View Full Version : UK and self defense
I saw this in another gun forum and just had to cross post here.
With all of the rioting going on in the UK right now, the sales of aluminum baseball bats are way up on Amazon. It had been up over 24,000% (no typos there) but as I type this right now it has fallen back to be "only" up by a mere 14,893%. Check out:
Of course as you might expect the white-flag crowd immediately called for banning bats, see:
My favorite reply to that appeal, however, was: "Us Americans prefer shotguns for riot control, but I admire you Uk-ians for getting up close and personal with your looters." :D
Sadly, and getting serious for a moment, the UK = US in a few years if the "I want more free stuff" crowd and of course the anti-2A crowd continue to gain strength in our country as well.
08-10-2011, 11:38 AM
I especially liked the mob "helping" an injured fellow looter by lightening his backpack stealing all his loot. Guess they come prepared wearing backpacks to the "rally" just in case some looting breaks out.
This is what happens when there's no consequences for this behavior. Fire hoses - really! Seem to me there must be some kind of knock out agent the police can use to put them all down, then beat the tar out of them breaking at least one bone each (preferably a leg so they can't run so fast anymore) and tattoo their forehead with a branding iron. No need to arrest and try them in some wimpy court. They were there and involved out they wouldn't have been gassed.
Do that a few times and then protestors will do it correctly by taking out parade permits and marching peacefully shouting and carrying signs expressing their points of view. The stuff going on now is not a protest, it's criminal pure and simple.
08-10-2011, 11:52 AM
Hilarious funny stuff. Ban bats, let the rioters control the UK.
Also like the comment, imagine the problem we would have if we had guns, the rioters would have guns too and someone has already been shot.:eek:
It's coming to America too, count on it. I gotta stay away from this RKBA section.
08-10-2011, 11:56 AM
The solution for that mess over there is a good old fashion American Riot Squad and give the subjects a Constitution and the right to bear arms.
08-10-2011, 12:32 PM
Here's the whole problem. I found it on the internet so it has to be correct, right? ROFL!!!
FWIW there is an astrological event known as a T-square between the highly combustible combination of Mars, Pluto and Uranus which is occurring this week and peaking around today. Certain Occult groups in London have been working on trying to positively contribute towards controlling the negative aspects of this. Astrologically speaking, this is a time of considerable energy and transformation.
Amongst all the negativity we can see people coming together to help and imho we should be vigilant to remember the true spiritual nature of all citizens of the world and not buy into the material picture.
08-10-2011, 12:35 PM
OH, and here's how to stop it. ROFL AGAIN!!!!!!! hahahahaha
We can affect this situation with our minds and thoughts so people please pay attention to your thoughts and co-create consciously!
If you feel angry at the rioters you are fueling them to riot more and causing the chaos just as they are, but on a different level, in a different way.
If you are angry at the 'PTW/Illuminati/OWO' yuo are fueling oppression of the people, which in turn fuels the riots.
The answer is to send love and light to all. All situations are god, every being is god, all are teachers, good and bad don't exist. Send thoughts of peace to the rioters. Send thoughts of peace to the PTW team.
It's all just a game. They can't win because this is a cycle of nature. We are experiencing the dark of night right now but morning is about to dawn.
Meditation will help a lot. It has been proven to reduce crime and increase peace : )
If you want to see peace in the outer world you must first find it in your heart because everything you see outside is a reflection of the inner world : )
08-10-2011, 12:36 PM
Here's the whole problem. I found it on the internet so it has to be correct, right? ROFL!!!
FWIW there is an astrological event known as a T-square between the highly combustible combination of Mars, Pluto and Uranus which is occurring this week and peaking around today. Certain Occult groups in London have been working on trying to positively contribute towards controlling the negative aspects of this. Astrologically speaking, this is a time of considerable energy and transformation.
Amongst all the negativity we can see people coming together to help and imho we should be vigilant to remember the true spiritual nature of all citizens of the world and not buy into the material picture.
If you buy any of that I'm having serious second thoughts about having you for a neighbor. Might conflict with my voo doo activities.
08-10-2011, 12:49 PM
If you buy any of that I'm having serious second thoughts about having you for a neighbor. Might conflict with my voo doo activities.
Fear not. I as sad as it is I see real irony in it. I have a brother-in-law that now lives in the UK about an hour outside of Birmingham and he has been converted to the thought that the normal citizen does not need a firearm. When he told me that I told him we won't quite see eye to eye on that not to share that opinion with to many folks while visiting my part of the USA as it would not go over too well. Funny though he has felt the need to become a black belt in karate in the last years.
Also reminds me of a "reality" gun TV show on the History Channel where a contestant fromthe UK stated that he should do well in a certian bladed weapon event since UK residents were well known for their abilities with knives and broken bottles.:rolleyes:
All that said makes me ponder the question, "Am I really the radical one?" :D
OH, and here's how to stop it. ROFL AGAIN!!!!!!! hahahahaha
Meditation will help a lot. It has been proven to reduce crime and increase peace : )
If you want to see peace in the outer world you must first find it in your heart because everything you see outside is a reflection of the inner world : )
Meditation can also create jobs, stop wars, give you better gas milage, remove the waxy buildup on your floors and reduce your dog's bad breath.
I'm sitting here cross legged and chanting...Incense is burning, and love is being transmitted to London. Ahhhhhh, life is so easy.
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