View Full Version : Secret Service agents speak about presidents

08-03-2011, 08:50 PM

I had direct & indirect access to Secret Service agents up through the end of the Clinton Administration. What I heard was perfectly consistent with what this guy reports. I can't speak to the situation past that point of course, but like him I have no reason to disbelieve it either.

08-03-2011, 09:49 PM
I love this video. It states it like it is.

These same things have been reported by other white house staff also. Cooks, housekeepers, etc...

08-04-2011, 12:18 PM
If it were only the Secret Service folks one might question this, however as mentioned above, others in the "service" of the president & family say similar things.

I recall one in the protection detail tell of how Hillary went off on Bill many time screaming at him and using street gutter language. And they called one of the women he attacked "trailer trash", I suppose they were trying to bring her down to their level.

08-04-2011, 12:56 PM
I had heard that Hillary was a total witch to the agents charged with protecting her.All the rest of the information came as no surprise either.Barbara and Laura Bush epitomize the word lady and were a tremendous asset to this nation.Hillary and Chewbacca are what they are and unfortunately,that ain`t much.

08-04-2011, 02:58 PM
I had heard that Hillary was a total witch to the agents charged with protecting her.All the rest of the information came as no surprise either.Barbara and Laura Bush epitomize the word lady and were a tremendous asset to this nation.Hillary and Chewbacca are what they are and unfortunately,that ain`t much.

So are we better off w Obama or would Hillary have been a better President - you can only select between the two .

A scary thought / choice .

I really wonder what the BGs of the world , the ones as head of states included , think of her . Does she scare them ? Do they respect her ?

I think not .........

If you're the Sec of State of " the most powerful Country in the World " don't you think you would command such ?

She would try to work out a compromise to the BGs moves into other countries . Worked out pretty well for Britian before WW II .

And she would have us involved in every corner of the world trying to solve their social ills . It's our responsibility! you know .

Is it impossible to believe that w a weakened OBama that she might wedge herself into a White Hse run for 2012 ?

My two cents ..........

08-04-2011, 03:09 PM
I enjoy these type videos, and especially reading the comments on them. They just throw the libs into a tizzy. Quite entertaining to read the exchanges going on in the comments. Some do make me want to join in the fray, but I just keep my nose out of it. Some are just comical, like the one about anyone wearing a cowboy hat is an idiot. You can tell these are big city libs, thinking their college education makes them oh so much smarter than everyone else. Guess they've never been out to the west or anwhere else cattle ranches and farming are widespread. These so called idiots in the cowboy hats usually have more common sense, in their little finger than some of these highly educated snob libs do in their entire body. I've known highly edcated people that if their shoes were full of piss in the mornng they'd have wet feet all day.

08-04-2011, 03:17 PM
A King Size Amen to that.

08-04-2011, 06:55 PM
A King Size Amen to that.
I second that Amen.

08-05-2011, 03:52 PM
I judge people by how they treat the working class. When I see people being rude to waiters/waitresses, fast food employees, sales clerks, repairmen, janitors, postal employees...etc, I assume they have a superiorority complex.
I heard many "rumors" about Hillery mistreating her Secret Service agents and State Police troopers with utter distain while she was senator of New York.
I have no respect for politicians that preach "equality" and then rip those very people devoting their lives to protecting them. It's unforgivable.

08-06-2011, 03:46 PM
I have heard of things like this before, and even have first hand experience with it. I got sent to Bosnia under Clinton, and life sucked, bad, ROE's were total bunk especially for our mission (peacekeepers, seriously?). Fast forward a couple of years and Bush was known to drop in to bases around the globe, because he could. I remember once all us little guys were at the base theater for a safety stand down, and the man walks in, talks for a minute then asks if we want to see something cool. Um ok, Mr. President. He proceeds to form us up and marches out to the flight line (damn near got us lit up by the Secret Service but that's a different story), and gives us a tour of Air Force One.
I have also been told twice by some snooty types that they don't appreciate seeing blue collar type folks when they are about their business. The first time I tried the sincere and articulate (worked about as well as trying to educate a gun grabber), the second, I laughed it off. The first time I took of kind of personally, and when I told my then boss' wife about it, she said I should have just punched the guy. Not the answer to that problem, but ok. Point is people like that are everywhere, and it does no good to fret or get bent out of shape about them, they won't change. Next time I may just have some fun.