View Full Version : CM9 range report with a twist

07-29-2011, 11:16 PM
Well today must have been Kahr Range Day.

I went to the range today to run through the breakin of my Kahr CM9. I thought in addition to having several different type of ammo having several shooters would give another perspective to the reliability of the pistol.

We started with the factory 6 round mag and ran 1 Purple box of Federal 115gr ammo through it without a hiccup alternating shooters. Then I went with my hand loads and went through another 75 rounds with 1 FTF which I called as a limp wrist shot as it happened. We then change over to the 7 round Kahr mags that I had purchased. As I had read right after I ordered them some people have been having FTF issues with them. Well we were having the same issues where after the first and sometimes second shot the cartridge would FTF. Looking down into the open chamber you could see the top round in a nose down position in the mag. When I down loaded these mags to 5 rounds they ran flawlessly. After some discussion between us we surmised that the only difference between a mag loaded with 5 rounds and 7 rounds was spring pressure. When we got back to my home we disassembled the 6 and 7 rounds mags and started looking at the springs. It seemed and felt like the 7 round mag springs put a tremendous amount of pressure on the last 2 cartridges we would load. We slide the 6 rounds mag spring in the 7 round mag and it still gave good solid pressure right down to the last cartridge. Anyway we left the 6 round spring in the 7 round mag and went back to the range. Started shooting reloads again through the 7 round mag and the first 9 mags we had 2 FTF's after the first shot which was a huge improvement over the first time out. I then took 1 of the 7 round springs and cut 2 coils out to make it the same as the 6 round. We fired another 70'ish rounds with zero malfunctions. I believe problem solved although for the foreseeable future I will stick with the perfect running 6 round mag in the pistol for CCW. Somewhere in all of this we also fired 50 rounds of 124gr +P Speer Gold Dot SD ammo which ran perfectly. Total of 350 rounds. Final report, with the 6 rounds mag it was perfect and the 7 round mag issue may be resolved

Getting comfortable with the long DAO trigger pull started off as a little surprise but it became much more comfortable after a few mags. I found that I was better served if I stayed with a continuous smooth trigger pull through the entire range, there is no slack to take-up like on a Glock or Springfield. We both felt that with the range ammo there was next to no recoil or muzzle flip. The +P stuff was a little sharper but still less than out of my full size pistols. Accuracy was right there when we did our part and while cycling through several shots quickly it still did real well.

Overall this pistol is a keeper. I cycled the slide 500 times before I even went to the range and after the 350 rounds today it is now smoothing out and the spring tension is back to a reasonable pressure. I believe as it gets more rounds put through it it will even come together more in the way it shoots and cycles.

I picked up my DeSantis Nemisis pocket holster on the way home and the CM9 is in action as my new CCW pocket pistol.

07-30-2011, 12:31 AM
Sounds like you may need some clearance between the plastic magazine follower and the magazine catch. Interference there is usually the cause of the second or third round nose dive issue you are experiencing.

Fortunately, Greg describes the cure in his thread (http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1612) titled "CW45 (and other poly 45): issues and fixes" in the Kahr-Tech section. That thread is not limited to .45 ACP pistols and his pictures explain where a little sanding can help a lot.

Let us know how it goes . . . we have been through this a few times. ;)

07-30-2011, 10:26 PM
I've read that thread previously and that was not the issue. The follower hadn't even gotten close to the mag catch. First thing I checked. This was happening after the first and second shot. Clip mag spring, issue solved.

07-30-2011, 10:50 PM
Glad you have it under control. The follower issue is common enough, and easy enough to deal with, that I felt I should mention it. :)

07-30-2011, 11:08 PM
I read about everything I could here before I ordered my CM9. It is my first Kahr and I was impressed by what I read. This little 9mm is living up to Kahr's reputation so far.

I also had a local holster maker whip me up a few holsters today to meet my carry and training needs.



07-31-2011, 09:20 AM
Nice report, fellow left handed CM9 owner. Nice holsters, too. How much did they cost? Who made them?

07-31-2011, 09:52 AM
Nice report, fellow left handed CM9 owner. Nice holsters, too. How much did they cost? Who made them?
Ditto to your questions and can we see a picture of the back of the holster. I assume the holster was custom so it can probably be made to allow for a CT laser.

07-31-2011, 07:19 PM
Nice report, fellow left handed CM9 owner. Nice holsters, too. How much did they cost? Who made them?

Ditto to your questions and can we see a picture of the back of the holster. I assume the holster was custom so it can probably be made to allow for a CT laser.

They were hand made by a local guy. He does great work and hand tools or forms the materials in subtle ways that I wouldn't have thought about. They fit and work very well. Yes he can make holsters for lights and lasers but everything is made with your pistol to fit your pistol.


07-31-2011, 08:05 PM
They were hand made by a local guy. He does great work and hand tools or forms the materials in subtle ways that I wouldn't have thought about. They fit and work very well. Yes he can make holsters for lights and lasers but everything is made with your pistol to fit your pistol.


Thanks Quickdraw.

08-05-2011, 08:36 PM
I got back out today and put another 60 hand loads through the new CM9, total of 430 now. Out of 60 rounds only 1 FTF with a nose dive round on the first shot through a 7 round mag. I called it as a limp wrist shot. Everything other than that ran perfect. I think the spring strength was definately the issue with the 7 round mags. I still CCW the pistol with the 6 round mag and carry a 7 rounder as a spare but I'm thinking after another few hundred rounds these new mags will prove themselves.