View Full Version : New to me MK9 and holster i just made!

08-20-2011, 07:55 PM
So ive always wanted an MK9 but never could afford one, well finally the right deal came along and i was able to get it for $475 + i had to make a holster for a friend.

After checking the serial is appears that i was made in 98-99 sometime. The guy i got it from must have never used it, said his wife didnt like it. this gun fits me perfectly because im an all metal gun guy, i dont like tupperware that dispenses bullets :)

So after putting about 150 rounds through it at the range im in love with this gun, can not beleive how awesome it feels in my hand and how accurate it is!

Ok so here are the pics! the holster is made by me.




08-20-2011, 08:29 PM
Awesome deal and sweet looking rig. Wish an MK9 would fall into my hands like that!

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08-20-2011, 09:47 PM
Very nice $475 is a heck of a deal. congrats.

08-21-2011, 07:53 PM
Thanks for the compliments, Like i said ive been wanting one and this was too good of a deal to pass up, it also gives me the oppertunity to make holsters for my customer for this weapon and PM9 customers.

08-21-2011, 09:16 PM
Nice MK9 and awesome job in the holster! What a deal! We'll be looking forward to your range report :D

09-19-2011, 07:14 AM
Nice holster man!

Bill K
09-19-2011, 07:32 AM
Super deal, super pics and super holster. You da man!

09-19-2011, 07:34 AM
are those grips the rubber type?? I would think if the gun was made back then tha tthey wuld be. awesome grips if they are. don't loose them.

09-19-2011, 03:31 PM
No they are the plastics ones, but the serial number indicates the date of manufactor.

09-19-2011, 04:10 PM
Awesome deal and sweet looking rig. Wish an MK9 would fall into my hands like that!

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Now nephew, remember it's not right to covet another mans MK9. Try to focus.

Jlaudio- I'm just curious and it's a well known fact that me and leather making don't get along so I'll never be a competitor but I'm wondering how much time it takes to create a holster like that with all your good equipment and know how of course. Just curious mostly. Alot of people don't take into account just how long it takes to create something like that.

Fine looking rig.

09-19-2011, 04:33 PM
indeed great one that fella has a hell of alot of talent, put u 2 together and nothing can't be one. this is one fine looking holster...

At leastr the holster is not PINK.

09-19-2011, 07:01 PM
Bawanna, thank you for the compliment!

the actual calender days is about 2 days due to drying process after wet molding, but actual hours worked on a holster of that style is about 6-8 hours as all my holsters are hand stitched. I have not timed myself in a while though so i may be off on that :)

I have admired your work with wood, perhaps we may be able to do some bartering? Id love a nice set of wood grips for my MK9 :)

Jocko - Thank you for the compliments!

And i can do pink holsters is you would like one :)

this is a pink appendix holster with elephant trim on the belt loop, made for a Ruger LCP

09-19-2011, 07:26 PM
Heck yeah, I'll buy it, send it to jocko. Perfect. Control Bawanna, control, this is really not that hysterical. Really dry your laughing eyes and figure out something to eat, moms back tomorrow, I just might make it.

Jlaudio, I figured there was a lot of man hours putting something like that together, just has to be. Lots of folks don't think about a full work day for one rig. If I'm on and stick with it I can checker a set of grips in a long day but usually it off and on. Sometimes you just can't sit there and do it straight. Somedays you can't do it at all, just don't click. Soon as you try to streamline or speed up the process you make goofs and quality goes out the window. Mostly why I stay with hand tools and leave the electricity off, make mistakes alot slower that way.

You have a gift in leather work, along with a few others around here. Hold your head up, you can be right proud.

Making grips for your MK is a sure thing but as you may or may not be aware I'm fighting some fitting issues. I have access to an early GA serial and most of the new ones are GC. I even sent some to a guy that swore he had a GA but the darn things didnt' fit. I was told there was only the two models but apparently there must have been some frame changes.
I'd really like to figure it out soon, got several folks here that would like em on K's and MK's.

09-19-2011, 07:36 PM
Yah there is for sure some labor involved in this, especially for a fullsize holster, pocket holsters and mag carriers are obviously faster do to there small sizes and less molding work. But yes streamlining the product in most cases will decrease quality. The only electric tool i use is a drill press to help finish my edges other then that everything is handmade :)

Thanks for the compliments they are really appreciated.

Yah i saw the grips you made for the MK, and read about the issues. i read somewhere once the difference between the two types of MK's but im at a loss for where it is at, ill see if i can find it. Or perhaps when im back in florida where my welding and fabriating equipment is i can attempt to make you a dummy grip to use for fitment on the MK guns :) we use dummy guns for our holsters why not for your grips? LOL

09-19-2011, 08:03 PM
I'd love to have just a couple bare frames with some way of identifying them so guys knew what they had. A dummy frame would be awesome.

You could even say who's the dummy now to me and I wouldn't feel bad. Actually people say that to me all the time so I'm kind of imune to it.

I'd like to invent moldable wood, kind of like play doh. Just squeeze it around your gun, let er set up and presto slama jama you got grips. Coco Bolo, ebony, spaltd maple, you name it. Saw a product for making knife handles like that at the gun show yesterday.

Got a few kinks to work out applying to gun handles though.

09-19-2011, 08:52 PM
Id say contact the manufactorer and ask them for a frame that has been milled to never be able to accept internal parts that way it dosnt have to be serialized, but i think they might charge to much for that.

09-19-2011, 10:09 PM
Yup thats the issue, serialized part. Could chop it off at the front of the trigger guard. Be nice to have a mag release, and the take down lever but thats all I'd need. The screw escutheons, just something to get a good fit on.

09-20-2011, 02:29 PM
yah i was thinking it could be chopped off too, whatever makes it unusable as a firearm