View Full Version : CM9/PM9 are parts interchangable?

07-24-2011, 09:30 AM
I'm seriously considering a CM9.
I know it's basically an economy PM9.
Does anyone know if the parts are interchangeable? So I can cherry pick upgrades.
I'm specifically interested in swapping in the PM9 Slide Stop.


07-24-2011, 09:57 AM
Good question.

07-24-2011, 10:17 AM
yup they are, but buy the cm9, some of the bells and whistles on the PM is not needed UNLESS you want them, and it is then lower in price to buy a PM9 now than spend the money to put all this stuff on your cm9. I myself have never been a big fan of the extra 7 round magazine that kahr puts in with the PM9 when u buy it. To me it is the most butt ugly magazine I have ever seen. I would rather have two 6 round flush fits for my cm9 or PM9 than that extended magazine, which is 50-50 even if they work right, where as the 6 round flush fits are fine. Ur buying a ccw gun in the cm or PM9 series, so IMO keep it that way.

Screw that slide stop Bartyh, a waste of money, a forged slide stop over the MIM slide stop of kahrs is not going to make one bit of difference. The barrel lug pin is solid steel, your only getting a MIM slide stop lever, nothing else, IMO a waste of money if u think ur getting something better, which you are not. In my opinion ur more likely to get an out of spec slide stop lever from a forged/machined slide stop than a MIM slide stop. Just my two cents. But they will interchange as will the barrels which one is polygonal (PM9) and the other standard rifled, both nickel plated. Again IM not worth the difference to pay to get the polygonal barrel either.. but some consider it a perk on the PM9 series.

07-24-2011, 12:43 PM
AFAIK, the only thing that isn't interchangable is the front sight. Everything else is. The slide stop is for sure, but I prefer the feel of the MIM lever, it's a bit more rounded from the factory.

07-24-2011, 12:45 PM
yup they are, but buy the cm9, some of the bells and whistles on the PM is not needed UNLESS you want them, and it is then lower in price to buy a PM9 now than spend the money to put all this stuff on your cm9. I myself have never been a big fan of the extra 7 round magazine that kahr puts in with the PM9 when u buy it. To me it is the most butt ugly magazine I have ever seen. I would rather have two 6 round flush fits for my cm9 or PM9 than that extended magazine, which is 50-50 even if they work right, where as the 6 round flush fits are fine. Ur buying a ccw gun in the cm or PM9 series, so IMO keep it that way.

Screw that slide stop Bartyh, a waste of money, a forged slide stop over the MIM slide stop of kahrs is not going to make one bit of difference. The barrel lug pin is solid steel, your only getting a MIM slide stop lever, nothing else, IMO a waste of money if u think ur getting something better, which you are not. In my opinion ur more likely to get an out of spec slide stop lever from a forged/machined slide stop than a MIM slide stop. Just my two cents. But they will interchange as will the barrels which one is polygonal (PM9) and the other standard rifled, both nickel plated. Again IM not worth the difference to pay to get the polygonal barrel either.. but some consider it a perk on the PM9 series.

Thanks Jocko,
This place in better than Kahr Technical Support - LOL!

07-24-2011, 12:46 PM
Screw that slide stop Bartyh, a waste of money, a forged slide stop over the MIM slide stop of kahrs is not going to make one bit of difference. The barrel lug pin is solid steel, your only getting a MIM slide stop lever, nothing else, ...
Just to clarify, that description applies to the stop used in the P and PM series guns. Correct?
I ask because the "MIM" stop found on the CW series certainly appears to be all MIM.

07-24-2011, 12:49 PM
AFAIK, the only thing that isn't interchangable is the front sight. Everything else is. The slide stop is for sure, but I prefer the feel of the MIM lever, it's a bit more rounded from the factory.

Thanks for the tip.
Someone wondered about a short life span for the CM slide stop. But that's just conjecture.
I'm leaning toward Jacko's opinion that it's just fine "out of the box". Just don't tell Jocko I agree with him - LOL.

07-24-2011, 01:06 PM
u might be right there gregg, The past director of CW at kjahr wasa the one twho tgole me that barrel lub pin was solid steel.. no argument from me,just, again neither ever give a problem, or neither is more problem than the other IMO.