View Full Version : Worst Hangover Ever
08-05-2011, 07:03 PM
In my case there were two and I'm not sure which one was the worst, perhaps it's a tie...First one was when I was 14 and my buddies and I camped out in the woods one weekend....My friends older brother 17 on a dare walked into a 7-11 and bought 6 bottles of Boones Farm Smokey Mountain Grape wine and several packs of Swisher Sweet cigars...Well that night we all had a high ole time and I'm pretty sure I was seeing colors and tripping "until" morning came and it was time to go home...Man my hair hurt and the sun was blinding me any my head felt about 3 sizes too big with an axe right in the middle of my forehead...That sick lasted 3 days and kept me out of school that coming Monday but I convinced my mom it was a virus and she bought it...Well to this day I can't stand even the smell of wine without gaging and then I discovered the wonders of Beer....Many moons later as a newly wed 19 year old we had some friends over one friday night and my friend Gary said he knew a liquor store where they sold "scank" draft beer in gallon plastic milk jugs real cheap (now I know why) so we both got a gallon each and proceeded to chug-a-lug our beers...I made it to about 3/4 of mine before passing out on the sofa and I hope Gary's wife drove home cause I wasn't around when they left...Somehow I made it to bed which was great but the problem was that my wife was having a baby shower the next day for her sister and I was supposed to help set up and clean our apartment but I wasn't available for that duty the next morning...Well to get even my wife called all the girls and had them bring anything that made horrible noises to the party so there were several air horn in a cans, cow bells, a snare drum and on and on and those beachs tormented me, a poor man near death with a hangover from he!!...:eek:...Its a cruel cruel world but I probably had that coming.....Whats ya'lls best story...:D
I won't get into the whole story, but I can tell you that experementing with martinis led to a big ol' rug burn on my forehead.
08-05-2011, 07:14 PM
I woke up in jail, didn't know where I was, what city, did I drive somewhere? I had no idea how I got there! That was my last hangover. I quit drinking after that humiliation. I could have killed myself or worse yet, someone else. That was 26 years ago.
08-05-2011, 07:53 PM
After 24 beers, a half dozen various mixed drinks and a quart of cheap vodka I woke up with my clothes in rags, only an elastic band where my BVDs were, half a shirt, no shoes or socks, in Wisconsin.
I started drinking in California.
When I finally got back home, I found out I drunk call every girl I knew and professed my undying love.
Never did find my clothes. watch or wallet.
Getting a new AD military ID from a guard base is hard, especially when you are hungover.
Woke up in some unknown person's driveway early one morning in May 1963 somewhere in rural northwest Puerto Rico. Was in the AF at the time, stationed at a site about five or so miles east of Ramey AFB, close to Isabella. The previous night's party had been at a favorite rum shack even further east. None of this would have been particularly memorable except that the occasion for this particular deal was my going away....and my PCS flight back to the mainland and "off the rock" was scheduled for sometime not too much after noon. Snagged a passing publico to get back to the site. Packed my duffel best as I could (plan ahead?..not hardly) and grabbed a last minute ride to the base on one of our semi-regular, self operated, blue bus shuttles being driven by a friend. She went wheels up early, stuck her foot into it, and dropped me off right in front of base ops. Made the flight to McGuire by the skin of my teeth. To this hell of a memory!
After 24 beers, a half dozen various mixed drinks and a quart of cheap vodka I woke up with my clothes in rags, only an elastic band where my BVDs were, half a shirt, no shoes or socks, in Wisconsin.
I started drinking in California.
When I finally got back home, I found out I drunk call every girl I knew and professed my undying love.
Never did find my clothes. watch or wallet.
Getting a new AD military ID from a guard base is hard, especially when you are hungover. win!!
08-05-2011, 08:54 PM
What's a hangover? Just kidding! Only been really drunk twice both in the service over 46 years ago. Now my only hangovers are from night meds that take time (and a quart or more of coffee) to work out of my system.
08-05-2011, 09:38 PM
After 24 beers, a half dozen various mixed drinks and a quart of cheap vodka I woke up with my clothes in rags, only an elastic band where my BVDs were, half a shirt, no shoes or socks, in Wisconsin.
I started drinking in California.
When I finally got back home, I found out I drunk call every girl I knew and professed my undying love.
Never did find my clothes. watch or wallet.
Getting a new AD military ID from a guard base is hard, especially when you are hungover.
Not wanting to glorify binge drinking or anything, but damn you win. That trumps anything I've ever been involved with from a sheer distance from start to finish standpoint. You still had both kidneys after that run?
08-05-2011, 10:15 PM
Thankfully, I can say I've never had an alcoholic hangover...but I'm still suffering through the worst hangover ever that started round about November 4, 2008. Probably even worse that JimBianchi's, crazy as it was.
08-05-2011, 10:17 PM
Mine: Summer of '97 when I was a wee lad of 17. I was to leave the next day for boarding school and decided to camp out my last night at a state park that was on our lake. I launched our boat at the far end of the lake and took the boat to get there. It was an old Supra that had a chrysler 440 with dual unmuffled exhaust that came out just at the water line. We had a lot of fun that night. Fast forward to the next morning and I woke up beached on someone's waterfront with the owner asking if I needed a medic. There were a couple topless girls in the boat passed out as well as my best friend butt naked lying on this guy's boat dock 30ft away. I had to drive 22 miles back to the boat ramp to be picked up by my father and was supposed to be there at 11a. It was already 10:30a. I love the burble of a nicely cam'd V8, but that exhaust at a cruising speed of 25mph for 40 mins about split my head.
My neighbor's most memorable:
Went to a hockey game and he got blitzed. Came outside to leave (he has no memory of this) and we tell him to hop in the cab with us to go home. He says hold on, let me grab something from my car. We hear him start it up, he backs out ferociously and peels outta there. We are dumbfounded and try calling him; no answer. Fast forward to the next day, late afternoon. He limps into the neighborhood in his white sedan that looks like it just completed a couple stages of a rally cross and took out some mailboxes along the way. This was a Saturday night event. He woke up from sleeping in the back of his car, all the windows down, car running, vomit everywhere, 200+ miles from home in the parking lot of a church. The patrons of said church had called the police and that was who woke him from his slumber. Ever seen a woman beat a man? His wife wanted to murder him. We didn't see him for a couple months.
08-06-2011, 01:30 AM
My brother & I had been drinkin' beer for several hours, when we decide to go fishin' in my boat. I hooked the boat & trailer up. We head for the lake @ about 3:00 AM. My brother gets in the boat & I back it in the water & go park the truck. I walk back down to the boat where my brother is sittin' on the seat almost knee deep in water. Yep, I forgot to put the plug in. We get most of the water out of the boat about the time the sun comes up. About 100º! Talk about throbbin' heads!:eek: We finally get underway on the water & find a cove to try to sleep. My brother has the anchor in one hand & the rope in the other. He heaves the anchor in the water, but still has the rope in his hand. Yep, it wasn't tied on!:mad:
08-06-2011, 10:11 AM
My last hangover is in a little black box that I never open. And thankfully I never have to worry about them anymore as I have discovered the cause of them.
08-06-2011, 10:31 AM
In my youth working at my first job pumping gas a lady customer decided she wanted to fix me up with her daughter. Daughter probably a 7 on the 1 -10 scale but thats beside the point.
After several visits she invited me over to their house to hang out after work. Stupid me, her plan was to ply me with alcohol. I'm sitting at a like breakfast bar and shes asking me if I've ever had this certain kind of drink, of course I'd had none of them. Well this goes on and on and on but I'm just being nice, not planning to have fun, and I have to work the next morning so I don't want to get blitzed. Well after several hours of all this drink tasting something happens outside and everyone runs to look out the front window. I of course join the fray only to discover that once I left the bar stool my ability to remain in a vertical position had left me. I was gone.
Soooo, the group daughter and siblings put me in the back of my 66 Mustang, and drive me home. (somehow they know where I lived?). They propped me up against the front door, closed the screen door behind me to keep me upright, rang the bell and ran.
Mom answered the door only to have me fall face first on the floor and empty my digestive tract via mouth all over the living room. She was not a happy camper. The next day at work was probably the worst day of my life, with my head the size of some of them floats you see at the Macy's parade.
She had the audacity to stop by and see if I was alive which I was not. I told her if she needed gas to pump it herself, I was too tired.
Only other time I did anything that foolish was at my bachelor party with very much the same results. The rehearsal was two days later as I recall and even then it wasn't pretty.
Life is short and we learn slow. I 've found that I wake up lousey enough from natural causes without having to help it with booze. I didn't climb on a wagon or anything but I do exercise much more moderation as I mature.
I'm headed to the ocean for one last wedding this afternoon, we'll see how the moderation works out down there. I think it's beer only so maybe I'll be ok. Talk at ya tomorrow.......................
MW surveyor
08-06-2011, 10:41 AM
I remember that it involved copious amounts of gin. Worse hangover I ever had.
Was supposed to pick up mother in law at the bus station. Needless to say, I was way late in picking her up and did not hear the end of it for quite awhile. (Wife liked to sleep late. Hey, not my fault if someone didn't wake me up on that particular day :( )
If I ever have any gin, it is only one drink of that evil stuff. Can't stand the aroma of juniper berries any more.
08-06-2011, 11:14 AM
One night while I was still young (18) and foolish, I spent a night bar hopping in Daytona with a few friends. Along the way I drank shots, beer, mixed drinks, and wine. I don't remember feeling bad the next day, but I did feel very bad on the way home (an hour away) and puked in the car. It didn't bother me too much, but my friends were disgusted! :puke::D
08-06-2011, 11:48 AM
Late 70-s, late teens I had just moved in with my dad (divorced). Too many Mickys Big Mouths with a friend. I came home and my dad purposefully rearranged the furniture so I caught the coffee table across my shins and did a face plant on the other side. I could hear him snickering upstairs. I stumbled downstairs and lay on the floor with bad spinnies punctuated by barfing into a large Un-Cola 7UP trash can. Next day, got up late, furniture back in place, dad long gone, took the trash can out to the dumpster when I noticed my '68 Olds 442, built engine, trans, 5.13:1 rear gears, slicks, was missing.
I saw a long set of tire marks down the street and with major headache, followed them. Another set way down the block and around the corner. Three blocks away, at the last set of rubber marks I found a trail of 90 wt and sheared bolt heads. My car was on the sidewalk, bleeding gear oil out the differential cover, ring gears had blown holes like a machine gun through the steel. Never really recalled what happened, dad never said anything but how's your night. Really glad I didn't end up killing someone or myself.
08-06-2011, 02:37 PM
I'm working on one right now for tomorrow morning. I'll let ya'll know in the morning, on a scale from one to ten, where it falls!:D:D
08-06-2011, 04:50 PM
Nothing to right home about on hangovers, it's the things I did while drunk that are interesting, like leading the cops on a high speed chase through Western KS at 140mph +. The HP interceptor that finally ran me down said he was doing over 160 to catch up to me. And I guess I wasn't really very drunk just feeling good. By the time they caught me. I was down under .10 so didn't get a DUI, but they did manage to write 18 tickets. Wasn't much fun being on foot for a year after that. Worse thing driving drunk was running off the road during a downpour into a bulldozer, hit it so hard I knocked it back a foot. It also severed most of my nose from my face, I remember it barely hanging on by a little bit of skin. Some guy came and put it back on and told me to hold it there until the ambulance came. I was following a friend to someones house for more booze after the bar shut down. He turned around to see what happened to me and went to the hospital with me and talked the cops out of a DUI for me. I supposed it helped that his dad was a big wig on the force. I was one messed up looking guy after that. Plastic surgery can only do so much when a lot of tissue is lost. Now you can hardly tell it was anything but a broken nose. The scar is still there, but my glasses cover it up. You'd think that would have been enough, but noooooo but I carried on after that. Just caught a lot of rides or slept it off the back seat in a quiet neighborhood somewhere. I did get married and start a family so did cut down on the driving a bunch. Finally it was health issues that caused me to swear it off. Life is much better without that poison in my life and the stupid things I do under the influence. I thank God that I never caused a wreck or injured anyone but myself.
08-06-2011, 05:02 PM
Never had one. Honest truth, I can count the number of times that I probably shouldn't have been driving, but was and doing well at it on one hand. Never have drank to sickness or hangover.
08-06-2011, 05:16 PM
Ugh. Just reading these stories is making my head hurt and my stomach queasy. Without going into a lot of details, my worst hangover involved a half gallon of vodka and my ex-wife. Havent run into my ex-wife in over 20 years. Cant stand the sight of vodka to this day.
That's it, I'm on the wagon........................again.
08-06-2011, 11:08 PM
My worst hangover was right after I got her off the top of me.....
08-06-2011, 11:24 PM
Dang! She's about 5 or 6 times your weight... I'd guess. It must be hard to perform UNDER those circumstances.
08-07-2011, 01:47 AM
When I was a younger man I drank a 1/2 pint of whiskey, a 1/2 pint of peppermint schnapps and topped that off with some rum and kool-aid. I got so drunk that I ate bacon grease thinking that it was ice cream. Yummy. I woke up the next day under a piano. Glad I don't do that any longer.
08-07-2011, 06:32 AM
I’m not at liberty to divulge the details of my drinking exploits.
Let’s just say I don’t drink anymore.
A really severe hangover makes all my furniture much more comfortable. During my last hangover, the second shelf of the bookcase made for a very comfy bed.:rolleyes:
08-07-2011, 08:09 PM
A really severe hangover makes all my furniture much more comfortable. During my last hangover, the second shelf of the bookcase made for a very comfy bed.:rolleyes:
That must have been a strong and well-made bookcase!!
08-07-2011, 10:18 PM
We got a dead man walking!
08-07-2011, 11:16 PM
I'm starting what I hope to be a 2 week much needed vacation so I might see if I can have a hangover worth bragging about in the morning............... stay tuned.
Sorry to disappoint I probably can't compete with the last posted picture though.
08-08-2011, 07:53 AM
I'm just hoping that she stays out of this area until I can pull it.
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