View Full Version : might just be getting my pm9 back

12-27-2009, 03:34 PM
It's a long story that I'll try and keep brief.

The first gun I ever bought was a PM9 back in December 2006. It was lost in February 2007 after it rode with me in an ambulance to the hospital (I was unconscious at the time). The gun was confiscated from me by hospital staff, and somehow or another got lost for approximately a year.

You see, back in early 2007 it was still technically illegal to have a weapon on your person in your own vehicle in Texas, though it could conceivably be anywhere else in the vehicle (the law changed very shortly after my ambulance ride occurred). The paramedics dragged me from my car, and at some point somebody found my PM9 in my pocket. I even reported it stolen, figuring it was. No charges were filed against me since there was no gun to charge me with, but I could not in good conscience allow a weapon I had owned to be floating around potentially illegally.

Sometime in early 2008, I received a call from a Dallas PD attache at the hospital who let me know they had found my gun in a locker somewhere, and while there were no charges against me they could potentially come in the form of a misdemeanor Unlawful Concealed Weapon charge. It was in a somewhat gray area given that the law in Texas made my "offense" completely legal now. It turns out that the new Dallas District Attorney had said he had no interest in prosecuting any pending UCW cases because of the new law.

Fast forward to 2009. According to the statute of limitations in Texas, I can't be charged with a misdemeanor if I have not been indicted within two years of the offense which is, of course, in the past. Since then I have applied for and received a concealed handgun license, which you can't get if anything is pending against you of course.

So, tomorrow I'm going to finally call the DPD property division and see if I get get my VC6XXX PM9 back :D Wish me luck.

12-27-2009, 03:40 PM
Wow. That's some "hangin' in there" to get that little shooter back. I can't imagine being parted from my pm9. Good luck and let us know what shape she's in when you get her back.:ohmy:

12-27-2009, 03:49 PM
about 30 years ago I sold a customer a charter under cover 38 and it had issues. We sent it back to the factory for warranty, 3 months never heard from them. They tried to skirt around everything be we had signed proof thatit got to the Charter factory. They said the gun was then defective and they would issue us a new one no charge. My customer was a police officer, so he smelled a rat and turned his old gun numbers into ncis just to cover his ass. About 5 years later I got a call from the NYPD and they had traced this gun to my dealership via through Charter arms first, then my distributor and then to me. They wanted to know what the situation was and how this gun endd up in NY where a felony crime was committed and the BG was found with this weapon.

We told them the entire story, and the end result was after some investigation that this gun was stolen inside of the charter factory by someone and later sold out on the street and that charter had tried to cover it up with us.

12-27-2009, 05:18 PM
I`ll keep my fingers crossed for you.Hope everything works out and you are reunited with your property.Please let us know.

12-27-2009, 05:35 PM
Thanks everybody, and good story jocko. Further proof that what I did was the right thing and the smart thing.

I've been deliberately not thinking about my missing PM9 for almost 3 years... I REALLY didn't want to stir anything up, you know? But as I was (100% legally, technicalities be damned! :p) pocket carrying my SP101 the other day (do-able in relaxed fit jeans), I was started thinking about my Dad's LCP... then I started wishing I had a pocket 9mm, even though I'm not on the ".380 is trash" bandwagon... and then I remembered I sort of do have one.

Now the only question (assuming I get it back, and why not?) is how the VC series has been holding up! That and if I still have my Kahr box... I remember sending in the warranty card when I first got it but I'd love to have that box...

12-27-2009, 05:46 PM
If all total it is under 5 years, your still covered, If there is an issue which there should be no reason for one, I stillthink kahr willtake care of u. One thing you might want to check out if you get it back, is the diameter of the recoil assembly backside washer type thing that goes agaisnt the barrel lug. kahr in the past few years went from the 3/8" diameter to a 1/2" diameter. You might want to go with that change if you get it back. For some reason they made this inhouse change. You might check with Jim K. he might know why????