View Full Version : Had to pull the PM45 in defense Saturday...
I'm cuttin' the gal-pals grass with a push mower, and I really didn't think about having or not having my PM45 in my pocket. Its always there. It just is.
So I'm cutting the grass, and I see her cats messin' with something and running in circles about it. The mower scared the cats away... and then I saw what they were messin' with: A large, very large, raccoon.
It came straight at me and the running lawnmower. I'm thinkin'... what kind of raccoon comes right for a human with a loud lawnmower in broad daylight. Rut-roh....
Out came the PM45, one round touched off, one rabid raccoon put out of its misery. Get the cats inside, I dont want 'em messing with it. Animal control folks agreed with the rabid conclusion, and.... all 12 cats got a rabies booster on the spot - gratis Florida taxpayers.
Never seen a rabid animal before. Life is an interesting ride at times.
07-30-2011, 08:42 AM
Cool story. I would have probably not thought of the pistol and let the raccoon meet the blades of the mower.
07-30-2011, 08:57 AM
glad u handle the situation quickly and in a humane way.
Bill K
07-30-2011, 08:59 AM
Glad it worked out for you. A couple of years ago a friend, I guess to be on the safe side, went through with the shots because he had picked up his cat after it got into a fight with a rabid raccoon.
07-30-2011, 09:07 AM
Hope you weren't using reloads, the victims lawyer might have a field day w/ that in court. :)
Good thinking. To what do you attribute your quick reaction?
Hmmm. They didnt suggest me getting treatment. Better call the doc.
Goin in Monday. My shots at taxpayer nickle too. Wunnerful
07-30-2011, 10:05 AM
Dang! That's really one of my biggest "threats" here in Jacksonville. We have a lot of raccoons. I've actually talked to a few while putting out the garbage or recycling late at night. I thought it was one of the neighborhood cats until I got where some light was behind the critter and I noticed the arched back. I've practiced blowing away a rabid one... mentally, many times. I always have my trusty P380 and figure a couple quick C.O.M. shots should stop a charge. I really watch for those things.
Good reactions and quick thinking there. I hope the shots aren't too bad.:eek:
07-30-2011, 10:27 AM
I got bit by a possum once, the shots are better than they used to be, but still suck.
07-30-2011, 11:20 AM
Nice work CJB. Not an easy shot when one thinks about it. Under charge, small target, lawnmower in the mix. Sounds like ya done perfect.
I'm headed out to cut grass (on my rider obviously). Usually have my PM45 on my leg but today I think I might hang the coach gun on board. Can't be too careful now days.
Mostly I'm skeered of them shots. Hope they give you a sucker afterwards, they usually give me one and sometimes even two.
Good luck with that.
Outstanding reaction. As mentioned, there were alot of variables in that situation and you still took care of business.
A raccoon running around during daylight equals an OH S##+ event.:eek:
07-30-2011, 11:51 AM
Thats why I open carryied when I lived on the farm. Had creek going thru my place with a lot of varmits. If you see a racoon in the daytime something's wrong.
My wife used to put catfood out at night and watch the crittters come up and eat, usually young coons n possums. We kept the patio door between us and the varmits, and we never had one that appeared rabid show up for the free chow.
07-30-2011, 01:16 PM
Quick thinking! I probably would have used the lawn mower on the poor raccoon.
Bawanna truth be told the poor guy lingered longef than he shoulda, but being rkght down town
....i dared not fire again lest a get a stern talk from the local leos.
Doc said a few vaccines and gamma globulin or such. One in the butt, rest in the arm.
I can man up for that.
07-30-2011, 02:39 PM
Damn, they gave me that, and more. I think there were a total of 11 needles, and one had to go through the navel.
07-30-2011, 02:55 PM
through the navel.
holy crap!
07-30-2011, 02:57 PM
holy crap!
Tooks the words right out of my mouth. I'd take my chances with the racoon before I did that navel thing. Just ain't gonna happen.
They'd have to put me under to pull that off.
07-30-2011, 03:10 PM
Well I got all the grass knocked down with no attacks or incidents worth reporting. It was pretty tall so I gotta go drag the sweeper around so I guess you could say the day ain't over yet. Lock N Load.
07-30-2011, 04:23 PM
Damn, they gave me that, and more. I think there were a total of 11 needles, and one had to go through the navel.
Hey, maybe they were just having fun with you... trying to test your Marine grit.
I always heard it was about a dozen shots... in the stomach! :eek:
That's why I really watch out for weird-acting animals. I see a lot of nocturnal animals running around in the daylight, but none acting really strange... certainly not foaming at the mouth or anything like that.
We see raccoons, opossums, amadillos, stray cats, and once, a red fox came right up the sidewalk just outside the window where I'm sitting now. When I saw it was a fox, I was holding my breath... wanting to let my wife know, but it was one of those "magic" moments... just so rare and special. I didn't enumerate the birds and reptiles.
I've only tried to kill one of those things... an armadillo. My 420 fps CO2 pellet pistol pellets bounced off the area between his eyes... repeatedly and I borrowed my neighbors axe... finally.
I bought a machete... a dull one, I found out... but only used it once for bushes... pretty dull and dangerous, but would work on an armadillo, I think... though I finally stopped them from getting into the back yard... just as well, because I had no desire to tackle another one like the first. They were no longer digging up my storage buildings and the air conditioning pad.
Bill K
07-30-2011, 04:53 PM
Goin in Monday. My shots at taxpayer nickle too. Wunnerful
I so glad you contacted your Dr. It is good that the treatment will be paid for as the shots can run several thousand dollars.
Hey, maybe they were just having fun with you... trying to test your Marine grit.
I always heard it was about a dozen shots... in the stomach! :eek:
Isn't the shot injected with a square needle?
07-30-2011, 06:37 PM
Quick thinking! I probably would have used the lawn mower on the poor raccoon.
I did that lawn mower execution thing with a snake one time...just a garter snake, but still. Good times....good times.
Did I mention I also have no talent for graphic design? :D
MW surveyor
07-30-2011, 07:18 PM
Isn't the shot injected with a square needle?
Yea and its like a 6 gauge or so.:behindsofa:
07-30-2011, 08:03 PM
Bawanna, if you are ever bitten by a rabid animal, man up & get the shots. Rabies is ALWAYS fatal to humans!
07-30-2011, 08:09 PM
Bawanna, if you are ever bitten by a rabid animal, man up & get the shots. Rabies is ALWAYS fatal to humans!
Duly noted, I don't figure to get bit by no animals two or four legged but iffen I do I'll surely try the man up thing (that'll be a new experience for me) and get the 6 ga square needle shots directly in the ******** but they better have good suckers by golly or I won't be a very happy camper.
08-01-2011, 09:35 PM
Good job, CJB. Glad to hear the rabid raccoon got what he deserved. My wife and I had a mini run-in just last week with a raccoon as we were arriving home. It was headed towards a city sewer and was a good 50 feet away, but it stopped and looked over at us as we looked over at it. It went on with its business in the city sewer and we went on inside the house. As we got in, my wife said deep down she kinda knew I wanted the **** to take a run at us so that I could put it out of its misery. And she was right - partially. I would have enjoyed it in a sense, but I also am thankful it didn't force a confrontation, especially with my wife around (to deal with some of the things CJB is now dealing with). I also really didn't want to have to deal with the city and leos about a discharge within city limits. Might have been an interesting :blah:. Another time that I wish I lived out in the country.
A small update - didn't get bit, so full course of shots not needed. Two today, one in two weeks. Not in the butt either, but in the thigh for one, other in the arm. Not bad.
And today at work, I go to throw away some boxes at a customer locale... BIG '**** inside the dumpster. Jeeze... he was just eatin' tho
08-02-2011, 06:55 AM
I had a strange encounter with a big 'un several years ago at my in laws place. No harm no foul kind of encounter, but I well I'll tell that one later if I get time.
08-02-2011, 07:44 AM
I've only tried to kill one of those things... an armadillo. My 420 fps CO2 pellet pistol pellets bounced off the area between his eyes... repeatedly and I borrowed my neighbors axe... finally.
conditioning pad.
I would say you were hell bent on that armadillo going to heaven that day.
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