View Full Version : Hand Cannons Please. What's your Super Mas Macho pistol?
08-10-2011, 12:11 PM
My first handgun, bought after a week of Dirty Harry movies, is a S&W 44 Magnum Moutain Gun (38 oz of Fire Breathing Stainless Steel).
08-10-2011, 03:04 PM
Very nice!
Have you shot it or tried to CCW it?
I am in the market for a "big" revolver.
Only requirement is it must have at least 6rds or 357 or 44. Currently leaning toward a Taurus 617 (7rds of 357)
Used to have a Smith 29 in 2-1/2"
But the PM45 does it for me now
08-10-2011, 03:13 PM
Very nice!
Have you shot it or tried to CCW it?
I am in the market for a "big" revolver.
Only requirement is it must have at least 6rds or 357 or 44. Currently leaning toward a Taurus 617 (7rds of 357)
Have you shot it? Are you kidding LOL!
1000+ rounds (but not with the wood grips)
CCW? Yup. In an Eagle XL Fanny Pack for about 3 years.
(Had to stuff it in up side down - LOL!)
I am in the market for a "big" revolver.
S&W makes the best revolvers in the world - IMHO.
Recommend - S&W Performance Center 627 (8 shot 357)
They have the new night guard series as well - take your pick!
08-10-2011, 03:52 PM
That is one elegant hand cannon! How do you prevent the cylinder drag line? Yours looks perfect!
08-10-2011, 04:22 PM
That is one elegant hand cannon! How do you prevent the cylinder drag line? Yours looks perfect!
I don't know what that is?
Had to look it up.
That pic isn't my gun - but looks almost just like it.
The cylinder is still perfect though.
Mine is a M629-2 Mountain Revolver.
It's all ALL stainless including the hammer and trigger.
Is glass bead blasted for a satin finish that resists scratches.
Plus I had a professional action job and an over travel adjustment screw
put in the trigger. The action is like pure glass.
5 years in storage and I spun the cylinder and it just sang!
I think the all stainless construction with glassy action job and glass bead blasted finish keeps it looking pristine.
Update: Ops, mine does have a drag line...
You know how your girl remains hot in your eyes
even as the years pass by? LOL! Oh well, I love her anyway.
08-10-2011, 06:06 PM
I saw a movie the othernite, "Faster" with Dwayne Johnson AKA The Rock, he had a Ruger Redhawk Alaskan in 454 Casull with 2.5 in barrel. We froze the DVD on a spot where you could read the etching on the gun so we know what it was. You know how Hollywood over does everything, but it sure looked like a hell of a gun. Looked like a hell of a hand cannon to me. It's 6 shooter too. My biggest gun is my 6 inch barrel S$W 629 .44 mag.
08-10-2011, 06:15 PM
Love my Ruger hand cannons.
But if I want to just shoot something kind of bad-ass, then out comes Tommy!
08-10-2011, 06:56 PM
I saw a movie the othernite, "Faster" with Dwayne Johnson AKA The Rock, he had a Ruger Redhawk Alaskan in 454 Casull with 2.5 in barrel. We froze the DVD on a spot where you could read the etching on the gun so we know what it was. You know how Hollywood over does everything, but it sure looked like a @#!*% of a gun. Looked like a @#!*% of a hand cannon to me. It's 6 shooter too. My biggest gun is my 6 inch barrel S$W 629 .44 mag.
That's what I'm talking about!
357/44/454 - We are talking Magnum Force Baby!
08-10-2011, 07:30 PM
Here's my Ruger Bisley in .44 Magnum. It's actually pretty pleasant to shoot:)
The business end:
08-10-2011, 07:31 PM
My favs are:
5" 44 top
5" 357 middle
3" 357 bottom
I made the pic small so you can't tell how dirty they are. :D
08-10-2011, 07:46 PM
Here's my Ruger Bisley in .44 Magnum. It's actually pretty pleasant to shoot:)
The business end:
I’m guna get me another Ruger 44 SA. I used to have a Super Blackhawk that was eazy on my elbows. I could shoot that gun all day. I have a Vaquero that I can’t get to shoot any better than 2” @ 25yds but it’s a comfy shooter.
08-10-2011, 08:04 PM
My dad had one of those old .44 single action cowboy revolvers from the first part of the last century. He took me shooting with it and his ammo mush have been as old as the gun itself, it really looked bad, all tarnished and banged up.
The first round went pop like it was tired but it did shoot. The second was more like a Barney Frank fart and didn't make it all the way out. He pounded it out with a phillips screwdriver. The next one was just as bad so he finally says "Well, I guess this old ammo doesn't want to shoot today." and put the gun up.
He had a fine collection for a long time then started selling it off. After he died his Colt was the best of all his guns. He had pretty much worn out the hunting rifles. I guess that's the way to do it. You know you're getting close when your guns are worn out.
08-10-2011, 08:50 PM
I’m guna get me another Ruger 44 SA. I used to have a Super Blackhawk that was eazy on my elbows. I could shoot that gun all day. I have a Vaquero that I can’t get to shoot any better than 2” @ 25yds but it’s a comfy shooter.
One of the many guns I rented before I bought my Smith was a Ruger 44 Super Redhawk with an 8 inch barrel.
It was one sweet and very accurate gun.
No problem handling full house 44 mags all day long.
So I bought my 38 oz 4 inch M629 44 Mountain Revolver ($350 used).
Didn't know what I was getting into - LOL!
I'd shoot Federal 240 grain Hydra-shocks (1350 fps).
And gun would throw a foot of flame out the barrel.
After 50 rounds my hand was bleeding and I'd have to stop.
Then I'd heal up and do it again. Super accurate though.
Screws would fly out of the gun while firing and I had to lock tight them!
Eventually I loosened the cylinder and had to have it tightened and the gun worked over.
I still have and love that gun. But I think my flame throwing days are over....
08-10-2011, 09:04 PM
I’m guna get me another Ruger 44 SA. I used to have a Super Blackhawk that was eazy on my elbows. I could shoot that gun all day. I have a Vaquero that I can’t get to shoot any better than 2” @ 25yds but it’s a comfy shooter.
I grew up on westerns and a classic stainless SA revolver has always
been a guilty pleasure I may have to resolve some day....
08-10-2011, 09:04 PM
One of the many guns I rented before I bought my Smith was a Ruger 44 Super Redhawk with an 8 inch barrel.
It was one sweet and very accurate gun.
No problem handling full house 44 mags all day long.
So I bought my 38 oz 4 inch M629 44 Mountain Revolver ($350 used).
Didn't know what I was getting into - LOL!
I'd shoot Federal 240 grain Hydra-shocks (1350 fps).
And gun would throw a foot of flame out the barrel.
After 50 rounds my hand was bleeding and I'd have to stop.
Then I'd heal up and do it again. Super accurate though.
Screws would fly out of the gun while firing and I had to lock tight them!
Eventually I loosened the cylinder and had to have it tightened and the gun work over.
I still have and love that gun. But I think my flame throwing days are over....
My 629 is the most accurate hand-gun I have ever shot. But being a double action it really rattles my right elbow loose. I used to hit the range 3-4 times a month and all I shot was 44s. When I got rid of my Blackhawk thats when my elbow went to pot. Took about a year and a half to heal. I love the 44s, but I gota get me another Ruger Single Action. (other than the silly-@$$ed Vaquero I have that I hate) Come to think of it I’ve been meaning to put it on GB.
08-10-2011, 09:16 PM
I gotta say my 629 .44 mag is THE most accurate handgun I've ever shot, as long as you use .44 mag ammo. .44 special just doesn't cut it. Back when I handloaded I had a medium velocity .44 magnum load that I worked up that was both pleasant to shoot and very accurate. I've shot some Federal Hi-Shok through it, and that gets old after a couple cylinders. I'm sure there are more accurate guns out there, I just haven't shot them.
One of the most fun times I had with it was at the indoor range where I had a young couple in the next booth, I think a man teaching his lady how to shoot, they were using a .22 from the sound of it, and I was shooting my 9mm. I decided to shoot a few .44 mag rounds, and after the first WHAM I looked back to see two heads poking in my booth and wondering what the hell was going on. I told em what I was shooting and and asked if they wanted to try it. They said no way and that they could feel the concussion next door and asked me to let them know when I was finished so they could resume practicing. I finished the cylinder and put it away. These weren't even SD loads, they were the reloads that the range sold, which are a lot tamer. I found out what they were talking about later on when a guy next to me was shooting his .44 mag one time, I got a pretty good dose of concussion hitting me in the chest everytime he shot. I sure hope I didn't scare that young lady from shooting. They started back up again when I got my 9 back out so I don't think any harm was done. I think about that once in awhile and laugh to myself some 20 years later.
08-10-2011, 09:17 PM
Heres some pics from my macho wardrobe.
A Contender in 30-30 (way cool) just shot it for the first time in 20 years on vacation. It won't be dormant that long again.
Then a 10 1/2 Super Blackhawk, it's 7 1/2 brother and my S&W 629 Classic Hunter. My kid got the 629 Mtn Gun. Rarely shoot them, sometimes bring them to the range in case somebody ticks us off, then we knock the dust out of the ceilings with these things.
08-10-2011, 09:17 PM
Love my GP first gun.
08-10-2011, 09:19 PM
Wish greg wouldn't have posted those photos, now I'm gettin another one of those itches. :D
08-10-2011, 09:22 PM
Heres some pics from my macho wardrobe.
A Contender in 30-30 (way cool) just shot it for the first time in 20 years on vacation. It won't be dormant that long again.
Then a 10 1/2 Super Blackhawk, it's 7 1/2 brother and my S&W 629 Classic Hunter. My kid got the 629 Mtn Gun. Rarely shoot them, sometimes bring them to the range in case somebody ticks us off, then we knock the dust out of the ceilings with these things.
You an Greg are guna get me in trouble again.
08-10-2011, 09:23 PM
One of the most fun times I had with it was at the indoor range where I had a young couple in the next booth, I think a man teaching his lady how to shoot, they were using a .22 from the sound of it, and I was shooting my 9mm. I decided to shoot a few .44 mag rounds, and after the first WHAM I looked back to see two heads poking in my booth and wondering what the hell was going on. I told em what I was shooting and and asked if they wanted to try it. They said no way and that they could feel the concussion next door and asked me to let them know when I was finished so they could resume practicing. I think about that once in awhile and laugh to myself some 20 years later.
About 10 years ago I attended a two day live fire, open air, combat handgun course.
On the second day, after the instructor watched us shoot, we broke into pairs.
One would stand beside the target while the other shot the target.
This was to simulate a combat situation where friendly fire was behind you. I used my Smith 629.
My partner said he could literally feel the shockwave of the 44 Mag bullets!
Yup, yup, good times I will not forget.
08-10-2011, 09:23 PM
Wish greg wouldn't have posted those photos, now I'm gettin another one of those itches. :D
Boy ain't that the truth. I'm thinking about blocking his post. He gives me the wants ALOT! He's got some good taste ole Greg does.
Thou shalt not covet they neighbors toys!. Yeah right!
08-10-2011, 09:32 PM
Ah the Wonderful World of Magnums.
I'm happy with this thread....
08-10-2011, 09:32 PM
Now this is endanger of being sold off for 44 funding.
08-10-2011, 09:34 PM
I have a 54 caliber Flintlock and a 54 caliber caplock pistols. Lots of smoke and recoil and noise.
I also have a Des. Eagle in 44mag.
I have shot a S&W 460 and I WANT it.
08-10-2011, 09:42 PM
I have a 54 caliber Flintlock and a 54 caliber caplock pistols. Lots of smoke and recoil and noise.
I also have a Des. Eagle in 44mag.
I have shot a S&W 460 and I WANT it.
We really wouldn't mind a Pic of the Desert Eagle.
I think everyone would agree that's a Hand Cannon.
08-10-2011, 09:54 PM
Now this is endanger of being sold off for 44 funding.
I'd never sell that. It's a great 401K by itself. Always wanted one, never could afford one. You'd regret selling that one.
08-10-2011, 10:02 PM
I'd never sell that. It's a great 401K by itself. Always wanted one, never could afford one. You'd regret selling that one.
I got it cheap. Me and my rug rat were pawn shop hoppin and there it was.
500 bucks - about 20 years ago. Haven't shot it in over 15 years. It just sits around.
I got my wife a 4" python many years ago because she fell in love with the double action trigger.
08-10-2011, 10:14 PM
I got it cheap. Me and my rug rat were pawn shop hoppin and there it was.
500 bucks - about 20 years ago. Haven't shot it in over 15 years. It just sits around.
I got my wife a 4" python many years ago because she fell in love with the double action trigger.
In my neck of the woods you'd probably get 3 times your investment and maybe alot more.
If your selling it for 500 I'd like to be top of the list. I'll deliver cash in person.
08-10-2011, 10:27 PM
I have a 54 caliber Flintlock and a 54 caliber caplock pistols. Lots of smoke and recoil and noise.
I also have a Des. Eagle in 44mag.
I have shot a S&W 460 and I WANT it.
08-10-2011, 10:37 PM
If I ever did sell that gun my wife as well as my oldest son would never let me hear the end of it.
wife) Python is the only gun she shoots well. She has small weak hands, and she like the looks of the nickle although her Python is a stainless 4".
son) Knows what it's worth and expects to inherit it. When I want to tic him off I tell him I'm going to have it drilled for scope mounts. :D
08-10-2011, 10:47 PM
If I ever did sell that gun my wife as well as my oldest son would never let me hear the end of it.
wife) Python is the only gun she shoots well. She has small weak hands, and she like the looks of the nickle although her Python is a stainless 4".
son) Knows what it's worth and expects to inherit it. When I want to tic him off I tell him I'm going to have it drilled for scope mounts. :D
Another dream up in a puff of smoke! Guess I can focus on getting a Kukri like Greg. Why I don't know, guess its a stuff thing. I gots to have one.
What a guy in a wheelchair is gonna do with one is another mystery.
08-10-2011, 11:25 PM
No pictures easily accessible.
08-10-2011, 11:38 PM
Another dream up in a puff of smoke! Guess I can focus on getting a Kukri like Greg. Why I don't know, guess its a stuff thing. I gots to have one.
What a guy in a wheelchair is gonna do with one is another mystery.
Uncle B, after seeing more of the fun toys that uncle Greg has,what say we go visit for that long-delayed family reunion we've been meaning to have. Him being the professor and all he should have at least another week or two off for the summer. That said, after you posted your stash of hand cannons (i.e. drool-makers), I'll swing by your place to pick them (and you) up. Please make sure to stay up late these next few days reloading so I (we) can have plenty of ammo to blow through. I'll provide the lemonade. Your dearest nephew MikeyKahr.:angel:
08-10-2011, 11:43 PM
Uncle B, after seeing more of the fun toys that uncle Greg has,what say we go visit for that long-delayed family reunion we've been meaning to have. Him being the professor and all he should have at least another week or two off for the summer. That said, after you posted your stash of hand cannons (i.e. drool-makers), I'll swing by your place to pick them (and you) up. Please make sure to stay up late these next few days reloading so I (we) can have plenty of ammo to blow through. I'll provide the lemonade. Your dearest nephew MikeyKahr.:angel:
Sounds like a good plan to me. I think we'd have a fine time for sure. If we run out of bullets maybe Greg would let us fondle his blades. Ya reckon.
08-10-2011, 11:57 PM
I have a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 mag, but I shoot mostly .44 specials in it. It has a 5 1/2 " barrel & is very accurate. Snake shot that I reload sure does a job on rattlers!:D
08-11-2011, 01:11 AM
I have a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 mag, but I shoot mostly .44 specials in it. It has a 5 1/2 " barrel & is very accurate. Snake shot that I reload sure does a job on rattlers!:D
I've never seen a Ruger 44 SA that wasn't accurate cept for a Vaquero that I bought in a moment of mental weakness. From what I've learned the early Vaqueros had a bad crown or something. The Ruger Super Blackhawk is a tack driver. Wish I still had mine.
08-11-2011, 06:00 AM
When I want to tic him off I tell him I'm going to have it drilled for scope mounts. :D
That's just not right - LOL!
08-11-2011, 06:05 AM
No pictures easily accessible.
Find a picture that's basically identical off the net.
It's not the same, but if you can't tell the difference???
At least we can all live vicariously through the visual.
08-11-2011, 06:11 AM
08-11-2011, 06:24 AM
Heres some pics from my macho wardrobe.
A Contender in 30-30 (way cool) just shot it for the first time in 20 years on vacation. It won't be dormant that long again.
Then a 10 1/2 Super Blackhawk, it's 7 1/2 brother and my S&W 629 Classic Hunter. My kid got the 629 Mtn Gun. Rarely shoot them, sometimes bring them to the range in case somebody ticks us off, then we knock the dust out of the ceilings with these things.
I LOVE the unfluted cylinders...
08-11-2011, 11:14 AM
That's just not right - LOL!
But FUN!
08-13-2011, 10:56 AM
To this day I still lust and drool over an old model Ruger Vacquero, in 44 mag, with the 5 1/2" bbl. I love cannons, and will own them again. Right now though it's just 357, mag and 45acp as my big boys. I have an 8mm Mauser, two Mosin-Nagants, and a 308 Enfield to help some too. I was raised with a howitzer in hand and have no fear of them, in fact I much prefer them. Soon.
08-13-2011, 11:22 AM
08-13-2011, 12:20 PM
I’m sure they must have improved the Vaquero since I bought mine. When the stainless high polish 44 with 5 1/2” barrel first came out I bought one. For me, buying the polished stainless model was a big mistake. When you shoot it in direct sunlight the sun would shine right in my eyes as I looked down the sights. That was because of the rounded contour of the rear of the cylinder strap. I had to be shooting almost in to the sun to not get the glare. I cured that by masking off the strap and sand blasted along the center. The front sight had the same problem because it was also polished so I just used sand paper to go across the edge to take off the glare. Later the front sight fell off. It had a very small amount of silver solder holding it on. Again an easy fix, I just re-soldered it and it was good to go.
Accuracy was just so-so. I never got that gun to shoot less the 2” groups at 25 yards which is not characteristic of the 44 mag. Any other 44 of decent quality will group into one ragged hole at 25 yds.
The trigger was nothing to brag about but then again an easy fix. I did some poking around and found that many of the early ones had an unsuitable muzzle crown and the having it re-crowned would make it a tack driver just like the rest of Ruger’s very excellent SA 44 revolvers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knock’n the gun, I just should have got the blued one. Ruger's single actions are built like tanks and they always shoot good. (cept mine) :D
08-13-2011, 12:20 PM
Heres some pics from my macho wardrobe.
A Contender in 30-30 (way cool) just shot it for the first time in 20 years on vacation. It won't be dormant that long again.
Then a 10 1/2 Super Blackhawk, it's 7 1/2 brother and my S&W 629 Classic Hunter. My kid got the 629 Mtn Gun. Rarely shoot them, sometimes bring them to the range in case somebody ticks us off, then we knock the dust out of the ceilings with these things.
That's a fine collection of big bore revolvers (
A Super Blackhawk was my first big bore revolver, so I'll always have a soft spot for them (just not that dang square back trigger guard).
That Contender sure looks menacing; be sure to bring it if you all come visiting:).
08-13-2011, 12:29 PM
08-13-2011, 12:40 PM
Darn, that's a nice Desert Eagle, jeepster09!:)
Am, I seeing a trend here with the color scheme?:D
08-13-2011, 12:44 PM
That's a fine collection of big bore revolvers (
A Super Blackhawk was my first big bore revolver, so I'll always have a soft spot for them (just not that dang square back trigger guard).
That Contender sure looks menacing; be sure to bring it if you all come visiting:).
Yeah that square back trigger guard has got me more than a few times. That was a goof on Rugers part, guess every one is entitled to a goof now and then.
My wife had some relatives from Sweden visit years ago, an uncle and a cousin among them so I took them out to the woods shooting, neither had ever even seen a handgun let alone shot one. They insisted on shooting the big stuff so we gradually worked up to these.
He was shooting away and I noticed the uncle was just bleeding like crazy where the guard had cut him, I tried to stop him and bandage his hand but he was adamant, all is ok and fine, more bullets please. He was having the time of his life and wasn't gonna stop for no little flesh wound. He was bleeding like a stuck hog with a huge smile on his face.
I have a set of pachmeyer grips that kind of cover that point up and feel real good but they are so butt ugly I hate to go outside with them mounted.
08-13-2011, 01:49 PM
Dang... just like jlottmc, I imagine, ignoring the pain... more bullets, please. :D
My favorite and best feeling revolver was a S&W 629... like Dirty Harry's, but stainless. It was like new and someone had worked on the action, because it was unbelievably SMOOTH! I sold it a couple of years after moving here... just didn't need it as much as some extra cash. I'm not married to my tools, though I do tend to hang on to the ones I'm using... like the Kahrs and others I got for defense. I don't hunt anymore and it's too much trouble to shoot anything long range.
Oh, tomorrow is the 14th anniversary of moving into this house. Time sure flies... the older you get! I still feel like that young 51-year-old kid! But, now, I have to find a doctor for Medicare!!:eek:
08-13-2011, 02:53 PM
08-13-2011, 03:05 PM
Nice. Mine had the stock target grips and the 6" or 6.5" barrel... don't remember. I sure had a S.E. Grin shooting real magnums... or plinking with .44 target loads.
08-13-2011, 03:14 PM
My son had a Model 29 until recently. It was big, black, and heavy, and he said it wasn't good for much so he sold it. It worked out well for me because he got a NIB P32 in the trade, which i bought cheap and gave to Vickie.
BTW, why do "hand Cannons" have to be revolvers. I don't own a wheel gun so I nominate my S&W CS45.
08-13-2011, 03:21 PM
Thanks, can you believe I bought it used for $350.00? LOL!
Added the Eagle Secret Service grips, over travel adjustment and action job later.
Technical Note:
629-2 produced in 1989 BDYXXXX serial numbered
8,204 units manufactured in this series
08-13-2011, 03:33 PM
BTW, why do "hand Cannons" have to be revolvers. I don't own a wheel gun so I nominate my S&W CS45.
I'm not sure what the exact definition of Hand Cannon is?
Need to look that up...
For me it's a large caliber magnum handgun.
Doesn't have to be a revolver.
I consider a 357/44/50 Desert Eagle a Hand Cannon.
I'd include the Wildey Auto Mag in the mix too!
08-13-2011, 03:39 PM
I don't think it needs to be a magnum... just large bore center-fire... my PM45, for sure!
08-13-2011, 03:48 PM
I thought it was determined by the length of the flame coming out the barrel upon firing.
08-13-2011, 03:56 PM
Darn, that's a nice Desert Eagle, jeepster09!:)
Am, I seeing a trend here with the color scheme?:D
Whatchoo talkin bout.....
08-13-2011, 04:01 PM
Dang, guys! Do all of you have your own gun stores? How many Ferraris between you?
08-13-2011, 04:02 PM
Wiki: The term "hand cannon" ( has come to mean any handgun-type weapon that is abnormally large by handgun standards. Excellent examples would be the Smith & Wesson Model 29 ( and the IMI Desert Eagle (
Just one of many definitions. I would say .44 magnum or larger, but not necessarily a "magnum". The .454 Casull comes to mind, especially the full-bore loads. I think the .45 ACP fits, too, especially in a small platform like the Kahrs.
08-13-2011, 04:07 PM
I thought it was determined by the length of the flame coming out the barrel upon firing.
Yup, Yup.
I looked it up and a one foot flame is an absolute minimum first requirement.
I think the second is ridiculous penetration.
Including having a record of killing just about every type of wild animal that walks the face of the earth.
Yes, that should do it for now. I may come up with some more later...
08-13-2011, 04:22 PM
ONE foot isn't that much!
Here are some stills of my PM9... the NINE... firing 124-grain +P Gold Dots from Double Tap. They dropped that load after I bought several hundred.
I don't think the powder was very LOW FLASH!:eek:
08-13-2011, 04:45 PM
You guys are gonna laugh but one of my versions of a hand cannon is my S&W Model 431PD. It's a 32 H&R Magnum in an alloy frame 2" barrel that only hits the scale @ 13 ounces. Not to many people will shoot more than a cylinder full as the felt recoil is astounding. However I have developed quite a fondness to this little pea shooter after coming up with a load for it that really works. 90 gr. Sierra JHC that's doin 1000 FPS drops jack's right where they stand. Of course it helps to have the Crimson Trace Laser Grips on it as well. And for some unknown reason I seem to hit what I'm aiming at with regularity. Out to about 25 YDS. With the size & weight I easily forget I'm carrying the little buger. Half the weight of my K9 ...
08-13-2011, 04:52 PM
Whatchoo talkin bout.....
After decades I noticed ALL of my ex's were brunette.
Now I look at my guns and... LOL!
08-13-2011, 04:58 PM
You guys are gonna laugh but one of my versions of a hand cannon is my S&W Model 431PD. It's a 32 H&R Magnum in an alloy frame 2" barrel that only hits the scale @ 13 ounces. Not to many people will shoot more than a cylinder full as the felt recoil is astounding. However I have developed quite a fondness to this little pea shooter after coming up with a load for it that really works. 90 gr. Sierra JHC that's doin 1000 FPS drops jack's right where they stand. Of course it helps to have the Crimson Trace Laser Grips on it as well. And for some unknown reason I seem to hit what I'm aiming at with regularity. Out to about 25 YDS. With the size & weight I easily forget I'm carrying the little buger. Half the weight of my K9 ...
My S&W 342 ti weights 11.6 ounces (14.0 loaded) with 135 gr +P at 860 fps.
I think of it as a Pocket Rocket and it kicks like one too!
Check the Speer FBI protocol test results -
Just for fun -
S&W 342 38 --- 11.6/14.0 ---(5/135 grain)
Kahr MK40 40-- 24.9/28.5 ---(6/180 grain)
Sig P239 357--- 30.3/34.0 ---(8/125)
Sig P220 45 --- 31.1/36.3 ---(8/185 grain)
S&W 629 44 --- 38.1/43.3 ---(6/240 grain) << Light Weight Mountain Revolver
08-13-2011, 07:46 PM
Yeah Barth. Ya gotta love that new Speer 135 Gr. GDHP load. It is exactly what the market needed for the snub nose .38 Special. That's what I use now in my 3" Nickel Plated Mod 36 w/Heavy Barrel and I don't think you could ask for a better round in that gun. It shoots sweet & accurate and the ballistic gel test including my own are phenomenal ...
08-13-2011, 08:23 PM
Acceptable Revolver Alternatives -
08-13-2011, 08:30 PM
Yeah Barth. Ya gotta love that new Speer 135 Gr. GDHP load. It is exactly what the market needed for the snub nose .38 Special. That's what I use now in my 3" Nickel Plated Mod 36 w/Heavy Barrel and I don't think you could ask for a better round in that gun. It shoots sweet & accurate and the ballistic gel test including my own are phenomenal ...
Absolutely, I've been waiting for reliable expansion/penetration from a 2 inch barrel.
Was running Federal 129 +P Hydra-Shoks. I'm much happier now.
Use Speer Short Barrel in my MK40 as well!
Now they are making a 22 mag Short Barrel....
A Black Widow might be in my future - LOL!
08-14-2011, 06:59 PM
Pfeifer Zeliska .600 Nitro Express
The .600 Nitro Express Zeliska revolver is an Austrian single-action revolver produced by Pfeifer firearms.
It is the largest handgun in the world, weighing in at 6.001 kilograms (13.230 lb) and having a length of 55 centimetres (22 in).
The cylinder section alone weighs 2.041 kilograms (4.500 lb).
The Zeliska is also the most powerful handgun in the world, producing a muzzle energy of over 6 kilojoules (4,400 ft·lbf).
The weight of the gun helps control the recoil, making controlled shooting possible.
The capacity of a Zeliska is five .600 Nitro Express or .458 Win Mag rounds.
The Zeliska fires a .600 Nitro Express slug at 462 metres per second (1,660 km/h; 1,030 mph).
The cost of a Zeliska revolver is over $16,000.
Each .600 Nitro Express round costs $40,
making this gun very expensive to fire.
Loading is accomplished through a loading gate located
on the right of the cylinder, similar to the Colt Single Action Army.
The Pfeifer- Zeliska .600 Nitro Express Magnum is 8 times more powerful than a Smith and Wesson.44 magnum
and 3 times more powerful than the Smith and Wesson .50 Magnum.
As handguns go, this is the absolute ultimate.
08-14-2011, 07:02 PM
Ain't nobody gonna top that one. Now that is a hand cannon without question. I'd love to shoot that thing, just to see if I live thru it. I can't even comprehend what it would be like.
Maybe someone will make a you tube video of it being shot.
08-14-2011, 07:09 PM
Ain't nobody gonna top that one. Now that is a hand cannon without question. I'd love to shoot that thing, just to see if I live thru it. I can't even comprehend what it would be like.
Maybe someone will make a you tube video of it being shot.
40 bucks a bullet? Are you kidding me?
This is a different gun. But I think the same ammo? 600 Nitro Express
Absolutely, I've been waiting for reliable expansion/penetration from a 2 inch barrel.
Was running Federal 129 +P Hydra-Shoks. I'm much happier now.
Use Speer Short Barrel in my MK40 as well!
Now they are making a 22 mag Short Barrel....
A Black Widow might be in my future - LOL!
Thanks for that note on the .22 mag short barrel. I'm great fan of Gold Dots and the NAA .22 mag mini is one of my regular carry guns.
08-14-2011, 07:40 PM
Thanks for that note on the .22 mag short barrel. I'm great fan of Gold Dots and the NAA .22 mag mini is one of my regular carry guns.
You’re very welcome.
We have a lot of fun on the board.
Or at least I entertain myself - LoL!
But keeping each other informed on what’s new.
Helping with issues. Sharing advise and experiences.
Pretty much all things guns.
So we can defend ourselves and stay safe.
Seems like that’s what this place is really all about.
les strat
08-28-2011, 01:35 PM
From another post, here is my new-to-me S&W 629-6 Classic 5" .44 mag.
08-28-2011, 02:58 PM
From another post, here is my new-to-me S&W 629-6 Classic 5" .44 mag.
Full under lug, chamfered cylinder and a glass bead blasted satin finish.
very nice gun you will cherish the rest of your life.
Everybody needs a Hand Cannon as part of their collection.
08-28-2011, 03:07 PM
Holy Moly Barth, I thought that the S&W 500 was a monster, but that pistol makes the S&W look like a .38. Here's my 629-4, 629 Classic that will definately be the last pistol I get get rid of. It's more than enough for my needs.
08-28-2011, 03:24 PM
Holy Moly Barth, I thought that the S&W 500 was a monster, but that pistol makes the S&W look like a .38.
That's the vampire's new gun.
Here's my 38.1 oz 44 mag Mountain Gun with her 11.6 oz 38 342 ti little sister.
BTW shot Speer Short Barrel GDHP +P 135 grain bullets out of the 342 today.
The little girl drew blood at 15 rounds - LOL!
Both eyes open super fast combat shooting into center mass.
This little thing close up is flat deadly.
08-28-2011, 04:14 PM
The little girl drew blood at 15 rounds - LOL!
Seriously? On your hand, I assume. How? How bad?
08-28-2011, 04:56 PM
Seriously? On your hand, I assume. How? How bad?
Just took some skin off the web of my hand.
No biggie.
My Mk40 did the same thing at 200 rounds.
I don’t know if I opened up the MK40 spot. Or the 342 did it all by itself.
I’m thinking it’s my new Eagle Secret Service grips that are biting me under recoil.
I didn’t feel a thing. Just saw the blood.
So I switched to the MK40, kept wiping away the blood and
continued shooting.
It’s like cars I think.
Can’t really work on one without drawing blood.
Now were blood brothers/sisters whatever – LOL!
I’m not changing back to rubber grips though.
Love these things.
I’d rather bleed.
les strat
08-28-2011, 08:09 PM
Full under lug, chamfered cylinder and a glass bead blasted satin finish.
very nice gun you will cherish the rest of your life.
Everybody needs a Hand Cannon as part of their collection.
Thanks Barth. I am really proud to own it and have wanted one forever.
08-28-2011, 08:20 PM
Here's the .600 Nitro revolver firing:
and here:
It looks like NO FUN! Well, except for Jlottmc, maybe....
08-29-2011, 07:37 AM
Wow, that is a monster. I might like to shoot that like bawanna says just to see if I survive. When I was doing a some gunsmithing, I had a guy come in and want a 45/70 over and under derringer. I almost said yes, but then remembered that I would have to shoot it. I saw the guy years later and asked if he found some one to do it. He said yes. I asked if he had shot it, he got sheepish, and said yes, one round each bbl. That 600 is big. Would I want to fire more than a cylinder full, not just no but HELL no.
08-29-2011, 10:54 AM
Goggles and maybe a helmet would be advised after watching the videos!!
I think one guy might have gotten beaned a bit and I'm sure it happens!
I hate when someone gives an unsuspecting person, ie., wife or girlfriend a gun to "try" and she gets hurt... of course guys do that, too.
You could see these guys knew what they were getting into!
Follow up shots must really be a b!tch!!
08-29-2011, 11:19 AM
I'd want that beast securely fastened to something heavy before I shot that thing. The guy getting beaned looked bigger than me, and the big guy looked about 3 times my size, jeez what a gun. Probably kick me into next week.
08-29-2011, 01:09 PM
So many guns, so little time...Now I want a Python, a Desert Eagle, an Auto Mag and an and an and one of those and..........By the way, someone earlier asked how to prevent getting a drag line on the cylinder of a revolver....What you do from day one out of the box is when you close the cylinder back into the frame you line up a cylinder with the barrel not just close the cylinder anywhere and spin it to the the next to lock up...That is the only time the cylinder stop will ever contact the cylinder between stops and cause that ugly ring...When you kock the gun single action or pull the trigger double action the cylinder stop retracts...
08-29-2011, 01:10 PM
My first handgun, bought after a week of Dirty Harry movies, is a S&W 44 Magnum Moutain Gun (38 oz of Fire Breathing Stainless Steel).
Very nice, indeed. I'll be looking for a .44 Mag in the near term. My PC 627 will suffice for now.
les strat
09-23-2011, 09:35 AM
Updated pic of my 629 with new cocobolo Hogue combat grips:
09-23-2011, 10:09 AM
Look's good Les! How do they feel shooting? I just love the rubber Hogue's feel on mine but the wood sure look nice.
les strat
09-23-2011, 11:06 AM
Well, it's funny. I took off yesterday, and my wife and I went to the range. She was carrying the .44 on the way out and sat it down on the kitchen table and forgot to pick it back up! We still had a great time getting her more familiar with shooting her little Bersa (although it jammed several times on Federal cheapies). She is deadly at 100 yds. with my Marlin M60 .22!
Anyway, the grips feel almost exacly like the stock rubber Hogues. I am real partial to wood on revolvers, and I will probably use a glove with the .44. They feel awesome, but I'll let you know after this weekend.
09-23-2011, 11:43 AM
Some pretty coco bolo on those, nice figure to em. The rubber Hogues do feel and shoot really well but the wood works pretty fine too. There's enough surface area spread out on your hand that it's not uncomfortable.
My son has a round butt Mountain Gun and I have a couple square butt Classic Hunters. The round grip frame really makes a difference. I like the looks of the round but the square is easier to hold out there when aiming, doesn't want to let the gun roll down in your grip.
I made him some Ebony handles for his, haven't gotten around to mine yet.
09-23-2011, 12:43 PM
My carry canon .... it's a heavy little bugger but I love it. Tried to make some spalted maple grips for it but the wood split, I'm in the process of trying with some other wood I found in the hobby box.
09-23-2011, 01:02 PM
Is that an officer ACP size frame?
09-23-2011, 01:22 PM
No sir, Bwanna, it's a little smaller than that. This is a 3", the officer size is the 4". This is exactly the same size as the EMP 9mm, though it's a little fatter through the grip .... kind like me, eh? .... because of the obvious size difference between the 9 and the .45.
09-24-2011, 05:08 PM
The most macho I own.
09-24-2011, 07:14 PM
OK, I cry uncle! At first I thought heck yeah Cbobs rock! but it ain't a Cbob.
One of KImbers bobtails? I'm grasping at straws here.
09-24-2011, 08:47 PM
Looks like an Ed Brown Kobra Carry with naked slide. Nice pistol! :)
09-24-2011, 09:38 PM
Is that an officer ACP size frame?
The Springfield Micro Compact's frame is the same size as an Officer's ACP frame.The Micro does have a 3" barrel whereas an Officer's ACP has a 3.5" barrel
09-24-2011, 09:42 PM
The Springfield Micro Compact's frame is the same size as an Officer's ACP frame.The Micro does have a 3" barrel whereas an Officer's ACP has a 3.5" barrel
Thanks a million Greg, ya hear that Bigmacque, we're in business if you need me, I got an officers ACP. I thought the frame was the same but I wasn't sure enough to say so. Greg saved the day once again.
Is it a sin for me to want one of them Ed Brown Kobra Carrys too even though I have a CBOB? Just askin.
09-24-2011, 10:23 PM
Is it a sin for me to want one of them Ed Brown Kobra Carrys too even though I have a CBOB? Just askin.
Not sure about yours, but my CBOB is a Kobra Carry "wanna be" and proudly wears an Ed Brown stainless barrel bushing (
I figure it is not as much of a sin as wearing one of those fake Rolex watches, so I am OK with it. :behindsofa:
09-24-2011, 10:41 PM
Fella let me hold a Rolex watch once, about as close as I ever come to one. The thing was a brick though, stylish but heavy as my Thompson.
I'm raising my personal bar and aiming for one of the Pateks. I'll have to live in the thing since the payments would be about the same as my house but I think the chicks will be impressed.
I'm happy as a clam with my CBOB and I'm ashamed that I coveted that Ed Brown Kobra (NICE) but it is being added to my list.
09-25-2011, 12:15 AM
All this 1911 talk is starting to get me twitchy.
I just bought my sixth handgun and need to slow down!!!
Thinking my MK40 Elite might need an Elite big brother?
09-25-2011, 12:18 AM
Oh yeah baby. It definitely needs a big brother and that would be perfect.
09-25-2011, 11:55 AM
Fella let me hold a Rolex watch once, about as close as I ever come to one. The thing was a brick though, stylish but heavy as my Thompson.
I'm raising my personal bar and aiming for one of the Pateks. I'll have to live in the thing since the payments would be about the same as my house but I think the chicks will be impressed.
I'm happy as a clam with my CBOB and I'm ashamed that I coveted that Ed Brown Kobra (NICE) but it is being added to my list.
My company gave me one years ago for winning a difficult case, I wore it a few times, but it felt like a wrist holster carrying a 1911 on my arm, so I tossed it in a drawer where I suppose it still is. I normally wear a $10 dollar plastic analog watch that I buy from Sportsman's Guide. If I really need a better watch, I wear one of my Skagens because they're thin and light.
09-25-2011, 12:03 PM
I'll have to look up Skagen, never heard of that one. I know I had a severe case of sticker shock when I looked up Patek which I never heard of before either.
Guess I'm on the wrong side of the tracks or the right side I guess depending on how ya look at it.
09-25-2011, 12:15 PM
I'll have to look up Skagen, never heard of that one. I know I had a severe case of sticker shock when I looked up Patek which I never heard of before either.
Skagen watches are good values, not particularly expensive. I used to frequently see them for sale in airports while traveling. They appeal to me because they are extremely thin and light, often made from something that looks like titanium with a matching metal band.
Admittedly, in the years since I began carrying a cell-phone during most waking hours, I have seldom worn a watch, except as decoration when attending an event where one is expected to dress up. Since moving to casual Tucson, those occasions are even less frequent. :rolleyes:
09-25-2011, 12:46 PM
I'll have to look up Skagen, never heard of that one. I know I had a severe case of sticker shock when I looked up Patek which I never heard of before either.
Guess I'm on the wrong side of the tracks or the right side I guess depending on how ya look at it.
Yeah, what Tucson said. I have two titanium and three steel. Besides being light and thin, like most Danish designs, they are very clean and simple, which I like. They are American made, but the founder of the company moved here from Denmark. They can be found for under $150 and sometimes under $100.
09-25-2011, 02:35 PM
I just couldn't resist showing my expensive watch: %20Gold%20Dots/Speer165-GrGoldDot2-3_1892-1.jpg
This is the third one of these I've had. The first lasted almost 14 years, including a few years of flying in B52's. That was the first battery... the next battery didn't last as long. That Casio cost me about $14 in the BX or Service Merchandise. Though it still worked... the light was very dim, I got another like it that had the IndiGlo light... much brighter and after about 7 years I got this one for just over $20 or so at Walmart, I believe. This one says ElectroLuminescence.
I looked at getting a decent watch back in 1967 when I was stationed on Okinawa. I looked at the "Oyster-cased" Rolex... too big for me. I bought a stainless Accutron with the visible mechanism and wore it for maybe an hour. I was at a snack bar when the islander reached over and tapped the crystal saying number 10... the worst. The danged thing stopped for a few seconds. I tapped it every once in a while, all the way back to the BX where I got my money back and bought a Timex.
Later as a navigator, I had to have a really good watch that was accurate to the second for an entire B52 flight, so I bought Seikos... about one a year at $125 to $150 each. Flying is hard on watches and I used that as a business deduction.
I don't remember the brand, but I remember the first all-digital LCD watch I saw advertised... I bought one and early on, the PLASTIC covering the LCD broke when I flipped an ejection seat or parachute buckle into the cheap POS and it broke. I had to buy something with a decent crystal that could take some abuse. The Seikos were good, lasting about a year, and later I switched to the Casios which were pretty decent... and made by Seiko or a subsidiary. Having one with a decent backlight was nice. We counted down a lot of activities to the second... navigation and bombing exercises required to-the-second timing.
I don't like wearing jewelry... no rings at all and the watch comes off when I'm at home... but I do have large-numbered red LED clocks everywhere in the house... all backed up by UPS's, too. I don't have to reset them every time there's a power outage. Did I mention that I'm anal about some things?:rolleyes:
Dang! Rambling wind.
Wynn :blah: :typing: :)
09-25-2011, 02:40 PM
Funny how threads change - LOL!
I personally don't wear watches, never have.
But my Dad does.
I bought him this one for his 80th B-day earlier this summer.
09-25-2011, 02:49 PM
Hey! Mine had a "hand-cannon" in it!
09-25-2011, 03:08 PM
My Dad uses a Speed 6 -357
les strat
09-25-2011, 07:40 PM
Look's good Les! How do they feel shooting? I just love the rubber Hogue's feel on mine but the wood sure look nice.
Hey BD, I finally got to shoot the thing today while breaking in my wife's new LC9. The gun shoots great, and the cocobolo Hogues feel great... no pain at all. I'd even go as far as saying it feels better to shoot than most of my other handguns. I probably shot about 36 rounds or so through it. It's like they do not transgfer any recoil through to the hand. I think I have a new favorite pistol :D I was pooping water jugs at 50 yards no problem (good for me). Next trip, I am going to the 100 yd range and seeing if I am worthy of actually hunting with it.
The ammo I was using was PMC eRange 240gr .44 mag, and the darndest thing, when I was through, I wiped the gun off and inside and arounf the chamber, and there was zero powder! PMC touts it as "environmetally friendly" with the powder buring very cleanly. There wasn't much to clean when I got home, which is a good thing considering how many other guns I had to clean :40:
I HIGHLY recommend those wooden Hogues though.
Thats a Security-Six
The Speed-Six was fixed sight, round butt, shorter barrels.
The Police Service Six was longer barrels, square butt fixed sight.
09-25-2011, 08:42 PM
OK...if we are talking long barrels, then I have a mas macho pistol. It is my Glock 34. If we are talking caliber, I've got a full size Colt 1911. If we are just talking macho period, I've got an AR-15. :D
09-25-2011, 09:00 PM
Thats a Security-Six
The Speed-Six was fixed sight, round butt, shorter barrels.
The Police Service Six was longer barrels, square butt fixed sight.
Great revolvers, I'm very fond of my Speed Six:
...and my Security Six:
09-26-2011, 05:40 AM
Hey! Mine had a "hand-cannon" in it!
and your grip technique was spot-on as well, wyn ... :)
09-26-2011, 10:27 AM
Thanks. I developed that thumb over thumb to keep from getting bitten by the slide lock or the mag release button during recoil... mainly on the PM45, but applicable to the P40, for sure! When I switch to the weak hand I haven't a clue and usually get bitten by the slide as I try to wrap my right hand around the left from the rear! No blood so far... but wakes me up!:eek:
09-26-2011, 12:49 PM
You hold your pistol just like I do.
09-26-2011, 01:05 PM
The Springfield Micro Compact's frame is the same size as an Officer's ACP frame.The Micro does have a 3" barrel whereas an Officer's ACP has a 3.5" barrel
I did not know that, Greg, thanks.
10-15-2011, 04:31 PM
Yup, at the gun show today I saw this baby for $525.
Asked if the price was firm and offered $500.
Seller said let me make your day. How about $489?
Woo Hoo!
I Love October
les strat
01-03-2012, 02:11 PM
Well I chalked one more hand cannon up today at lunch: a "no-dash" pre-lock 686 with hammer mounted pin..... under 4 bills!. It will sleep well with the 629 I got this past summer.
Cell phone shot
01-03-2012, 02:23 PM
is not the 686 arefined Model 66?? Been awhilefor me on allthe smith models.. nicegun, love the grips
les strat
01-03-2012, 02:40 PM
is not the 686 arefined Model 66?? Been awhilefor me on allthe smith models.. nicegun, love the grips
Thanks Jocko.
The 686 .357 mag is the SS version of the 586 that is no longer in production.
Finding this in a pre-lock with the hammer-mounted pin and at this price was great. I had had my eye out for one, but they were all out of my price range.
If we're talking caliber, my Sig P220 or P245 win.
For kick like a mule, the Taurus 740 Slim wins. 6+1 of .40 in a package not much bigger than the CM9.
01-03-2012, 04:58 PM
Well I chalked one more hand cannon up today at lunch: a "no-dash" pre-lock 686 with hammer mounted pin..... under 4 bills!. It will sleep well with the 629 I got this past summer.
Cell phone shot
Very nice gun. Congratulations!
This is my $350.00 baby (from 1993 LOL!) S&W 629-2 44 Magnum Mountain Gun
01-03-2012, 05:58 PM
Guess I'll sneak in with my little bitty M29 (paid $285 for it 20 years ago):
01-03-2012, 06:06 PM
now ain't that really a nice peace???wow
01-03-2012, 06:16 PM hand cannons go these aint all that, BUT they is what I got...
I have a second ROA in stainless but no photo...the bottom photo is of my sons 1858 and what used to be his Bobcat which I swapped a Flintlcok Deerhunter for.
01-04-2012, 01:11 PM
Not the baddest but a hoot to shoot.
586Lcomp 7 shot 3"
01-04-2012, 01:29 PM
Not the baddest but a hoot to shoot.
586Lcomp 7 shot 3"
And certainly one of the prettiest! That's a neat trigger stop. Did S&W do that or did you add it? Beautiful grips too!
01-04-2012, 02:07 PM
Oo, that's pretty!
01-04-2012, 02:49 PM
My new-to-me XD45 with 13+1 230-grain Speer Gold Dots qualifies as my new "hand-cannon".
01-05-2012, 09:07 AM
And certainly one of the prettiest! That's a neat trigger stop. Did S&W do that or did you add it? Beautiful grips too!
Everything came that way from the Performance Center. They built a few of these for one of their larger distributors. Perfect timing and a great trigger. The comp really keeps recoil to a minimum. It would be a ***** to shoot out of your pocket though.
10-17-2015, 10:06 AM
guess i'll throw my 500 & 686 8 3/8 in the mix (
still in search for the right 629 to fill the void
10-17-2015, 12:11 PM
Them's some long a$$ barrels. You need a bipod for those?
10-17-2015, 02:09 PM
Them's some long a$$ barrels. You need a bipod for those?
there both awesome to shoot.
500 alittle more tuff to bring back on target that's a no brainer, but the .357 is such a smooth shooter it feels like a .22
10-17-2015, 02:39 PM
:)Technically, and most importantly legally, a 30 round 5.56 NATO pistol - LOL!
That's actually a fake booster on the nose.
The 10.5" chrome lined barrel throws some real fire...
Best I can do is a .41 Magnum M&P packin' howitzer.We were in some serious social encounters but we're still here. Killed a 5 point bull elk and a 1978 Ford Bronco. All were one shot stops.
10-17-2015, 04:19 PM
Y'alls definition of hand cannon must be different than mine.
Here's mine. pg ( pg.html) pg ( pg.html)
How many ammunition bearers do you need to go to the range with that thing?
10-17-2015, 04:41 PM
Bet that'll scatter a crowd! :w00t:
10-17-2015, 04:45 PM
Bet that'll scatter a crowd! :w00t:
or make you crap your pants in a hurry.
10-17-2015, 05:29 PM
It's also a great way to mess up your wrist if you don't know how to shoot it... recoil is 83.3lbs @ 32fps according to the ballistics calculator.
700gr @ 1500fps.
That's just barely less than four times the recoil a standard .500 SW Mag load puts out.
Needless to say the first time me and my buddy touched it off, medical personal were actually on standby and there was a healthy amount of fear adrenaline pumping.
My hands were actually shaking a bit after a full cylinder.
Do you reckon your hands was trying to tell you sumthin"?:D
I have arthritis in my wrists from the continual pounding they took from me practicing fast draw etc., while I was in LE, but I never beat them up with a cannon like you got..
You're a better man than I am Gunga Din!!.
02-11-2016, 02:18 PM
still in search for the right 629 to fill the void
FOUND IT :cool:
02-11-2016, 03:36 PM
You're all trouble makers and I've got a revolver want real bad now. Here's my 2015 Christmas present. Trigger is super smooth and I ordered a spring kit from wolff that I wish would hurry up and get here. .357 recoil is almost straight back with little muzzle rise at all.
02-11-2016, 03:49 PM
I've been jonesin' for a .44 Magnum of some sort. Too bad they're so expensive.
02-11-2016, 04:22 PM
Got a new one - Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum....
02-11-2016, 04:44 PM
Ah the 'ole 44 talk..... (
02-11-2016, 04:49 PM
Tuckable for those "make my day" neighborhoods..... (
Not mine, but I had one of these.... briefly....
The 2nd knuckle on my right middle finger remembers this revolver on cold days.....
I sold it new. It came back a week or three later. Not even a box of ammo thru it.
I snagged it. Thought it would be cool. Fuggettaboudit!
It went from me, to another guy... and so on, until everyone who worked at the range "owned it" for a week or so.
Beyond brutal recoil. A true hand cannon.
02-11-2016, 05:57 PM
My little hand toy. TC Encore with .308 Win. barrel. Been having a tough time finding an IWB holster for it.
02-11-2016, 06:49 PM
I have the early version of that in 30-30. Mine is a 10'' barrel, often wished it was a 14''. Had a boat load of all kinds of reloads through it, 10'' just enough barrel to use up powder efficiently.
I can put rounds in a paper plate at 100 yards all day long though. Took it to the lake last year, it was a lot of fun. I need to get it out more often.
02-11-2016, 08:06 PM
No Magnum Research BFR's? I think what hurts my hand on my .44 is although it has rubber grips, there is a bare steel part that runs down the back of the grip, and that punching your hand gets old after a few cylinders, depending on how hot of a load you are shooting. For some hot SD/Hunting loads, a couple cylinders are plenty before I want to give my hand a break. My padded palm shorty biker gloves help some with that.
02-11-2016, 08:07 PM
Ah the 'ole 44 talk..... (
Nice, you got anything else in OD green and black? ;)
02-11-2016, 08:18 PM
How many ammunition bearers do you need to go to the range with that thing?
I'm interested in the cost of a single shot - LOL!:p
I do have a 4" S&W 629-2 44 Magnum Mountain Gun that I really consider to be a Hand Cannon.
02-11-2016, 08:21 PM
Hmmmm...I found one more.:yo:
02-11-2016, 08:26 PM
Perfect for duster carry.
02-11-2016, 08:28 PM
I have one, a duster, and every time a wear it folks ask if I'm going to rob the store - LOL!
Can't really dress like that and not attract attention.
02-14-2016, 09:54 AM
Don't poke your eye out with that thing though.
Big Sexy
02-21-2016, 12:41 PM
Nice guns, gents!
Here's my hand cannon. Freedom Arms M83 Premier Grade .454 Casull 6" barrel, fixed sights. I made custom grips for it out of desert ironwood burl. It's a handful, but it shoots very well.
02-21-2016, 02:27 PM
Is that ironwood stabilized? It looks awesome.
Big Sexy
02-22-2016, 12:01 PM
No, it's not stabilized. True Desert Ironwood ("Olnea Tesota") is so dense, it not only doesn't need to be stabilized, it actually CAN'T be stabilized, as the pores are too tight to accept the resin used for stabilization. It will hardly even accept any finishes, since they can't penetrate into the wood. In fact, the recommended "finish" is simply polishing with progressively finer grits followed by a buffing compound. Polishing brings out the depth in the grain and intensifies the brown/orange color as if an actual finish were applied on top. Those grips were finished this way. This stuff is so dense, it won't even float. It's like working with stone.
There are lots of tree species called "ironwood" that grows throughout the US, and I believe all of them can be stabilized. Olnea Tesota is a member of the pea family, and it only grows in the Sonoran Desert. After the plant dies, it can sit in the desert for many decades, where it dries rock hard but never rots. It has natural chemical resistance to insects and decay.
Big Sexy
02-22-2016, 12:04 PM
In fact, when I took those pics, I hadn't completely removed all the polishing compound yet, the white stuff you see inside the grip screw holes.
02-22-2016, 12:12 PM
I kind of figured that was the case as it's incredibly dense. Hence the polished finish.
Looks like good stuff.
02-22-2016, 12:13 PM
No, it's not stabilized. True Desert Ironwood ("Olnea Tesota") is so dense, it not only doesn't need to be stabilized, it actually CAN'T be stabilized, as the pores are too tight to accept the resin used for stabilization. It will hardly even accept any finishes, since they can't penetrate into the wood. In fact, the recommended "finish" is simply polishing with progressively finer grits followed by a buffing compound. Polishing brings out the depth in the grain and intensifies the brown/orange color as if an actual finish were applied on top. Those grips were finished this way. This stuff is so dense, it won't even float. It's like working with stone.
There are lots of tree species called "ironwood" that grows throughout the US, and I believe all of them can be stabilized. Olnea Tesota is a member of the pea family, and it only grows in the Sonoran Desert. After the plant dies, it can sit in the desert for many decades, where it dries rock hard but never rots. It has natural chemical resistance to insects and decay.
Alright, that is very cool. Thanks for sharing.
02-22-2016, 11:01 PM
Not huge, but lots of fun!
02-23-2016, 09:00 AM
Another not huge, but fun.....................
02-23-2016, 02:10 PM
Another not huge, but fun.....................
How do you like those grips? Ive been thinking about getting a set for my gp100.
02-23-2016, 03:07 PM
Nice for small hands................I shoot it, but it's actually the wife's. Perfect for her hands. Mine, a bit small for me, but they are very nice quality grips. If your not aware, try Chig's grips. Makes some reasonably priced grips.
02-23-2016, 04:32 PM
My little hand toy. TC Encore with .308 Win. barrel. Been having a tough time finding an IWB holster for it.
Appendix (AIWB) carry would be the way to go with that pocket gun!
02-23-2016, 06:21 PM
I'd try that but I'm afraid I would print like I had a side by side double barrel down my pants!:lie:
06-03-2017, 11:08 PM
G40 (
06-04-2017, 09:44 AM
My Public Defender.
06-04-2017, 11:15 AM
06-04-2017, 02:14 PM
Has that S&W got a Hillary Hole in it?
06-04-2017, 06:35 PM
Has that S&W got a Hillary Hole in it?
I thought you knew me better than that? LOL :p
I'm no expert, but generally when you see a stainless hammer and trigger? There's no Hillary Hole :cool:
Not sure any 640s came with stainless triggers? I added that, gunsmith rounded and smoothed, from Numrich :)
Guns matter and Hillary Holes are unacceptable.
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