View Full Version : The gig is up
08-17-2011, 03:34 PM
Hey Bawanna.... Melissa has something she needs to tell you :behindsofa:
08-17-2011, 03:38 PM
Really? Let's see! What have I done lately?
Had a Ghost Rocket 3.5 installed in my G17....awesome.
Bought a chest rig, triple mag holder, and holster for my G30SF.
Bought some survival books.
Bought some desert boots.
Bought a magnesium fire starter.
You guessed it! I'm preparing to become a survivalist! :p
08-17-2011, 04:06 PM
You guys got something going on I need to know about.
Melissa the survivalist. I guess I should have seen this coming.
I reckon my package hasn't arrived at your door yet? Should be anytime. We'll have to go to more drab shades on future projects.
Maybe Jfootin and Jeepster could use your magnesium firestarter since I took away the matches? (sorry guys had to give a jab when it presented itself)
08-17-2011, 04:17 PM
You guys got something going on I need to know about.
Absolutely not! Dietrich told me that Frank's signature line is false advertising. :behindsofa:
Melissa the survivalist. I guess I should have seen this coming.
I reckon my package hasn't arrived at your door yet? Should be anytime. We'll have to go to more drab shades on future projects.
I decided it was time to get serious bout things! No, the package hasn't arrived yet.
Maybe Jfootin and Jeepster could use your magnesium firestarter since I took away the matches? (sorry guys had to give a jab when it presented itself)
What'd they do? :eek:
08-17-2011, 04:21 PM
Fess up now....
Why are you trying to break Bawanna's heart like this?
08-17-2011, 04:29 PM
Fess up now....
Frank! I thought we decided to not announce anything until we set the date. :confused:
08-17-2011, 04:58 PM
Jocko? I might need to borrow a couple horse heads. I know its not proper protocol for non family members to use your methods but this is serious stuff. I might need a couple cases of Fish Heads too.
08-17-2011, 05:10 PM
Why do I feel an offer I can't refuse coming soon?
08-17-2011, 05:12 PM
Melissa, you're getting off to to a good start. Good thing to be prepared for the worst. I keep reading that the stuff happening in London right now, could very well hit our big cities when the food and gas prices get too high for the gimmee's to be able to get their $100 sneakers and such. I've been stocking extra dried beans and rice and canned meat and such. When I get my house back I'll be looking for a good enclosed wood burning stove to cook on. With the creek running by the house I have plenty of wood to burn and water. I try to buy an extra box of ammo or two for the various rifles and handguns. Pretty well set on 7.62 x 39, need to get more .308 and 30.06, and plenty of .4_ pistol. Oh well, a little at a time adds up. Can't afford to buy cases of ammo anymore since they put me on the Govt. teat. Sure do wish I could put in few claymores around the perimeter :). Oh well, will probably have to abandon the house anyway, too much for one guy to defend, and head down to the OK hills with some other folks that are gettin ready for the worst.
08-17-2011, 05:35 PM
I though about rice, mashed potato flakes, spam, and potted meat. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of food to stock up on...preferably something that doesn't take a lot of water to rehydrate. There's a creek in my subdivision, but it's not really big or deep. There's a reservoir a couple of miles down the road for fish and water if I want to lug it up a good sized hill. I've got a bbq grill outside and a fireplace in the house. I also feel that a better option might be strength in numbers. Thought I would read the survival books before making a lot of decisions.
08-17-2011, 05:48 PM
Don't read the survival books like the bible though. Remember the whole survival mindset is a money making business in itself. Read em, apply what makes sense but theres a difference between being a boy scout and spending your lifes savings buy gadgetry from outfits that will only use your money to paid their retreat. Don't drink the kook aid.
Most importantly, stay the heck away from Frank Drebin, I smell a rat here someplace but I've not totally got to the bottom of this whole liason thing yet either.
While I have a lot of people who will be trying to get to my house when the balloon goes up or they do door to door confiscation, there's always room for one more. Should be entertaining as long as it last. In the confiscation scenario most are just coming to watch. Again, entertaining.
08-17-2011, 06:01 PM
Don't read the survival books like the bible though. Remember the whole survival mindset is a money making business in itself. Read em, apply what makes sense but theres a difference between being a boy scout and spending your lifes savings buy gadgetry from outfits that will only use your money to paid their retreat. Don't drink the kook aid.
Most importantly, stay the heck away from Frank Drebin, I smell a rat here someplace but I've not totally got to the bottom of this whole liason thing yet either.
While I have a lot of people who will be trying to get to my house when the balloon goes up or they do door to door confiscation, there's always room for one more. Should be entertaining as long as it last. In the confiscation scenario most are just coming to watch. Again, entertaining.
No, I'll be using common sense when reading the survival books.
Frankly, I think Frank has been trying to lead me astray. Your still my cyber hubby, Bawanna. ;)
All of my guns fell to the bottom of the lake the last time I went fishing. :(:D
08-17-2011, 07:01 PM
What about the kids???? My gosh the Kids??? Doesn't anybody think about the kids anymore???
08-17-2011, 09:40 PM
I chuckle at some of the survivalist chatter on the web. Stuff like I have 25K rounds of ammo for each of my 21 guns. My BOB is packed and we are ready to roll when it hits. Yeah right. His beafed up pick-em-up-truck with it's 2 GigaWatt spotlights won't carry all the stuff he wants to take with him.
Much better to build a fortress and stand your ground. Especially if you are old and/or disabled. No way can we go anywhere, so we are just taking simple precautions from simple bad guy breakins. Got my porch alarm yesterday, my door brace has shipped and I pick up the Mossy Friday. Then I finish the bed and closet brackets and will consider it good 'nuff for who it's for.
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