View Full Version : New MK40 Elite 03 on the Way!
08-17-2011, 05:54 PM
So...I sold my PM40 at my LGS for $400(bought it for $499 from them back in January) and also sold some jewelry that I had from old exs. I browsed and found a great deal on a brand new MK40 Elite 03 with standard sights for $726.99 with shipping. My LGS wanted $785 for a regular non-elite MK40 so I passed it considering that I had to wait about the same amount of time as if I ordered one myself and I knew that I could find a better deal online.
I would've bought it if they had actually had it in their possession. It annoyed me that I had called them and asked if they had a MK40 in stock and upon getting to the store and waiting patiently for the next available person to help me, they couldn't find it! I know that stuff like this happens and that it's just a mistake. I had actually gotten them to take down my info to order me one on the following Monday if they couldn't find their mystery MK40. On the way home, I was thinking about it and figured that I should get exactly what I want this time and save some money in the process. I really wanted an Elite MK40 with XS Big Dots. I ended up calling them to cancel the order and apologize for the time spent on locating it. They understood and were ok.
So long story short, I sold my PM40 on Sunday and won an auction for a MK40 Elite 03. Got my local range to fax their FFL on Monday. Shooters of Jacksonville FL shipped my new Kahr today. I'm excited and can't wait to take it to the range. Hopefully my XS sights and spare follower comes in tomorrow so that I can get the sights installed when I pick the gun up and do the break-in. Hopefully it'll be a trouble free break-in. Wish me luck! Sorry for the repetition and possibly confusing story :D
08-17-2011, 05:56 PM
Here's the link:
08-17-2011, 06:10 PM
I had to order mine from 2,500 miles away!
Got it in two business days though.
$820 with factory NS.
BTW: I have an XS Big Dot on my S&W 342 ti 38 AND LOVE IT!
08-17-2011, 06:15 PM
Hopefully it'll be a trouble free break-in. Wish me luck!
As for break-in? Mine ran through 200 180 grain Winchester Ranger Bonded LE HPs flawlessly.
I'm thinking the Elite polished feed ramp from the factory is a good thing - LOL!
08-17-2011, 06:43 PM
Thanks Barth! Your MK40 is beautiful! When I was debating on whether to get an Elite or not, I leaned towards the Elite. I think the polished and softened exterior just looks much better. Have you been able to compare the feed ramp polishing to a non elite feed ramp? I'm wondering how much more the ramp is polished. I did have some issues with my PM40 but of course I fixed it before I sold it except for one issue: broken mg followers. I've read about the ramp jobs but didn't feel comfortable doing it and didn't want to put more money into it since I was already thinking about selling. Other issues were failure to extracts and failure to return to full battery. I switched to mil-comm TW-25b grease for the slide rails and barrel and also installed a 20.5 lb Wolff recoil spring. All of the issues went away except the breaking mag followers issue. I decided to buy a brand new Kahr this time so that I actually have a virgin with a warranty(minus the test firing). I've read that the all steel Kahrs are less prone to problems. I don't think that the extra 8 oz would really make much of a difference in carrying. I normally pocket carry in the summer in a Desantis Superfly and IWB in the other three seasons in a CrossBreed MiniTuck.
You broke it in using only Ranger HPs? That would definitely prove reliability! I would like to buy a case or so of Federal HSTs one day in case SHTF and just to have. I'd like to buy a box or so or DoubleTap ammo with the all copper Barnes bullets for my MK40 and P380.
08-17-2011, 06:46 PM
And that's awesome that you got yours in two days from 2500 miles away. I wish the people I had bought from were a bit faster but I'm just impatient when waiting for something that I really want and look forward to.
08-17-2011, 07:03 PM
Have you been able to compare the feed ramp polishing to a non elite feed ramp? I'm wondering how much more the ramp is polished. I've read that the all steel Kahrs are less prone to problems. I don't think that the extra 8 oz would really make much of a difference in carrying. I normally pocket carry in the summer in a Desantis Superfly and IWB in the other three seasons in a CrossBreed MiniTuck.
You broke it in using only Ranger HPs? That would definitely prove reliability! I would like to buy a case or so of Federal HSTs one day in case SHTF and just to have. I'd like to buy a box or so or DoubleTap ammo with the all copper Barnes bullets for my MK40 and P380.
Haven’t compared feed ramps.
But the flawless HP break-in kind of speaks for itself.
The Elite models also have beveled mag wells.
And other parts seem to get a rounded/melted treatment.
I think of it like getting a finishing touch from a custom shop.
Federal HST and Winchester Ranger T-Series are great.
I personally use Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel.
Tried 135/155/165/180 grain bullets.
Mine feeds anything. But favors 180 grain bullets for accuracy.
08-17-2011, 07:07 PM
As for break-in? Mine ran through 200 180 grain Winchester Ranger Bonded LE HPs flawlessly.
I'm thinking the Elite polished feed ramp from the factory is a good thing - LOL!
I'm thinking that is awesome!
My PM40 does not like that 180 grain Winchester JHP round and chokes on it frequently. I am sticking with 135 grain rounds from the same ammo series, which are 100% reliable in that gun, for the moment.
Congratulations on the great results!
08-17-2011, 07:14 PM
I'm thinking that is awesome!
My PM40 does not like that 180 grain Winchester JHP round and chokes on it frequently. I am sticking with 135 grain rounds from the same ammo series, which are 100% reliable in that gun, for the moment.
Congratulations on the great results!
Yup Yup.
Couldn’t be happier with the gun.
It’s like my little stainless micro 1911.
I love it.
Have fired nothing but Winchester and Speer HPs.
Winchester Ranger Bonded and T-Series, Speer Duty and their Big Mouth Bass Short Barrel without a single failure.
08-17-2011, 07:49 PM
Yeah, the price difference between the MK40 and MK40 Elite was only $62 on GunBroker. I figured that, like Barth said, it's like getting a customized MK40 for only $62 more. I love the looks and especially the laser engraving. The roll stamping on my P380 and old PM40 looked kind of sloppy but I'm not too picky so it didn't bother me too much. I plan on carrying my MK40 with Hornady's 155 grain XTP until I get some DoubleTap 125 grain Barnes TAC-XP.
08-18-2011, 03:58 PM
So...I sold my PM40 at my LGS for $400(bought it for $499 from them back in January) and also sold some jewelry that I had from old exs. I browsed and found a great deal on a brand new MK40 Elite 03 with standard sights for $726.99 with shipping. My LGS wanted $785 for a regular non-elite MK40 so I passed it considering that I had to wait about the same amount of time as if I ordered one myself and I knew that I could find a better deal online.
I would've bought it if they had actually had it in their possession. It annoyed me that I had called them and asked if they had a MK40 in stock and upon getting to the store and waiting patiently for the next available person to help me, they couldn't find it! I know that stuff like this happens and that it's just a mistake. I had actually gotten them to take down my info to order me one on the following Monday if they couldn't find their mystery MK40. On the way home, I was thinking about it and figured that I should get exactly what I want this time and save some money in the process. I really wanted an Elite MK40 with XS Big Dots. I ended up calling them to cancel the order and apologize for the time spent on locating it. They understood and were ok.
So long story short, I sold my PM40 on Sunday and won an auction for a MK40 Elite 03. Got my local range to fax their FFL on Monday. Shooters of Jacksonville FL shipped my new Kahr today. I'm excited and can't wait to take it to the range. Hopefully my XS sights and spare follower comes in tomorrow so that I can get the sights installed when I pick the gun up and do the break-in. Hopefully it'll be a trouble free break-in. Wish me luck! Sorry for the repetition and possibly confusing story :D
Hey, Cuz, is my dream gun on the my house? I don't know how I'll ever repay you! Send you some North Carolina pickled barbeque pork or something. Thanks, Cuz! :D
08-18-2011, 06:57 PM
Haha's on the way to my FFL! :p unfortunately it was shipped via USPS Priority so I have limited updates on where it is. On the bright side, I received my XS Big Dot sights and extra mag follower from Kahr today. It sucks that I'll probably have to wait til Sunday to take delivery of my MK40 since I'll be busy with an autocross event all day Saturday(when it most likely will come in). I'll be there at 9am sharp Sunday morning if not earlier waiting at their door like a dog waiting to go outside to pee :D
08-18-2011, 07:06 PM
Haha's on the way to my FFL! :p unfortunately it was shipped via USPS Priority so I have limited updates on where it is. On the bright side, I received my XS Big Dot sights and extra mag follower from Kahr today. It sucks that I'll probably have to wait til Sunday to take delivery of my MK40 since I'll be busy with an autocross event all day Saturday(when it most likely will come in). I'll be there at 9am sharp Sunday morning if not earlier waiting at their door like a dog waiting to go outside to pee :D
Merry X-Mas in August Woo Hoo!!!
08-18-2011, 07:15 PM
Haha thanks and nice! IDK if I'd get the wood grips though since I plan on getting a CT laser grip later on. I had to make a choice between CT laser or night sights since I couldn't afford both at the time. I feel like a boy who knows what Santa is bringing him and the suspense of not knowing when exactly he'll get it is overwhelming...yes I'm impatient! I feel a bit awkward carrying my P380. I'm used to carrying a pocketful of 40 :(
08-18-2011, 07:24 PM
Haha thanks and nice! IDK if I'd get the wood grips though since I plan on getting a CT laser grip later on. I had to make a choice between CT laser or night sights since I couldn't afford both at the time. I feel like a boy who knows what Santa is bringing him and the suspense of not knowing when exactly he'll get it is overwhelming...yes I'm impatient! I feel a bit awkward carrying my P380. I'm used to carrying a pocketful of 40 :(
Sugar plumbs dancing in your head - LOL
I have to wear dress cloths during the week. So it's my 11 oz 38.
On the weekends, in my tactical pants, I'm always carrying my MK40 and two 6 round extended mags.
I do feel a little under armed with my 38 too.
Got to watch some NFL now...
08-18-2011, 07:56 PM
Haha stop teasing me! I can't wait to break her in. I plan on doing the field strip and cleaning when I get to the range, then shoot at least 100 rounds of fmj along with some hp to try out. I'll have four mags to use but it'll make me blow $40+ in fmj in ten minutes lol. I'll try to take my time though. I want to duplicate those 2-3" ragged holes that I've seen people bragging about! JK I'm not even sure if I could really do it unless I tried my best with every shot. But who knows, maybe the big dots will help me out. I do ok with the factory sights. I tried to train with the laser enabled and disabled so that I wouldn't be dependent on the laser.
I'll post pics of my targets when I go out for the first range trip and of course I'll post some Kahr porn if I'm unable to shoot it the day I pick it up.
08-20-2011, 12:06 PM
Well, my gun is waiting for me at my local range so I'll be picking it up around 5pm today. I hope my background check doesn't get delayed for too long. Some guy with gun offenses has the same first and last name as me. When I bought my P380 it took over two hours :( Their gunsmith won't be in til tomorrow to install my big dots so I'll probably just bring it home tonight and clean it. Does anyone have experience with tapatalk? I'm thinking about getting it for my iPhone so that I can upload pics with it.
08-20-2011, 01:20 PM
I hope my background check doesn't get delayed for too long. Some guy with gun offenses has the same first and last name as me. When I bought my P380 it took over two hours :(
Check on The Evil Twin.
That's a good one.
I'll have to remember that one - LOL!
08-20-2011, 03:33 PM
Does anyone have experience with tapatalk? I'm thinking about getting it for my iPhone so that I can upload pics with it.
There is a current thread on Tapatalk -
08-20-2011, 03:50 PM
Check on The Evil Twin.
That's a good one.
I'll have to remember that one - LOL!
Lol I'm serious! My mom was suspicious as to why I was voluntarily taking driving school one Saturday morning. She looked my name up on some govt site and found that guy and was mad because she thought that it was me!
08-20-2011, 04:19 PM
Lol I'm serious! My mom was suspicious as to why I was voluntarily taking driving school one Saturday morning. She looked my name up on some govt site and found that guy and was mad because she thought that it was me!
Are you sure its not just your OTHER personality? :9:
08-20-2011, 04:30 PM
Heh, maybehh....I dont even know what exactly the offenses were or where that site is. Ive looked for it but couldn't find it with a regular search but I think I found one site but you had to pay for info. Don't know if it was legitimate though haha.
08-20-2011, 07:41 PM
Range report:
118 flawless rounds minus a few premature slide locks! I'm guessing that they were user error(dumb thumbs and or tiredness). I'm very happy with my new MK40 Elite 03 :) and it was definitely worth the 1.5 hour background check and 7 day wait for it to get to my FFL holder. I can't wait for our next range date and I'm confident enough to actually start carrying it right after I clean it. And no broken followers! My PM40 would break one every range trip(less than 100 rounds each). The extra weight does actually help with felt recoil. People were actually afraid of shooting my PM40 and I did warn them to hang on tight! Lol. The targets below weren't of me actually trying hard to hit the bull's eye, some of it was point shooting, rapid fire and just me getting used to the bug dots. I had a blast. What a great way to shoot up $45! My range charges $22.95 a box :( I did bring in some SD ammo, Rem. Golden Saber 165 gr and Hornady Custom XTP in 155 gr which both worked flawlessly. Overall I'm very happy with my new Kahr and I'm confident enough to carry it and have it for years to come.
08-20-2011, 07:53 PM
I was the same way shooting.
The gun almost shoots itself.
Just blasted away and smiled.
Mine has the factory Kahr night sights.
But have a XS Systems Big Dot on my S&W 342.
If I had it to do over again I would have went XS on my MK40 like you.
Well done.
08-20-2011, 08:13 PM
Thanks! I just noticed that my images are tiny using tapatalk. I'll have to use photobucket or something to upload them from my phone. Yeah, I just blasted away and smiled, I was very happy that my Kahr turned out to be a flawless one out of the box after cleaning with Mil-Comm products and living with their grease and oil. I'll be doing a clean and lbe session after I eat and shower. I haven't tried pocket or IWB carry yet but I'm sure that the extra 8oz over a PM40 won't be that noticeable.
08-20-2011, 08:48 PM
08-20-2011, 08:49 PM
Thanks! I just noticed that my images are tiny using tapatalk. I'll have to use photobucket or something to upload them from my phone.
With Photobucket, put the cursor over a pic, click in the "Direct link" field, then click the picture button in the post editor (mountains with yellow background) and paste the link in. Your pic will appear in your edit window and be there when you submit it.....any size you want.
08-20-2011, 08:52 PM
Beat ya to it! Haha but thanks. Nice 'Stang! She's purdy!
08-20-2011, 09:03 PM
When I was 19, I had a Mustang just like that, except it had the red and white Pony interior. GT option, 4-speed, positraction rear end. It was SWEET!
08-20-2011, 09:57 PM
When I was 19, I had a Mustang just like that, except it had the red and white Pony interior. GT option, 4-speed, positraction rear end. It was SWEET!
What? Has this thread morphed into My High School Car - LOL?
Mine was a 67 Camaro SS. Muncie 4 speed, Posi, glass packs, Gabriel Hi-jackers
and U.S. mags.
Looked almost identical to this -
08-20-2011, 10:04 PM
Well, I found out why my slide was locking back prematurely. The slide lock spring had gotten a bit bent either during the gunsmith's(who installed my sights) take down or mine while doing the initial cleaning. During it's second cleaning, I finished up lubing and had put it back together. Did a function check and racked the slide repeatedly and found the slide to lock open without a mag inserted and the slide closed back with just a touch of the slide lock lever. I studied the spring and I'm actually surprised that the spring and lever are different between MK and PM models. Why didn't they machine a catch on the lever like the poly Kahrs? Hmmm...anyways, I'll be carefully taking out the spring and bending it back to shape. I'll add a very small dab of blue loctite to the screw for some insurance on it possibly ever backin out.
08-20-2011, 10:12 PM
Well, I found out why my slide was locking back prematurely. The slide lock spring had gotten a bit bent either during the gunsmith's(who installed my sights) take down or mine while doing the initial cleaning. During it's second cleaning, I finished up lubing and had put it back together. Did a function check and racked the slide repeatedly and found the slide to lock open without a mag inserted and the slide closed back with just a touch of the slide lock lever. I studied the spring and I'm actually surprised that the spring and lever are different between MK and PM models. Why didn't they machine a catch on the lever like the poly Kahrs? Hmmm...anyways, I'll be carefully taking out the spring and bending it back to shape. I'll add a very small dab of blue loctite to the screw for some insurance on it possibly ever backin out.
I accidentally bent the slide stop spring during reassembly.
Had to order a new one from Kahr and had a Smith replace it.
It's the only issue I have with the gun.
Per Kahr -
Question: The slide stop spring is easily bent. How do I protect it?
Answer: Insert your slide stop pin 3/4 of the way at the 4:00 o'clock position
and slowly rotate it to the 3:00 o'clock position before pushing it completely through.
08-20-2011, 10:37 PM
Oh ok thanks for the info. It looks as if it's bent outdated though. I don't have a torx bit that small so I'll look for a decent set of tiny ones tomorrow. It appears to be a t5 or so since a t10 is a tad too big.
08-20-2011, 10:51 PM
I'm not sure you need to take it apart. On my Kahrs, a little tweak with a needle nosed pliers worked wonders. :D Yes, Your mileage may vary. :rolleyes:
08-20-2011, 11:17 PM
Haha yes mine did vary, I tried tweaking it but actually made it a bit worse since I can't twist or bend it the right way because the frame is in the way. I did accidentally bend up the spring on my P40 and PM40 and the small needle nose did the trick.
08-21-2011, 01:11 PM
It turned out to be a T9 torx. The spring got bent at the part that gets inserted into the frame. Bent it back to shape and everything is working well. It's ridiculous that they charge $6.60 for that spring.
08-21-2011, 01:24 PM
oh really a T9 torx. That is a new one on me. Most all kahrs sprghy torx screws are T6, learn something new every day.
08-21-2011, 04:18 PM
It's ridiculous that they charge $6.60 for that spring.
Amen! Plus shipping . . . :rolleyes:
I'm guessing that they factor in labor and administrative costs to process the order. Probably not unreasonable. But it sure seems expensive.
08-21-2011, 04:38 PM
oh really a T9 torx. That is a new one on me. Most all kahrs sprghy torx screws are T6, learn something new every day.
Haha yeah I couldn't believe it either. I thought I've read about the slide stop screw being a T5 or something but that's on a polymer framed Kahr.
08-21-2011, 04:40 PM
Amen! Plus shipping . . . :rolleyes:
I'm guessing that they factor in labor and administrative costs to process the order. Probably not unreasonable. But it sure seems expensive.
Yeah it would be about $13 total for just the spring if they still charge the same amount for shipping! I would have to buy a Khar hat and/or pistol bag to help make myself feel better about shipping.
08-21-2011, 04:46 PM
On an order like that, you need to think if there's anything else... up to $49.99 that you want, since you've already covered the shipping. I loaded up when I bought something at two caps, two mugs, a K9 assembly block, and some Mil-Tec oil... all just under $50 with the caps on sale... my original order, anyhow.
08-21-2011, 07:52 PM
Yeah but it's kind of hard to do if you're least I have another Kahr to carry if that were to happen. I should keep spare parts on hand that are prone to wearing/damage.
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