View Full Version : PM9 Night Sights?

08-17-2011, 08:52 PM
Anybody have any clear shots of your night sights? Are the factory sights Trijicon or what?

I have the new CM9 and might go ahead and grab a PM9 w/NS..... I don't love the single white blade front/rears of the cm9.....


08-17-2011, 08:59 PM
I guess you know that you can get Trijicon sights for the CM9... $80 for the set and $30 for the front only.

08-17-2011, 09:03 PM
I installed Big Dots on my PM9 and love them. I like them so much I got them for my P380 too. They're the quickest sight picture you can get, IMO. Almost like a 'red dot' in that you put the dot on the target and pull the trigger. These aren't "factory" but these are the clearest pics I've got:


08-17-2011, 09:14 PM
I gotta put those on the mk9. Nice looking set of guns.

08-17-2011, 09:26 PM
How tough is it to install the rear sights? Did you use a pusher tool of some sort or a brass hammer/rod setup?

I may try just doing the front sight on the CM9 and stick with the rear for now.... I shot it real well.... just not used to that rear single white line, but... it did seem to work ok.

Getting hard to see the front sight perfectly... ugh... only pushin 50 and the eyes are starting to go.

08-17-2011, 09:40 PM


4211these are some pics of mine with trijicon night sights(set) i got from kahr arms website for $80.00 plus shipping!they are sapphire blue and work very well i dim or dark lighting.instructions are included,but it is basic work!

08-17-2011, 09:42 PM
How tough is it to install the rear sights? Did you use a pusher tool of some sort or a brass hammer/rod setup?

I may try just doing the front sight on the CM9 and stick with the rear for now.... I shot it real well.... just not used to that rear single white line, but... it did seem to work ok.

Getting hard to see the front sight perfectly... ugh... only pushin 50 and the eyes are starting to go.

It was my first time doing sights. I removed the slide, cut two small pieces of wood and put them on both sides w/ masking tape wrapped around to hold them in place. I marked the factory sight positions w/ a pencil to help me know where to put the night sights in place. Put the wood sided slide in my vice, and tapped away w/ a hard wood dowel and a hammer to remove the stock sights. It did take some effort to get them moving.
I then followed the directions by lightly filing the bottom of the sight until it can be put half way onto the slide by hand, then tapped them back into place w/ the dowel and hammer after applying some red loctite to the dovetail area. So far, so good! :cool:

08-17-2011, 11:04 PM
How tough is it to install the rear sights? Did you use a pusher tool of some sort or a brass hammer/rod setup?

I may try just doing the front sight on the CM9 and stick with the rear for now.... I shot it real well.... just not used to that rear single white line, but... it did seem to work ok.

Getting hard to see the front sight perfectly... ugh... only pushin 50 and the eyes are starting to go.

I just installed the Trijicon front N.S. on both my CW9 and CM9... easy job.
here they are.

I like the single white line rear sight, I have more pistols with that type then 2 dot. I also think the front N.S.only works great for defensive use ... I also have lasers on both my Kahrs. I should be able to see something ;)

BuckeyeBlast installed his sights just like I would do it if I wanted to replace the rears on my Kahrs... Vice, non marring punch, then fit the new one so it goes on 1/2 way easy and loctite. I agree that Big dots are nice sights, have them on my Glock 26 good stuff! Just not available for the "C" series Kahrs... yet

08-17-2011, 11:13 PM
To expound upon BEARDOG's excellent photos, here's what the Trijicon rear sight looks like installed on a "C" series pistol:

les strat
08-18-2011, 08:30 AM
You may just want to do the front night sight on your CM9 like I did. Aquistion of a target in a dim/almost dark situ is easy with just the front. That's the sight you are looking for anyway. I do have the CT on mine as well.

08-18-2011, 08:51 AM
Thanks guys! I think I just may go ahead and do the front sight only on mine too.... $30 and looks simple to do!

My CM9 shoots so well, why spend the extra $300 for the PM9?

08-18-2011, 09:34 AM
SBRGuy, that's a good plan. I have the front trijicon being shiped to me right now for my CM9. Even I should be able to install this since it is just a screw in. With the PM9 I would be a little weary since it is dovetailed so the sight would need to be fitted and pushed.

This is my first gun with the vertical bar/dot sight configuration and I think it works well for a combat gun. I was practicing last night unholstering and aquiring a target and it didn't take long to adjust.

08-18-2011, 10:23 AM
How tough is it to install the rear sights? Did you use a pusher tool of some sort or a brass hammer/rod setup?

I may try just doing the front sight on the CM9 and stick with the rear for now.... I shot it real well.... just not used to that rear single white line, but... it did seem to work ok.

Getting hard to see the front sight perfectly... ugh... only pushin 50 and the eyes are starting to go.

The XS sights come in a set and they are a different hight (front) than the rear (standard) so you need the XS rear.
And, they are not easy to install. Best to have XS do the install.
I talk from having the experience of installing a set of BIG DOT's on my PM9.

08-18-2011, 11:36 AM
really all u need is that front night sights, see it clearly and ur good to go. Most of the front sights that dawson sells for the kahrs matches up with the factory standard back sight, as does kahrs, so realy unless u just think u gotta have thgat back sight on there, no need to mess with it.

I can tellyou one thing I have xs big dots on my P380 and PM9 and when I pull those suckers up, all I see is that big front sight grabbing my eyeballs. everything else just seems tyo lineup OK to. There is no way you can see the front, rear and ur target clearly. Pick the front sight and the rest will fall into place. I really think if u think your gonna get into a crunch situation and even think about lining up all three things, that your proably already dead. Ucvan get really good and real fast by POA shooting, expecially at 7 yards and under.

Bob G
08-18-2011, 11:40 AM
I just ordered the Tijicon front and Novak black rear for my CM9 $66.82 shipped..

08-18-2011, 07:06 PM
great pic gb6491!how do i get my pics large like yours?

08-18-2011, 11:13 PM
great pic gb6491!how do i get my pics large like yours?

In regards to the photos, mine are hosted off site vice as attachments here.
If you are familiar with how that works just disregard the following.
If not, here's a quick "how to":
Re-size your image to the size you want (I usually go with something in the 800 pixel width range). If you don't have program to do that, there are several free graphics programs (such as Xnview (http://www.xnview.com/) or Irfanview (http://www.irfanview.com/) ) that can do it as well as some free dedicated resizing programs such as PIXresizer (http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm/). You can also do it on line (no down loaded software required) http://www.google.com/search?q=free+resizer&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
Then upload your photo to a hosting site. I use tinypic.com
At tinypic.com, the upload page has a button that says "browse"; click it and a window will open. Find the photo on your computer and double click on it. Now hit the "UPLOAD NOW!" button. You will have to answer a CAPTCHA, then your photo will upload. A new page will open when the upload is complete. On that page look under "Links to Share" for "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards". Copy the entire code in the yellow below it. Now paste that code in the text of your post here.

08-19-2011, 06:13 AM
In regards to the photos, mine are hosted off site vice as attachments here.
If you are familiar with how that works just disregard the following.
If not, here's a quick "how to":
Re-size your image to the size you want (I usually go with something in the 800 pixel width range). If you don't have program to do that, there are several free graphics programs (such as Xnview (http://www.xnview.com/) or Iran viewer (http://www.eviltool.net/irfan.html) ) that can do it as well as some free dedicated resizing programs such as PIXresizer (http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm/). You can also do it on line (no down loaded software required) http://www.google.com/search?q=free+resizer&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
Then upload your photo to a hosting site. I use tinypic.com
At tinypic.com, the upload page has a button that says "browse"; click it and a window will open. Find the photo on your computer and double click on it. Now hit the "UPLOAD NOW!" button. You will have to answer a CAPTCHA, then your photo will upload. A new page will open when the upload is complete. On that page look under "Links to Share" for "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards". Copy the entire code in the yellow below it. Now paste that code in the text of your post here.
thanks for sharing that!

11-05-2015, 12:32 AM
Hello every body I'm' new here and wanted to ask BEARDOG a question about the stick on grip panels that's on your two pistols. I have a set of Talon panels on my P 380 but dislike the ones made for the PM-9. Please let me know who makes the grip panels on your two pistol's. where did you buy them?

11-05-2015, 08:58 AM
For anyone contemplating replacing the rear sight a sight pusher is definitely the way to go. You don't want to beat on a Trijicon night sight.

11-05-2015, 10:53 AM
Hello every body I'm' new here and wanted to ask BEARDOG a question about the stick on grip panels that's on your two pistols. I have a set of Talon panels on my P 380 but dislike the ones made for the PM-9. Please let me know who makes the grip panels on your two pistol's. where did you buy them?

http://tractiongrips.com/ :yo:

FYI- Those in my pics are the old original 2 panel, black rubber, Traction grips.
The new style is now made of 1 piece that wraps around front and has a cut out for the logo.

Pic of new style on my CM45.

http://i958.photobucket.com/albums/ae70/BeardogV1/cm45flushmag2.jpg (http://s958.photobucket.com/user/BeardogV1/media/cm45flushmag2.jpg.html)

11-09-2015, 06:37 PM
I have the grips that Kahr sells on their website and I like them better than Talon or Traction. They're made by ACK LLC, you can get them on Amazon too. I've been putting them on all my guns since I discovered them on Kahr's store. I got the rubber ones, but they are a very aggressive rubber grip, like a rubber version of sandpaper.