View Full Version : Top Shot season 3

08-03-2011, 05:19 PM
For those of you interested, ads have started on the History Channel:


The new season begins this this Tuesday at 9 PM

08-03-2011, 05:40 PM
Awesome flames on the revolver shots!

08-03-2011, 05:53 PM
Thanks, I was wondering when that would start. I marked my calendar and need to make sure the DVRs are still set.

That first gal... I had to back that up 'cause she looked like the gal on the "other" gun show.

Homeland Security... is that part of O'Bama's national police force... as strong, or stronger than the military??? I wonder how his "Brown Shirts" are coming along.


08-03-2011, 07:14 PM
I hope this season is better than last. Last year, I wanted to see the best compete, but some of the shooters involved last year, let grudges and personal feelings get in the way. I don't like the voting in the elimination challenge being used as who you like and who is your enemy. The show should be totally be performanced based. George, the AF sniper "took a dive" so Chris could win. Totally ruined it for me. The producers need to get in writing, that all competitors will try their best, no matter what. Any perceived behavior in competition, by a shooter that is obviously not his best, should be kicked off and all money forfeited. I know that is highly subjective, but I think it should be required. Best in competition, honor, integrity, and professional ethics should be front and center over all.

08-03-2011, 08:16 PM
George, the AF sniper "took a dive" so Chris could win. Totally ruined it for me.

I don' think so. I think George just said that because he flubbed up and he wanted to save face. His first shot was a "gimme" and he didn't even aim, thinking he couldn't miss. Whoops. That put it back into a tie, and he lost in a real shoot out.

That's why he picked such an easy shot to begin with. He knew if they both hit it, that being one point ahead, he would advance automatically. This was a no-lose situation for him. Recall the other two couldn't figure out why he selected that target at that distance. I knew his strategy instantly.

What he didn't figure on was missing ... because he thought it was so easy he didn't have to aim. Dork.

How many times have we done something without really thinking about it, saying in our own minds "I can't lose this" only to fumble?

George's ego was way, WAY too big to take a dive. He proved that throughout the entire season. I believe he just messed up, then tried to cover himself by making himself out to be a martyr.

08-03-2011, 08:16 PM
Agreed totally. I could do without the drama and the little cliches. They could put a zipper on Colby's mouth about half the time. Even deaf and lip reading I could do without the play by play. I love the guy and like him in survivor but he needs to be his own man and stop being a talking head.

08-03-2011, 09:27 PM
I think he picked the too easy shot so that people would know he missed on purpose as he DID take a dive. It was so open that he did so, I'm surprised that they continued as it were a real competition. Everything he did and said was to make sure everyone knew he was giving Chris the win. It was just so hokey.
George tried to run the whole show and picked the ones to get rid of. I just couldn't believe that he did all that and then just gave everything away to the really "nice guy".

And, who knew the Air Force had SNIPERS?? It was fantastic that he got the 1,000-yard target on the first shot with the 50-cal, but hilarious that several guys beat him in timing by walking the rounds in. The guy could really shoot and he proved that several times, especially on the tower-drop thing that he manned up and excelled at, though the height really bothered him.

I hope this season is based more on competition and there's no cronyism and ganging up on others.

Still, all things considered, it's very entertaining and we get to watch them do some wild and great shooting... and blow things up! The photography is fantastic, too, really adds to the show.

If I were going to be on a show like that, I would watch all of the previous shows and learn how to use all of the weapons they used, especially the non-gun stuff.


08-03-2011, 09:37 PM
George most certainly threw the match and he admitted it to me when I met him at the NRA Convention. He felt Chris needed the money more than him so he let Chris win. And he felt pretty good about what he'd done and said he'd do it again. He really surprised me in the end and earned some respect from me.. cause up to that point I couldn't stand him.

08-03-2011, 11:22 PM
Well I hope you two are right. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but as I watched the show, being overly cocky to the point of carelessness seemed more consistent with George's previous behavior than playing the part of the martyr. This is a case where I'd like to be wrong.

08-03-2011, 11:56 PM
George most certainly threw the match and he admitted it to me when I met him at the NRA Convention. He felt Chris needed the money more than him so he let Chris win. And he felt pretty good about what he'd done and said he'd do it again. He really surprised me in the end and earned some respect from me.. cause up to that point I couldn't stand him.

That's the way I felt. George was quite the competitor and shooter, but he was such an a$$. I think it was a good thing he did, too, but it was like a big fight and a guy taking a dive on a soft punch.

What I couldn't believe, also, was the "Gunny" missing the heck out of those targets with the 10-22. I don't think he was really trying to give anything away... just got flustered.


08-04-2011, 07:52 AM
I agree Wyn. Oldjarhead is right. Let's make the show about the shooting, competition, and teams. Forget about military vs civilian and all the other crap that happened on that show last season.

Longitude Zero
08-04-2011, 09:35 AM
Too much drama again. Too little real world type contests. These type shows devolve generally at about season 3 and it gets stupider and stupider.

As for season 2 I was glad the loud mouthed bungholes got sent home and did bupkiss.