View Full Version : PM9 Magazine Spacer

07-22-2011, 06:15 PM
I happened upon something today that I was wondering if anyone has tried.


It allows you to use a P9 7 round magazine in your PM9 while taking up the extra space. It looks like it might work better than the Pierce grip extensions. I was curious how it fit and how well it works.

07-23-2011, 08:20 AM
I happened upon something today that I was wondering if anyone has tried.


It allows you to use a P9 7 round magazine in your PM9 while taking up the extra space. It looks like it might work better than the Pierce grip extensions. I was curious how it fit and how well it works.

Just go and get the PM9 7 Rd mag. and save your self a lot of trouble and expense.

07-23-2011, 08:33 AM
I've never tried it but it looks like it possible could take up that goofy looking gap when using the 7 round mag. Interesting.

07-23-2011, 10:26 AM
Just go and get the PM9 7 Rd mag. and save your self a lot of trouble and expense.

Have one. The gun came with a 6 round and that 7 round magazine. I wish it had come with another 6 round. This one fails to feed a lot of the time. It's the only magazine I have that does. I've been doing some reading and have read it isn't an isolated issue.

I've never tried it but it looks like it possible could take up that goofy looking gap when using the 7 round mag. Interesting.

Yep. I decided to buy one just to check it out. I'll post up the results.

07-23-2011, 12:45 PM
As you can see, I added the 9mm poly base plate that I got from Kahr ($15.00)

with a little sanding to fit flush on the 6 rd mag and not only does it look better, it also feels better when you shoot.

http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/girphoto/th_PM9RIG.jpg (http://s984.photobucket.com/albums/ae326/girphoto/?action=view&current=PM9RIG.jpg)

I now have 3 7 rd mag's...no problems with any and 3 6 rd mag's also no problem.

takes about 3 minutes to set up on the 6 rd mag's

04-29-2013, 01:58 PM
Hey Polygon, did you ever try out that A&G spacer? I have 2 8-round mags for my CW9, but they stick out of the grip. I was really hoping that the A&G spacer would fill that gap. Did you ever take any photo's?

04-29-2013, 02:32 PM
This is a old thread and I just checked Polygon's Stats and he has not posted in almost a year.
You might try to pm him or google search for other threads on this spacer.

04-30-2013, 11:29 AM
Will do. Thanks Tilos.

05-01-2013, 04:12 PM
Here is a picture of my CM9 with a 7 round mag with the spacer. It is not perfect but does feel good in the hand. I get a 3 finger grip and 7 +1 rounds.

http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l628/ymzbljy/IMG_1043_2_zps37165e1c.jpg (http://s1127.photobucket.com/user/ymzbljy/media/IMG_1043_2_zps37165e1c.jpg.html)