View Full Version : Charlie and Tiger

12-29-2009, 06:43 AM
This thread isn`t really going to be about the escapades of these two fellows,it`s going to be mainly about money.The reason that I`m using them is to illustrate that the old saw "Money doesn`t buy happiness" is evidently true.I have known several wealthy people and the one thing they all had in common was that they seemed to be ill about something all the time.The type of folks that if you gave them a cold glass of apple cider they would think about vinegar.Personally,I would like to have a couple million in the bank just to see if it made me unhappy.If it did, I would give it to the Flat Earth Society.I`m sure that there has to be some rich people out there who are happier than a pig in mud but the headlines that the others make puts me to scratching my head.How about y`all? Any of you wealthy? Are you happy? And if you are,would you be willing to adopt a slightly deranged tarheel? :)

12-29-2009, 07:34 AM
I have to agree, money doesn’t buy happiness. I’ve known wealthy people that always had a chip on their shoulder and I’ve known wealthy people that were always happy go lucky. So I would have to say happiness is a mind set, you have to decide to be happy in whatever your situation. Money can’t buy happiness but the lack of money can sure bring a lot of misery. So all you wealthy people out there that are unhappy, send all your money to me if it makes you happy. (It will make me happy). :)
Stay safe

Jim K
12-29-2009, 08:28 AM
I think that wealth is just a matter of how you count your blessings.

The way I see it, and in reverse order is:

1) Money. Money allows you to survive and then do cool things. It puts you in position
Help others. Some folks get stuck here and forget others.

2) "War Stories" Your experiences, providing that you are not ahamed them, can be
remembered with pleasure.

3) A loving wife (or husband if your a gal).

3) Children Children carry your hopes and dreams foward.

Of course good health, Liberty & Justice and a stable economy is a prerequisite for all of this.

I hope I do not wax too philisophical. I just thank our maker for all my blessings. I wish the same for everyone.
I hope it's no sin to be glad to be alive.

Happy new Year! Jim K

12-29-2009, 12:01 PM
You`re a good man,Jim K. One who seems to have his priorities well in order.:)

12-29-2009, 01:32 PM
Well Dietrich, you ask deep questions like that & your gonna get my philosophical 2 cents worth of deep answers. True happiness is not affected by external things like money, the size of your house, the type of car you drive or the latest firearm in your gun cabinet (although putting that order in for my PM9 made me kinda happy). Happiness is not a life without problems, challenges and obstacles. When you overcame real obstacles it was for someone or it was someone that helped you and came out the other side stronger. Your true happiness was achieved internally by one thing only, which the Beatles summed up: “All You Need Is Love”. When you don’t have your health, love eases your pain. When you don’t have 2 nickels to rub together, love makes you a rich man. When I view my happiness this way, I realize I’ve hit the jackpot.
Now cut it out, you’re making me think too hard.:rolleyes:

12-30-2009, 06:16 AM
Well Dietrich, you ask deep questions like that & your gonna get my philosophical 2 cents worth of deep answers. True happiness is not affected by external things like money, the size of your house, the type of car you drive or the latest firearm in your gun cabinet (although putting that order in for my PM9 made me kinda happy). Happiness is not a life without problems, challenges and obstacles. When you overcame real obstacles it was for someone or it was someone that helped you and came out the other side stronger. Your true happiness was achieved internally by one thing only, which the Beatles summed up: “All You Need Is Love”. When you don’t have your health, love eases your pain. When you don’t have 2 nickels to rub together, love makes you a rich man. When I view my happiness this way, I realize I’ve hit the jackpot.
Now cut it out, you’re making me think too hard.:rolleyes:

Medezyner-So well said!! The older I get (and we all know I'm only average age!) the more important the love of family and friends has become in my life. Maybe I'm a slow learner, but I find myself making the extra effort to take the time out of my too busy schedule to do the travel necessary to put myself in the aura of these people. It charges my battery. And I am very grateful that so far I've been able to make enough money to keep a roof over my head, food on my table, have a little fun and to give to others. But if anyone wants to do a social experiment by gifting me millions to see if I continue to be happy and grateful, PM me! Happy New Year, everyone.

12-30-2009, 07:52 AM
Medezyner-So well said!!

Thanks. In my yute I never could have recognized these things, never mind articulate them! As we mature and experience what life has to offer the important things in life take on a renewed clarity. Now, where the hell are my glasses?:D