View Full Version : Help!!!! ...... K9 Spring replacement

08-18-2011, 04:02 PM
I may be doing somethin g wrong, or have the wrong spring from Kahr.

I just purchased a K9 recoil spring replacement that is much longer than the original. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get the spring to compress enough to fit on the guide rod.

What am I doing wrong?

The spring has the same number of turns but is an inch longer that the original

Somebody HEP me!:eek:

08-18-2011, 04:15 PM
spring compression is normal. Ur new spring in a short time will take the same set. If u have the same amopunt of coils u have or ethan likely the correct recoil spring, work at it get it in kand then rack the slide back and leave it locked open over night and that willhelp alot. also 50 orunds down range will help it even more.

It is not impossable toget it in, but it might be difficult..

08-18-2011, 04:25 PM
Wow, that was tough.... thanks Jocko, I kept working it, and it now is on the gun......

My thumb and forefinger are beat up though

I bought this K9 used and though the prior owner "said" it only had 200 rounds down range, i figured that I'd put a new one in

08-18-2011, 04:50 PM
nice gun, really is kahrs bread and butter gun.

next time orde rur recoil springs from wolffs, cheaper, they make um for kahr so u have the best.

when u oder u might as well get a pak of 3 of their 7 round 5% mopre strength magazine springs, they are awesome, and again cheaper than kahrs.


have u visited our kahr tech section and hit on the #1 kahr lube chart, it is a dandy. and #2 propper prepping of ur new kahr. I have a K9 thatI bought used, it has never failed, top quality. actually kahrs bread and butter gun..

ur factory kahr recoil spring is 20#, wolffs makes a 22# spring availalbe also, I like it in my gun but not necessary, remember open end of the recoil springs goes towards the front of the slide..

08-18-2011, 05:02 PM
Not to be disparaging, but it sounds like a good case of fixing what wasn't broken.:rolleyes:

Sorry, couldn't resist... and any time the replacement spring is the same length, I would really be worried. They are designed with the SET in mind to be just right after a bit of compression, which is normal. The coil count should be the same.

Wolff has a set of FAQs that gives a lot of good information:


All good info, #6 & #8 for spring length.


08-18-2011, 10:03 PM
you may be right wyntrout, but I had 2 FTE on the last 100 rounds when others shot it. Either way... its a $7 part

08-19-2011, 01:02 AM
I got my K9 new in March 1998 and its springs are original. I did change the magazine springs to Wolff +5% ones. I have a new recoil spring if I need it, but so far no problems. It has a really stiff spring!

Until I got my PM9 January last year, I hadn't shot the K9 or anything that much. Post PM9, I went berserk with the polymers and my Springfield Champion, especially the PM45... testing it took a lot of range time.

I got motivated after Christmas '09 when we had an impromptu range session at my wife's folk's house and I shot all of the brother-in-laws' guns. Nobody shot a pistol worth a damn. I wasn't going to let that happen again. It had been 3 to 5 years without shooting anything but pellet or BB guns up until then.

I hope we get to shoot this Christmas... SW Colorado... plan to carry my PM45, and if we do get to shoot, I want to water their eyes. I've probably shot 6-7,000 rounds since then... .380, 9mm, and .45. <sigh> We probably won't get to shoot, but I can show off my PM45.


08-19-2011, 05:34 AM
you may be right wyntrout, but I had 2 FTE on the last 100 rounds when others shot it. Either way... its a $7 part

blame what others do to the gun as a gun fault when you are having no issues with it. Put that behind u and just shoot the gun. new strong springs for the first 50 or so rounds might just act up and I say "might" as they shouldnot but once the springs take a designed set, ur good to g. I do concurwith wyn though, u, morew than likely did notneed tochange recoil springs in the first place. they should easily go 2000 + round, easily.

Don't try to fix what is not broken. normaly a gun will tell you when it is time to change springs. Springs are cheap, so change at ur desires, again buy um from wolffs instead of kahr..
not sure ur gonna fnd a nicere gun that the K9. It has it all.