View Full Version : Passive insult toward the MK at the range

08-01-2011, 09:26 PM
I never ever ever go to indoor ranges but decided to shoot at one near the office today. I shot 100 through the SW99c and 100 through the MK9. The barkingbitch held her own against the slightly larger 99c and grouped quite respectively.

While I was shooting another guy was shooting a Sigma he had just bought. He was having and awful time getting it on the paper and he had quite a few failures to feed or eject. When he finished he walked by and stopped to watch me shoot 3 mags. He said "nice job on that last target, what are you shooting?"

I showed him the MK9 and he said "huh, never heard of em. Oh well, as long as it sends the lead in the general direction of the bad guy it should be fine huh?" "you ought to pick up one of these Smiths while they have them on sale." then he bid me ado and left.

What the hell was that? Dude just totally rained on my parade and made the Kahr out to be some $2 hooker. And topped it off with a Sigma reference... Ass

08-01-2011, 09:36 PM
Two wongs don't make a right. Sigma, one of Smiths few dismal failures.

08-01-2011, 09:43 PM
Hey drebin, what happens at the range stays at the range! We agreed afterwards when we met at the pub that that incident would just stay between us boys. No need to air dirty laundry on the internet forum we call home!!

All kidding aside, my guess is that the fellow realized he could barely keep the Sigma on paper and was having issues galore, and was making small talk with you trying to ascertain if you were aware of how well he was doing over in lane 4. Cruise over, watch a few mags in lane 2, make small talk chit chat, leave with tail firmly planted you know where. :blah:

08-01-2011, 09:44 PM
To hell with that dude, I still won't buy any S&W product made after the mid 90's when they caved in and kissed Clinton's behind. And after all the trouble with his Sigma. he recommends you buy one? I have laughed in his face, and said something like well you obviously don't know much about fine firearms, and fired off a mag out of of the MK9, hopefully putting a good group together, before he could say anything.

08-02-2011, 05:19 AM
...and he said "huh, never heard of em. Oh well, as long as it sends the lead in the general direction of the bad guy it should be fine huh?" "you ought to pick up one of these Smiths while they have them on sale."

Those who can, do... those who can't, teach. He probably has tenure somewhere. :D

08-02-2011, 05:36 AM
Sorry guys .....
I love my PM9 and carry it more than any other gun -- well, I only have two that I carry, the PM9 and a Springfield Micro Compact GI.45. But the PM9 is almost always the gun I carry.

However: I love my Sigma. It does take some getting used to, but once you're used to it you're putting 15 rounds down range at a time, and it eats everything I put into it. That gun, with now almost 2500 rounds throug it, has never one time failed to feed, failed to eject, or failed to fire. No matter what ammo, no matter where I'm shooting, it has not failed one time. I swore at it for the first 500 rounds or so, thinking there was no way anyone could shoot this gun straight, but once I understood the trigger on it there was no turning back.

Especially for the money. $260.00 for a 15 round 9mm that shoots everything, and right now as I type is in a Crossbreed Oahu holster velcroed up under my desk, about 18 inches from where I'm sitting. This is my office protection gun, and it perfectly compliments that PM9 that's in the small of my back right now.

08-02-2011, 05:40 AM
Just to be clear bigmacque, I have nothing against the Sigma and never once said anything derogatory about his gun. He was struggling with it but it was a .40 and, judging by how much it was flipping up in the air, he was really limp wristing the heck out of it.

08-02-2011, 05:40 AM
Frank ol` buddy,you pretty much nailed it with the last word of your original post.Along with the fact that the guy obviously had no idea what he was talking about when it came to Kahr handguns.

08-02-2011, 06:12 AM
Look, I have an SD40 (can't stand the 9mm but that's me), it shoots well, and I have had zero failures with it (yes it's brand new and shiny, no clinton locks or any such). It will take Sigma parts and accessories shoots damn well. Now, would I try to foist one on some one who was doing better than I was at the range, no, but then again, I know how to shoot, and have no problem with 40. I also take a bunch of crap when I have one of my Taurus' with me or anything that is not Glock or Colt. Some people just don't got it, my stuff works for me, and that's fine, if his works for him or yours for you etc., then that's great. I won't knock any of it because your choice isn't mine.
If you want to carry a 9, good on you. I think that putz had not a clue how to shoot, but wanted you to think he might. Some people are just stupid, and that is one thing that you just can't fix. I also will not take a bunch of crap just because some one thinks they know better than I do, or want to impose themselves and their choices on me. That being said, I seldom do much about it anymore, just because they ain't worth getting worked up over.

08-02-2011, 06:13 AM
I agree with Mikeykahr, the guy was probably just trying to mend his busted ego after not been able to get on paper and having FTFs and FTEs.
Don't pay any mind to the guy frank_drebin, like you said just another ass.

08-02-2011, 06:18 AM
Look, I have an SD40 (can't stand the 9mm but that's me), it shoots well, and I have had zero failures with it (yes it's brand new and shiny, no clinton locks or any such). It will take Sigma parts and accessories shoots damn well. Now, would I try to foist one on some one who was doing better than I was at the range, no, but then again, I know how to shoot, and have no problem with 40. I also take a bunch of crap when I have one of my Taurus' with me or anything that is not Glock or Colt. Some people just don't got it, my stuff works for me, and that's fine, if his works for him or yours for you etc., then that's great. I won't knock any of it because your choice isn't mine.
If you want to carry a 9, good on you. I think that putz had not a clue how to shoot, but wanted you to think he might. Some people are just stupid, and that is one thing that you just can't fix.
Why do folks give you crap about having a Taurus?I have a couple of buddies who have them and I`ve never heard them say anything bad about them.I don`t own one so I can`t really say anything good or bad but I`ve really never heard a lot about them.

08-02-2011, 06:28 AM
I agree with you guys, I really do. Basically the guy was a jerk who really doesn't know any better (what? guys like that show up at GUN RANGES???)

You said it wll jlott .... what works for you works for you. That's why I carry a Kahr!

08-02-2011, 06:30 AM
you know there are some people out there that there elevators dont go to the top floor. I am willing to bet he might be one.

08-02-2011, 06:37 AM
To answer that Diet. Taurus has had some image problems over the years. Their fit and finish isn't as refined as other makers, and quite frankly the Millennium series and it's teething problems really didn't help. Because of the price point and that, I have heard things like it's the bic lighter of the gun world, to some one wouldn't be caught dead with one. I have a friend that just happens to carry one off duty, and used to carry it as a back up on duty as well. Thing is, after SWAT school, some of those guys gave him crap about it, he said the same kinds of things I said above. These days I just out shoot the detractors and maybe bring a little shame to them as well. They usually get quiet after that.

08-02-2011, 08:19 AM
I had a Sigma (most recent gen). It never gave me a single problem through the thousand or so rounds I fired except for one stove pipe. I was looking for something different though and recently sold it so I could buy a sr9c. My main issue was my small hands couldn't get a comfy grip on it. Oh well. I never talk smack about another man's pistol. That is like trying to compare size while standing at the urinal...

08-02-2011, 08:35 AM
I had one of the original Sigmas back in the mid 90's. It was stainless with a grey grip. very cool looking gun. Back then I had more of a "check for function then put it in the drawer if I ever need it" kind of mindset. I would put 90% of gun owners in that category today.

08-02-2011, 08:37 AM
Who could look at a gun built like this and ever think it was anything but a quality firearm... I mean come on, just look at her. She's perty


08-02-2011, 08:56 AM
Wow, look at the big barrel sticking way up there - it must be happy to see you!

08-02-2011, 09:02 AM
It leans to the left

08-02-2011, 09:05 AM
I had a Sigma (most recent gen). It never gave me a single problem through the thousand or so rounds I fired except for one stove pipe. I was looking for something different though and recently sold it so I could buy a sr9c. My main issue was my small hands couldn't get a comfy grip on it. Oh well. I never talk smack about another man's pistol. That is like trying to compare size while standing at the urinal...

...Reminds me of a story. A man was in love with a girl named Wendy, so much that he got her name tatooed on his most important part. The relationship didn't work out. (Wouldn't you know it?) Anyway, a few years later, he was vacationing in Jamaica. He was using a public restroom when a tall Jamaican man stepped up next to him at the trough. He noticed what seemed to be the same tatoo on the man—a W, some wrinkles and a y. So, he pointed out the similarity, relating the story about his long lost love named Wendy. Then, the Jamaican man replied, "Oh, no man. Mine says 'Welcome to Jamaica and I hope you have a nice stay!'"

08-02-2011, 09:24 AM
You are the second person to tell me that joke jfootin. It was funny then, and funny now.
Frank, I agree, how can anyone look at a Kahr and not say that it's a well built gun?

08-02-2011, 09:51 AM
Might have just said I'll stick with the MK9......at least it sends lead down range every time I pull the trigger.

Chief Joseph
08-02-2011, 11:30 AM
I had a sigma 9 and traded it for my CM9. The sigma was the biggest piece of crap. It fed fine, just a horrible trigger and for a larger gun the recoil was huge. I can't imagine how hard a .40 would be out of one. I've sworn off s&w and will not any of their guns.

08-02-2011, 11:36 AM
I'd like to find a pre 94 model 617 .22, but not buying any new S&W products. Taurus revolvers have been very good to me. I see a some older S&W revolvers at gun shows, and they are sky high usually. I was looking at some Taurus pistols 24/7 compact and Millenium Pro when I wanted to get a compact .45, but then I saw the CW45 for $352 and had my credit out almost as fast as that Bob Mu.... (the fast draw guy) can pull his gun out. LOL.

08-02-2011, 01:34 PM
I have two S&W's that I absolutely love.



08-02-2011, 05:37 PM
I have absolutely nothing against the S&W SIGMA. My wife bought one before she figured out she needed a smaller handgun. She had no issues with the SIGMA except for that silly trigger but some instruction and she was fine. I let her buy it because I thought I could use it as a carry piece and the price was right. We eventually found stuff we liked batter and I traded that SIGMA off for something I wanted. (sure hope the guy who got it is happy with it, I made sure he was happy with the trade as we made it but who knows how he feels now) Seems like most of the guys I have heard or seen dissing them have not owned one...

08-03-2011, 11:44 PM
"as long as it sends the lead in the general direction of the bad guy it should be fine huh" This part of the guys comments pretty much tells me his intelligence level, and i pray he never gets into a defensive situation while im around him.

Hes clearly an idiot no point in letting his comments get the best of you.

08-10-2011, 05:09 PM
my first observation would have been this guy is shooting a sigma so he obviously knows nothing about pistols.

08-10-2011, 07:12 PM
Thats what makes Kahr's cool !! I love when people dont know what a Kahr is. Lends a little mysterious coolness to it. I love having stuff that not every other goober has (eh HEMM Glocks..) Not that theres anything wrong with Glocks, but... ah crap, too late....already dug that hole.... Long live Kahr, or whatever that company is!!