View Full Version : Top Shot on the History Channel

08-18-2011, 12:37 PM
Well, Top Shot is off and running and the first two eliminations are done... kind of predictable.

I don't know how they pick these "TOP Sharpshooters in the country", but I could do better... of course, all of these and past contestants said the same thing.:rolleyes:

I just love when they interview these people... like the "Bada$$ woman", or girl... whatever... "Bada$$" was her word... and then she couldn't shoot her way out of a paperbag, and was the first to go!

The ex-SEAL/football coach appointed himself leader and is trying to run everything. I hope they boot him soon. HE should have been in the elimination, not the young guy who HADN'T MISSED any shots this week. This over-the-hill ex-SEAL said the female would be a liability, as well as the young guy, who would kick his a$$ in shooting and running, I'm sure.

The guns and competitions are good and entertaining... also all of the bluster and bravado, just before someone really chokes and misses targets... love the slow-mo (hyper-high-speed) photography showing where the bullets are going.

On the History Channel, Tuesday nights at 10:00 PM EDT, and again, later at 2:00 AM EDT Wednesday.


08-18-2011, 01:14 PM
The last girl to go didn't do so hot for being military, and a cop and on SWAT for 4 years. Colby's jaw is still flappin just as strong as ever.
I did love the shooting from the stage coach in the first show, I'd love to give that a go if I could get a crane to set me in the seat, with a seat belt and a driver I trusted. That old boy seemed to do a nice job of running that 4 horse hitch. Nice mustache too.

One of our detectives applied and got thru the acceptance part and was scheduled to be on the show. BUT, he found out that during the show and I didn't hear how long a time period it really takes he wasn't allowed any contact with his family via phone. He has about a 1 year old son and he didn't want to go that time without even checking in.
Don't see how a phone call home could effect the outcome of this show but maybe the wife could tell him stuff that others are saying that they don't hear maybe?

Oh well I'm glad he didn't get on. Would have been embarassing to the department in the very least.

08-18-2011, 01:56 PM
Yeah, I would definitely advise a safety harness for the stagecoach! With both hands on the rifle, you could get thrown easily on a good bump.

I thought the BAW was going to kick a$$ when she hit the first target after the guy did so poorly, focusing on followup shots instead of the next target, but that was her only hit!! Both women weren't very proficient at shooting, but I'm sure some of the guys are the same. Sara really disappointed me... not being able to hit half the targets the guy did in the elimination... SWAT, indeed!

Karl could have head-butted one of those floating logs in the water hazard! I don't think his head is as hard as he acts. The Blue Team "re-enactment" of the log-carry was hilarious! I would have been LMAO, too, as Red Team was.

It's a shame that the Blue guys couldn't let Karl face off with Sara. Most of those guys seemed gutless and went along with the macho male bunch.


08-18-2011, 02:44 PM
I'm sure there are women who could kick butt on that show, but for some reason (maybe not pretty enough) they are not getting picked to be contestants. :mad:

08-18-2011, 02:49 PM
The 2 women that were on year 2 were and still are top notch professionals that just chocked in the eliminations. Athena is on the USA team at the world shoot in greece this year. On top shot you can't just be good with one weapon.


08-18-2011, 03:16 PM
Exactly. It's a semi popularity contest too. Alot of drama thrown in with the shooting.

The poor women are at a disadvantage from the get go also since there are usually only two. The macho guys generally already have a preconceived notion that the girls are the weak link.
I know this isn't always true but as mentioned so far the girls have always choked when it came time to put up or shut up.
The guys choke too, no misunderstanding there but it doesn't have such a profound effect.

I've been to enough training sessions that its apparent that the people with the long list of experience and credentials are really legends in their own mind and little else.

I always say I'm a rookie newbie so I'm not as embarassed when I choke.

08-18-2011, 03:39 PM
Oh, the first woman... Amanda, said "I'm an Independent Bad A$$ Woman". She sure couldn't prove it. :D

Sara had lots of experience... military and police, and said that she got all tingly inside when shooting. She really disappointed me.

I know there are women that can really shoot, but they sure aren't picking them. As much as you like guns and shoot them, I think you could make a better showing than any we've seen so far! It would be hard to do worse... and I'm certainly not doubting your abilities, but the women on the show, so far, haven't represented women very well. I really want to see some women do well.

This bunch got right into stereotyping women... especially Jake, the ex-SEAL and football coach. He has a vaunted opinion opinion of himself and a low opinion of women and young guys, I guess, since he picked Dustin for the elimination competition and he hadn't missed any shots.


08-18-2011, 03:39 PM
I can't help but roll my eyes at the silly machismo/bravado, feigned or otherwise. Of course, that probably adds to its appeal.

@melissa: shall we nominate you for Top Shot? ;)

08-18-2011, 04:33 PM
I saw the same episode with the stagecoach, and caught a few bits of last season earlier, and think the show is mostly a waste of time. The only good thing is that occasionally they will show us a gun that is not very common, and we get to see someone use it. The slo-mo shots are interesting but don't help me learn anything. The host is a moron. I agree with Bawanna - I would be embarrassed to see anyone I know appear on the show.

And I have another gripe about "gun shows" in general, especially ones that show fully-automatic weapons being used. Not owning any such weapons, especially some of the more exotic and famous ones, I find it interesting to see them being used. But in many cases, the people making these shows apparently feel that full-auto fire is not exciting enough, so they cover it up with blaring heavy metal "music" so you can't really appreciate the real sound that you want to hear. I've seen a number of shows do this: Sons of a Gun, some show where R. Lee Ermey demoed a whole variety of such toys, and possibly the episode of Top Gun where they had a Thompson (might be wrong about that one tho).

Message to TV show producers: It's all about the gun. Let it speak for itself.

08-18-2011, 04:35 PM
I can't help but roll my eyes at the silly machismo/bravado, feigned or otherwise. Of course, that probably adds to its appeal.

@melissa: shall we nominate you for Top Shot? ;)

That's a great idea, lets do that.

08-18-2011, 05:15 PM
I like to see unorthodox weapons used. Axes, knives, slingshots, bows(all kinds), crossbows, blow guns, CANNONS, machineguns(all kinds), and on and on.... Too many of these people can barely handle one or two pistols or rifles. I like the surprise weapons they have to compete with... historic and unusual.

The first competition on the first episode, the youngest guy went first and had to run up a hill and then load the magazine and load it into the bolt action rifle before shooting a target. I thought the time he set would be hard to beat, BUT NOT SO! The older more experienced dudes got up there jpretty fast and loaded one or two rounds and hit the target with one shot. They did just what they had to do. You didn't need to load 5 or so rounds into the magazine first! The young guy was last, I believe.

Experience and wisdom really make a difference sometimes. Being the first to do something can be a real disadvantage, too.

I don't necessarily like the pole-carry and the obstacle course, though. They seem to be getting carried away with the military-type training. The increased-heart-rate competition is good, though. I like the head-to-head competition, whether team or two individual. Real-time competition is good. It's just amazing how often these "marksmen" miss targets and how widely they miss!

Anyhow, it's entertaining and fun to see some of the weapons used. They have to do something to keep it interesting.

Hey! Quit picking on Colby. He's a good guy, if a little wooden.



08-18-2011, 05:25 PM
I can't help but roll my eyes at the silly machismo/bravado, feigned or otherwise. Of course, that probably adds to its appeal.

@melissa: shall we nominate you for Top Shot? ;)

Absolutely not! I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the skills or experience. If I'm being timed or chased, I get kind of wild. :D

08-18-2011, 10:13 PM
I agree, Melissa is next. You will be representing the Kahr Talk Forum.

08-19-2011, 12:18 AM
I'm sure there are women who could kick butt on that show, but for some reason (maybe not pretty enough) they are not getting picked to be contestants. :mad:

I think pretty probably goes a long way toward getting chosen for the show.That`s a shame too.I know a lady who is a crack shot and I`m sure she could kick some serious butt on that show but she has a face like a handful of baitworms.

08-19-2011, 09:24 AM
I think pretty probably goes a long way toward getting chosen for the show.That`s a shame too.I know a lady who is a crack shot and I`m sure she could kick some serious butt on that show but she has a face like a handful of baitworms.

Yeah some of them guys are just studs! An that Colby, wheew, if he'd just keep his lip zipped :eek: he'd be to die for.

08-19-2011, 10:49 AM
I liked the 500 magnum revolvers! Did you see all that fire coming out the sides of the cylinder before the bullet & the recoil? The girl's hands were shaking "purty" bad too.:eek:

08-19-2011, 11:22 AM
I can't watch the show because Colby makes me want to shoot my TV, I'd like to punch him in the mouth to shut him up then it might be a decent show...

08-19-2011, 12:57 PM
Aw, come on now... he ain't that bad. He has to say something, but it's not like we're listening to the radio and NEED the obvious comments... "John hit one, and Jeff hit one... Jeff hits another... John hits one... and another... they're both hitting targets...."

Lame, but someone has to do it, and Colby deserves a lot for giving that $1 million to Tina in keeping with his deal with her... a real gentleman... on the Survivor Show.


08-19-2011, 01:04 PM
True he's a class guy but he needs to develop his own style and not clone Jeff Probst who does an excellent job.

I do think he's slightly less robotic this year, less wooden perhaps and might loosen up some as he gains experience. It's a new ball game for him and he's still learning. I suspect he's already more than made up that million he gave to Tina. Wonder if he still has the Harley she bought him?

08-19-2011, 01:12 PM
Jeff blathers, too, like he's doing radio coverage... while we're watching it happen.

I got sick of that show 3-4 years ago. I would have liked to have seen the season with poker player Jean-Robert Bellande. He's a BIG guy and was interesting, I'm sure.



Longitude Zero
08-20-2011, 11:38 AM
Both commentators are a waste of groceries. They think they are entertainers but are just background clutter.

02-13-2012, 09:00 PM
For those who care, Season 4 of Top Shot begins tomorrow Tuesday February 14th 2010 at 2200 EST.


02-13-2012, 11:32 PM
Thanks, Ray. I figured it was about time. My recorders were set already. The one in my computer room won't record it until 2AM because of other scheduled stuff. The one in the TV room has an external antenna as well as the satellite and can record 2 off the sat and one over the air. I need to make sure it's set, though. That DVR was replaced and I'm not sure if I have it set.

I like how last season ended with the young, self-taught guy winning.


02-14-2012, 12:29 AM
Thanks for the heads up! DVR is set!

02-14-2012, 06:03 AM
I can't believe you guys are into reality shows. What's next, soap operas? I'd rather spend my time at the range.

Longitude Zero
02-14-2012, 06:47 AM
I watch the intro to see what kind of weapon/challange they have. If the type of weapon does not interest me I am off to something else. I call the show Posers, Punks and Goobers.

02-14-2012, 06:59 AM
I'd like to like that show, but there is just to many over inflated ego's and useless drama.

02-14-2012, 07:50 AM
I'd like to like that show, but there is just to many over inflated ego's and useless drama.

Yeah, and the host describing everything anybody does as if he is a radio commentator and we can't see and hear what is happening without his annoying babble!

Longitude Zero
02-14-2012, 11:17 AM
There are many far better shooters who ARE NOT chosen. The producers put more value in the "chemistry" and potential for conflict. Bare minimal shootng skills get you in the door. If you do not have the persoanlity traits they want you are back out that door toot sweet.

02-14-2012, 11:36 AM
I just finished watching the bio vids for season 4. Neither of the women impressed me. I really liked the British guy. He seems to have a great personality....who knows if he can shoot though. As for the next top shot, I'll put my money on Tim or Gary.

02-14-2012, 12:56 PM
It's like TV show Survivor. They don't try to get only the best at survival or shooting, but a mix of exceptional and interesting people that will cause conflict and interest. I don't care for the "politics" and cliques that develop, but it's a competition and there are many aspects to the show, rather than just a straight competition and the winner being the best shot with the tightest groups as many of you strive for at the shooting range.

I think it's a very interesting show. I like Colby but I don't get too distracted by his droning and dwell on that. That doesn't keep me from enjoying some of the many unusual aspects of the show. I like that it's not about just shooting target weapons, though those are used at times, as well. I like that you never know what they will come up with next.

I have a lot of fun laughing at the dumb stuff and making comments to myself... Wifey doesn't watch this... and it's very thought-provoking when I think about what I would do and how I would react to the tasks and conditions on the show.

I think it can be educational and very thought-provoking. It certainly gives you something to think about... good or bad. I'm hooked because it's a show that requires thought... not just a stale competition... there are plenty of other things to do. I record this and enjoy it.

We got sick of Survivor about 4 years ago. All of the cliques, politics, lying, and back-stabbing were just too redundant. AND, just how many times and how long can you watch someone dulling a knife on the sparker part of the MAGNESIUM bar, instead of scraping some magnesium powder off and sparking THAT into something like a 4,000° flame that will ignite most wood and stuff, wet, or not!

Colby was the most honest contestant I ever saw... to his detriment, he was honorable, keeping his promises.


We see some REAL shooting on there sometimes and it's really amazing!


02-14-2012, 01:34 PM
My favorite part of survivor was when Johnny Fairplay lied about his grandma having died, having his cousin selling it from the outside. :D

02-14-2012, 04:55 PM
My favorite part of survivor was when Johnny Fairplay lied about his grandma having died, having his cousin selling it from the outside. :D

That was CLASSIC!

02-14-2012, 05:12 PM
Sure didn't do anything to improve my opinion of hip hop that one.

What a loser.

02-14-2012, 05:34 PM
I've watched a few partial episodes, in my hotel room while traveling (no cable or satellite at home). I liked the 60 seconds when they are telling you about some gun that I have not seen, but the rest is a total waste of time so I turned it off.

I've also seen bits and pieces of a few other gun-oriented reality shows, and my 2nd biggest complaint (after all the fake dramatics) is that EVERY show that has featured automatic weapons has played heavy metal guitar music over the automatic weapons fire - as though it needed to be made more exciting - so I could not clearly hear the weapon itself.

Several years ago I pulled the plug on satellite. I used to watch History and Military channels, but more often than not they would use inaccurate video, as in: Narrator is discussing the Battle of Midway, so cue up generic footage of dive bombers (which 99% of the time were not even the types of aircraft in use at the time).

My reality is at home.

02-14-2012, 05:57 PM
I'd like to like that show, but there is just to many over inflated ego's and useless drama.

It's not too bad if you turn down the sound and only watch the shooting. Colby's mouth is too big :eek:. Way true that there are some ego's there.

But you have to love the last one where the young Christian Camp director with no training except fun shooting smoked all of them including the Navy Seal. Nothing like the humble guy coming out on top.

02-14-2012, 06:19 PM
It's not too bad if you turn down the sound and only watch the shooting. Colby's mouth is too big :eek:. Way true that there are some ego's there.

But you have to love the last one where the young Christian Camp director with no training except fun shooting smoked all of them including the Navy Seal. Nothing like the humble guy coming out on top.

The final head to head showdown was really anti climactic.
It wasn't even close...

02-14-2012, 07:25 PM
Really? After Big Mike's backwards zipline run and smoking all the targets, I thought it was all over. Just goes to show....


02-14-2012, 07:30 PM
Too much Drama and wining and not enough competition/shooting!!

02-14-2012, 07:57 PM
Well, it starts in 10 minutes here. I want to put the dishes away and get ready. A few minutes late isn't bad because I can fast forward then on the DVR. I saw the women online and they looked nice, but I'll like them better if they aren't among the first 4 out, let alone #1 and #2 out!

I haven't studied the contestants, but I'll look at their "résumés" after this show.

I hope they have something neat like shooting pigeons out of the air with recurve bows, or something like that.

PETA... People Eating Tasty Animals.


02-14-2012, 09:31 PM
I liked the first episode of this season.


Interesting to see 2 people get eliminated right away. That would really suck to get knocked out within the first 15 minutes of the first episode.

02-14-2012, 09:42 PM
The M14 single shot elimination... great. Some of the bigger mouths went down right off the bat.

Why is it that the 200-yard target seemed 25 yards away?? It seemed huge and there must have been a whole lot of jerking going on! An accurate rifle from a sandbag rest... how can you miss the bullseye?? peep sights aren't my favorite, but DANG!

Tonight... M14, Ruger Vaquero six-gun, and the M1 Carbine... and a 1911 for the elimination selection.

Next show... the BAR, a grenade launcher and something else.... Woohoo! Blowing sh!t up!


02-14-2012, 09:49 PM
i enjoyed what i saw of it, but had to watch in tandem w/ my other show (Justified). they are on the same freakin' night this season. i know, i know, dvr. been avoiding one (old school) but may have to get one before next week. Justified is on back-to-back, so i could pull it off in one night. but that cuts into my work and play too much to actually watch 2 hours of TV in one sitting :-)

02-14-2012, 10:06 PM
Man! You definitely need a DVR. I wouldn't want to miss either of those and some other stuff, too.

It's nice to record stuff and watch it when you have the time... PLUS, you can fast forward through the commercials... pause and go do or get something... or back up and see what they said or did that you might have missed... I do that a lot... Me: "What did he say?" I look at her... shrugs shoulders... back it up... back it up... Oh! Yeah, now I get it.

And, if there's something you want to get a better look at... FREEZE FRAME(pause) and advance one frame at a time! (This is really handy for brief nudity :rolleyes:)


02-14-2012, 10:23 PM
my wife (who is typically anti tv, anti technology) has been alluding to the fact we might benefit from one, haha. what's even FUNNIER, i'm a gadget freak, do IT for a living, home theater, phones, tablets, laptops, guns...and i don't have a DVR? what's wrong w/ me?

wynn, just caught your sig...THANKS for your service to our country, if nobody has thanked you today. That goes for anybody else here that has!


02-15-2012, 12:05 AM
Thanks, Chris. I'm really into gadgets. You wouldn't believe how many DVRs I have. I was going to go straight over the air and have DVRs for that... a bunch. I mainly only use my two DISH Satellite DVRs with two Sat tuners and 1 Over The Air tuner each. I haven't put an external antenna on the one in my computer room that feeds the dining room as well... HDMI through the wall, so it just tunes the Sat Channels and the local channels through the two Sat Tuners, but the one in the family room with the big Plasma Screen can record 2 sat/local over sat AND one over the air at the same time... three recordings at the same time. Some shows I record on both... back up.
I do have one of my DISH PAL dual tuner OTA HD DVRs recording a few shows as well... 1960's COMBAT! I watched some of those shows in 'Nam.


02-15-2012, 01:53 AM
Link here for the show and BIO's:



02-15-2012, 11:28 AM
Hey, I just noticed there's a spin-off show called Top Guns:

Looks like they're going to go more into the guns featured on Top Shot and leave the drama, etc. out of it.

Sadly they say it is on the H2 channel which I'm assuming is a premium secondary History Channel or something; I just get the standard basic History Channel, sigh.

Anyway if you get that the first episode is tonight at 2200 EST.

02-15-2012, 05:10 PM
I just finished watching the episode on my computer...not staying up until 11pm for any TV show! I especially enjoyed the team challenge because it was similar to the plate rack course in GSSF. In GSSF there are six 8" plates at 33ft, but you get 11 rounds to knock them down. I was very impressed with the shooters who shot the 4" plates.