View Full Version : HELP Kahr P40 Coming apart with only 400 rounds

08-15-2011, 11:54 AM
This is my first hand gun, purchased for CC. Been doing some range shooting getting acclimated to the gun. Now after about 400 rounds during the second cleaning I noticed some worrisome signs of wear.

I noticed that a chunk has come out of this metal slide point here:

In this picture it looks like this metal piece is being pushed out the back. It no longer lines up with the plastic back piece:

Here you can see it protruding past the rest of the gun:

And again here:

WTF. I have read a great deal of good and bad reviews about Kahr. This gun seemed to fit my CC requirements from what I have read. But so far has been alot of problems. From jamming, FTF's, not chambering with the slide lock release (have to slingshot the slide) and now this "excessive" wear. Starting to have my doubts. :(

Have I wasted almost $800. I sent an email to Kahr awaiting a response. Now what? Is this common, preventable, user error damage?

Thanks in advance

mr surveyor
08-15-2011, 12:15 PM
I'll explain the first picture.... READ YOUR MANUAL! The "chunk" out of the rail is an index mark in all of the polymer Kahr pistols, intentionally placed there to properly align the steel into the polymer frame. It was there from the very beginning.

08-15-2011, 12:23 PM
I don't blame you for having second thoughts but there is nothing in any of your concerns to be concerned about.
Mr Surveyor was exactly correct on the first issue, scratch that off the list.

The others are quite common and not out of the ordinary. Nothing that effects function or longevity.

Go to the tech section here first and read the proper prep thread and while your there take a gander at the lube chart.

In the same area is an excellent thread regarding fixes for polymer guns by GB. If you still have issues or concerns come on back and we'll break em down and figure it out.

Your gun is worth a little effort, if it's got issues we'll work em out, its worth it.

mr surveyor
08-15-2011, 12:38 PM
sorry for the outburst...I guess Jocko is influencing myc ommunicationst yle

08-15-2011, 01:23 PM
This is one of the guys from the other site I directed here for help.

Welcome to the site.

Bawanna is very helpful and mr surveyor is correct. These guys know their Kahrs, it is best to come here to get your info. Many many knowlegeable and some very helpful folks. I should have suggested over there that on your first post here you mention you were directed here for help. My bad!


08-15-2011, 01:40 PM
FWIW my Kahr didnt settle in untill approx 600 rnds and a lot of that was shooter problems. IOW I got used to the gun. My P40 is now flawless. Keep a firm hand on it. That was a lot of my problems. Squeeze that little Fer when shooting.

The protrusion on that back is exactly like mine. I looked closely thinking something "plastic" was giving way. If you look close that is not the case. The protusion out the back will not be a problem.

Hang in there shoot it more. I had a lot of mixed feelings about my P40 at first. Now I think it is a great ccw piece.

At approx 600 rnds I replaced the recoil spring and the few probs I still had were gone.

08-15-2011, 01:52 PM
sorry for the outburst...I guess Jocko is influencing myc ommunicationst yle

That there was funny - I don't care who ya are! LMAO!:D

08-15-2011, 01:53 PM
Welcome to the forums.

You have already received some very good info here, so what I'm about to post is redundant for the most part, but as I just responded to you post on another forum, I'll just cut and paste my "two cents" here as well.

The spot on the rail is a witness mark used in the manufacturing process:
"Q. There is a chip in the metal guide rail of my polymer pistol. Is this normal?

A. This is a witness mark for the polymer frame manufacturer and is present by design."
Quoted from: Questions & Answers (http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp)
I'm not sure if this is in the manual.

What you describe as a "... metal piece is being pushed out the back." is actually a piece of the polymer frame. I've seen this to varying degrees on other Kahr pistols and believe it purely cosmetic. It seems that the clearance between the polymer, any debris, and the ejector is the factor here.

In regards to the "jamming, FTF's": given the size/weight/power of this platform, it is very easy to induce these types of failure by how you manipulate it. As you say this is your first handgun, I suggest having a someone with experience shooting this type of handgun try it out to verify your problems.

The inability to chamber using the slide stop is puzzling. Could describe in detail your procedure and what is occurring?

sorry for the outburst...I guess Jocko is influencing myc ommunicationst yleThat there was funny - I don't care who ya are! LMAO!:D
Yes, it was.:)


08-15-2011, 02:08 PM
outburst from ol jocko, WHAT THE FOKK ARE U TALKING ABOUT. have u proof of that???:target:

all sh-t aside what all posted above is dead on, nothing wrong with the gun, give it some time but more than anything give us more information other that jams, ftt, fte.s u might think that is enough but get alittle deeper into those definitiions. These guys here are smart, they are not as smart as ol jocko but I try toforgive that!!!! and they are working hard on that to..so in time I might just dissappear as a discarded "granny rag".

I will say this: Most can type correctly.:target:

08-15-2011, 03:18 PM
Yeaaaaap I feel like a dope now. I should have checked the manual first. Out of sight out of mind I guess. I'm glad to have found such a helpful forum :D. Cant express that enough. Might have found a new internet addiction site.

Anyway. THANK YOU for the info!!

As for the problems I've been having are as goes.

Most of the rounds shot were Winchester Practice Full Metal Jackets. Almost always fire and feed well. (best ammo used so far) Only when I use the slide shop to release the slide with a loaded mag will I have a loading issue. Using any ammo. Slide stop will stop about 1/3 way and I can see the round jammed up inside. I have to pull the mag, and fight with the slide to get it to eject the round. Slide the mag in, sling shot and bam it works fine every time. The main problem is the loading.

Failure To Fires are rare and very well could be me being limp wristed. The gun only jammed during shooting with Corbon Jacketed Hollow Points. Seemed to smoosh to the hollow part of the bullet and jam. I promptly fired them off and will not use them any more. Only one Winchester JHP jammed, and that was wile trying to use the slide stop release.

Oh and Kahr replied to my email. AWESOME customer service. Offered to ship the gun both ways and repair it for FREE. I am going to hold off for now. See I and the good people here on KahrTalk can't get it right first. No sense costing them money if I'm the problem.

08-15-2011, 03:32 PM
Welcome to the Forum. I see that you have made 2 post so that means you came back for another drink of the Kool-Aid so you're hooked now. In particular if you are subject to sit and talk foolishness and carry the subject off track you'll find it hard to stay away.

Lots of good help around here, Jocko is full of good information and if you need an interpreter for his typing Bawanna the forum patrolman can help out. I think it was Greg that also put a link together for a flush fit .45 mag but I may be getting confused which is likely. Anyway welcome and lots of good folks here to assist if you are in need.

Oh, and get ready for Dear Detrich and the monthly anything goes thread.

Oh and speaking of getting off track the back of my Kahr's polymer is like yours also. Took the wifes nail file and fixed mine but I just couldn't break it to her that I was the one that wore out the file.

08-15-2011, 04:04 PM
nice report, give it some more rounds down range. forget about hp ammo , shoot fmj ammo until it is reliabe. If u have not visited the kahr tech section DO SO and ht on two great sticky's #1 kahr lube chart, #2 Propper prepping of ur new kahr, both willhelp you along and that slide should feed that first round with using the slide stop release as that is what kahr even recommends. If it doesn't clear itself up, give kahr and call and ask if they would send u a new recdoil assembly to try. Who knows, most of the time isses are recoil spring related. U might want to take apart your magazine to check to see if it is together correctly to. Most cannot sling shot a kahr when new, soyour way ahead of the game their.

Not sur ehow many rounds you have through the gun but trust me after 200+ rounds the gun smooths out alot and many little piddly things just dissappear. Don't send it back yet, Kahr will get u right if need be but I think u can take care of all this at home.

readthose two threads please.

09-01-2011, 08:28 AM
It could be the bevel, or lack of one, on the "stripper" part of the frame. When there's not enough bevel, the lower leading edge of the breech face can rest ON the rim of the cartridge and ride over over pull the top cartridge forward and jam. A slingshot rack can get behind the rim and if you don't ride the slide, it will chamber the round.

Check this post:



09-01-2011, 10:12 AM
I'll have a P40 soon and I can see how much space there is in the "action area" between the chamber and the breech face. I just checked, and breech face is correct, not breechface.
