View Full Version : New CM9...slide problem
08-13-2011, 03:50 PM
Picked up a CM9 this morning at the gun show. Shot 100 rounds of PMC FMJ and really like the gun, but I have a problem with the slide - it does not consistently stay open on the last round.
I performed the pre-break in outlined in the tech sticky, all EXCEPT for taking the mag apart and blowing ouy the firing pin hole.
Here's exactly what happened at the range: first 2 mags fired fine except the slide did not stay open on the last round. On the third mag, after about 3 rounds I had a failed to fire. Racked the slide and nothing ejected. Racked it again and a live round ejected. Finished that mag and this time the slide stayed open on the last round. As it did for the next 2 mags. Then, it did noy stay open for the last round for the remaining shots of the 100 total rounds I shot today.
I hope there is an easy fix, because I love the gun. I'll post a pic of a decent group from about 25 feet. Just don't laugh at my homemade paper plate targets...they're cheap and get the job done! The stray shot was the last round...I was more more worried about the slide staying open than the shot.
08-13-2011, 04:18 PM
make sure ur thumb is not hitting the slide lock lever and keeping it from lockingopen. try shooting it left handed and or let another shooter try it. if he can duplicate, u have eliminated shooter error.
I would take the magazxine apart to make sure the mag spring is in correctly, elimiante that possbility also.
Maybe anopther 50 or so orunds will get things straight also. u willbe surprised as to what rounds down range willdo for a gun. Things seem to mete up better. assuming you only have one magazine, if not try the other mag.. Make sure the outter recoil spring is on correctly.. open end towards the front of the slide.
To check to see if the magazine follower is hitting inside on the slide stop lever, take the slide off, reinstall the slide stop lever and now insert an empty magazine and watch what is happening on the left side of the frame. that follower should be picking up that slide stop lever.
I am assuming you are shooting good american brand ammo to.. U MIGHT ALSO LOOK AT gb6491 STICKY CALLED CW45 FIXES AND SEE HOW THAT LITTLE SPRINGHY THING ON THE LEFT SIDE BY THE SLIDE STOP looks or should look, If by chance you have that bent out of whack you willget tyhe issue u are having. follow his instructions, u can tweek it on the gun..
08-13-2011, 04:30 PM
If you adjust your point of aim a bit higher, you're right on target. nice group of five... always one flier... almost always.
I start out with cardboard targets and cover the holes with tape, then after that looks pretty bad, I start taping paper plates on the cardboard... much easier, plus I can save the groups during testing... and label with a felt tip.
You might take your mag(s) apart and clean them. I use half a sheet of a Bounty paper towel, folded and pushed through the mag tube with the circular handle of a cheap cleaning rod... the "?" handled kind. There's usually a lot of crud. Then I lightly lube the inside with some kind of oil and run a rag through to remove most of that... drier is better. I sand around the follower a tiny bit, with a bit of emphasis on the right front side where the magazine catch can rub. On assembly, make sure the free end of the top coil is to the front of the mag tube as it follows the follower up. The extra lift may be enough to actuate the slide lock then. The free end is supposed to go to the front.
If this doesn't help the slide lock actuate, maybe the little spring's free arm needs tweaking to push down a tiny bit less on the slide lock... that little ledge of the slide lock just next to the frame. Be very careful with the torx screw and the plastic threads that can strip easily. Too tight or too loose can affect the function of that slide lock spring, which retains the pin in a detent and pushes down on the acuator until the magazine is empty and rise to push up on the SL actuator to engage the slide and lock it open.
If you must adjust the screw, don't over torque it and strip the plastic threads... just tighten until you feel resistance. The latter was instruction from Kahr Customer Service.
I included some pictures of my PM45's slide lock components so you can see what I'm talking about.
08-13-2011, 04:32 PM
08-13-2011, 04:34 PM
nice photos wyn.
something must be wroing with my PM9. I get a flyer like that EVERY FOKKING SHOT.
can't be me!!! its those damn democrats, just has to be..
08-13-2011, 04:38 PM
I'm impatient and can't wait for all of that gripping this way and breathing that way and pulling the trigger just so. I figure in the heat of battle I'm gonna be yanking that trigger as I dive for cover, so that's how I practice. Too often the first shot is dead center and then I get in a hurry and yank the rest out.
08-13-2011, 05:01 PM
at my age I am to old to dive and do all those macho things like running and gunning, etc. Hope I never have to do anything except die an old man with my PM9 still in my front pocket, never fired in harms way . but u make a good point. IMO to much emphasis on some of the techniques. In a sh-t hit the fan event, all bets are off the table.
sopmeone once posted practrice makes perfect but it was countered with perfect practice makes perfect. what ever, hell now I am sounding like diet.
08-13-2011, 06:24 PM
Hey, you stole all my targets :-)
les strat
08-13-2011, 06:42 PM
Thought you migh want to knowtheat the first 50 I put through my CM9 when I first got it was PMC. I did have about the same issues as you just not quite as many. I then went to a 100 round box of WWB and the hiccups started to go away. Think I might have had one lock back failure then nothing but 100% reliablilty at 350 rounds. Mine will now eat most anything. Maybe hold off on PMC till you get a few hundred through it and it's slicked up. Good luck.
08-13-2011, 07:13 PM
Thanks guys. I now have a LOT of great info to attempt to correct the issue. You guys always go the extra mile...and those of us here that are new to Kahr appreciate it.
I love this gun. This is my first compact and it felt great in my OWB. Waaay better than my full size stuff. I read a thousand times that that trigger takes getting used to, and found that to be true. But very smooth....I think I'll have no problems getting comfortable with it.
I'm ready for another range trip.
08-14-2011, 05:16 AM
Rain. My range is on the property and it's a mud hole. I wanted to go out and play. Oh well, don't really like to shoot anything bigger than .22 on Sunday anyway. The neighbors aren't close, but everybody needs some peace at least one day a week.
Think I'll spend some time searching for the best place to buy a second mag. I think I'll get another 6 rounder as that fits the primary purpose for the gun. I'm also looking for a new higher capacity mag for my Sig 220....maybe I can save on some shipping ordering 2.
08-27-2011, 04:26 PM
I FINALLY got to my range today. Very pleased - 100 rds with no problems at all. And the slide locked back at the end of every mag.
I switched to UMC 115 gr and paid attention to my grip (thumb mainly). I'm not sure which change made the difference, but who cares. I also shot 6 rds of the PMC that gave me trouble initially - no problem and I shot them rapid fire. I think it just needed a break in. It now has 206 rds, and the last 106 were perfect. It kinda behaves like...."it's stolen'.
Thanks to all for your help.
les strat
08-30-2011, 12:22 PM
Great! It's like sometimes a compact gun is like a girl in her teens in the first 50 rounds, then finds herself in her 20's by the 100 mark, then knows how it all works by her 30's once you get over 200. :biggrin1:
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