View Full Version : A Pistol Packing President?

08-17-2011, 01:19 PM
If elected president, Rick Perry could still jog with his gun.

When asked this week on the campaign trail if he was packing, Perry told Politico's Ben Smith, "I never comment on whether I'm carrying a handgun or not. That's why it's called concealed."

Good response? What do you think.

Interesting article follows:

08-17-2011, 02:04 PM
In lieu of his entry into the race I've decided not to run against him. While I looked forward to serving my country as your next president I don't want to spread what few common sense votes we have left amongst good qualified candidates thereby thinning them out enough to let the give me, give me, raise the debt limit crowd another 4 years to take us down.

I am however available as a potential running mate for whatever tiny little bit that might be worth.

08-17-2011, 02:44 PM
I got the impression from the author that he wasn`t in favor of Perry being able to carry.I detected a definate dosage of "yes ma"am"in his writing style.A hint of mint if you will.

08-17-2011, 03:13 PM
"He also packs a concealed .380 Ruger (http://www.ruger.com/products/lcp/models.html) loaded with deadly hollow-point bullets, fully equipped with a laser-sight for precise killing. (What, you don't?)" Italics mine. Oh the horror, those deadly hollow point bullets. What a menace to society, never mind that the likes of Masaad Ayoob have testified repeatedly that these are the safest bullets to carry for SD to avoid possible over penetration and going right on thru the bad-guy and taking out a bystander. Although we should always be aware of whats behind your attacker, if he's in the process of drawing on you, it's best we fire first moving if possible to a position with cover, rather than becoming a statistic. Definitely a libtard attack piece.

The libtard continues "No man is above the law, not even the president. If applicable law bars him from carrying a gun, then he must obey," Winkler told The Ticket. "Of course, the president is powerful. He could probably just sign an executive order authorizing himself to carry guns wherever he likes."
So does that mean the Secret Service should not be carrying handguns to protect the President while he is in D.C.? Better issue them all plastic wiffle ball bats and get those evil guns away from those dangerous agents, who are most likely carrying those "deadly hollow point bullets".
That libtard should just pack it in and go home and smoke or snort his favorite substance of abuse, after all they get to pick and choose which laws they follow and which they don't. Actually, I'd much rather have hime doing that, than have to read his blathering on.

08-17-2011, 03:30 PM
Bawanna, I'll nominate you for VP, or maybe you would like to take Holder's job.

Bill K
08-17-2011, 03:38 PM
So Moody's point was/is... ?

08-17-2011, 03:38 PM
I would vote for Bawanna any day but now that Perry has entered,I might have had to change my mind maybe Bawanna wold settle for VP under Perry. He couldn't do any worse than Biden. What a wonderful twit he is!!!

I am ansiously awaiting Obama new plan, I think this will now be plan #219 in the last 6 months. Clueless might be a better word for the great one!!!

08-17-2011, 07:09 PM
That whole article is "just too damn funny" in the sad media sense. Chris Moody would be well served with a "healthy" dose of chloroform.

08-17-2011, 08:17 PM
What do you think.

Packing or no, I can't get behind anyone that supported and worked to try and get Al Gore elected POTUS. He's a Democrat in Republican clothing.

08-17-2011, 08:28 PM
We live in TX and know he's created jobs here and he's a huge gun enthusiast, but we aren't convinced he's ready for DC and Washington.

08-17-2011, 09:49 PM
Why not? The standards have never been lower. The door is open to just about anyone or anything now.

08-19-2011, 06:49 AM
Why not? The standards have never been lower. The door is open to just about anyone or anything now.

In that case maybe Jesse Ventura can jump in.....:der::hippie::yo:

08-19-2011, 07:50 AM
In that case maybe Jesse Ventura can jump in.....:der::hippie::yo:

Boy, that's a scary thought! :eek: Still not as scary as the Marxist Socialist revolutionary currently occupying the White House, Though. :spider:

08-19-2011, 08:26 AM
Truer words.......

Truer words....


08-19-2011, 08:34 AM
ALL of the Bushes are against him and are trying to get others to run against him. They tried telling him what to do and he would have none of it. He told "W" if he wanted to run Texas they could switch jobs.
I will still vote for him over any of the other candidates now. The female candidate's husband runs a religious "Gay Conversion Clinic". I love Newt, but he's stepped on it too many times, and I like Herman Caine, but he just doesn't enthuse enough people, either. I want nothing to do with Romney and I hope Palin doesn't try to throw her garter belt into the fray. I like her, but she's way over-exposed and I'm sick of her voice!

Jus' sayin'.


08-19-2011, 08:58 AM
Why not? The standards have never been lower. The door is open to just about anyone or anything now.

Man,if you never speak another word of truth in your life,you just said a mouthfull of it.

08-19-2011, 09:10 AM
The female candidate's husband runs a religious "Gay Conversion Clinic".
An interesting and obviously objective phrase. Gotta watch out for those religious fanatics who actually act in a manner consistent with their beliefs. I would venture to guess that gun-totin' Governor Perry may have similar views to "the female candidates husband" if you dig a little.
...just sayin'

08-19-2011, 01:39 PM
I'm always "worried" about any people with strong beliefs who want to make everyone else conform to those beliefs.

I'm very conservative and Libertarian about most things. I don't want the government intruding in my life more than the U.S. Constitution intended.

The far right and religious fanatics have been around since cavemen needed some kind of reason for lightning and thunder. I don't want to get into religion and social justice. I had enough religious training and indoctrination growing up, to know that most people just seem to know what's convenient to them and their immediate family's religious upbringing.

There is a lot of good in the Bible, as in the Koran, but people have seized on particular portions and perverted the original meaning to justify all kinds of bad things... like the Inquisition, Witch Burnings, the Crusades, AND "Blue Laws"!!

The Muslims are doing the same thing and they don't have decent schools in many of the countries and areas, where all education is taught by these perverted extremists, who have found a way to get a good supply of suicide bombers by promising them extravagant rewards in the afterlife for becoming martyrs for Allah.

I don't want to see us return to the days where women were subjected to butchery in alleys and such, rather than being forced to have a child... for whatever reason.

Since LBJ started the War on Poverty with his Great Society back in the 60's, the family has been torn apart and three or so generations of people know nothing but all of the freebies they can get having all the babies they can. It's a shame that all of these freeloaders can keep voting for the bastards who promise them more and more "rights" that are turning the producers and workers in our society into SLAVES to care for all of these parasites.

Our country is turning from the leader and best hope for humanity finding a toehold in space, to becoming a giant nanny state... reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator until our society fails completely and we are all equally with NOTHING!

All of our "eggs" will remain in this one fragile basket and any cosmic calamity like a large asteroid or solar phenomenon can destroy all life on this planet. There are a lot of scenarios that could lead to this and all of our emphasis will be on making sure no one has any more than anyone else, no matter how little the contribution or drain on resources any person has.

Jus' sayin'


08-19-2011, 04:45 PM
Uh, wyntrout....I'm afraid I have to pretty much agree with everything you've said today. Except that I don't really like Palin at all.

08-19-2011, 05:06 PM
She does get on your nerves... and WAY too much "exposure"... like our SupremeTeleprompter Reader Highness.


08-19-2011, 06:19 PM
I like Palin.Do I think she has what it takes to be a good president?No,I don`t.But I like her.She`s got grit.Moreso than a lot of people.She`s been sh#t on by the media,the Democrats and some she thought were friends.Still,she perseveres.

08-19-2011, 06:47 PM
I think i'm to the point I will vote for anyone that is not the current president. I just can't see it being any worse.

I might as well vote against any other elected official in Washington too except for the TEA party rebels that are swimming against the flow. I'm not necessarly pro or con TEA party but some of those guys don't care if they get re-elected or not so to me it seems like they will be less in someone elses pocket that the "old timers." They are there to represent their district.

08-19-2011, 07:20 PM
The libtard continues "No man is above the law, not even the president. If applicable law bars him from carrying a gun, then he must obey," Winkler told The Ticket.


So does that mean the Secret Service should not be carrying handguns to protect the President while he is in D.C.?

I've known a lot of left-wingers over the years (I hang out with all types), and two things about them I've noticed over and over is that:

#1. They universally think that laws are great, and the more of them the better, but they are really just for the "other guy" whose behavior obviously need to be controlled.

#2. Consistency is mandatory - unless it gets in the way of some social engineering theory - in which case an exception is justfied so that things work out according to the theory.

08-19-2011, 07:37 PM
I like Palin.Do I think she has what it takes to be a good president?No,I don`t.But I like her.She`s got grit.Moreso than a lot of people.She`s been sh#t on by the media,the Democrats and some she thought were friends.Still,she perseveres.

I was pretty ok with her up until the point she resigned early as Governor. I thought that was very self serving. And much of what she's said since strikes me pretty much as a bit insincere and politically, well, self serving.

We have a real problem and, looking back, I think the well meaning Tea Party folk really screwed the pooch. I admire idealism but am old enough to understand practical, compromise, and reality. The Republican party is seriously fractured and the hard line posturing in order to keep their base by those swept in on the last election wave would be pathetically amusing if it wasn't so dangerous.

I like Rick Perry. I don't agree with some or maybe even a lot of his positions. But he's plain spoken, even more politically incorrect than me, and appears to not have destroyed Texas over the last 11 years as its governor. Best candidate? Most probably not, but as Bawanna noted, the Obama opposition bar's pretty low at this point.

Soap box, off it now. This is all wyntrout's fault. He got me started.

08-19-2011, 08:09 PM
Mea culpa, I guess.:p

My wife and I have often discussed the best team... President Newt Gingrich and Vice President Condoleezza Rice are the two we think would be best, but that won't happen.

Almost, anyone would be better than the worse-than-useless one we have. I'm trying to be nice and not say what I really feel about that legend-in-his-own-mind Marxist-Socialist-Progressive-thinks-he's-elite cat-squeeze we have in the office. I'm afraid that he's going to make legal voters out of all of the illegal aliens/immigrants and they, along with all of parasites already in the Demo-c-RATS' pockets, will re-elect the ########(fill in your own expletive). I'm just glad that I didn't have to serve with him or Clinton as the Commander-in-Chief.:rolleyes:

I'm not crazy about all of the stuff I've heard about Perry, especially the anti-abortion and gay-marriage ban. Abolishing the 16th and 17th amendments are great... those were Progressive changes that gave the Federal Government too much power, especially taking away the STATES' representation by Senators. That was a purposeful balance put there by our forefathers to LIMIT the Federal Government.


But, I like a lot about him. I think that he has changed for the better. A real Texan, pistol-toting Aggie can't be all bad. I think he'll be better than that Milquetoast from Mass!


08-19-2011, 08:55 PM
Almost, anyone would be better than the worse-than-useless one we have. I'm trying to be nice and not say what I really feel about that legend-in-his-own-mind Marxist-Socialist-Progressive-thinks-he's-elite cat-squeeze we have in the office. I'm afraid that he's going to make legal voters out of all of the illegal aliens/immigrants and they, along with all of parasites already in the Demo-c-RATS' pockets, will re-elect the ########(fill in your own expletive). I'm just glad that I didn't have to serve with him or Clinton as the Commander-in-Chief.;rolleyes:

Come on, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.:D

Gingrich/Rice would be interesting. I could go for that instead of who we currently have running (or should I say putting on) the show.

08-20-2011, 05:58 AM
My dream ticket would be Megyn Kelly and Sarah Palin. Between them they have more balls than any other male politician currently in office or running. Tough, smart and take no crap attitude... Oh yeah! Run ladies, run.


08-20-2011, 06:13 AM
Megyn, all the way for me, she isnot phoney, Sarah is as phoney as a 3 dollar bill. Megyn absolutely looks fantastic after having that kid to. Never look better. Sarah, should be in the back of the building "cleaning fish" and gutting Moose while watching war planes take off from the Russia air base. All she is in this sh-t for is the DOE, RAE ME part, she could care less, or she would have stayed on as govenor. She has an ego bigger than Obama even. Balls on a woman don't get it with me-- personally.

She won't run, for she has finally learned to read and understand what POLLS mean.

08-20-2011, 09:24 AM
In that case maybe Jesse Ventura can jump in.....

While this is not likely, and despite his being seen by many people as just a "dumb wrestler," Ventura had one very positive quality that virtually no other politician has: He said what was on his mind - usually things that were unpopular but needed to be said - instead of just saying things to be elected or re-elected. I don't think he made many friends among either Democrats or Republicans, but it was fun to watch the party regulars fume.

Ventura did and said a lot of dumb things, but I'd take him any day over the guy who's currently in the White House, or Minnesota's current governor (the one who shut down the state government for 3 weeks because he wanted to "tax the rich" yet ironically just wound up hurting innocent state workers who are oddly enough among his staunchest supporters).

And I can sure picture Jesse as the type who would be totin' a gun, although I don't know his position on that issue.

(I'm a former Minnesotan who still has some interest in what goes on there.)

09-08-2011, 03:14 PM
I'm feeling pretty good about Rick Perry after last nights debate and I really loved his answer when previously asked how he feels about gun control...His answer was that he uses both hands for more control...:59:...gotta love that!!!!...I hope he will pick Herman Cain as a running mate as I have much respect for Mr. Cain and his views on running a successful business and his stand on the Fair Tax...I thank after one term as VP he would be in a much better position to go all the way to President in the next election if the Country can last that long...

09-08-2011, 03:36 PM
The two-hands Perry gun control comments are here:


Another funny gun-related Perry story is when he shot the coyote. You can read about that here:


BTW I love the Huffington Post's headline on that article: "Rick Perry Shoots And KILLS Coyote" - caps in original article! The horror, the horror. :D

I have to agree with getsome on Herman Cain too.

09-12-2011, 03:04 PM
We live in TX and know he's created jobs here and he's a huge gun enthusiast, but we aren't convinced he's ready for DC and Washington.I am far from convinced myself. His "jobs" come from being the beneficiary of two wars. Lots of bases, lots of Federal spending creates jobs. There was also an oil boom. Perry was just in the right place at the right time.

09-12-2011, 03:42 PM
Let's not forget the pro-business environment Perry has fostered in Texas, including tort reform. Our business friendly environment has also caused 64 fortune 500 companies to relo here (#1 in the U.S.)--Perry's team gets a lot of credit on that front as well. The fact that the has his CHL and routinely carries helps his likability factor from my point of view. Still don't know if I'll vote for him yet. One thing for sure--it won't be Paul, Bachman or Palin if she decides to run.

10-15-2011, 07:55 PM
We live in TX and know he's created jobs here and he's a huge gun enthusiast, but we aren't convinced he's ready for DC and Washington.

Just wanted to give credit where it's due - good call to the Lotts on your governor not being ready for prime time (dc and presidency). Though a gun enthusiast and seemingly a kind fellow with good values, i can't imagine someone doing worse during the debates. Not ready was a perfect description.

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10-16-2011, 02:00 PM
Anybody Butt obama

10-16-2011, 02:14 PM
Frankly, good times or bad, I'd be pleased to have Herman Cain as president.

10-16-2011, 02:43 PM
indeed but watch the LIBERAL LEFT go after him like stink on sh-t. The word of the day for the left is DESTROY..

10-16-2011, 05:37 PM
Interesting comment jocko. I noticed, and remarked to my wife yesterday, that our local PBS station had an Anita Hill marathon going on. They kept replaying two Anita Hill specials over & over again starting Friday and running through yesterday. Since I couldn't think of anything special that's happened with her or with Clarence Thomas recently, the only thing I could think of was the obvious tie-in to Herman Cain rising in the polls. Don't want a conservative and principled man of color occupying a highly visible position of power after all...

I made a prediction to my 13 yo daughter yesterday to remember that I told her: if Cain survives the primary process that similar sorts of unsubstantiated character assaults would rain down upon his head. It will be a nightmare.

10-22-2011, 07:41 AM
"No man is above the law, not even the president" that is unless he was voted in by dead people and ACORN and political correctness and the MARXIST elite media, then the constitution is suspended... apparently.

10-29-2011, 08:47 AM
Rick Perry is the closest thing to a true conservative that's running for POTUS. A+ rating from the NRA, C130 pilot, CC permit holder. A man of conviction who isn't afraid to speak his mind.

Chief Joseph
11-16-2011, 09:05 AM
Could NEVER vote for anyone who supports illegal aliens, PERIOD. That's my top issue.

11-16-2011, 09:55 AM
...AND "Blue Laws"!!

Out of all the things I could ask or say about your post, I'll leave it at; "Are you black?" haha

11-16-2011, 09:57 AM
i might as well vote against any other elected official in washington too except for the tea party rebels that are swimming against the flow. I'm not necessarly pro or con tea party but some of those guys don't care if they get re-elected or not so to me it seems like they will be less in someone elses pocket that the "old timers." they are there to represent their district.


12-30-2011, 01:49 PM
In lieu of his entry into the race I've decided not to run against him. While I looked forward to serving my country as your next president I don't want to spread what few common sense votes we have left amongst good qualified candidates thereby thinning them out enough to let the give me, give me, raise the debt limit crowd another 4 years to take us down.

I am however available as a potential running mate for whatever tiny little bit that might be worth.
That's my worry, divide the opposition and Obama wins again.

12-30-2011, 01:51 PM
Could NEVER vote for anyone who supports illegal aliens, PERIOD. That's my top issue.
Haven't you heard? They're not "illegal aliens" anymore they're now "displaced travelers"!!:eek:

12-30-2011, 02:49 PM
The two-hands Perry gun control comments are here:


Another funny gun-related Perry story is when he shot the coyote. You can read about that here:


BTW I love the Huffington Post's headline on that article: "Rick Perry Shoots And KILLS Coyote" - caps in original article! The horror, the horror. :D

I have to agree with getsome on Herman Cain too.

If Governor Perry is afraid of snakes why in the hell does he want to go to Washington, D.C.? :)

12-31-2011, 07:28 AM
As a democrat I'm very happy that the current lot of republican candidates are carving out extremist positions on social issues and government regulation issues. This will severely hurt them in the coming election. Independents and minorities are not buying their platform. Hopefully we will be able to keep the senate and take back the house. With respect to the president, no one in that republican bus full of clowns can touch him. Well, possibly Romney but when he gets cornered into releasing his financial records he's going to be exposed as big money Wall street, not Main street as he claims.

12-31-2011, 09:43 AM
Why would anyone want any party to have control of all houses of govt? (save the judicial...sort of) Did we not just go thru two separate phases of exactly that? Did you enjoy what you got out of either of those phases? If so what did you enjoy and why?

I is totally bamfuzzeledededed.

12-31-2011, 12:55 PM
Why would anyone want any party to have control of all houses of govt? (save the judicial...sort of) Did we not just go thru two separate phases of exactly that? Did you enjoy what you got out of either of those phases? If so what did you enjoy and why?

I is totally bamfuzzeledededed.

I personally benefited from the Affordable Health CareAct. My daughter required 2 surgurys that would have bankrupted me last year. She fell into a loop hole where she was on my insurance while in college, but the surgurys required her to drop out for a few semesters thus loosing her insurance. I was also happy to see he wouldn't defend the DOM act. However, I'm still waiting for him to make Plan B available over the counter and put some regulations in place the keep those Wall St fat cats from robbing us again,

One of the biggest fears I have of the current crop of republicans is deregulatiNg business which believe will once again returns us the age of robber barons.

12-31-2011, 01:24 PM
:banplease:totally disagree with the last sentence. The days of the robber barron and giant labor are over, They either work together or fail togeter. I think they have both learned that. If one wants to live in the past, then that is fine.

course spoken like a true democrat:banplease:

12-31-2011, 05:24 PM
I personally benefited from the Affordable Health CareAct. My daughter required 2 surgurys that would have bankrupted me last year. She fell into a loop hole where she was on my insurance while in college, but the surgurys required her to drop out for a few semesters thus loosing her insurance. You could have funded her insurance just the same. Thus what benefit you think you got you already had only like many others you chose not to take advantage of it. You haven't begun to pay for that healthcare reform. You do know that the so called 500 billion that was supposed to come out of medicare to pay for some of that reform will never come out of medicare don't you? That so called Doc Fix.... I was also happy to see he wouldn't defend the DOM act. Wait you saying that the democrats in control of both houses passed the DOM and he wouldn't sign it? Or you saying that the republicans having control of both houses of the legislature and President Bush wouldn't sign it? Or are you just confusededed? However, I'm still waiting for him to make Plan B available over the counter Yeah I am sure all fathers of teenage daughters just love that idea...and put some regulations in place the keep those Wall St fat cats from robbing us again, Regulations like the CRA which could possibly have caused the mess to begin with? Or regualtions that cause FM and FM to hold the majority of mortgages in the nation with govt backing?

One of the biggest fears I have of the current crop of republicans is deregulatiNg business which believe will once again returns us the age of robber barons.

The biggest fear I have is that they will compromise with the democrats in such a way that we get Tax Cuts without the spending cuts that were supposed to come. WE get the banking deregulation IE repeal of Glass Steagal and changes to the CRA and yet the tax payer is the one stuck with the bill when the govt bails out the banks. The republicans did none of that alone. But then of course the democrats did none of what some blame them for alone either. Even that so called Affordable Care act was done to the american sheeple by BOTH parties.

I can not wait to hear the crying from supposed gun rights supporting democrats when the next AWB is run thru congress.

12-31-2011, 05:40 PM
The democrats told you that the only people who would get a federal income tax increase would be those making over $200k-$250k. That may well be true. You may not get a federal income tax increase but what you may get is an increase in the cost of everything you purchase. They touted the Canadian and French and UK healthcare systems and yet they offered you nothing of the kind. Did you bother to ask your democrat representatives why not offer something similar IF those systems were so awesome?

As I supposed gun rights supporter did you bother to visit the Barack Obama website before the election and see what it is he intends to do concerning gun rights? Do you have any clue what the Tiahrt amendment is and what it does? Do you support allowing anyone to access that information for any reason other than law enforcement in the context of a criminal case? Do you support an assault weapons ban that includes every semi auto firearm that uses a detachable magazine? Do you intend to give up your detachable magazine firearms when the next AWB comes along? Or do you intend to let your democrat representatives know that this sort of action will result in their losing your support?

Do you support this administrations actions vis a vis Fast and Furious? Why do you think this operation was undertaken and why have members of this administration lied to you about it? Do you support the people who have lied to you in this regard still?

12-31-2011, 05:50 PM
if the great one gets back in u can count on it, HE WILL GO AFTER OUR GUN RIGHTS. It is in his blood and he has then nothing to loose, so best we concentrat on winning the house and senate and taking our chances with the #1 seat. Right now he hasn't the votes to putt this sh-t off. But he seems to come up with some of these off the shelves decisions that in his mind needs no congressional approval

I look for unemployment to go up in the first quarter with seasonal layoffs coming right now and how phony is this umemplpoyjment numbers anyhow. 50% of the .04 drop in emp0loyment was people who are no longer being counted. Figures don't lie but liars do figure. If ur umemployed ur unemplopyed, but I guess after a year of being out of work we now don;'t count u anymore. What kind of B. S is there. Lets have the true umemployment numbers, It might just awaken this countrty when we see it at around14%

12-31-2011, 09:56 PM
The biggest fear I have is that they will compromise with the democrats in such a way that we get Tax Cuts without the spending cuts that were supposed to come. WE get the banking deregulation IE repeal of Glass Steagal and changes to the CRA and yet the tax payer is the one stuck with the bill when the govt bails out the banks. The republicans did none of that alone. But then of course the democrats did none of what some blame them for alone either. Even that so called Affordable Care act was done to the american sheeple by BOTH parties.

I can not wait to hear the crying from supposed gun rights supporting democrats when the next AWB is run thru congress.

You don't know too much about health insurance. I've been paying for it for the last 32 years and because of a loop hole once leaving school to have surgury, she would have been kicked off my plan and then to new company it would have been considered a pre existing condition and I wouldn't have been able To get her coverage. No handout here, I've paid and continue to pay for a great insurance plan . Because of Obama, I was able to keep her on my plan (which I pay for).

01-01-2012, 10:23 AM
ROFLMAO! loop hole... ROFLMAO.... 32 years eh? Didn't the healthcare reform only allow children up to 26 to remain on their parents policy? You might want to check on that...

I know enough about insurance to know you could have paid for insurance on her own plan all along and not had the issue come up at all. YOU chose to have her on YOUR plan knowing she would go off of it at a certain age because it was cheaper to include her on your plan. THEN you have the gall to think that she shouldn't have been forced off of your plan at that certain age nor should her new policy have cost more.

I also have a pre exsisting condition, never been turned down for insurance tho what I get costs more due to that condition. What people seem to want and think they got with this healthcare reform is pre exsisting conditions wont cost more. WRONG they will cost more than the non pre exsisting condition policies from before except that now the non pre exsisting policies will cost more also. Check the CBO report for the truth there.

But hey you are correct I haven't a clue except the clue I get from having a wife in the healthcare field, a BIL in the healthcare field, a SIL in the healthcare field and a mother who worked for a healthcare insurance provider.

YOU remeber how today feels when the bills for this healthcare reform start coming due during the next presidents reign.

Just the same did you contact your representative and ask them why they didn't offer the people of the US a system modeled after the Canadian system or the French system or the UK system which they touted as being so good? Did you contact them and ask them how they believe that this healtcare refrom can be paid for on the backs of the RICH? Did you question them on anything at all?

01-01-2012, 02:34 PM
ROFLMAO! loop hole... ROFLMAO.... 32 years eh? Didn't the healthcare reform only allow children up to 26 to remain on their parents policy? You might want to check on that...

I know enough about insurance to know you could have paid for insurance on her own plan all along and not had the issue come up at all. YOU chose to have her on YOUR plan knowing she would go off of it at a certain age because it was cheaper to include her on your plan. THEN you have the gall to think that she shouldn't have been forced off of your plan at that certain age nor should her new policy have cost more.

I also have a pre exsisting condition, never been turned down for insurance tho what I get costs more due to that condition. What people seem to want and think they got with this healthcare reform is pre exsisting conditions wont cost more. WRONG they will cost more than the non pre exsisting condition policies from before except that now the non pre exsisting policies will cost more also. Check the CBO report for the truth there.

But hey you are correct I haven't a clue except the clue I get from having a wife in the healthcare field, a BIL in the healthcare field, a SIL in the healthcare field and a mother who worked for a healthcare insurance provider.

YOU remeber how today feels when the bills for this healthcare reform start coming due during the next presidents reign.

Just the same did you contact your representative and ask them why they didn't offer the people of the US a system modeled after the Canadian system or the French system or the UK system which they touted as being so good? Did you contact them and ask them how they believe that this healtcare refrom can be paid for on the backs of the RICH? Did you question them on anything at all?

Don't be such an idiot dude. She was less than 23 yrs old and in college. That's part of my company benefits, coverage to 23 while in college. And who knew she would develop a major health problem. Now your just being an arrogant arse.

01-02-2012, 08:02 AM
I am far from convinced myself. His "jobs" come from being the beneficiary of two wars. Lots of bases, lots of Federal spending creates jobs. There was also an oil boom. Perry was just in the right place at the right time.

And Obama is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Take your pick.

01-02-2012, 08:06 AM
I personally benefited from the Affordable Health CareAct. My daughter required 2 surgurys that would have bankrupted me last year. She fell into a loop hole where she was on my insurance while in college, but the surgurys required her to drop out for a few semesters thus loosing her insurance. I was also happy to see he wouldn't defend the DOM act. However, I'm still waiting for him to make Plan B available over the counter and put some regulations in place the keep those Wall St fat cats from robbing us again,

One of the biggest fears I have of the current crop of republicans is deregulatiNg business which believe will once again returns us the age of robber barons.

John, you could have moved to Canada. They've had socialized medicine there for years. That's why so many Canadians come to the United States for treatment.

01-02-2012, 08:09 AM
As a democrat I'm very happy that the current lot of republican candidates are carving out extremist positions on social issues and government regulation issues. This will severely hurt them in the coming election. Independents and minorities are not buying their platform. Hopefully we will be able to keep the senate and take back the house. With respect to the president, no one in that republican bus full of clowns can touch him. Well, possibly Romney but when he gets cornered into releasing his financial records he's going to be exposed as big money Wall street, not Main street as he claims.

It doesn't require much thought to be a democrat. That's why there are so many of them.

01-02-2012, 01:00 PM
Don't be such an idiot dude. She was less than 23 yrs old and in college. That's part of my company benefits, coverage to 23 while in college. And who knew she would develop a major health problem. Now your just being an arrogant arse.

How was she less than 23 and you paid for her insurance for 32 years?

AND Yes I am being an arrogant arse indeed. No one KNEW she would develope any condition. YOU always knew there was that possibility else you would not have had insurance. THUS you could have easily paid for her separate policy and never had to deal with this issue, YOU made the choice not to.

But you explain how one can call himself a supporter of the 2nd amendment and vote for somehow who doesn't believe anyone should have the RIGHT to keep and bear arms? President Obama claims to support the 2nd amendment yet he intends to reinstate an assault weapons ban.. YOU might want to contact him and ask him what part of the 2nd amendment does he NOT understand? Ask him where in the 2nd amendment does it state that govt has the ability to decide what sort of arm one can have. Ask him where in the 2nd amendment does it state that the govt either state or federal has the ability to decide where and or if I can bear that arm. The man claims to be a constitutional lawyer yet he can not understand a simple statement within that document.

I am no Constitutional scholar but it makes perfectly good sense to me. The founding fathers had an aversion to a standing army since such a thing could very easily be used by a tyrannical govt to enslave the citizenry. They agreed that the only FREE MAN is the man who is allowed to arm himself as he so desires. Thus the 2nd amendment starts out "A well regulated militia, being neccessary to the security of a FREE state,...." Notice how it never says that one must be a part of any such "well" regulated militia in order to keep and bear arms.. only that such a thing is neccessary for the security of the FREE state.

01-04-2012, 07:51 PM
John222, as you can see its useless to try to reason with unreasonable people. Still, thanks for trying; who knows, maybe one of them will start to see the light! LOL! Hey, 'bro keep on postin', it's great to know that not everyone who likes firearms and shooting sports is a right-wing know-it-all.

01-04-2012, 08:04 PM
Unreasonable? Unreasonable is supporting the very party that wants to take your gun rights away from you.

Did you bother to read then Senator Obama's website that detailed what he intends to do as far as gun rights are concerned? Have you bothered to check his voting record vis a vis gun rights against the words in his speeches? Do you have any clue what the Tiahrt amendment is and what it does and why then Senator Obama said he wanted to repeal it?

You notice John didn't bother to answer so I take that to mean he either didn't read the website or he didn't care. The one fellow that did actually read the website after I mentioned it claimed he didn't care about it since he already had his preban handgun with the preban magazines.. he didn't care that his support of Obama might mean his grandchildrens children don't have the ability he had to aquire such. Only that he had what he wants.

Maybe you contacted your representative to ask them why they did not offer a similar system to what they touted as great national healthcare plans. Maybe you would be willing to share what they told you. I doubt it.. if you had you would be the only one I have found that did so. More likely you believed President Obama when he said that only those who make over $200K/$250K would get an income tax increase. Maybe you think you can show a single nation on earth that funds it's national healthcare system in such a fashion. Again I doubt it.

01-05-2012, 05:29 PM
LMFAO!!! Like I said, RIGHT WING KNOW-IT-ALLS...you crack me up, keep it coming, laughter is good for the soul I hear!

01-05-2012, 10:07 PM
AND?? Did you bother to read his website before the election?

Did you support the Assault Weapon Ban?

01-07-2012, 06:36 AM
AND?? Did you bother to read his website before the election?

No, actually I had one of my right-wing friends do that, and when she came back and announced that she thought Obama was "the Antichrist", I knew he was the candidate for me!

01-07-2012, 07:17 AM
John222, as you can see its useless to try to reason with unreasonable people. Still, thanks for trying; who knows, maybe one of them will start to see the light! LOL! Hey, 'bro keep on postin', it's great to know that not everyone who likes firearms and shooting sports is a right-wing know-it-all.

Thanks Whitemule. I haven't checked this tread in a while and this will be my last post to it. Getting a little too sensitive for me. We're still in the middle of follow up chemo and my energy needs to focused in other places. Best wishes.

01-07-2012, 08:26 PM
Did anyone else catch that?