View Full Version : My new K9

12-29-2009, 07:24 AM
I recently picked up a slightly used 2009 K9 from a fellow board member of another forum. It originally came with the New York trigger, but it was replaced by Kahr, at the factory, with the standard shorter travel trigger. The real deal clincher was the fact that the seller was also including the Crimson Trace laser grips as shown in the second pic. These usually retail for around $240 alone.

With the standard rubber grips


With the Crimson Trace grips


When the seller offered both the modified pistol and the grips for only $595, I couldn't resist. The pistol appeared to have been used very little and was in perfect condition. The replaced trigger is quite nice...my impression is that this trigger is smoother than my other two short Kahr triggers (on a T9 and TP9). The K9 also came with the excellent Mepro Tru Dot night sights... my favorite brand.

I've had the opportunity to shoot a little bit, putting 143 rounds through it. I shot several different brands and weights and all functioned just beautifully. I am pleased with the accuracy, as it delivers as well as I can ask. One of my first magazine loads allowed this nice 12 yard group.

So far I consider this one of my best buys as a gun collector. I've even found a nice shoulder holster for the K9, purchased here on this forum. The holster has the added benefit of also fitting both my T and TP9 pistols. I'd been thinking about buying a Galco holster to attach to my Miami Classic rig, but now I don't have the need.;)

Color me a happy camper. :D

12-29-2009, 08:13 AM
Nice buy Ripley! I love to come into deals like that. Tell me, what do you think of the Lasergrips? I really enjoy shooting my K40 but I like the sights on my G23 much better. I was considering Lasergrips but would like some opinions on it first.

12-29-2009, 10:25 AM
SMOKIN deal!

12-29-2009, 11:50 AM
I was considering Lasergrips but would like some opinions on it first.

First let me say I was pleasantly pleased with the way the C.T. grips felt in comparison to the excellent standard rubber grips. I expected slick, hard, undesirable plastic, but that is not the case.

The laser must be aimed to a particular spot at a particular distance. Once your distance is selected and the laser aimed to the point of impact the rounds group very well. I think the group shown was shot with the laser. Any other distance yield close, but no cigar. You must learn to compensate.

I've only put about 100 rounds out using the C.T. so I'm certainly no expert. My impressions are that it is easy to use...unobtrusive and bright. What I don't like is that the laser is blocked by my trigger finger when I'm at the ready position.

I belive in certain circumstances a laser would be invaluable, and if it fails you still have sights and the Mk I ball/ eye to fall back on. The main value of a laser IMHO is to assist in unaimed, snap shots, such as from the hip.

12-29-2009, 05:52 PM
I'd love to try out a set of the CT grips on a Kahr. Unfortunately, I don't think I could stand the, primarily emotional, hit to my holsters.

12-30-2009, 02:49 AM
You know they send some people to jail over deals like that. They call that stealing.

Super gun and those CT grips willmake that gun a far better shooter to. really a nice set up. MY K9 has about 4500+ round sout of it. It has the NYPD trigger and I like it and realys ee no difference between it and my PM9, that 1/8" travle more, I sure can't feel it but my K9 is a real shooter. Just top notch quality. I dont' shoot it a 10th as good as your group showed witht he Ct grips on it though. Something maybe I should be looking at.

12-30-2009, 04:00 PM

What a gorgeous pistol, and you stole it on top of it. Recently I got my K9 Elite that I ordered 9 1/2 months ago, and it was definitely worth the wait. Use it well.


01-13-2010, 06:31 PM
Great buy, ripley16. Congrats! I'm really thinking about those grips for my K9. The NS are getting pretty weak (12 yrs in March) for acquisition and those laser grips seem like a good idea. Do they fit with most holsters?
And the quick shot capability from the hip or something like that is good, too.
I think that the K9 is the most perfectly proportioned gun ever. It looks and feels perfect! And, the laser grips don't detract from the gun's looks like the ones for the PM's.

And Goofa, yours is a beaut', too. I love my new-to-me PM9, but the grip's not perfect like the K9.

01-14-2010, 06:10 AM
Do they fit with most holsters?

I have three holsters, a Mitch Rosen Premier, a JIT Slide (which I don't care for), and a Cobra shoulder holster. The CT grips fit all three with no problem. The only time I see the grips being a problem would be for a lefthanded person carring in a IWB holster.

01-14-2010, 07:55 AM
Thanks, that's what I was hoping. Now I need to pay bills for a while and save up my money. I went on a binge this month with the PM9 and all of the ammo I bought... plus the new TV, wallmount, and extended warranty. I sure don't regret any purchases, though.:D And, again that was sure a great buy you made on the K9.