View Full Version : Kahr Representitives here?

07-26-2011, 11:24 AM
Great site and more information than I have been able to get through so far.

I am curious if any Kahr repsentitives visit this site? Being a new owner of a CM9 I am surprised at some of the minor tweaks I have had to make on it, which would be very easy for Kahr to correct. I went to a gun show to look at the Keltec PF9, Ruger LC9, Kahr PM9 and any other single stacked 9mm that I could find. After comparing all of them, I could not pass up the shorter size and the better trigger of the Kahr and with the CM9 the price is more in line with the others. Also, I like the fact that it is very similar to a Glock. After shooting around 200 rounds of two different types of ammo, I have had to tweak two different things for the gun to work correctly for me. It could be just me or the way I prefer compared to someone else.

1. The magazines are not drop free. Which I lighty sanded the internal rails in the mag well to correct this.

2. The mag follower sticking on the mag release inside of the magazine. Which I lightly sanded on the corner of the mag follower.

I am just surprised that a well engineered firearm priced at the high end of it's range has these minor issues.

Red Alert
07-26-2011, 10:50 PM
I would imagine that there are Kahr reps who monitor this site. I would not expect them to identify themselves or to offer advice to the forum members for fear of legal liability. You could sue a forum member until you are blue in the face if you followed errant advice from them and had problems. If someone admitted to being a Kahr Factory Rep, that advice could reasonably be held liable as being official.
Whats that phrase: Caveat Emptor.

07-26-2011, 11:17 PM
The site is owned by Kahr. An employee with the screen name JohnH manages it. But he stays out of the way and lets us monkeys run wild pretty much!

07-27-2011, 12:00 AM
JohnH can clarify this much more accurately than I but as I understand it he is not an employee of Kahr, at least not as a regular day job. I know he's too darn busy in another line of work. Probably wishes he did work for Kahr, I kind of wish I did, except I don't want to live there. I believe Red Alert is pretty much correct in all respects.

One huge benefit we have with JohnH is his connection and friendships with folks at Kahr. If bad rumors get started that are unfounded he can pretty much get the straight skinny in short order and set us folks here at Kahrtalk straight which of course spreads to the rest of the huddled masses.

07-27-2011, 12:55 PM
It is good to know that at least someone either at Kahr or affiliated with Kahr is at least viewing. I can understand why Kahr is unable to comment or leave feedback and they do not want to be making changes based off of one or two suggestions.

07-27-2011, 04:58 PM
Bear, I don't know for certain where they get their information but they do get it. I the last 18 months I have seen a strong effort toward improving their product line. The CM9 appears to be extremely reliable and of high quality.

I agree they still have some minor issues here and there even with it as far as mags (which they buy from a third party) and stuff normally corrected by the parts wearing together during break in. It's the wearing together that makes it fit so tight after break in. Far out example, but it's like those huge multi-ton blocks the Inca's fit together in Peru that you cannot slip a credit card between them. My point is they do listen to somebody and are getting better every day.

07-27-2011, 05:17 PM
they would be stupid if they did not check this board

07-27-2011, 09:07 PM
Listen,it does not matter one wit if it's golf clubs,motorcycles,running shoes,or firearms.
The makers or their selected agents scour these boards.
That's one of the best things about the internet.
Whether it's consistent complaints about failure to reliably feed ammo,or crappy grips on a golf club, or rotten pistons in a certain Japanese motorcycle they eventually seperate fact from fiction if they want to stay in business.
They most definitely tune in.

07-27-2011, 10:21 PM
Dang, Kahr makes motorcycles??!!! Koooolllll I want one! :)

07-28-2011, 09:24 AM
How about Kahr golf clubs? Irons that double as shootin' irons!