View Full Version : CW45 Recoil Spring

08-14-2011, 05:35 PM
Well I thought that I might jump into the never ending debate about Kahr recoil springs.One of my friends purchased a new CW45 on Friday. I told him to bring it over and that I would clean it up for him and take him to the club for some shooting. As I was disassemblying the gun I was having one helluva of time getting the recoil spring and rod out of the gun. I finally pried it out of the slide by using a screwdriver. After cleaning and lube I went to reassemble. I could not get the spring and rod back into the slide I was off my just a fraction after nearly ruining my thumb I took out my CW45 and saw that my spring was shorter than his new CW and the rod look a little bit thicker at the end. I tried my spring on his gun and had no problem so I started to do a little bit of snipping, butI did not want to go overboard. So I tried it again and still no go so we just used my spring and went to the range. The CW worked just fine. Now is this an issue with the CW series as it was an issue with the PM series?

08-14-2011, 06:13 PM
well somehow the recoil spring originally got in the gun????

08-14-2011, 06:21 PM
I'm wondering if the end of the rod is just too square and not beveled enough to let it go into the muzzle end. The spring might still be longer if it hasn't taken it's set yet. Have to count coils.

08-14-2011, 08:05 PM
That's exactly right. There is a thread in this forum somewhere that addresses this problem. My new CW45 has (had) the same problem. Cure: bevel the end of the guide rod a bit. There are some pics somewhere in this forum, also. I put the guide rod in the drill ?chuck? and beveled it by filing it with a file or sand paper. Quick and easy.

08-14-2011, 09:47 PM
As mentioned the end of the rod that is inserted into the slide may need a slight bevel. That slight bevel makes a huge difference in the easy with which the rod/spring assembly is reassembled into the slide.

02-07-2013, 07:04 AM
The recoil spring on my new CW45 is brutally strong! WOLFF does not seem to have
reduced power springs for this gun. A 200 round break in seems unreasonable to me
for any new gun as well.


02-07-2013, 07:53 AM
One other thing. Make sure that the pointy end of the spring is at either 6 oclock or 12 oclock in the slide (I can't remember which one) when putting the guide rod back in. My CW45 kinda does the same thing but once you get the pointy end the right direction it goes right in.

I never really checked but I think the end of the spring gets in the way of the guide rod a little when going through the hole.