View Full Version : Help have to slap slide to make CW45 shoot

07-22-2011, 10:45 AM
So I have well over 300 rounds through gun and I have to slap slide or baely squeeze trigger to make it shoot again. If I barely squeeze trigger I have to give it full squeeze after to make it shoot, I have cleaned gun all the way as shown and have same result. Who do I need to contact to get gun handled under warranty it is less then 3 months old.

07-22-2011, 11:24 AM
Call 508-795-3919, More experienced folks say to ask for Ian or Eon, or however you spell it. Try to have a detailed analysis ready of what is going on and under what conditions. Also insist they cover the shipping or you'll be out some $60 or so.
You can also email them at service@kahr.com

Cherokee Slim
07-22-2011, 12:15 PM
I had close to the same problem, plus FTF with my new to me CW45. I sent it back Monday of one week and got it back Tuesday of the next week. They replaced the recoil spring and polished the feed ramp and I haven't had any problems since. Kahr service can't be beat from my experience.
Cherokee Slim

07-22-2011, 02:18 PM
So I have well over 300 rounds through gun and I have to slap slide or baely squeeze trigger to make it shoot again. If I barely squeeze trigger I have to give it full squeeze after to make it shoot, I have cleaned gun all the way as shown and have same result. Who do I need to contact to get gun handled under warranty it is less then 3 months old.

lke the slide is not going backinto full battery therefore causing light strikes. How about calling Jay or Eion at Kahr and explaining tothem and see if the will send u a new recoil assembly/spring. It could very well be a recoil spring issue. Irealize yoursis almost new but it can be a dud spring to.

Have u reviewed the kahr lube chart on the kahr tech section. It is a dandy and also the PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR. It ight just also help u to.

07-22-2011, 06:12 PM
lke the slide is not going backinto full battery therefore causing light strikes. How about calling Jay or Eion at Kahr and explaining tothem and see if the will send u a new recoil assembly/spring. It could very well be a recoil spring issue. Irealize yoursis almost new but it can be a dud spring to.

Have u reviewed the kahr lube chart on the kahr tech section. It is a dandy and also the PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR. It ight just also help u to.

Not really light strike nothing happens at all not even a click of trigger when pulled, it is kind of annoying LOL. Consider I just traded my old carry gun for a Judge and now my new carry gun is being a problem. LOL I will give them a call on Mon.

07-22-2011, 06:23 PM
u could have an out of spec trigger bar and in that case it will have to go back to kahr, for sure if u call them , have them issue a pre paid pick up on ur new gun. don't settle for less than that. not ur fault. They will get it right for you to but put in writing all that the gun is doing so the techs have a place to start looking. Dead trigger is an indication of an out of spec trigger bar or an out of timed gun. If that slide is not fully going back into battery, then it will prduce light striker/dead trigger, as it is out of time. If u can tap the back of the slide and get the trigger then to do what it is suppsed to do, it kinda tells me that slide is keeping the gun out of time and not the triger bar. either way not good. If that be the case many have just gotten a new recoil spring and for many that took care of the issue..

08-21-2011, 08:48 AM
Ok so I finally had time to call the other day Wed and they sent me a new recoil spring. I received it yesterday hopefully can put it in today and test fire tomm, I will let you know how it works.

08-21-2011, 08:58 AM
Based on - it worked ok for 300 shots, and now is causing problems....

How about pulling the sideplate and checking for debris? I wonder if some little plastic shaving could have wandered down in there?

Just sayin... it could save a trip... and prove educational for the rest of us at the same time.

08-21-2011, 11:18 AM
I could check that but it was doing it for most of break in period I was just trying to get a few more through it hopeing it would clear up. Ian felt pretty sure it was the spring so I try that first

08-21-2011, 06:24 PM
So got spring in today (I'm right on schedule) LOL I did notice new spring was considerabley longer then old one .25 inch or maybe a bit more I plan on shooting tomm to c if it works will let you know.

08-25-2011, 03:42 PM
So finally got time to shoot today afrwe getting all things tied down for hurricane and no luck. It shot fine for the first 3 magazines and then bam right back to doing it again I will call them again on Mon after the storm passes over and see what we can do.

08-25-2011, 04:11 PM
it has to go back, callkahr and have jay or eion issue a fed xpi9ckup on your gun, document everything that ahs been done for the kahr techs so thatthey have a good starting point, IMO ur trigger bar cold be out of spec, but I have also seen entire slides and barrels replaced, te3lling me that kahr really didn't know what was wrong and just started to replace parts until the issue went away. A feature that we owners just cannot afford to do. Kahr willget u right, I know it is frustrating but once fixed,u willforget about the pains and enjoys the triumps..

08-25-2011, 04:20 PM
Is this happening with a variety of ammo?
Are you using oil on the cam surfaces of the barrel lug (no. 1 on the chart)? If so, try changing to a grease.
Have you disassembled the slide and cleaned the extractor spring tunnel? Inspected the extractor?

08-26-2011, 06:28 AM
I have cleane dit before the way the diagram states when problem first started and ended uo with same result I'm not sure about ammo I had a box yesterday that had mixed blazer and winchester in it. I know before it was doing it with both loads, I will call Kahr on Mon. and see about getting gun shipped back.

08-27-2011, 07:18 PM
Wish you luck and keep us informed. Must be a humiliating experience. I for one and perhaps others feel the same way.....was horrified when I saw the thread title.

08-29-2011, 08:46 AM
I too had the same problem last week with a new out of the box CW45 on every round after the first 6. It is frustrating for sure. I did feel that I should look at the problem closer before returning to Kahr. Removed the side plate and cleaned up the flash with an x-acto knife. Now the trigger resets every time, and I am satisfied.
Pay close attention to the area at the highest and most rearward point of the trigger bar where it protrudes out from under the side plate and is visible in the slide channel with the upper removed. (looking from right hand side, you will see the part that moves when you pull trigger back with slide off) There is zero clearance in the area where it contacts the frame rail, I feel that was my problem. Your Mileage May Vary.

08-30-2011, 11:46 PM
So I squeezed off another 30 rounds the other day with no problems and did notice a good bit of plastic at the end of slide, towards striker side. I think the gun just needed to seat it self on frame, I am going to clean it over the next couple of days and try again. Thanks for help will keep you posted from here as to what happens next.

08-31-2011, 03:27 PM
I felt that wearing in would of fixed mine eventually. But after having 50+ rounds hang up and having to smack the slide, it was getting old. Also felt that it was so close to trigger resetting that the temperature had an effect.
Mine seems reliable enough now that I no longer feel the need to send it in. Hope you can resolve yours.

05-09-2013, 08:40 PM
Ok so I called kahrand they sent a new recoil spring it shot good for a couple of mags I cleaned it and put it up. Today I pulled it out to shoot and with every round I had to slap the slide to shoot it is like the striker is hanging up if i squeeze the trigger nothing is there until i slap the slidethen trigger is reAdy to go I am bout to get rid of it as i dont feel it will be reliable when I need it.

05-10-2013, 12:41 AM
Wow, this is an old post. Anyway I would think it's back to a possible trigger bar problem like Jocko said a while back and Kakr can fix it up.

I had a similar problem with my CW45 and fixed it after "major surgery" myself. I didn't slap the side to reset mine but it would have probably had the same result. It was a trigger bar problem too.

05-10-2013, 06:07 AM
Yep havent fired it in awhile i will give kahr a call today and see what they come up with

05-10-2013, 10:02 AM
Got them to give me a R A he told me to make sure I was holding it tight I am holding it as tight as I can

05-10-2013, 10:15 AM
New springs are always longer when new. They take a set under compression and use, and then work as designed. The coil count is usually the same.


10-04-2013, 05:45 PM
Ok received gun back very quickly with a list of thing they did while they had it, finally had a chance to fire the gun today and guess what it was still doing the same crap it did before sending it off to kahr. I am going to try again but am about ready to trade this piece of crap in for a glock or sig had I known then what I knew now I would never have purchased this piece of junk.

10-04-2013, 05:48 PM
peddle it and buy ur glock u have lost faith in it.Kahrs are not junk,maybe urs is but try not to gropu all kahrsinto what urs is doin

10-04-2013, 05:55 PM
Kahr has lost all my faith giving all I have tried I bought this gun as a way to protect my family when we are out and about, if I have to work to make the gun shoot what will happen in a life or death situation when I have to slap the slide after every shot to protect my family. Beretta, Sig or Glock here I come, I have fought this piece of junk for well over 2 years now and I had planned on buying a desert eagle also but since they are now owned by Kahr that wil never happen either.

10-06-2013, 05:57 AM
An issue similar to this with a CW9 is what drove me away from Kahr about eight years ago. It was utterly unreliable and Kahr couldn't get it to run right. My experience with this CW9 is what drove me to Glock.

But fast forwarding eight years, I was once again on the hunt for a small, single stack 9mm that won't break the bank. I actually purchased a Ruger LC9 but ended up hating the trigger. While checking out the gun store offerings I was drawn back to the CW9 and its excellent trigger and ergonomics. I asked the sales person, someone I know and trust, if they end up having to ship many of these back to the factory. He commented that in his experience the return rate is no worse than for any other make of pistol.

I figured that after eight years Kahr must surely have the design running right so I re-took the plunge.

One week and about 200 rounds into the pistol I'm happy to report it is running just fine. There are occasional failures to go fully into battery, an issue I'm willing to attribute to a tight gun and something I expect to go away with time. I even spent about 60 rounds trying to get it to fail due to 'limp wristing' by firing unsupported with my weak hand, but the pistol just kept on running fine. I should also add that this pistol has been shot without first breaking it down and applying lube - is has been fired from the first round with just the lube that was applied at the factory. This was intentional on my part.

So far I'm very happy. A great little pistol with great ergonomics that, so far, is reliable.

10-10-2013, 07:45 PM
I am going to try and squeeze a few more rounds through it tomorrow and give Kahr a call on Monday if it doesn't level out. I will probably still by myself another manufactuer pistol for my conceal carry purposes.

10-11-2013, 09:54 PM
I am a first time Kahr owner and new to this forum. I bought a P45 September 14, 2013. Apparently it was a trade in so I'm told. No firing marks on the top of the barrel, thing looks pristine. But I hesitated and the guy dropped the price $40. I asked if they were opened Sunday, he said no and dropped the price another $45.
So I bought it.

Nothing but trouble.
No wonder the guy traded it in. I see now why the sales man kept dropping the price, too.

After a lot of polishing the barrel and slide for two hours using 600 grit Emory cloth and firing 500+ rounds of 4 different factory 230gr FMJ's, most of the problems have resolved themselves.

BUT it still has an issue with not going fully into battery. Stops about 1/8" short. I press it forward with my offhand thumb and fire the next round.
Sometimes the slide is so stuck, I have to *pop* the back of the slide with the heel of my offhand palm before it moves into battery.
Very finicky gun.

I was told to pay to ship it back to them for warranty repair. But $91 shipping overnight from Las Vegas to Worcester, MA!!!!!!

Called back and spoke to Ian. Told them they need to pay for shipping to AND from Kahr.
Today I got an email with a FedEx shipping label. Cool.:D

I'm wondering if 45ACP was too much cartridge for such a small polymer framed gun.

10-11-2013, 11:07 PM
Good luck. I hope they get it working well for you. That's the only model that I still would like to acquire. I chose the PM45 for max concealability and have since found that the P-sized Kahrs are not that much harder to carry concealed... with my P9, P40, and PM45 fitting the same MiniTuck as the PM9... just a little more weight. I would try to find some Officer-sized 6-round... or even 7-round ones to fit flush, though.


10-18-2013, 09:46 PM
Good luck. I hope they get it working well for you. That's the only model that I still would like to acquire. I chose the PM45 for max concealability and have since found that the P-sized Kahrs are not that much harder to carry concealed... with my P9, P40, and PM45 fitting the same MiniTuck as the PM9... just a little more weight. I would try to find some Officer-sized 6-round... or even 7-round ones to fit flush, though.


We'll see when it comes back what they found.

Check out this video I found. The guy found aftermarket 1911 magazines that work perfectly with no modification.
Begin watching at 10:00

ACT MAG is the name. These links might not work.

12-18-2013, 01:51 PM
I just got my P45 to run without failure. I'm still conditioned from experience to anticipate a jam after every shot fired. The last 250 rds have been almost flawless.
I'll keep it running wet the way I have been.

Let a friend shoot 4 mags in a row last Sunday. It was the first Kahr he'd ever fired. He loved it! No failures. Since he was shooting an XDs45, he wasn't accustomed to the long Kahr trigger pull and reset.
I'm not even sure if I am even after 1,150 rounds fired since September 16, 2013 when I bought it. I never quite now when The Beastie's going to go BANG!

It was the first time shooting with this guy who is a co-worker. We always talk guns when at work but we never went out. I think he was surprised that I was hitting everything I shot at. I saw him a couple times out the corner of my eye watching me plink away at his steel target without failure or miss. Really caught his attention. It's only a 3.5" barrel! I was having a blast showing off the accuracy of this Little Monster. Making a Coke can jump around from 25 yards in the cold desert air warmed my heart. I concur with John Lennon, "Happiness is a warm gun, yeah."
I'm really pretty excited now to have a gun that works. It's all I think about. I feel like a little kid with a brand new bike and he wants nothing more than to ride around all day long.
Now to shop for a belt and holster!

12-18-2013, 02:55 PM
lke the slide is not going backinto full battery therefore causing light strikes. How about calling Jay or Eion at Kahr and explaining tothem and see if the will send u a new recoil assembly/spring. It could very well be a recoil spring issue. Irealize yoursis almost new but it can be a dud spring to.

Have u reviewed the kahr lube chart on the kahr tech section. It is a dandy and also the PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR. It ight just also help u to.

I hear yer old lady has to slap you or slightly squeeze your trigger to get you to work. Could be the same problem you old reprobate. :)

12-19-2013, 01:52 AM
:oI think I might have fixed the problem(s) with my P45. Haven't had any failures of any kind since making these repairs.:eek::D:001_tt2::amflag: