View Full Version : Breaking In My PM9
08-15-2011, 07:52 PM
So, it's been a while since this trip to the range but I thought I would share this anyhow. I had bought my PM9 for CC use and I needed to break it in. I followed the prep thread. I also added some grip tape to the grip as well as a grip extender to the 6 round magazine.
I wasn't too concerned about accuracy, as the prep thread suggested. I mainly wanted to make sure it cycled accurately. Ammo I used was some Federal FMJ. I went through 200 rounds and all of them cycled flawlessly except one. I had a FTF and the slide locked back. When I checked the chamber the round was nose down in the magazine. I ejected the magazine and reinserted it. Released the slide and it fired every round after that without any more failures.
I was aware of the issue before I went to the range. The issue is that you might have issues with the bullet catching the slide lever causing the slide to lock back and an FTF. I had checked and it looked like clearance was good on both the range FMJ and defensive JHP I have.
As such when I got home from the range I broke it down and filed down the slide lever ever so slightly. Now I just need to get back to the range to test it again to see if I get another failure. In the end my accuracy wasn't too bad since I wasn't focusing on that.
Here's the target from the first box of rounds. First half shot at 7 yards, 2nd at 10 yards. jpg
Overall I'm happy with the gun so far. However, I've decided I need more magazines to take to the range. Two just doesn't cut it.
08-15-2011, 09:48 PM
Good shootin there
08-16-2011, 02:48 PM
Really, you think so?
Thanks, but at that range I wasn't to impressed with myself. Then again it's better than when I first took my old Kel Tec P3AT to the range for the first time.
08-16-2011, 03:05 PM
Really, you think so?
Thanks, but at that range I wasn't to impressed with myself. Then again it's better than when I first took my old Kel Tec P3AT to the range for the first time.
that is good shooting . kahr as u know has that looooong but smooth triggter system. It ain't a taget gun it is made to save ur life kand keep your range at 10 yards and under, 7to 5 is even better. Get fast at that distance, go for COM and try point of aim shooting it is fast and it is accurate. if you read the propper prepping thing, check out that part on the magazine follower maybe hitting the mag release button. This can cause some feeding issue to. just eliminate all possables before that next rangetrip.
remember this is a close up gun, ur not going to in an emergency probably even see those sights, at best the front sight, so work on that front sight stuff, COM shooting andkeeping them allin that target u po0sted form this ol timer is good shooting. I shoot my G19 5X more accurate but it is my home gun, it knever goes with me andmy PM9 is in my front pocket 24/7. If it ain't wioth you allthe time, then accuracy means nadda.
Nodoubt more rounds down ragne the gun and shooter get better acquainted to. The gun in 200-300 rounds changesits personality, things just seem to smooth out and little piddly things jsust dissappear..
08-16-2011, 03:21 PM
welcome! you got yourself one beautiful little pistol.
wow i need to reread the kahr tech threads, i dont see how ammo can hit the slide lock lever, how did i miss that section? like hit it internally near the lever spring? hmmm going to go read now, this forum has some great gun tech junkies.
08-16-2011, 03:30 PM
indeed it can but normally when it does that also it locks open the slide pre maturely. the propper prepping of ur new kahr tells u exactly how to chck for this. I canalso can feed issues as if the bulletis hitting on theisnde of that slide lock lever it tends to throw it off course. very easy to check. If itis hitting uy have two options. call kahr and ask for a new slide stop lever or just file that little nub down a tad and retest. It just has to barely clear and ur good to go.
actually the nice thing about the propper prepping thread is thatit gives u things to look for before you ever go to the range that first time. If all those things pass muster, u shouldhave a fantastic first shooting experience.
08-16-2011, 05:44 PM
damn i definitely missed #6 in the gun prep notes
08-16-2011, 05:50 PM
Thanks jocko, I'll check out the magazine follower as well. I went back and looked at the groupings with my P3AT and they weren't just a little better. So, you guys are right. And thanks! Can't wait to see how much I can improve on those. Plus I took a new Ruger Mk III to the range that day as well and got some pretty tight groups at about 20 yards. I just need to get used to the long pull, like you said.
08-16-2011, 06:28 PM
trust me your Ruger4 MK!!! will out shoot thatkahr any day of the week, super trigger on the MK3, . u will be OK just IMO don't set ur expectation as high asmaybe what your shooint with the MK3 or a single action semi or even A glock which has a nice trigger but also a safety to. Your loooooong trigger onur kahr is ur safety. take u time, we arehere tohelp if needed, but in the mean time just shoot it like u stole it.
08-16-2011, 06:34 PM
Developing a smooth consistant trigger pull with these little pistols just takes some practice. Smooth follow through is what it takes. Considering it only has a 3" barrel and short sight radius they real well.
08-16-2011, 06:37 PM
tell me about it, 32,000 rounds out of my PM9 and I still shoot it like a blind man, unbelievable how bad I shoot this gun . a 6" group at 7 yards is something to get drujnk over for me. some of u guys really make me sick with some of these nice groups..
08-16-2011, 06:47 PM
damn i definitely missed #6 in the gun prep notes
read the part on MAGAZINE FIXES. make sure no rounds are hanging up in the magazine by the magazine release sticking the follower at round 2 or easy fix, just check it out..
08-16-2011, 07:51 PM
read the part on MAGAZINE FIXES. make sure no rounds are hanging up in the magazine by the magazine release sticking the follower at round 2 or easy fix, just check it out..
i did read that section and my 7 round mag needed some attention.
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