 100 rounds down range, lubed the gun up with some Mili-tec and guess what? Only 1 FTF! Probably limp wristed it. (what can I say, my hands were busy doing other things last night :) ) I honestly think the quality of lube has alot to do with what issues you may have. I had NO FTE, NO light primer strikes, or any of the other BS that I have read on here. Man Im falling in love with my P380! I was able to sling shot some of the first rounds into the chamber, but I didnt want to push it lol. Releasing the slide lock did the job every single time. The gun did run pretty wet. AFter the first 50 rounds, it was cleaned, degreased, and re-lubed with Mili-tec. the next 50 rounds were no issues. I also adjusted the rear sight and at 5 yards its a 2" hole shot gun!
The 100 rounds were AMerican Eagle.. I also shot 7 rounds Federal Ranger SXT..
07-26-2011, 11:36 AM
super, not a better 380 out there when they do as designed. nice report. One FTF certainly is not gun issue, more than likely a tired shooter. Just not alot of gun to hold on to as u well know. nice report.
07-26-2011, 12:33 PM
Nice work and good for you sticking with it. Many just give up at the first sign of failure. These Kahrs are like a gem in the rough, once you get em dialed in and polished up, they are priceless.
I got 2 fellas over at the lake on vacation on the prowl for PM45's. I suggested the new CM9 or PM9 but they weren't having that. Apparently they have read of some not so perfect reports on the PM45 but after shooting mine they said they are on the hunt for their very own. I told em to get signed up here at Kahrtalk soon for all the help they might need and encouragement too.
Nice job Jackalope.
07-26-2011, 03:39 PM
I wonder if others out there had any issues that were "cured" by switching lube? The Mili-Tec is thicker than that Benelli oil I was using. The benelli stuff looked like water going on the rails and every where else I put it. That Mili-Tec stays put for the most part. Yea it get a little messy after 75 or so rounds.. But for all around carry, there is no dripping to worry about.
07-26-2011, 04:07 PM
Could also just being further into the break in process also. I don't doubt that lube is important and beneficial but could be a combination of good events happening.
Sometimes when things just start to work really well, I just stop asking why and accept it for what it is, a very good thing. I don't experience this phenomonem very often, in fact very rarely.
07-26-2011, 07:04 PM
I'm also new to the P380 and I have just put 250 rounds through this week so far. I use mil-tec lube works nice. I have had a couple of FTF but not too bad. the funny thing is my slide doesnt lock to the rear if I shoot stong hand supported, but when I shoot strong hand unsupported it does lock to the rear. It's seems you really have to hold on to and stiff arm this little bugger. Nice smooth trigger and very very accurate. I'm shooting winchester white box for range use and I'm carrying gold dot JHP. Both shoots well and are very accurate. Very nice summer carry pocket gun. So oil it up good to break it in, and listen to the experenced guys here. Good Luck and be safe
07-27-2011, 06:07 AM
I think MiliTec is one of the best gun lubes. I did the MiliTec "bake the lube" on all my pistols. Makes a distinct improvement in function and easier to clean.
Perform a field strip ( I did a complete slide tear down ) then clean and de-grease all metal parts. Apply a light coat of Militec to all metal parts then "bake" at 150 degrees in the oven for 15-20 min. The rep. at MiliTec said to do this three times and it's good to go.
07-27-2011, 08:58 AM
So you guys are "baking" a polymer frame in the oven at 150 degrees? Am I reading this correctley lol? OR, are you talking about ALL steel guns?
I think MiliTec is one of the best gun lubes. I did the MiliTec "bake the lube" on all my pistols. Makes a distinct improvement in function and easier to clean.
Perform a field strip ( I did a complete slide tear down ) then clean and de-grease all metal parts. Apply a light coat of Militec to all metal parts then "bake" at 150 degrees in the oven for 15-20 min. The rep. at MiliTec said to do this three times and it's good to go.
07-27-2011, 11:15 AM
The slide and all of it's metal parts. I stripped the slide is so I could treat the striker, channel and striker block.
07-31-2011, 05:56 AM
Put another 50 rounds through my baby yesterday. Not a single issue. Actually I let my fiance fire the gun, and everything went flawless.
Bill K
07-31-2011, 06:33 AM
Good for you! Sounds like your piece just needed the break-in.
I'm surprised your fiance let you have the gun back. :)
07-31-2011, 06:40 AM
She wanted to see what all the "hype" was about when I first got it. I was like a kid on xmas morning playing with it while we watched TV on the couch lol. She "liked" the P380, but loved the Kimber 45 Ultra TLE. Go figure! I about had to pry the Kimber from her hands to get it back from her. She kinda threw the P380 on the towel in the bed of the truck when she was done shooting it, but boy, you would think the way she handled the Kimber by laying it down gently on the towel she was having an affair with it LOL.. She has a hard time understanding that these little 380's are for close contact 5-10' MAX, its something I can throw in my basket ball shorts and go to the grocery store with out having to put on a belt, jeans etc etc.. But NOOOOOOOOO, she wants maximum fire power :ohmy:
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