View Full Version : CCW Holders Live in a Dream World!
07-23-2011, 08:54 PM
Although I read this video has been around a while I saw it for the first time today. It is named "Proof That Concealed Carry Permit Holders Live In A Dream World (" Before you watch this, understand:
It is very biased against concealed carry.
I don't recall them saying any of the subjects were current permit holders.
This may not be indicative of ALL permit holders.
Finally, they didn't include any unsuspecting veteran police force personnel who already have carried even openly for a long time.
Now, key learnings....
All the stuff they say about muscle memory is true.
All the stuff they say about freaking out is true.
All the stuff they say about practicing the draw is true.
All the stuff they say about aiming for COM is true.
All the stuff about being serious and faithful with training is true.
Hey, it's TV....but there's much truth there. It's also a bit of a wake up call. Despite being a btdt vet I admit to now being old and rusty. No longer get to the range and/or practice practical as much as I did or should. I also no longer live in condition Orange. I'd like to believe I'm still mostly in Yellow, but also have to admit to relaxed slipping to White at times these days.
Then, I look at those kids and wonder if they're actually emotionally ready to kill someone without hesitation if life threatening necessary. Or even properly equipped to do it. Classroom training is much abstract theory and PA doesn't even require live fire training for a carry license. Neither does my home state of Colorado. Back in the day when we were all raised with guns that may have been appropriate. Today, I reluctantly have to think of it as a mistake.
So the "Bad Guy" comes in and immediately targets the CCW kid. I don't thinks any of us would have survived that situation.
It's just another stagged event that satisfies the media's need to foist their opinions on the public.:rolleyes:
07-27-2011, 02:00 AM
More Liberal crap, like LaP said the bad guy targets the CCW holder. The CCW holder also has a helmet on which limits visibility. What they don't say is in real life the bad guy wont know who has the gun, and the CCW holder will have a better holster that doesn't get hung up. Also what if there 5 or 6 CCW holders in that room the bad guy would be toast. Plus if bad guys knew they would be running into multiple people with guns most would not do it. The Libs would rather a 1000 Virginia Techs then 1 legal gun owner on a college campus.
07-27-2011, 10:30 AM
Thanks for sharing. This news report is against carry, but it does make very good points. Train, Train, Train. If you carry, you can not train enough. Train. I passed this along to some buddies who carry. Very few train enough to be effective.
07-27-2011, 10:36 AM
When was the last time you were in a classroom setting with a face mask and heavy gloves... hmmmm
07-27-2011, 10:58 AM
Thank you Oldlincoln for posting this--very good stuff.
Getting to your weapon is a large part of CCW IMHO. If you cant deploy then anything after that is a waste. I pracitce deployment each week. I might be getting out of my car in my garage and I will get to my weapon (edged or gun) just to see how I did. Was there a hang up? Why? I try to make it so that I am not in a ready position all the time before doing it. In fact, I practice while going up stairs or walking or getting out of a chair or sitting down. I have to know what I can and cannot do readily. If people saw me would they think I was crazy? Yep. I dont care, I owe that to myself and everyone around me to be good at it. Messing up and shooting the person next to you in a real situation because of a glitch is not an option. I wouldnt want any of those people next to me with a loaded gun at that skill level.
GaryB said it "train train train" We made that commitment when we decided to carry.
07-27-2011, 10:59 AM
When was the last time you were in a classroom setting with a face mask and heavy gloves... hmmmm
good point with the gloves. Face mask should not have hindered the draw though.
I can probably produce a video that can prove ANYTHING...
if you allow me to set up the actors, the scene, the dialoge, how many out-takes, film editing, etc.
Hollywood does that at the boxoffice every day.:cool:
07-28-2011, 04:13 PM
One must practice anything one wants to be proficent at
07-28-2011, 06:29 PM
Forget gloves & sweatshirts, they were obviously for the training as it as real ammo with the paintball bullets - more serious than a paintball gun. What's important is the lack of taking cover and other tactical issues. There's lots of scenarios that could tilt the exercise one way or another, but the tactical issues would likely remain.
A relative was until recently promoted, the head of security at a nuke power plant where they also store spent fuel rods. They regularily ran intruder/terrorist exercises with a couple bad guys and the rest of the team in pursuit all armed with paintball guns. The BG's didn't have much in the way of rules, but the GG had to miss critical equipment, etc. Also, the GG sometimes were told there were 2 BG when there were 3, etc to make them deal with incomplete intel.
He said paintball hits get your attention especially when it could have been a 9mm or better in real life. In the debreafing, telling a young married guy he's not going home tonight does not bring chuckles but serious introspection.
07-28-2011, 06:45 PM
Forget gloves & sweatshirts, they were obviously for the training as it as real ammo with the paintball bullets - more serious than a paintball gun. What's important is the lack of taking cover and other tactical issues. There's lots of scenarios that could tilt the exercise one way or another, but the tactical issues would likely remain.
A relative was until recently promoted, the head of security at a nuke power plant where they also store spent fuel rods. They regularily ran intruder/terrorist exercises with a couple bad guys and the rest of the team in pursuit all armed with paintball guns. The BG's didn't have much in the way of rules, but the GG had to miss critical equipment, etc. Also, the GG sometimes were told there were 2 BG when there were 3, etc to make them deal with incomplete intel.
He said paintball hits get your attention especially when it could have been a 9mm or better in real life. In the debreafing, telling a young married guy he's not going home tonight does not bring chuckles but serious introspection.
Actually you got it backwards there Old Lincoln. Paintball guns hurt way more than that 9mm simunition. I got alot of it in my closet. It stings a bit and they wear protective clothing but paintball hurts BAD.
My first thought was the kid should have had 10 minutes with Clint Smith. He would have had him turn around and get the gun in his hand already so all he had to do was pull up and shoot. I love his credo, always cheat, always win! Your right of course about training but this was a one sided setup destined for the student to lose which he of course did. I doubt he could change that. What they needed to do was like your incomplete intel drill and give 3 of the students guns and see how that effects things.
07-28-2011, 07:35 PM
Well, I've been told more than once I'm a bit backward so I s'pose you're right, especially since I've not been hit with either.
Thinking about it you are also right about what may have gone down had there been multiple students armed in there. I would love to see that one!
............Thinking about it you are also right about what may have gone down had there been multiple students armed in there. .......
Or maybe not....the potential for crossfire/collateral damage in that particular situational layout and assuming inexperienced shooters seems like it could be rather severe.
In a crowd situation I've gotta admit that almost the last thing I'd want is excited newbies at twelve o'clock or sitting on my six.
07-30-2011, 08:09 PM
Note : they talk about training----The local police in my area get less than 10 hours a YEAR hot/shooting training after the Acad. Not counting qualif. annually.
That's not enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-31-2011, 05:49 PM
They had the face gear AND those clumsy gloves, too. The t-shirt was long, tight, and "clingy" relative to a polo, so that definitely added to the problem.
This might have been a good simulation for the tunnel vision and loss of fine motor skills. :D There definitely needs to be thought about staying out of the line of fire while drawing your weapon. Standing there like a deer in the headlights makes you # 1 to get shot. At least make some kind of defensive moves... like hitting the floor and scooting away until you can return fire. A bullet in the butt isn't likely to be fatal!
08-13-2011, 11:17 AM
Untrained "CCW" with unfamiliar equipment up against a SWAT officer who knows the exact location the CCW is seated in (conveniently front and center) and targets him immediately.
Yea... that's not a setup to fail situation.
Allow me to pick any seat I want in the classroom and have the "bad guy" come into the situation "blind" and you'd have a completely different outcome.
Even if you take the situation as presented, is it better to have the opportunity to fight back or is it better to be completely helpless and die without a chance?
Unarmed you are 100% guaranteed to lose.
Armed, even when the deck is stacked against you, you have a chance of prevailing.
08-13-2011, 12:13 PM
I would definitely seek a back seat away from a door... protected back... as Wild Bill forgot... one fatal time. In the front row like that, you could have whackos behind you and get popped from behind!
I like loose polos and Tees with extra length for CCW. It's cooler and more forgiving in concealment while stretching up or bending over. I can sweep them up and out of the way with my strong hand as I draw, but I would make sure that I did what was needed if wearing those clumsy gloves! :eek:
08-13-2011, 02:08 PM
It must be nice for the BG to know who is armed and where they are sitting.An added bonus is when the BG is a trained firearms instructor.Of course ABC is correct.We should all just let ourselves be victims and give up.Those gutless bastards sicken me.Do I think that any armed conflict I find myself involved in will turn out with me winning?I don`t know.All I ask for is the chance to fight back and defend myself.If ABC thinks I`m going to give up that chance of survival because of their skewed "report",then they`re living in a dream world.
08-13-2011, 02:26 PM
Amen, Brother! :D
Governor Perry may not be perfect, but right now, he has my vote. He's from Texas, carries a concealed weapon(Ruger did a commemorative run of LCP's on his coyote incident... wish I had a few of those... going to really skyrocket!), AND isn't afraid to use it! Yeehaa!
Amen, Brother! :D
Governor Perry may not be perfect, but right now, he has my vote. He's from Texas, carries a concealed weapon(Ruger did a commemorative run of LCP's on his coyote incident... wish I had a few of those... going to really skyrocket!), AND isn't afraid to use it! Yeehaa!
Nor afraid to admit that he did without apology.
08-14-2011, 06:53 PM
Yeah, if elected, I don't think he'll schedule a "World Apology for America Tour"... as the Great Teleprompter Reader did.
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