View Full Version : New Member, New Kahr owner, Some Qurstions!

08-19-2011, 11:10 AM
I am new to Kahr Talk and the Kahr brand but, not new to the shooting sport by any means. I am a Smith and Wesson M&P fanatic and have been in this for the past 8 years and love it so far! So, over the past few months i have been eyeballing the new CM9 because i have really been wanting something smaller than my compact M&P 9mm for summer/pocket carry. So, i finally decided to pull the trigger last night at my local GS after much research and picked up a brand new CM9.

So as soon as i got it home, i gave it a good cleaning and a re-lube. Then, i racked the slide 500 times (tiring) to help with the "break in" process. I am planning on taking it to my local range today to put 200 rounds down range and see how it does. However, i have two questions.

1) Is there anything else i need to do to complete the break in / make the gun as reliable as possible? (i have never had to break a gun in before)

2) Is it normal when racking the slide that when halfway through pulling back, the slide sort of hangs up? When pulling back, it does go all the way back but, in the middle it feels as if it is catching on something then, as i apply significantly more pressure, it releases and goes all the way back?

Thanks in advance guys i am hoping this gun turns out to be as good as i envisioned!

08-19-2011, 11:47 AM
Welcome Darren94, glad you found us. Sounds like you've done what you need to do. Theres a thread in the tech section about breaking in your new Kahr which sounds much like what you've already done, also an excellent lube chart.

You've broken in every gun you ever owned weather you wish to call it that or not. Kahr is just honest in saying that it might possibly need it due to it's small and tight tolerances.
Some guns and some Kahrs seem to need it more than others, some are trouble free from the first bang.

The CM's have an excellent track record and I'm sure you'll have no issues. If you do theres lots of help to be had right here.

08-19-2011, 11:47 AM
Hi Darren94, Welcome to KahrTalk, the best little gun web site anywhere...Congrats on your new CM9 and you did the correct thing with cleaning and racking the slide to start the break in...See the tech section and there is an excellent sticky about this and a lube chart....As for the slide issue I would tend to think that a few hundred rounds will clear up any issues with that as Kahrs are VERY tight from the factory and do like to run a bit wet during the first break in sessions....There are many fine folks on this forum who will help you with anything you might run into....Our fearless leader Bawanna is a great fellow and his side kick Jocko will tell you to shoot it like you stole it and enjoy the finest compact pistol on the market....Shoot FMJ hardball for the first 200-400 rounds and then try your favorite flavor of JHP to be sure the pistol will function...Use the slide release to chamber the first round and DO READ the manual because there is much info in there and the Kahr pistols have a few different take down and assembly differences from the M&P you are familiar with...My PM40 will digest anything I put through it and will slingshot the first round with ease...These pistols really need 500+ rounds down the pipe before they settle down and behave so get out there and shoot um up brother....:86:

08-19-2011, 11:54 AM
Thats what I'm talking about right there Getsome. Good solid info. All good tips, reading the manual, I always forget that one.

08-19-2011, 12:41 PM
Welcome to the forum Darren. I bet you are gonna love that CM9.

08-19-2011, 12:49 PM
I am new to Kahr Talk and the Kahr brand but, not new to the shooting sport by any means. I am a Smith and Wesson M&P fanatic and have been in this for the past 8 years and love it so far! So, over the past few months i have been eyeballing the new CM9 because i have really been wanting something smaller than my compact M&P 9mm for summer/pocket carry. So, i finally decided to pull the trigger last night at my local GS after much research and picked up a brand new CM9.

So as soon as i got it home, i gave it a good cleaning and a re-lube. Then, i racked the slide 500 times (tiring) to help with the "break in" process. I am planning on taking it to my local range today to put 200 rounds down range and see how it does. However, i have two questions.

1) Is there anything else i need to do to complete the break in / make the gun as reliable as possible? (i have never had to break a gun in before)

2) Is it normal when racking the slide that when halfway through pulling back, the slide sort of hangs up? When pulling back, it does go all the way back but, in the middle it feels as if it is catching on something then, as i apply significantly more pressure, it releases and goes all the way back?

Thanks in advance guys i am hoping this gun turns out to be as good as i envisioned!

hand racking and the gun going bang and racking is two different movements. Ur OK,just get out and shoot it like u stole it, remember the shooter and gun also have tomate up corre4ctly for all things to work right. take your time, do go to the kahr tech section and hit on #1 kalr lube charft. #2 propper prepping of ur new kahr.

ur gonna learn something from both threads..

Bill K
08-19-2011, 01:39 PM
Welcome aboard!

Best of luck with your new CM9. I mostly pocket carry my PM9 which fits and draws smoothly from about 80% of my right front pants pockets. Test your draw before you lock the door... [I just made that up. :D]

08-19-2011, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the info guys! Before i posted, i had already read the lubing and prep threads. So, i think i am ready to head out to the range after work today and test it all out. I found both threads to be very useful!! Using the clean out hole on the slide really released a lot of junk out of that area! Very useful and helpful site!!!!

08-19-2011, 08:14 PM
You will find the CM9 a great little pistol. I own 2 other Kahrs and they are great. Welcome to the Kahr Family!

08-19-2011, 09:45 PM
I am new to Kahr Talk and the Kahr brand but, not new to the shooting sport by any means. I am a Smith and Wesson M&P fanatic and have been in this for the past 8 years and love it so far! So, over the past few months i have been eyeballing the new CM9 because i have really been wanting something smaller than my compact M&P 9mm for summer/pocket carry. So, i finally decided to pull the trigger last night at my local GS after much research and picked up a brand new CM9.

So as soon as i got it home, i gave it a good cleaning and a re-lube. Then, i racked the slide 500 times (tiring) to help with the "break in" process. I am planning on taking it to my local range today to put 200 rounds down range and see how it does. However, i have two questions.

1) Is there anything else i need to do to complete the break in / make the gun as reliable as possible? (i have never had to break a gun in before)

2) Is it normal when racking the slide that when halfway through pulling back, the slide sort of hangs up? When pulling back, it does go all the way back but, in the middle it feels as if it is catching on something then, as i apply significantly more pressure, it releases and goes all the way back?

Thanks in advance guys i am hoping this gun turns out to be as good as i envisioned!

#1 - Proper prep and lube links:

#2 - Yes it's normal. Disclaimer: The book says to load the chamber using the slide release on a loaded mag and I will not argue that point as it always works but... My findings, It may seem to hang up but once you get it ALL the way back, if you let that slide go like a slingshot without riding the slide forward, that first round will load slick as can be. That slide is tight though and you gotta pull that baby hard to get it all the way back on a loaded mag.

I have the CM9 and love it. It has been flawless. There are others with more rounds on theirs than I currently have on mine and they have been successful also.

Go shoot that thing and you will like it.

08-20-2011, 08:39 AM
So, 200 rounds down range after work yesterday and all is good so far. I did have 3 failure to feeds on the first mag but, then it was fine. The slide did loosen up but, still is very tight. So far i like it! Thanks for the info guys!