View Full Version : p380 problems

08-15-2011, 11:35 PM
:DJust want to tell everyone about cc for kahr. After about 8 or 9 hundred rounds, I started to have some problems with light strikes. Then brass hitting me in the face. After that everthing started, ftrb, stovepipes. Tried changing ammo 3 or 4 different types, changed recoil, cleaned and tried different lube, nothing. Sent Kahr an email, they got right back to me.Sent me a shipping lable and ra or rm number, with a nice email, telling me they were sorry I was having problems. I dont think they could have done anything more. I was very pleased and people should know the good things company do not just the bad stories. Just thought some of you would want to know.

08-15-2011, 11:48 PM
Good to hear! That's the way to take care of problems when they arise.

08-16-2011, 05:41 AM
haveu got it back yet??? is it now OK??

08-16-2011, 07:28 PM
No, I just got the email yesterday. I will be sending it out tomorrow. Can i take it to any fed ex to send it in, and do i have to tell them its a gun? Just dont understand what happend, it was eating everything i put into it? I have been carrying my glock 26 and I love this gun, but it fells like Im carrying a full size 1911. I think i will start carrying the sig 238.

08-16-2011, 07:40 PM
just take it to fed x ,let them ask , it's on khars dime, so more than likely fed x will ship it next day air.

08-16-2011, 07:55 PM
thanks, will do.

08-18-2011, 04:08 PM
It could be dirty-especially in the striker channel - My P380 recoil springs go about 800 rounds and then I get light strikes - might be time for a new set since the gun can be so slightly out of battery that you don't notice it and you will get a light strike. Also check your extractor tension. If it is too heavy the pistol will use up a lot of energy forcing the next round up under the rim and will not have enough energy to seat properly.

08-27-2011, 11:51 PM
No, that was not the problem as i blew out the striker channel after every range session, and had just changed recoil springs. They had about 200 rds. even tried another new set of springs. Its been about 2 weeks since I sent it in, I havent heard from them as of yet. I am in no rush as i have been carring my sig238 and going to the range an get some time in with the glock. These 2 gun are great. And I am shooting better with the glock then i ever have. I think its from shooting mainly with the p380, i was not giving her (glock) a fair chance. I will post when I get her back, and take it to the range. Hope you all are safe and out of harms way. this is turning into some storm as it heads north. Wish the rest of my family all the luck in the world it does not hit them hard.

08-31-2011, 04:50 PM
sent an email to kahr today asking about my 380, he replied back saying it was in queue waiting to be repaired. they have had it for 12 days. Jay said turn around time is 3 or 4 weeks. he replied back right away, so i will just have to wait and hope its fixed, and will not have to go back.

08-31-2011, 07:32 PM
Mine was returned to Kahr on 07/18. It's supposed to be on it's way home right now.

09-07-2011, 12:45 PM
Did you get your gun back yet? If so hows is it working. Hope its running like it should, when working right its such a great little gun.

09-15-2011, 07:49 PM
it needed a new frame. they said that 1 came in and they were working on it, that i would get a call to get some information. they called but i missed the call. i called back but it went right to voice mail. thry have been great. there customer service is first class. i will let people i know who own guns, know just what a great company they are.